Couple points:
- Original LS lead in the time you were there, Alphinaud, did discuss with me frequently how you would only ever show up for Bumba RP when Odyssey was brand new. Didn't partake in anything else with the LS.
Nobody was ever kicked from the LS for being idle/afk at that time. It had been a long standing thing, even going back to the Ponto era, where there was that expectation. You get out what you put in. What was observed with yourself though was you running the same events separately, at the same time. People were rightly annoyed by that, especially when you then tried to weasel into the 6 man content.
Strange, I don't recall playing with Alphinaud, I'm pretty sure he was playing FFXIV with Ponto by the time I joined the linkshell. It's a bit odd that he would be commenting on my apparent lack of attending.
I also find it very strange that there's a comment from Terico there... the guy who 6 boxed content solo and rarely attended events himself.
However, yes I will admit- I did not attend Dynamis bi-weekly. Who would want to join an event where you can be picked at random for an unstable leader to spew vitriol at you or anyone in the event. There was also the fact that when my group joined the linkshell it was on the caveat that we might not attend all events as we were still slowing shutting down our own linkshell, and this was okayed by the majority of the leaders. However, my attendance for Omen/Segs/helping get Ody clears for other members(not just Bumba) was very high but you were only fixated about Dynamis.
If no one else was kicked for being afk at the time of events, why was Lordshaxx also kicked the same time as me? From my understanding we were only kicked for being afk (bazaaring in Port Jeuno) during event times.
Let's not forget that we immediately got our pearl back as the majority of the leaders were on our side regarding this.
If the people who came over complained about it being toxic, and had the option of running with that old group for events, why didn't they? In the time I had the breakaway LS running, I barely had any personnel turnover. I should also note, considering you claim I was the only person fixated on this, that the old group that didn't join me continued to do those runs at the same event time as my new group for over a year afterwards.
For someone believes he took the majority of players and had no turnover, you seemed to do a lot of recruiting, I don't understand the high amount of recruiting for a linkshell that had a lot of members and no turnover.
It seems your XIAH forum post has been deleted now but I can still remember the majority of posts were other users discouraging people from joining your toxic linkshell, and let's not get started on all the /yells.
Just running the events is not fixation, demanding attendance to old content and kicking people for not attending and demanding to be in control of the events at all times is fixating.
Worth also pointing out, Celgane was never a sackholder in the new group, at any point in time. I remember the video he posted up, and from a quick search it was this one. linked here I remember him also deleting it and apologising, but your group had opted at that stage to launch a big pile on of him. That was the only thing he posted to the LS Discord publicly.
I could be wrong about him being a leader but that was my and a few other peoples memory, either way you acknowledge knowing about this video and still offered him a linkpearl. This is either because you condone this kind of content or are because your morals are so lacking that you don't see a problem with it.
That video is clearing disparaging women by derogatively comparing them to dogs, as you don't seem to have a problem with the video is telling. He only apologised because of the backlash he received and was very hesistant to delete it, he only deleted it a few days after due to all of the complaints from multiple members.
I'd also like to add that my girlfriend makes more money than I do and she still loves me and doesn't think any less of me. I know plently of other men in the exact same scenario.
Anyone who believes the rhetoric of the video is disillusioned and has an incel/red pill mindset which makes them less attractive and therefore less loveable.
Do you really think that someone who would post a video like that wouldn't post the homophobic stuff that he did? Misogyny and homophobia go together in a lot of cases. There's a pattern starting to form about his character and attepting to defend him is showing a lot about your character.
This was an obvious attempt to find likemided people and by the looks of it, he found it.
Also, to counter your comment about them not being disruptive in any way, this one from one of the other sackholders suggests otherwise. You may not have been aware of this though, because back then we weren't running Bumbas for everyone 24/7.
As this was a post from Lion, I will give you this point. Maybe I joined when she was being less disruptive, it's a good point to note that I played with her for 2 years after the break, she was never disruptive and always offered to help other members. I would like to note that the examples given (No anchor, going DRK (she went DRK because she thought the boost to Chaos roll would help) instead of SAM in segs and No Discord) are not disruptive or at most minimally disruptive.
I was going to leave this post out but I believe I should bring it up. This screenshot was sent to me by one of the many disgruntled members in your shell
1. You stated that you barely had any turnover but the linkshell is not salvageable because you can't recruit. Can you explain this to me?
2. Blaming others seems to be a common theme for you, have you ever tried looking at yourself to solve these issues?
3. I played with a majority of your linkshell as there was a lot of cross-over between our linkshells and I don't recall any communication issues or "a refusal by people to do the basics", have you tried speaking to people like humans and not yelling into the mic.
4. This is probably one of the most toxic linkshell break messages I have seen, this alone proves the toxic culture coming from the leader
5. The game changed (Segs/Ody/Sortie) to that people had to adapt and play in smaller groups, they were not in the wrong for doing this- you should have lead them better and adapted appropriately to the new style of content.
6. Re-read all of this and remember that you are talking about A GAME, does this sound like an environment where anyone was having fun?