iiPunch - Monk Guide
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-10-06 21:53:01
'breaking 20k' is not 'upper 20s' and the math is what determines how much damage you can actually do. This isn't rocket science, we know how damage is calculated and we can very accurately show the output of something without having to try it. If you didn't make false claims, people wouldn't belittle you and be condescending.
Having Karambit is not an achievement, most people here can make any ambuscade weapon in a couple hours with little hassle. It isn't hard to account for mathematically, either, as most sixth graders can understand the meaning of "+50%". Never mind that you made the comment about replicating ftp without knowing what ftp actually is or how it would actually effect asuran's damage.
By Asura.Whatyeaokay 2019-10-06 22:20:13
Ok, maybe I should of stated it differently. I've had upper 20k range on asuran, and I can break 20k in omen. I'm not sure how it can be false claims when it's something I've done in the past? Lol. That 50% goes across the board to all hits...and again, I did make the comment the ambu weapons are easily done somehow different in the equation. Do you have them? Have you toyed with them? I'm guessing not. Because you are most certainly right....math is an awesome thing...if you're understanding -all- the variables in the equation....which I'm guessing you're not understanding the whole equation? I may be wrong, if they change the formula I'll just have a different toy to play with. We'll see though. Till then Vere over Karam. GLHF in what ya wanna do in the game and choose to get or not get.
By Asura.Veikur 2019-10-06 22:37:12
~26k Asuran Fists is reasonable with Karambit.
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-10-06 22:55:25
My biggest fear is they make karambit asuran fists stronger than r15 Spharai
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-06 23:16:19
~26k Asuran Fists is reasonable with Karambit.
If you go like 5/5 malignance neck+2 land all 8 hits and they all roll maximum, you could get that.
My biggest fear is they make karambit asuran fists stronger than r15 Spharai
Then we would be in the world of Mandau, and sad boys.

(Not that you should take a spreadsheet for anything "reliable") Best I could find is 13574 +50% (literally maximum everything) 20,361
(add a bonus 200 strength for bolster indi-str and soul voice etudes) 14641 +50% = 21,961
Absolute maximum rolls (5/5 malig) on all 8 hits 17299 +50% 25,948
(you might be able to make it FULL POWER with impact, absorb-vit, choke... but I got bored)
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 173
By Valefor.Monkeynutz 2019-10-07 00:50:37
@Eiryl: That seems about right. As someone with Karambit and kind of alright gear, upper 20k Asuran is not currently very doable. As you've shown it's possible under the best of circumstances with the best equipment, which is probably within reach to a lot of people, but in any case, it's a far cry from being broken by buffing really any aspect of the WS. I'm not sure why when talking about buffing this or that in game people begin to get defensive and pull their ego in to argue against buffs. Seems like it wouldn't matter one way or the other since the way a lot of people seem to play everything drops dead the second you hit 'engage' /s
By Aerix 2019-10-07 04:17:14
My biggest fear is they make karambit asuran fists stronger than r15 Spharai
Even if they do, Spharai still has its Counter tanking niche and FH self-skillchains. As for groups, we don't yet know how things will change, but it's very likely Verethragna will remain the top choice for raw damage.
By fonewear 2019-10-07 09:39:52
By fonewear 2019-10-07 09:49:16
~26k Asuran Fists is reasonable with Karambit.
If you go like 5/5 malignance neck+2 land all 8 hits and they all roll maximum, you could get that.
My biggest fear is they make karambit asuran fists stronger than r15 Spharai
Then we would be in the world of Mandau, and sad boys.

(Not that you should take a spreadsheet for anything "reliable") Best I could find is 13574 +50% (literally maximum everything) 20,361
(add a bonus 200 strength for bolster indi-str and soul voice etudes) 14641 +50% = 21,961
Absolute maximum rolls (5/5 malig) on all 8 hits 17299 +50% 25,948
(you might be able to make it FULL POWER with impact, absorb-vit, choke... but I got bored)
According to my Excel spreadsheet...I have no idea what the *** you are talking about !
