God Did Not Create The Universe, Says Hawking

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God did not create the universe, says Hawking
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By semimmortal 2010-09-03 04:10:15  
Phoenix.Darki said:
puerto ricans invented sex!
サーバ: Phoenix
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user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 04:11:58  
Leviathan.Dissonant said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Kanjirou said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Kanjirou said:

I thought we atheists cared about proof and evidence and all that good stuff?

lol I know him.

Then maybe you could provide the evidence that he isn't entirely full of ***?

I find it terribly ironic and telling that the very same people who filled the previous 30 threads with arguments about evidence and proof for outlandish claims are now suddenly so resistant to provide evidence and proof for the outlandish claims of one arrogant kid pretending to be something he isn't, simply because he's "one of us" and not "one of them."

*This* is exactly what bothers me about the nature of this "debate" these days. I'm almost ashamed to be an atheist because every freaking time I turn around, I see this sort of stuff happening. There's a huge group-think at work and it's just ugly and hypocritical.

then what do you want him to do? lol scan some papers and post them here so he shows you he actually did that stuff.

I can't provide anymore evidence than what he's saying is legitimate and straight.

and don't generalize atheists, you, yourself seem to have the wrong view over all of it and use the word wrongly.

atheism is lack of belief in a god, nothing else any kind of person can be an atheist for whatever reason. don't get it mixed up bro.
It may have seemed like he insinuated that about atheism, but he didn't. His comment was more aimed at Prince's hypocrisy. It was in mocking fashion.

kay, i'll take it as that then =D
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zerohoax
Posts: 369
By Cerberus.Ethics 2010-09-03 04:12:12  
Trey Songz invented sex.

Posts: 560
By Kanjirou 2010-09-03 04:12:32  
Phoenix.Darki said:
then what do you want him to do? lol scan some papers and post them here so he shows you he actually did that stuff.

He could start by answering my questions. And, yes, some actual direct evidence would be nice, instead of just taking his and your word on it; and, so far, it looks like you believe him simply because you take his word for it. Scanning some papers honestly wouldn't hurt. Or he could just go photograph his degree.

Again, the irony here is overwhelming. You personally spent time going on about evidence and yet here you are ducking out of a request for some and even defending him from the responsibility to back up his claims. It's bafflingly hypocritical and just strange. Why are you doing it?
Phoenix.Darki said:
and don't generalize atheists, you, yourself seem to have the wrong view over all of it and use the word wrongly.

atheism is lack of belief in a god, nothing else any kind of person can be an atheist for whatever reason. don't get it mixed up bro.

Well, that may be your view, but Richard Dawkins would disagree with you. The last time I saw him in an atheist conference in Atlanta, he lectured on how important standards of evidence were to the atheist movement, and spent a good deal of time comparing that to the tricks and ploys creationists use to convince people without actually justifying anything. But, hey, it's not like he's representative of atheism or anything: he was just the keynote speaker. What does he know?
サーバ: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-09-03 04:14:27  
bout time he got his story straight
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zerohoax
Posts: 369
By Cerberus.Ethics 2010-09-03 04:14:33  
Without even being rude to Prince, if you have had schooling past 8th grade you'd be able to tell he is full of *** (was that rude?).

I almost wish we had signatures here, I could put his little equation and his quote about there being no way to humanely kill something.

I don't even need to see evidence, his posts, and lack thereof, are evidence enough.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 04:16:07  
Kanjirou said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
then what do you want him to do? lol scan some papers and post them here so he shows you he actually did that stuff.

He could start by answering my questions. And, yes, some actual direct evidence would be nice, instead of just taking his and your word on it; and, so far, it looks like you believe him simply because you take his word for it. Scanning some papers honestly wouldn't hurt. Or he could just go photograph his degree.

Again, the irony here is overwhelming. You personally spent time going on about evidence and yet here you are ducking out of a request for some and even defending him from the responsibility to back up his claims. It's bafflingly hypocritical and just strange. Why are you doing it?
Phoenix.Darki said:
and don't generalize atheists, you, yourself seem to have the wrong view over all of it and use the word wrongly.

atheism is lack of belief in a god, nothing else any kind of person can be an atheist for whatever reason. don't get it mixed up bro.

