June 2024 Version Update

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June 2024 Version Update
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サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2304
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-06-11 16:31:46  
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Lets run some math now
You're suggesting the campaign bonus will net you an extra 4500 segments if you do Odyssey every day for the next 25 days. Thats 25 runs (gonna presume one per day instead of every 20 hours) so a bonus of 180 per run. You're pulling ~1600 segments per run??

Unless my math is way off, maybe you should stop doing Odyssey solo if your goal is segments.

The bonus scales, so it's the same for everyone, he's just whinging about how difficult it is to solo party-based content.

He's getting 2 and a half days' worth of segments for free, just like anyone else (who goes every day during the campaign). The difference is he's dragging his balls through glass for...some reason.

I'd say 1800 segments solo is pretty decent? That's 6 packs of C mobs, or the entirety of floor 1 and a pack of floor 2, if you're skipping halos. Need to kill a pack every 3 minutes or so, if you consider that you still need to add travel time. I've never tried it, but I'd imagine that's a decent pace for a single character + 5 trusts.
By Shichishito 2024-06-11 16:34:43  
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Gaol is one of the two primary endgame content available in 2024's maintenance mode, did you really expect anything more than a fart in the wind?
Well do you really expect someone to resub for a fart in the wind? I just tried to answer your question above
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
If you do need segments and you're not done Gaol, why is 10% not enough to bring you back in since you're not even finished anyways?
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 3486
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-11 16:38:13  
Oh, so you're not subbed to ffxi? So a segment campaign bonus would encourage you to resub to ffxi if it were double segments for 25 days? Double segments for a 30 minutes per day event is what it takes? One Moglophone II per day instead of 0.5 per day is what it takes for you to re-sub?

I'm presuming full run double because thats what people who failed to read details properly assumed it was.

As a solo player, what are you gonna do now with all your extra Moglophone II's that you werent doing before? Gonna rip through Gaol solo because now you can farm a Moglphone II every day for one month instead of needing two days?

I dont understand the logic.

Even if you have a trio + 3 trusts, you could farm 3-5x as many segments as you get solo, AND have an easier time getting through parts of Gaol, cause you likely arent getting anywhere other than rank 0 unlocks that way.

The logic is completely flawed other than "REEE THIS CAMPAIGN SUCKS I HATE SE BECAUSE REASONS"
By Shichishito 2024-06-11 16:50:50  
I'm not sure how much segs I get per run. I calculated 1500 segs for 30 days even though campaigns usually don't last the full month.

I'm sure there is room for improvement for example if I tried cruel joking but that doesn't increase mog mastery and I assume you need high MM even if you'd just want to clear the low tiers of gaol solo/lowman.

And no, I don't think double segs would bring me back either. I also doubt you can fix it with a raw % increase alone for solo players without completely overshooting party results.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 3486
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-11 16:57:01  
Shichishito said: »
I also doubt you can fix it with a raw % increase alone for solo players without completely overshooting party results.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2304
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-06-11 17:08:18  
I think I lost the thread there for a second, fix what?

SE needs to work on making endgame more accessible for solo players with trusts? I thought this was an MMORPG where the primary fun comes from making friends and playing the game with them?

If you ask the Horizon bros, the best time you could possibly have in FFXI is when SE forced you to stop solo'ing goblins in Konschtat Highlands and start partying up with strangers killing goblins in Valkurm Dunes.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 3486
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-11 17:08:27  
How are all the people saying that Sortie and Odyssey cant be extended beyond 6 players because "leeches and finishing content quicker" etc etc (mostly the finishing content quicker applies here) all of a sudden upset at any bonus to segments?

Sure, an extra 180 segments to a solo player aint ***, but giving full parties an extra moglophone II every 3 days is not chump change.

Bear in mind, a solo player doing Sheol would likely be in A or B for Scales/Hides with segments would likely be secondary currency, due to the aforementioned issue of a solo player likely to struggle with Gaol.

Can a solo player reliably clear out a Halo and the Agons?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 258
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2024-06-11 17:25:12  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Fenrir.Ahlen said: »
If u kill a mimic u get a large box at end thats what im talking about.