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 55
By Leviathan.Eloc 2019-10-07 12:53:31
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »'breaking 20k' is not 'upper 20s' and the math is what determines how much damage you can actually do. This isn't rocket science, we know how damage is calculated and we can very accurately show the output of something without having to try it. If you didn't make false claims, people wouldn't belittle you and be condescending.
Having Karambit is not an achievement, most people here can make any ambuscade weapon in a couple hours with little hassle. It isn't hard to account for mathematically, either, as most sixth graders can understand the meaning of "+50%". Never mind that you made the comment about replicating ftp without knowing what ftp actually is or how it would actually effect asuran's damage.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about, this guy used his eyes, not silly, unreliable math.
PS remember that time like 12 years ago when you helped me get D Body for my poor MNK? Thanks again.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3701
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-07 14:24:04
The whole point of the discussion was that not everything revolves around max DPS.
Another example of utility from the non-DRK "heavy DDs" mentioned is the potent DEF down effects from those jobs. Chango/GA WAR tossing in an Armor Break, SAM using Tachi: Ageha, or a DRG Angon is a significant benefit to every DD in an alliance, and requires relatively minor sacrifice (WAR or SAM doing one weaker WS every ~3min, DRG dealing with minor JA delay) for a huge gain for the group.
In comparison, MNK really has very little "utility" for a party:
- Penance is fairly meaningless when you have multiple DDs feeding the mob TP.
- Mantra HP is something, but kinda meh if you ask me... personally, I've felt for a while it should be buffed (maybe make it the MNK equivalent of BLU's Mighty Guard - MaxHP/DEF/M.Def/JA Haste instead of MG's Regen/DEF/M.Def/JA Haste).
- Otherwise... if "utility" means (a) MNK is good for low TP feed setups with 1-2 DDs max without as much gear sacrifice as other jobs would need for a capped Subtle Blow setup (and some SBII), or maybe (b) the very niche case of fighting something weak enough that counter-tanking is viable without getting your MNK murdered from big attacks, then yeah, "utility" away....
It really does seem much more fair for MNK to approach the DPS potential of the top handful of jobs. Real reason we haven't seen that in the past few years has NOTHING to do with MNK having so much additional utility, it's because so many people bitched so much about MNK being *the* bandwagon DD for the first year or two of the Adoulin era. Took until the relatively recent Impetus changes for them to finally throw MNK a bone, and I see that as purely a cyclical thing of de-emphasizing MNK after it getting a little TOO popular for a while.
It's cyclical, and the devs do tend to buff other jobs or design content to favor them in response to a job getting too popular. See also: BLU getting minimal DD gear/buffs for a couple years after it started to get too bandwagon, RDM getting jack for years until recently, the devs' seeming constant fear of over-buffing NIN ever since players used it against expectations as a tank+DD over a decade ago, nerfs to stuff like Geomancy (weakened in Dyna) or Rudra or the classic RNG nerfs, etc...
By SimonSes 2019-10-07 14:30:17
In comparison, MNK really has very little "utility" for a party
Playing devils advocate Monk also has -25% def down WS. You just need to switch weapon to Staff, so you sacrifice more time and dps, but it is there and with Malignance gear being out, you also probably has the best acc/macc set to WS in.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3701
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-07 14:38:45
In comparison, MNK really has very little "utility" for a party
Playing devils advocate Monk also has -25% def down WS. You just need to switch weapon to Staff, so you sacrifice more time and dps, but it is there and with Malignance gear being out, you also probably has the best acc/macc set to WS in.
Yeah, I did think about Shell Crusher, but that's a REALLY big sacrifice in comparison to WAR SAM just firing off a single WS while continuing to use the weapon they'd want to use anyway for max DPS.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2019-10-07 14:58:09
Took until the relatively recent Impetus changes Ironically enough, it wasn't even a direct Impetus change but a result of the higher accuracy cap lulz.
By fonewear 2019-10-07 14:59:04
Part of me wants the update to be really good for monk.