Well, that may be your view, but Richard Dawkins would disagree with you. The last time I saw him in an atheist conference in Atlanta, he lectured on how important standards of evidence were to the atheist movement, and spent a good deal of time comparing that to the tricks and ploys creationists use to convince people without actually justifying anything. But, hey, it's not like he's representative of atheism or anything: he was just the keynote speaker. What does he know?

dude i know him well enough to know what he's saying is true <.< he's not like just any forum friend, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence.

in the first place, it proves you didn't read any of my posts, i never said i lack belief in god because theres lack of evidence, I NEVER ever said that lol and i don't request any. I think now, you are really generalizing the mindset of atheists in a whole group, and that's sad.

and i don't care about richard dawkins, he doesn't choose what I want to think, it's my own personal mind with my own personal beliefs.

You are responding an awful lot for very little that I'm answering, a little emotional too and with irrelevant things as well.
Posts: 560
By Kanjirou 2010-09-03 04:19:13  
Phoenix.Darki said:
dude i know him well enough to know what he's saying is true <.< he's not like just any forum friend, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence.

And if a religious person says you to "dude I know God well enough to know what the Torah/Bible/Quran/etc/ is saying is true <.< he's not like just any deity, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence." -- how would you reply?

How do you expect me to reply to this? How do you expect anyone to reply to this? We're just supposed to take this all on faith?
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 04:19:28  
Cerberus.Ethics said:
Without even being rude to Prince, if you have had schooling past 8th grade you'd be able to tell he is full of *** (was that rude?).

I almost wish we had signatures here, I could put his little equation and his quote about there being no way to humanely kill something.

I don't even need to see evidence, his posts, or lack thereof, are evidence enough.

that was rude to me =(( </3
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 04:21:08  
Kanjirou said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
dude i know him well enough to know what he's saying is true <.< he's not like just any forum friend, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence.

And if a religious person says you to "dude I know God well enough to know what the Torah/Bible/Quran/etc/ is saying is true <.< he's not like just any deity, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence." -- how would you reply?

How do you expect me to reply to this? How do you expect anyone to reply to this? We're just supposed to take this all on faith?

believe whatever you want, i dont care, he doesn't really give a ***either.
he's the one making the money lol proving it on the internetz doesn't earn him anything.

I was just butting in giving my view. if you want to believe it or not, it's your choice, not my problem not my concern.
Posts: 560
By Kanjirou 2010-09-03 04:24:44  
Phoenix.Darki said:
Kanjirou said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
dude i know him well enough to know what he's saying is true <.< he's not like just any forum friend, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence.

And if a religious person says you to "dude I know God well enough to know what the Torah/Bible/Quran/etc/ is saying is true <.< he's not like just any deity, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence." -- how would you reply?

How do you expect me to reply to this? How do you expect anyone to reply to this? We're just supposed to take this all on faith?

believe whatever you want, i dont care, he doesn't really give a ***either.
he's the one making the money lol proving it on the internetz doesn't earn him anything.

I was just butting in giving my view. if you want to believe it or not, it's your choice, not my problem not my concern.

So you admit that I personally have no reason, no motivation, to believe him: I am not in your shoes, I do not have the personal insight into him that you do, and there is no compelling reason for me to take him at his word.

Then why does it 'speak volumes' about me that I don't believe him? It seems like you just acknowledge that it was reasonable for me to not believe him.

This is a very strangely inconsistent conversation on the whole. You don't seem to have any principles here whatsoever, you just operate according to who you consider a friend and who you don't. I'm not sure why any of us should you seriously either.
Posts: 1136
By semimmortal 2010-09-03 04:26:19  
Kanjirou said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Kanjirou said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
dude i know him well enough to know what he's saying is true <.< he's not like just any forum friend, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence.

And if a religious person says you to "dude I know God well enough to know what the Torah/Bible/Quran/etc/ is saying is true <.< he's not like just any deity, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence." -- how would you reply?

How do you expect me to reply to this? How do you expect anyone to reply to this? We're just supposed to take this all on faith?

believe whatever you want, i dont care, he doesn't really give a ***either.
he's the one making the money lol proving it on the internetz doesn't earn him anything.

I was just butting in giving my view. if you want to believe it or not, it's your choice, not my problem not my concern.

So you admit that I personally have no reason, no motivation, to believe him: I am not in your shoes, I do not have the personal insight into him that you do, and there is no compelling reason for me to take him at his word.

Then why does it 'speak volumes' about me that I don't believe him? It seems like you just acknowledge that it was reasonable for me to not believe him.