Is that actually how it works? A mimic adds a box to the end? If that's how it works then the box at the end will be doubled.

Successfully defeating a Mimic will grant a Large Lustreless Box to a player's personal pool upon successfully examining the Otherworldly Vortex.

If BG is right then yes. The drops from the mimic won't be though.
Mimics dont drop anything but also the campaign didnt talk about Large boxes being bonus...
By Shichishito 2024-06-11 18:25:09  
Fenrir.Ahlen said: »
Mimics dont drop anything
Mimics drop me.
drop rate:
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 784
By Asura.Iamaman 2024-06-11 20:45:06  
Maybe it's just through the lens of more experienced groups, but I don't think 10% increase in segments is that helpful to anyone. 2 years ago? Maybe a different story, but segfarms these days routinely get smashed and 10% isn't helping the parties smashing them much, nor the parties who aren't smashing as hard. It could be worse but it's kindof middling, the fact they are giving JP rewards should show who the target audience is I suppose.

I would think giving a MPII daily and/or some RP bonus would've been more impactful to a broader range of players.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-06-11 20:47:03  
it's not helpful to anyone. its *** stupid.

The only people it'll help are the ones who zealot so hard they don't need the free 1k

It wont motivate any holdouts. It won't get people to be creative and try something different with a free phone worth of segs. it's just a polished horse turd.

I know Stan. It's a free increase, you're getting erect just thinking about it, simmer down.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 3486
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-11 20:48:56  
Asura.Iamaman said: »
the fact they are giving JP rewards should show who the target audience is I suppose.
The JP rewards have always been there though, most people dont notice them because they do Sheol with their jobs that have 500JP stored.

The JP trigger is killing UNM NM's, which may not the most feasible thing for soloers.

Anyways, just did B, killed 4 Halos and Agons, got 8 boxes. The code isnt broken.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 3486
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-11 21:36:31  
Other campaigns that are "not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid:
Abyssea campaign:
A bunch of first time gifts that everyone has.
When entering an Abyssea area during the campaign, the default values for pearlescent, azure, golden, and silvery lights are set to their respective maximum values.
It saves someone five minutes. Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid.

AMAN Trove Campaign:
Some people claim that the Trove gear has higher drop rates and pulls from the Omen Bodies, Selbina HTMB/WyrmGod loot, Tartarus, etc
"Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid"

Ambuscade: The once a day factor makes it not helpful, *** stupid, sorry.

NNI Campaign: Not helpful, *** stupid. Some people may disagree, but I'm sticking with it. NNI is ***for Tokens, and most of the time your appraisal is gonna be hot garbage, even from the +2 box. Sure you might luck out and get a Pande Key, or a Tier 3 pop item, but you're more likely to get a T1 pop or trophy or a Cotton Purse.

Bayld Campaign
Double bayld!! A stack of HPBayld on Asura is 340k, 3.4k per HPbayld. 10k bayld is one HPBayld, therefor one Bayld has the value of 0.34 gil
"its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid"

Seal and Crest drop rate campaign:
All types of seals drop at increased rates based on the number of players in a party, up to a maximum of six per kill.
Most people are probably capped on seals at Shemi. Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid.

Additional Seal Battlefield Spoils Campaign:
Only good for farming Kupon I-Seals for those that need it. The drop rate on Sack (D) and (L) is very low, might be better in WoE. Ambjus from Deimos is lol. AW-Pan and AW-Abs is lol (Aureole is decent). Skirmish segs is lol. REMA currency in Gobs is lol, and hexed/-1 equipment is lols in 2024
"Its not helpful to anyone its *** stupid"

Macrocosmic Orb Campaign:
Good if you need to farm Ch1-5 pages. Otherwise the bonus loot is just that, bonus loot. Dont go there trying for Empyrean trophies or job cards.
"Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid"

Campaign Festa
The only thing people care from this is the bonuses to the campaign ops, and the campaign still requires the BCNM's to be unlocked, it doesnt override it.
Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid.

CP/XP bonus:
I guess its useful for someone making a new char after they got banned.

