A Question For The Religious.

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A question for the religious.
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サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Diabolos.Megatron 2011-03-03 12:14:15  
religion isnt for the young, its for the old. your asking advice and guidance form a place were its just a bunch of teenagers and college kids who have no idea about how anything is outside their little world. they think becasue they are educated they know everything. becasue they went to college it taught them everything the world has to offer. or jsut becasue they have a few years of final fantasy experiance and they have the ability to hide behind behind their internt persona's they are onminatent self worshiping greater then tho attitudes.

i dont care who you are when a loved one is dieing in your hands. you learn to pray real fast. religion isnt for everyone and it was never inteded to be so. its a choice. like anything else. you are drawn to it or replused by it. if your truely haveing a delima about your spiruality. seek guidance by trained professional. not a bunch of shut-in, video game junkies, basement babies.

if you need real guidence please seek it from people who are really trained to help you get thro this time in your life. not a over wieght guy sitting in is jammies eating chips for the 4th day in a row cause he has nothing else to do.

Posts: 1476
By Wombat 2011-03-03 12:20:37  
Diabolos.Megatron said:
religion isnt for the young, its for the old. your asking advice and guidance form a place were its just a bunch of teenagers and college kids who have no idea about how anything is outside their little world. they think becasue they are educated they know everything. becasue they went to college it taught them everything the world has to offer. or jsut becasue they have a few years of final fantasy experiance and they have the ability to hide behind behind their internt persona's they are onminatent self worshiping greater then tho attitudes.

i dont care who you are when a loved one is dieing in your hands. you learn to pray real fast. religion isnt for everyone and it was never inteded to be so. its a choice. like anything else. you are drawn to it or replused by it. if your truely haveing a delima about your spiruality. seek guidance by trained professional. not a bunch of shut-in, video game junkies, basement babies.

if you need real guidence please seek it from people who are really trained to help you get thro this time in your life. not a over wieght guy sitting in is jammies eating chips for the 4th day in a row cause he has nothing else to do.

I has credentials.

What now?!
By 2011-03-03 12:25:41
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サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-03-03 12:25:51  
Ifrit.Daemun said:
Fenrir.Skarwind said:
I do have a question though for you die hard religious people.
This is more of a vent for me too so I apologize.

Say everything in your life goes wrong, how can you still have such faith in religion? How do you feel when prayers go un-answered and things just get worse.

For example, having to deal with this huge list of things is overwhelming.

So I mean how can people stay so damned positive and religious? I'm sure people have gone through worse then what I have and are able to keep some kind of faith. Sorry about the QQ story but this is a serious question for me.
Read about Job in the Bible. He literally had everything taken from him but his own life. In the midst of all of the pain and torment he endured, he still carried his faith that God was 1) watching over him and 2) loving him

Whether the story is completely accurate or not (I won't start that debate because I'll know it will spiral but I assume these things have happened to a man at some point in history), it helps me to reflect on the fact that no matter how bad I have it, there is always someone out there who has it worse. It is with that outlook that someone can endure endless 'unanswered' prayers yet keep good faith and a positive attitude. A great deal of the Christian faith is taking the negative in life, yet focusing on the blessings that you have. In other words, focus on what is good (you are still breathing, you woke up this morning etc.) no matter how small they may seem in comparison to the 'bad' things happening to you.

For me, if it weren't for my faith, I probably would have killed someone or myself in my low times because of my overbearing 1)anger and 2) drive for perfection (of which I know I can never achieve)
last time i checked god tormented/allowed him to be tormented to prove a point to the almighty evil one lol.
but then you have to take into account that job is either A)not real, so it becomes more as what you said, or B) Job was real and god is just one bad ***.