This is a very strangely inconsistent conversation on the whole. You don't seem to have any principles here whatsoever, you just operate according to who you consider a friend and who you don't. I'm not sure why any of us should you seriously either.
I'm guessing this is the first time you've encountered her lol
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 04:30:09  
Kanjirou said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Kanjirou said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
dude i know him well enough to know what he's saying is true <.< he's not like just any forum friend, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence.

And if a religious person says you to "dude I know God well enough to know what the Torah/Bible/Quran/etc/ is saying is true <.< he's not like just any deity, it goes way beyond that. so don't start ***with evidence." -- how would you reply?

How do you expect me to reply to this? How do you expect anyone to reply to this? We're just supposed to take this all on faith?

believe whatever you want, i dont care, he doesn't really give a ***either.
he's the one making the money lol proving it on the internetz doesn't earn him anything.

I was just butting in giving my view. if you want to believe it or not, it's your choice, not my problem not my concern.

So you admit that I personally have no reason, no motivation, to believe him: I am not in your shoes, I do not have the personal insight into him that you do, and there is no compelling reason for me to take him at his word.

Then why does it 'speak volumes' about me that I don't believe him? It seems like you just acknowledge that it was reasonable for me to not believe him.

This is a very strangely inconsistent conversation on the whole. You don't seem to have any principles here whatsoever, you just operate according to who you consider a friend and who you don't. I'm not sure why any of us should you seriously either.

well that's a way of viewing things, but I thought he had already proved you what he's saying on your conversation earlier, if you feel unsatisfied and need more thats your concern.

Weather he's my friend or not, I wont back up a false argument. If you feel like you need something more to be sure, then request him some scans.

fyi theres a lot of people I consider more than a forum poster around here like prince, and I'd tell them straight on the face they are wrong if I feel like they are, I'm not a kiss ***.

The only way I see you believing him is with some scans, since you wont acknowledge whatever argument he puts up to prove his statement.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 04:30:44  
semimmortal said:

I'm guessing this is the first time you've encountered her lol

it is. what a lovely encounter actually, finaly someone with half a brain that works around here.
Posts: 560
By Kanjirou 2010-09-03 04:40:01  
Phoenix.Darki said:
well that's a way of viewing things, but I thought he had already proved you what he's saying on your conversation earlier, if you feel unsatisfied and need more thats your concern.

Wait, wait, wait -- he offered proof? Where? I never saw any reply whatsoever. Did I just miss something? I don't recall seeing some and dismissing it because it "wasn't good enough", or something; I don't recall seeing any. All I remember seeing is him saying "It was my first degree."

A claim is proof, now?

I'm a pink ostrich.

Phoenix.Darki said:
The only way I see you believing him is with some scans, since you wont acknowledge whatever argument he puts up to prove his statement.

Scans would be pretty solid, yeah, but to think I won't accept arguments instead? Sure I will! I've already given him two specific chances to provide some by asking him direct physics questions that I believe only someone who's taken classes in the material will be able to answer. He could go well above and beyond this and start lecturing to me on any number of related topics: he could explain CPT symmetry to me, weak neutral currents, propagators, all kinds of stuff that every particle physicist should know. And I'm only barely familiar with them, not being a particle physicist myself and having only studied some introductory QFT, so my standards are already going to be a LOT lower than one of the professors that presumably bombarded him with questions during his dissertation defense.

Hell, he could just tell me the name of his dissertation and where he graduated, and I'd be happy.

But none of this is going to happen, because he's a lying little boy who likes to put on lab coats and pretend he's got REAL SCIENTIFIC TRAINING *dun dun duuuuun*
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zerohoax
Posts: 369
By Cerberus.Ethics 2010-09-03 04:45:53  
Pretty sure the kid can't even dougie at this point.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 04:46:44  
Thats a very cute bird you've given me right there.

I still stand by my argument:
The only way I see you believing him is with some scans, since you wont acknowledge whatever argument he puts up to prove his statement.

as you say I defend and believe in him because he is my 'friend' we can say you don't believe in him at all because it's the only way you can back yourself up and because you don't really like him at all.

it's easy for me on the forums to say I did went to college at 16 and it's easier for someone else to say I didn't, like it has happened before.