Chocobo Digging:
Its chocobo digging, its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid

Actually useful for someone who needs plasm for an Ergon. Also the boss trophies still have value as they are needed for upgrades, Aeonic pops and synthesis. This is actually helpful to everyone, its not stupid!

Dynamis Granules of Time Campaign:
It saves someone five minutes. Its not helpful, its *** stupid.

Dynamis Statue Crusher:
Only applies to wave 1 and 2, and with two full clears will net about 60-80% of a Medal.
Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid (unless you multibox then its a lot more helpful)

Statue Crusher Plus:
A lot better as Medal's can load directly. Also worse depending what job you're on, you may also get shitty shards/voids that sell for nothing and will get tossed.
Regardless, this one is useful...IF you're not farming wave 3, then its not helpful, its *** stupid.

Geas Fete:
EXTRA SILT LOL. Its not helpful, its *** stupid

Geas Fete Plus:
Two slots of personal rewards, and players will receive an Eschalixir.
Its not helpful, its *** stupid.

Reisen Geas Fete:
Same as above, but it only applies to Reisen.

Dark Matter / Plus:
I mean, we all love being disappointed by Oseem. We love nothing more than that Enmity+2 Enmity-1 piece.
Its helpful, but its also *** stupid.

Gobbie Box campaigns:
All four renditions of them suck and are not helpful.

Incursion Campaign:
An extra coffer will drop. In the grand scheme of things: its not helpful, its *** stupid.

Meeble Burrows Campaign:
I dont think this one has been turned on in like 6 years

Mog Gardens Campaign:
YAY an exra crab
YAY double stars
YAY an extra junk item from floatsam (unless you need Mannequin parts, then its worthwhile)
YAY two junk items from monster rearing
YAY Pankration upgrade items, Mog Safe Beds and GobbieBag upgrade.
Its not helpful to anyone except for people trying to get through gobbiebag upgrades without hunting all the materials, its *** stupid.

I'm not going into detail anymore but:
Monstrosity XP bonus is stupid. Yes I know its tied to XP/CP bonus, but its stupid.
OMen card is good only because the exchange rate is still a *** stupid 10:1 with no mixing
Omen lights, no one understands. Oops, doesnt work on card/Swarts runs or Ou runs either.
Skirmish is stupid because no one does it
Combat and Magic skillup is stupid in 2024
Synthesis skill is stupid because you shouldnt be taking up new crafts in 2024, shieldbearers run that game (its not stupid, its very helpful actually)
Trust Magic / Plus is mostly stupid
Unity campaign is actually useful, not stupid
Vagary campaign is helpful but *** stupid (people only do it chasing that Tartarus body)
Voidwatch is actually great
WoE, I'll say its helpful, marginally. Theres four good pieces of gear (Pixie+1, Enchanter Ear+1, Windbuffet+1, Flume+1 for some reason for 3 def and 4 vit). But having those walks surged helps get more of those items in play.
WKR Reives: not helpful, *** stupid. There are more efficient ways to get HPB.

So of all the campaigns:
Delve, Synthesis, Unity, Voidwatch fall under "unanimously actually helpful, not *** stupid".
Additional Seal, Macro Orb, XP/CP, Statue Crusher, Dark Matter, Omen Card, Trust Magic, Vagary, WoE come with asterisks (just like the Odyssey campaign).
Everything else is ***.

Yes I took the time to write all this out, its Tuesday, theres no hockey on tonight, and my daily routine got *** when I had to rush home from the gym half way through my set because something came up.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Asura.Dexprozius 2024-06-11 22:07:24  
The majority of those older campaigns should be either granted a "PLUS" version to make them even slightly enticing, or simply made permanent fixtures to that piece of content in question. The fact that so many of this stuff is outdated/antiquated and we have to wait for a lackluster campaign 3x a year to engage in it isn't helping anyone, completely agree there.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ahlen
Posts: 258
By Fenrir.Ahlen 2024-06-11 22:52:51  
Mimic bonus chests when u hit conflux don't double verified last run.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Senaki
Posts: 76
By Bahamut.Senaki 2024-06-11 22:53:16  
For the new Seg-Vortex ratio, what’s the math on determining total segment amount per run?