But Job not being real would make more religious individuals think a bit more critically(not like necessarily in a negative way, just with...more thought processes involved rather than just taking it as straight fact rather than an inspirational faith driven story with morals and whatnot)

and I think more Christians putting actual thought into what they believe is always a good thing.
me asserting that the Job story could be just made up to illustrate a point shouldn't discredit the bible IMO, it should just validate it on a different level for the ones that actually want to use their brains rather than taking things at face value.

if you have any contrary assertions or facts on the matter, i'm game...i haven't read the book of job since i was in my mid-teens lol.
Posts: 573
By richwood 2011-03-03 12:29:47  
Wombat said:
Diabolos.Megatron said:
religion isnt for the young, its for the old. your asking advice and guidance form a place were its just a bunch of teenagers and college kids who have no idea about how anything is outside their little world. they think becasue they are educated they know everything. becasue they went to college it taught them everything the world has to offer. or jsut becasue they have a few years of final fantasy experiance and they have the ability to hide behind behind their internt persona's they are onminatent self worshiping greater then tho attitudes.

i dont care who you are when a loved one is dieing in your hands. you learn to pray real fast. religion isnt for everyone and it was never inteded to be so. its a choice. like anything else. you are drawn to it or replused by it. if your truely haveing a delima about your spiruality. seek guidance by trained professional. not a bunch of shut-in, video game junkies, basement babies.

if you need real guidence please seek it from people who are really trained to help you get thro this time in your life. not a over wieght guy sitting in is jammies eating chips for the 4th day in a row cause he has nothing else to do.

I has credentials.

What now?!
Wombat like myself are a bit older then most, I have kids the same age as some of the younger player base. I find it highly disturbing how quick people are to play the card of sarcasm and doubt. When, I have found in my years and many life experiences the ones to do this are truly the young, not only in age but in mentality.

This has to be the most accurate statement given in 2 pages here:

Most religions deal with this stuff by giving perspective to the situation.

Suffering in this life is temporary. Pleasure in this life is temporary. Faith, which ties into the eternal, trumps things which are bound to this life.

Wombat - "Saying that terminal cancer is a necessarily "bad" thing is a matter of perspective. A religious person might say, "Look at all the time you've been given so far," or "In passing, you will be going to a better place." Which actually frames these things in a positive way.

Suffering is an inevitability, and anyone who takes up a religion with the idea that that will change, either misunderstands or has been mislead."

It takes a lot of selfless servitude to allow you mind to leave the constraints of your own flesh and, in an absolutely evaluated way as opposed to blind faith, reach an awareness that life is greater then the spec that you are. Yet at the same time the specs that we are are the greatest of creation.
Posts: 138
By Andylynn 2011-03-03 12:43:27  
Fenrir.Skarwind said:
I do have a question though for you die hard religious people. This is more of a vent for me too so I apologize. Say everything in your life goes wrong, how can you still have such faith in religion? How do you feel when prayers go un-answered and things just get worse. For example, having to deal with this huge list of things is overwhelming.
So I mean how can people stay so damned positive and religious? I'm sure people have gone through worse then what I have and are able to keep some kind of faith. Sorry about the QQ story but this is a serious question for me.
in the book of job, satan asked the lord if he could test his most loyal servant. he was one of the richest humans around at the time, and had everything stripped away from him, from his live stock, to his money, to his family, and still he didn't curse the name of god.

i've had it equally rough man, all within the last 2-3 years:
-my pedophiliac grandfather gets released form prison, only to get sent right back in on more charges of parole violation. we saw him for 2 months and he seemed like a changed man...

-my great grandmother is diagnosed with dementia, so we leave her in a hospice where she can be properly taken care of, one nurse mistakenly dropped water all over the floor, and didn't get it cleaned. she slipped, broke her hip and died the next day. now we have to go through court proceeding for neglect.

-i've been homeless twice thanks to the bad US housing economy, dealing with rent increases, forclosures, etc. living on the street for 6-7 months, and in and out of hotels for 3.

-have had 3 seperate occasions where i was put on involuntary holding for 72 hours for mental instability for being a danger to others and myself

-my parents divorced through a 16-year sexually and physically abusive relationship. from there, my mothers ex proceeded to rape her, so i attempted to put a butcher knife through his back. the man was 3x my size, so he broke my wrist, and threw me into an industrial sized cooling fan for the house and scarred the ***out of my back.