The other part of me wants them to update some *** weapon skill just for the laughs.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3701
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-10-07 15:00:42
One Inch Punch is no laughing matter!
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-07 15:02:16
Any update is good, I use monk anyway.
Just really don't want 3 years of MNK onry. And it really wouldn't take much to make that happen. No middle ground though. Either use monk on EVERY.THING or N.O.T.H.I.N.G.
By fonewear 2019-10-07 15:05:42
Shijin Spiral causes the bubonic plague and kills every enemy on the screen.
Make it happen !
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2320
By Bahamut.Negan 2019-10-07 15:07:16
Shijin Spiral causes the bubonic plague and kills every PLAYER on the screen.
Make it happen !
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 383
By Leviathan.Nitenichi 2019-10-07 15:09:00
They should just give us Bear ???? Killer and be done with it, since what player doesn’t just want to maul the ***out of something.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1400
By Fenrir.Richybear 2019-10-07 15:43:12
Leviathan.Nitenichi said: »They should just give us Bear ???? Killer and be done with it, since what player doesn’t just want to maul the ***out of something.
Bear Killer?
1 v 1 me, scrub! ;)
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Cerberus.Mrkillface 2019-10-07 19:01:06
Any update is good, I use monk anyway.
Just really don't want 3 years of MNK onry. And it really wouldn't take much to make that happen. No middle ground though. Either use monk on EVERY.THING or N.O.T.H.I.N.G.
Eh the useful jobs for ambu change every month based on what NM it is, you have to go on the job to level necks/weapons in dynamis (and to get bonus shards during campaign) and omen only drops cards for the job you're on. I mean I guess for a moth or two there'd be a bunch of bandwagoners on monk for those events, but other than that, what else is there that even matters? Once the band wagon finishes gearing from those events, they'll be back to gearing other jobs for the shiggles.
The current development trend seems to be to extend the game life by forcing people to play different jobs. I don't think buffing any DD job is gonna change that very much outside of the couple months where people spam omen/dyna on those jobs to gear them.
Now if they come out with a new progress based event where you can go any job and still progress/gear other jobs, we might have a problem, but that's not specific to monk.
By Aerix 2019-10-07 19:22:01
All I want is for MNK to be able to deal 99999 damage per regular punch during Qutrub month. Is that really too much to ask!?
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2320
By Bahamut.Negan 2019-10-07 19:41:00
All I want is for MNK to be able to deal 99999 damage per regular punch during Qutrub month. Is that really too much to ask!? Minus the during Qutrub month and I agree. I kinda wanna hover in the air during Boost too tho.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2019-10-07 21:21:05
I kinda don’t want it to be too good. It’s nice being the lolmnk that ends up at the top of parse.
By Mrgrim 2019-10-08 18:03:12
YouTube Video Placeholder
Decided to help out a couple of buds with their Aeonic clear the other day, and been itching to try mnk on Erinys since I saw that a couple of years ago people would mew it, and use THF SA, so I thought what would happen if you mew while you have a mnk punch it, and this is the result lol. Thing I learned is to be on hybrid set to mitigate dread spikes along a decent tank to hold adds. Also don't touch any of the adds, otherwise if you do any actions at whoever tagged one of the adds from a distance, they'll go after the person who did an action to a player (ie. Cure).
I've killed without mew also, but this method is more useful and safer if no well geared smns are available to burn it down. This same strategy can be used against Onychophora also, takes roughly 10-15mins to bring it down.
By fonewear 2019-10-08 18:05:32
All I want is for MNK to be able to deal 99999 damage per regular punch during Qutrub month. Is that really too much to ask!? Minus the during Qutrub month and I agree. I kinda wanna hover in the air during Boost too tho.
It's not too late to have boost set your hair on fire and burn enemies with your punches.
For at least five minutes.
You know for balance.
By Skyeater 2019-10-08 20:37:07
anyone have an updated mnk lua they wouldn't mind sharing ^^;;?