It used to be:
5 * Vortex_Segment_Amount = Total_Segs

#Total Segs = Total segments per run.

What the math to determine this now?

Vortex_Segment_Amount * .5 = Event_Bonus_Segs
Vortex_Segment_Amount - Event_Bonus_Segs = Old_Vortex_Segment_Amount
Old_Vortex_Segment_Amount * 5 = Total_Segs

サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2024-06-11 23:20:12  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
kaffy;661011 said:
"The Great Odyssey Campaign" is by far the least impressive monthly campaign ever created, and a poor reward for Vana'Bout. The amount of bonus segments in particular is paltry when you compare it to other campaigns like Omen job cards where your return is doubled or tripled. 10% is just too low.

+1 to them


Warms my heart to know Analhelm is still on the official forums licking boot as hard as ever.
Posts: 295
By Beau 2024-06-12 03:28:07  
Okay I just tried Ody B only killing all Agon Halos (floors 1 3 5 6) and a few families along the way that aggroed; wiped once because lolWHMnocure. Each player got 8 hide boxes. Opened about 3 NQ chests along the way with Izzat. 63 single hides dropped from killing (tagged most with banishga-TH4). Opened boxes, each player got between 100-129 hides. Plus the singles and 1 extra box that dropped, 6 players together net 764 hides in 1 run. Each player only got 438K gil at the end. With hides selling between 700-750k/stack and considering a proper Ody C run will net over 1M gil, this was basically a wash with less segments...so back to usual Ody C we go (where we know the dayum layouts of the floors).
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 176
By Sylph.Timepassesbye 2024-06-12 06:10:28  
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Other campaigns that are "not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid:
Abyssea campaign:
A bunch of first time gifts that everyone has.
When entering an Abyssea area during the campaign, the default values for pearlescent, azure, golden, and silvery lights are set to their respective maximum values.
It saves someone five minutes. Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid.

AMAN Trove Campaign:
Some people claim that the Trove gear has higher drop rates and pulls from the Omen Bodies, Selbina HTMB/WyrmGod loot, Tartarus, etc
"Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid"

Ambuscade: The once a day factor makes it not helpful, *** stupid, sorry.

NNI Campaign: Not helpful, *** stupid. Some people may disagree, but I'm sticking with it. NNI is ***for Tokens, and most of the time your appraisal is gonna be hot garbage, even from the +2 box. Sure you might luck out and get a Pande Key, or a Tier 3 pop item, but you're more likely to get a T1 pop or trophy or a Cotton Purse.

Bayld Campaign
Double bayld!! A stack of HPBayld on Asura is 340k, 3.4k per HPbayld. 10k bayld is one HPBayld, therefor one Bayld has the value of 0.34 gil
"its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid"

Seal and Crest drop rate campaign:
All types of seals drop at increased rates based on the number of players in a party, up to a maximum of six per kill.
Most people are probably capped on seals at Shemi. Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid.

Additional Seal Battlefield Spoils Campaign:
Only good for farming Kupon I-Seals for those that need it. The drop rate on Sack (D) and (L) is very low, might be better in WoE. Ambjus from Deimos is lol. AW-Pan and AW-Abs is lol (Aureole is decent). Skirmish segs is lol. REMA currency in Gobs is lol, and hexed/-1 equipment is lols in 2024
"Its not helpful to anyone its *** stupid"

Macrocosmic Orb Campaign:
Good if you need to farm Ch1-5 pages. Otherwise the bonus loot is just that, bonus loot. Dont go there trying for Empyrean trophies or job cards.
"Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid"

Campaign Festa
The only thing people care from this is the bonuses to the campaign ops, and the campaign still requires the BCNM's to be unlocked, it doesnt override it.
Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid.

CP/XP bonus:
I guess its useful for someone making a new char after they got banned.

Chocobo Digging:
Its chocobo digging, its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid

Actually useful for someone who needs plasm for an Ergon. Also the boss trophies still have value as they are needed for upgrades, Aeonic pops and synthesis. This is actually helpful to everyone, its not stupid!