-dropped out of college

-lived off SSI/foodstamps equal to about 6 grand a year.

but through it all, i've kept my wits about me to come out of it all, hoping and praying, when will these bad things stop, when will doors stop closing...? for a while, i lost my faith and turned my back on religion feeling i had been betrayed. i let off one final prayer hoping things weren't just going to be another 'silence.'

at the last minute, as our income was running dry, my mother discovered a low income housing complex that was starting to open. and these houses werent just crappy projects, they were 2 story town houses, built to government code, with lowered rent, and no one had ever lived in before. we finally had a home, a beautiful one built just for us. i won a bestbuy contest, and was able to buy myself a decent laptop, an xbox, and some games. (i love video games fyi lol) and i finally met the one who i'm gunna spend the rest of my life with.

to me, it was a test, a test to harden me incase misfortune ever struck again, to test my faith, for every storm that rocks the boat... theres always a calm waiting for you at the other side.

whether you want to call it dumb luck, false hope, or a plain miracle is up to you, i don't know who you are, but we can pray for you here, and wish nothing but best wishes for you and your family's troubles.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-03-03 12:57:21  
Andylynn said:


By 2011-03-03 13:03:31
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サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-03-03 13:07:42  
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 488
By Cerberus.Finalvegeta 2011-03-03 13:11:12  
Some christians tell me that life is just a test and if you succeed (won't stop believe in god) you will be with god one day.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-03-03 13:12:27  
Cerberus.Finalvegeta said:
Some christians tell me that life is just a test and if you succeed (won't stop believe in god) you will be with god one day.
yeah, but what they forget to tell you is that you'll go through the same ***people go through on one of them reality shows, like Fear Factor, Survivor, and Biggest Loser.
By 2011-03-03 13:13:23
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サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: sandman16
Posts: 525
By Sylph.Cossack 2011-03-03 13:18:59  
Another good troll thread for Kungfu and Vinvv. Hate away guys, God still loves you.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-03-03 13:20:17  
Sylph.Cossack said:
Another good troll thread for Kungfu and Vinvv. Hate away guys, God still loves you.
Posts: 1476
By Wombat 2011-03-03 13:28:33  
Sylph.Cossack said:
Another good troll thread for Kungfu and Vinvv. Hate away guys, God still loves you.
Vinvv has only posted once, and it was an honest post.

KFH: I wouldn't really call what he does "trolling." More like "KFHing."

Edit: Vinvv has posted twice* =P
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-03-03 13:31:29  
Wombat said:
Sylph.Cossack said:
Another good troll thread for Kungfu and Vinvv. Hate away guys, God still loves you.
Vinvv has only posted once, and it was an honest post.

KFH: I wouldn't really call what he does "trolling." More like "KFHing."
Me calling out an apparent troll post(what I'm assuming he's referring to as me trolling)=trolling?
I r troll cuz I point out copypastas....:(*

I wish Cossack would have actually brought an opinion to the table here :(*
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2011-03-03 13:37:53  
Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
Also, stop masturbating so much and you won't go blind.

lol it sounds like he may need Nair for his palms if lasik can't even correct it. But in all seriousness....

Fenrir.Skarwind said:
Say everything in your life goes wrong, how can you still have such faith in religion? .

When everything in your life goes wrong, you're dead.
Since you are still typing I diagnose you as being alive and therefore not dead and also not lost everything, as of yet anyways.

To answer your original question, super religious people typically view hardships as a test of their own faith. I realize this is no help whatsoever because what we need to do is answer your really real question which is

"I'm not such a bad guy, why does my life suck so hard right now."

and the answer is simple, it really doesn't, it just seems that way because of your perspective.
/slap Now get up and go do something about all these things. /asskick

What you do in this (or any) situation is what defines you, makes you who you are as a person. Will you rise above or will you curl up in a corner sucking feverishly on your thumb?

I favor blindly attacking problems head on with reckless abandon. You might want to try a differnt approach but do it like you have a pair. Or in todays vernacular, like a boss
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-03-03 13:46:07  
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Wombat said:
Sylph.Cossack said:
Another good troll thread for Kungfu and Vinvv. Hate away guys, God still loves you.
Vinvv has only posted once, and it was an honest post.