It doesn't really matter, he's the one making all this money and blowing it off not you, if it's relevant to the conversation weather he has the degree or not I don't see how, since he is still able to put up a legit argument over the subject.

and really, I really do like the birdy /saves

he is afk btw, he will come back soon and I'm sure when he does he's gonna answer all of your so desired questions.

note: not everyone is a good for nothing ***talker like you think on the internet.
Posts: 560
By Kanjirou 2010-09-03 04:50:52  
Phoenix.Darki said:
Thats a very cute bird you've given me right there.

Thanks, I was having a good hair day.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zerohoax
Posts: 369
By Cerberus.Ethics 2010-09-03 04:53:33  
Phoenix.Darki said:
he is afk btw, he will come back soon and I'm sure when he does he's gonna answer all of your so desired questions.

I read that as: Currently googling, give me a minute. Tell him not to take too long, I am going to stay awake just for it.

Quetzalcoatl.Princemercury said:
Stan said his IQ is = 140+
Let's x=>140 and y=Stan's Real IQ.
x = y Since Stan's IQ is = to his real IQ.
x^2 = xy Since x = y
x^2 - y^2 = xy - y^2 Since we need his real IQ to factor this equation.
(x-y)(x+y) = y(x-y) Factoring.
x + y = y Simplify.
y + y = y Since x = y.
2y = y Combine.
2y/y = y/y Divide both sides.
2 = Stan's real IQ.

Really all the proof anyone needs.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 04:54:12  
He was kidding for mocking stan is what I think.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 04:55:00  
not like I understand math beyond the point of + and - lol *** that ***. I copied all my math exams and slept during that class.

artist ftw.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zerohoax
Posts: 369
By Cerberus.Ethics 2010-09-03 04:56:00  
Phoenix.Darki said:
not like I understand math beyond the point of + and - lol *** that ***. I copied all my math exams and slept during that class.

Apparently so did he.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 04:57:37  
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 818
By Leviathan.Dissonant 2010-09-03 05:12:32  
Phoenix.Darki said:
you wont acknowledge whatever argument he puts up to prove his statement.

since he is still able to put up a legit argument over the subject.

he is afk btw, he will come back soon and I'm sure when he does he's gonna answer all of your so desired questions.

note: not everyone is a good for nothing ***talker like you think on the internet.
A.) He hasn't given any arguments to the legitimacy of his college education
2.) His argument for like the past third of this thread was just that everyone who believes in god is a complete moron, which has really degraded the value of any his prior arguments.
Thirdly, no one is going to believe him if he comes back after such a long time and answers questions posted hours ago.
IV.) Everyone is a good for nothing ***talker like we think on the internet. Same as no girls on the internet.
Edit: not trying to be a good for nothing ***talker, just seems like you've been kinda skimming posts
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: xdudemanx
Posts: 2014
By Bismarck.Xdudemanx 2010-09-03 05:20:07  
what is this?
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 818
By Leviathan.Dissonant 2010-09-03 05:28:29  
Bismarck.Xdudemanx said:
what is this?
Aaaaaalright, people, nothing to see here. Move along, move along.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: xdudemanx
Posts: 2014
By Bismarck.Xdudemanx 2010-09-03 05:40:05  
only read the first post and a few others here n there so ill just post a random pic and move along
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-09-03 06:32:52  
Leviathan.Dissonant said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
you wont acknowledge whatever argument he puts up to prove his statement.

since he is still able to put up a legit argument over the subject.

he is afk btw, he will come back soon and I'm sure when he does he's gonna answer all of your so desired questions.

note: not everyone is a good for nothing ***talker like you think on the internet.
A.) He hasn't given any arguments to the legitimacy of his college education
2.) His argument for like the past third of this thread was just that everyone who believes in god is a complete moron, which has really degraded the value of any his prior arguments.
Thirdly, no one is going to believe him if he comes back after such a long time and answers questions posted hours ago.
IV.) Everyone is a good for nothing ***talker like we think on the internet. Same as no girls on the internet.
Edit: not trying to be a good for nothing ***talker, just seems like you've been kinda skimming posts


we'll see when he comes back from afk.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 818
By Leviathan.Dissonant 2010-09-03 06:34:15  
Phoenix.Darki said:

we'll see when he comes back from afk.
Onion rings 'til then!
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 440
By Bismarck.Pimpjuice 2010-09-03 06:35:07  
Bismarck.Xdudemanx said:
only read the first post and a few others here n there so ill just post a random pic and move along
great, now i want onion rings :(
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