Dynamis Granules of Time Campaign:
It saves someone five minutes. Its not helpful, its *** stupid.

Dynamis Statue Crusher:
Only applies to wave 1 and 2, and with two full clears will net about 60-80% of a Medal.
Its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid (unless you multibox then its a lot more helpful)

Statue Crusher Plus:
A lot better as Medal's can load directly. Also worse depending what job you're on, you may also get shitty shards/voids that sell for nothing and will get tossed.
Regardless, this one is useful...IF you're not farming wave 3, then its not helpful, its *** stupid.

Geas Fete:
EXTRA SILT LOL. Its not helpful, its *** stupid

Geas Fete Plus:
Two slots of personal rewards, and players will receive an Eschalixir.
Its not helpful, its *** stupid.

Reisen Geas Fete:
Same as above, but it only applies to Reisen.

Dark Matter / Plus:
I mean, we all love being disappointed by Oseem. We love nothing more than that Enmity+2 Enmity-1 piece.
Its helpful, but its also *** stupid.

Gobbie Box campaigns:
All four renditions of them suck and are not helpful.

Incursion Campaign:
An extra coffer will drop. In the grand scheme of things: its not helpful, its *** stupid.

Meeble Burrows Campaign:
I dont think this one has been turned on in like 6 years

Mog Gardens Campaign:
YAY an exra crab
YAY double stars
YAY an extra junk item from floatsam (unless you need Mannequin parts, then its worthwhile)
YAY two junk items from monster rearing
YAY Pankration upgrade items, Mog Safe Beds and GobbieBag upgrade.
Its not helpful to anyone except for people trying to get through gobbiebag upgrades without hunting all the materials, its *** stupid.

I'm not going into detail anymore but:
Monstrosity XP bonus is stupid. Yes I know its tied to XP/CP bonus, but its stupid.
OMen card is good only because the exchange rate is still a *** stupid 10:1 with no mixing
Omen lights, no one understands. Oops, doesnt work on card/Swarts runs or Ou runs either.
Skirmish is stupid because no one does it
Combat and Magic skillup is stupid in 2024
Synthesis skill is stupid because you shouldnt be taking up new crafts in 2024, shieldbearers run that game (its not stupid, its very helpful actually)
Trust Magic / Plus is mostly stupid
Unity campaign is actually useful, not stupid
Vagary campaign is helpful but *** stupid (people only do it chasing that Tartarus body)
Voidwatch is actually great
WoE, I'll say its helpful, marginally. Theres four good pieces of gear (Pixie+1, Enchanter Ear+1, Windbuffet+1, Flume+1 for some reason for 3 def and 4 vit). But having those walks surged helps get more of those items in play.
WKR Reives: not helpful, *** stupid. There are more efficient ways to get HPB.

So of all the campaigns:
Delve, Synthesis, Unity, Voidwatch fall under "unanimously actually helpful, not *** stupid".
Additional Seal, Macro Orb, XP/CP, Statue Crusher, Dark Matter, Omen Card, Trust Magic, Vagary, WoE come with asterisks (just like the Odyssey campaign).
Everything else is ***.

Yes I took the time to write all this out, its Tuesday, theres no hockey on tonight, and my daily routine got *** when I had to rush home from the gym half way through my set because something came up.

The majority of what you posted there is your personal opinion yes?

So in translation, it's ***to you, not necessarily to everyone else.

The reason they still run campaigns that may seem obsolete is to encourage new players to more easily catch up. And let's be realistic about something, if they simply scrapped all the campaigns you don't enjoy, do you honestly believe they would simply replace them with ones you find more favorable?

But for s&g's, maybe make some suggestions for how they could modify/adapt the campaigns you don't enjoy.
Posts: 651
By Drayco 2024-06-12 06:34:15  
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Other campaigns that are "not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid:

My dude, just stop playing if you hate the game so much. Do you want them to just give out free Mythics and gear that gives 100% HQ rate? There is plenty of private servers where you can play with those kinds of mechanics and you'll find that without the grind the reward is meaningless.
Posts: 1113
By Seun 2024-06-12 06:59:50  
Campaigns are intended for casual players. People who don't or can't play daily or even consistently maintain subscription. A little added incentive for players who might be reluctant to return because they're behind.