KFH: I wouldn't really call what he does "trolling." More like "KFHing."
Me calling out an apparent troll post(what I'm assuming he's referring to as me trolling)=trolling?
I r troll cuz I point out copypastas....:(*

I wish Cossack would have actually brought an opinion to the table here :(*
Cossack always posts with the intent to be a ***, then when the replies go accordingly, he/she snaps back calling US trolls.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2011-03-03 13:49:46  
Sylph.Cossack said:
Another good troll thread for Kungfu and Vinvv. Hate away guys, God still loves you.

Um, what did you guys do to Cossack's mom?
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-03-03 13:51:00  
Shiva.Nikolce said:
Sylph.Cossack said:
Another good troll thread for Kungfu and Vinvv. Hate away guys, God still loves you.

Um, what did you guys do to Cossack's mom?
we loved her long time and he wasn't happy.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2011-03-03 13:54:06  
Ifrit.Kungfuhustle said:
Shiva.Nikolce said:
Sylph.Cossack said:
Another good troll thread for Kungfu and Vinvv. Hate away guys, God still loves you.
Um, what did you guys do to Cossack's mom?
we loved her long time and he wasn't happy.

lol you gotta stop wiping your *** on the curtains, that's where he hides for hide and seek.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2011-03-03 13:55:02  
Shiva.Nikolce said:
Ifrit.Kungfuhustle said:
Shiva.Nikolce said:
Sylph.Cossack said:
Another good troll thread for Kungfu and Vinvv. Hate away guys, God still loves you.
Um, what did you guys do to Cossack's mom?
we loved her long time and he wasn't happy.

lol you gotta stop wiping your *** on the curtains, that's where he hides for hide and seek.
I didn't mean to, I had diarrhea and they were out of paper.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-03-03 13:58:05  
Shiva.Nikolce said:
Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
Also, stop masturbating so much and you won't go blind.

lol it sounds like he may need Nair for his palms if lasik can't even correct it. But in all seriousness....

Fenrir.Skarwind said:
Say everything in your life goes wrong, how can you still have such faith in religion? .

When everything in your life goes wrong, you're dead.
Since you are still typing I diagnose you as being alive and therefore not dead and also not lost everything, as of yet anyways.

To answer your original question, super religious people typically view hardships as a test of their own faith. I realize this is no help whatsoever because what we need to do is answer your really real question which is

"I'm not such a bad guy, why does my life suck so hard right now."

and the answer is simple, it really doesn't, it just seems that way because of your perspective.
/slap Now get up and go do something about all these things. /asskick

What you do in this (or any) situation is what defines you, makes you who you are as a person. Will you rise above or will you curl up in a corner sucking feverishly on your thumb?

I favor blindly attacking problems head on with reckless abandon. You might want to try a differnt approach but do it like you have a pair. Or in todays vernacular, like a boss
ah this post made me smile.
But your vernacular is a bit off.
It would be more be like...."Winning" to go with the flavor of the week so far.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: daemun
Posts: 955
By Ifrit.Daemun 2011-03-03 14:05:40  
Sylph.Dobrusi said:
Cerberus.Finalvegeta said:
Some christians tell me that life is just a test and if you succeed (won't stop believe in god) you will be with god one day.

I guess you can look at it that way. I believe what many believe which is you have to give your heart to God to be with him in heaven one day. Basically, admitting to him you are a sinner and asking that he forgives you. I don't believe people can make it to heaven on good deeds, as many do but that is just my opinion based on what I think is right.
I believe this as well. It's not about what we do, it's about our intentions. If we believe God created us, died to save us, and live our lives based on that premise; we will be with Him after judgment (death). If we choose to ignore this fact, or go through life simply trying to be a 'good person', we will be judged, and cast into the fire.

It really is a test, to see if we put ourselves before Him. If we do, we lose. If we don't we win.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-03-03 14:09:27  
Ifrit.Daemun said:
Sylph.Dobrusi said:
Cerberus.Finalvegeta said:
Some christians tell me that life is just a test and if you succeed (won't stop believe in god) you will be with god one day.

I guess you can look at it that way. I believe what many believe which is you have to give your heart to God to be with him in heaven one day. Basically, admitting to him you are a sinner and asking that he forgives you. I don't believe people can make it to heaven on good deeds, as many do but that is just my opinion based on what I think is right.
I believe this as well. It's not about what we do, it's about our intentions. If we believe God created us, died to save us, and live our lives based on that premise; we will be with Him after judgment (death). If we choose to ignore this fact, or go through life simply trying to be a 'good person', we will be judged, and cast into the fire.

It really is a test, to see if we put ourselves before Him. If we do, we lose. If we don't we win.
What fire?
I'm curious as to what you would say(and even more-so curious as to what some others would say as well~~~looking at you wombie, not using this as a jab in the least, just setting this up as dialog in reference to the big hell tangent)
I'm going to lunch so put a 30 minute delay on any replies.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: gosuapple
Posts: 482
By Odin.Gosuapple 2011-03-03 14:15:55  
Fenrir.Skarwind said:
I do have a question though for you die hard religious people.
This is more of a vent for me too so I apologize.

Say everything in your life goes wrong, how can you still have such faith in religion? How do you feel when prayers go un-answered and things just get worse.

For example, having to deal with this huge list of things is overwhelming.

So I mean how can people stay so damned positive and religious? I'm sure people have gone through worse then what I have and are able to keep some kind of faith. Sorry about the QQ story but this is a serious question for me.

This would make it extremely hard to remain faithful to a religion that promised life would be easy for the believers. I've yet to find any religion that makes such a promise. (though one probably exists somewhere) You may want to take a peek at Job. It's about this exact question.

As an aside, it seems awfully arrogant to say your prayers go unanswered in the context of an omniscient omnipotent being. When your kids tell you they want a new car and you don't buy them one they won't be dumb enough to think their request went unanswered. They will instead realize the answer was "no." And yet with God, we assume that if we don't get exactly what we want we simply didn't receive an answer at all, it never occurs to most that the universe's most supreme and all powerful being could possibly have a reason to not cater to their every whim and request.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2011-03-03 14:23:02  
ah this post made me smile. But your vernacular is a bit off. It would be more be like...."Winning" to go with the flavor of the week so far.

:( goddamnitall, that's what happenes when you get old and slow, you're always a day late and a dollar short... whatever that translates too.

I got me some coupons from the scooter store, 23 skidoo! /denture whistle sound
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3208
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2011-03-03 14:24:05  
Odin.Gosuapple said:
Fenrir.Skarwind said:
I do have a question though for you die hard religious people.
This is more of a vent for me too so I apologize.

Say everything in your life goes wrong, how can you still have such faith in religion? How do you feel when prayers go un-answered and things just get worse.

For example, having to deal with this huge list of things is overwhelming.

So I mean how can people stay so damned positive and religious? I'm sure people have gone through worse then what I have and are able to keep some kind of faith. Sorry about the QQ story but this is a serious question for me.

This would make it extremely hard to remain faithful to a religion that promised life would be easy for the believers. I've yet to find any religion that makes such a promise. (though one probably exists somewhere) You may want to take a peek at Job. It's about this exact question.

As an aside, it seems awfully arrogant to say your prayers go unanswered in the context of an omniscient omnipotent being. When your kids tell you they want a new car and you don't buy them one they won't be dumb enough to think their request went unanswered. They will instead realize the answer was "no." And yet with God, we assume that if we don't get exactly what we want we simply didn't receive an answer at all, it never occurs to most that the universe's most supreme and all powerful being could possibly have a reason to not cater to their every whim and request.

That's the thing it's not like people bug the big guy all the time either. It's arrogant to call a person an omniscient omnipotent being when all they do is sit and watch. I'm strongly coming to believe that if there is a higher power they only care about the planet as a whole.

See my tree comment.

Edit: Take all the war's in history it was man who ended them and many pleas for help went unanswered when it was too late. I don't see that as the same as some brat asking for a new car.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Flavin
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2011-03-03 14:31:45  
Fenrir.Skarwind said:
Ragnarok.Harpunnik said:
Faith in God doesn't = pray and everything will be fixed. If it did there wouldn't be faith, there would be pray and thou shall have. (Think of Bruce Almighty and him answering yes to all prayers.) Things always happen for a reason, sometimes it is extremely difficult to see why. I do pray for help sometimes, but I more often pray for strength and inspiration. I look back at some of the crap I've gone through and see that often times the only thing that got me through it was having faith that things will one day get better and to keep on pushing. Most will tell you that during tough times where things go from worse to even worse your faith is tested, as it should. But without faith in something, and trying to remain positive, many people would crumble and die. Talk to anyone who's survived overwhelming odds, what is the common thread? Its that hey always tried to remain positive and tried their best to believe they would survive. (Many also talk of belief in God as helping them through the ordeal too.) As example, think about this. You are stuck on a raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Would you be more likely to survive if every day you calculated the chances of you suriviving and saw how slim it was (while doing anything you could to get food/water/shade etc.). Or while doing the same things you prayed and had faith you will be given the mental strength to survive until you are found? I'd personally prefer the latter to keep myself from going crazy...
What about those who have the will to survive without faith? getting yourself out of a shitty situation is one thing. But when it's other people and all you can do is watch it's another problem. For the raft problem out on the ocean it can just be down to pure will power and determination. Not everyone has these things though and my point is the people you watch whom are suffering might not have the same determination as you. P.S. Selling your soul is a crock of ***lol. Can't have mad guitar skills in exchange for it over night :( Edit: I'm not sure if I want to get involved in anything biblical or whatever. My family is catholic honestly. But I really do like aspects taken from Taoism, Buddhism and Wicca. Not so much as a religion but maybe as a life style and philosophy. All 3 have some interesting points and can be attributed to philosophy just as much as religion. They do help with finding inner peace at times with meditations.

Did you try this?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3208
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2011-03-03 14:32:16  
Lakshmi.Flavin said:
Fenrir.Skarwind said:
Ragnarok.Harpunnik said:
Faith in God doesn't = pray and everything will be fixed. If it did there wouldn't be faith, there would be pray and thou shall have. (Think of Bruce Almighty and him answering yes to all prayers.) Things always happen for a reason, sometimes it is extremely difficult to see why. I do pray for help sometimes, but I more often pray for strength and inspiration. I look back at some of the crap I've gone through and see that often times the only thing that got me through it was having faith that things will one day get better and to keep on pushing. Most will tell you that during tough times where things go from worse to even worse your faith is tested, as it should. But without faith in something, and trying to remain positive, many people would crumble and die. Talk to anyone who's survived overwhelming odds, what is the common thread? Its that hey always tried to remain positive and tried their best to believe they would survive. (Many also talk of belief in God as helping them through the ordeal too.) As example, think about this. You are stuck on a raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Would you be more likely to survive if every day you calculated the chances of you suriviving and saw how slim it was (while doing anything you could to get food/water/shade etc.). Or while doing the same things you prayed and had faith you will be given the mental strength to survive until you are found? I'd personally prefer the latter to keep myself from going crazy...
What about those who have the will to survive without faith? getting yourself out of a shitty situation is one thing. But when it's other people and all you can do is watch it's another problem. For the raft problem out on the ocean it can just be down to pure will power and determination. Not everyone has these things though and my point is the people you watch whom are suffering might not have the same determination as you. P.S. Selling your soul is a crock of ***lol. Can't have mad guitar skills in exchange for it over night :( Edit: I'm not sure if I want to get involved in anything biblical or whatever. My family is catholic honestly. But I really do like aspects taken from Taoism, Buddhism and Wicca. Not so much as a religion but maybe as a life style and philosophy. All 3 have some interesting points and can be attributed to philosophy just as much as religion. They do help with finding inner peace at times with meditations.

Did you try this?

Yeah the Blues Devil never showed up at the crossroads. And I suck at guitar
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