Crumbs are only appealing when you're starving, Nynja. This one's only for the broke ***.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 3486
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-12 08:53:42  
Sylph.Timepassesbye said: »
The majority of what you posted there is your personal opinion yes?
I stated exactly why each of those campaigns are "its not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid", the same way the Odyssey campaign is "not helpful to anyone, its *** stupid"

Instead of a blanket statement of "thats ur opinion, ur stupid", where was I wrong?

So of all the campaigns:
Delve, Synthesis, Unity, Voidwatch fall under "unanimously actually helpful, not *** stupid".
Additional Seal, Macro Orb, XP/CP, Statue Crusher, Dark Matter, Omen Card, Trust Magic, Vagary, WoE come with asterisks (just like the Odyssey campaign).
Everything else is ***.
Where is the lie?

If were adding "this one is for broke ***" as a reason for them being ***, then we can move Statue Crusher and WoE from the asterisks section and move them to "***". I guess we can move Voidwatch to ***too, since "thats for the broke ***". The whole point of VW campaign is HMP's (which from what I've seen, isnt even necessary).
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 3486
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-12 09:04:05  
Drayco said: »
My dude, just stop playing if you hate the game so much. Do you want them to just give out free Mythics and gear that gives 100% HQ rate? There is plenty of private servers where you can play with those kinds of mechanics and you'll find that without the grind the reward is meaningless.
He didnt understand my post.
Posts: 651
By Drayco 2024-06-12 09:20:38  
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Drayco said: »
My dude, just stop playing if you hate the game so much. Do you want them to just give out free Mythics and gear that gives 100% HQ rate? There is plenty of private servers where you can play with those kinds of mechanics and you'll find that without the grind the reward is meaningless.
He didnt understand my post.
What's not to understand? You're making a bit about all the campaigns. You obviously don't think they give enough rewards to make them worth anybody's time. The solution would be to increase the rewards to make them more enticing. This game is already so stupidly easy to accomplish anything outside of Odyssey that any further reduction in requirements is basically giving you the stuff for free.

I'm just not part of the group that just hangs around on this forum to ***all over this game. Those are clearly the people your bit was targeting.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2304
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-06-12 09:24:44  
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »

I'd say useful:
Ambu, Nyzul, Aman trove (at least gazillionaire), Macro orb, HTBF, CP, Delve, Dynamis Granules, Statue Crusher, DM augs, Odyssey, Omen cards, Wanted, Vagary, Voidwatch, WoE

Could be useful:
Abyssea, GF, Incursion, Monster Rearing, Skirmish, Synth Skillups, WKR

The rest
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-06-12 09:25:22  
He thought he was being edgy but has never understood objectivity

A couple poverty segs isn't useful to anyone. Not new not old not hardcore not midcore no one.

Any/every other campaign is for someone. A returnee. A collector. A shiny chaser.

This campaign is the worst one they've added, even chocobo digging has value to someone.

If the campaign just gave 1k for finishing regardless, it'd be acceptable. It's assbackwards.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 3486
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-06-12 09:40:40  
Drayco said: »
I'm just not part of the group that just hangs around on this forum to ***all over this game. Those are clearly the people your bit was targeting.
Now you get it
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2304
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-06-12 09:42:33  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
A couple poverty segs isn't useful to anyone. Not new not old not hardcore not midcore no one.

I will never understand this mentality. Imagine this were food or money...

"A free slice of pizza isn't useful to anyone: rich, poor, starving, or full"

...Yes, yes it is. I am not starving but if I went to a pizza place and they gave me a free slice of pizza, I'd take it and be happy for it.

"$100 isn't useful to anyone: the rich already have enough money, and for the poor, $100 isn't going to make a difference"

...Please show me the person who would not cash a no-questions-asked check for free money.

A bonus to something you need is helpful to literally everyone. The only exception to this would be people who are already done with all their clears and all their RP and aren't helping any friends/ls mates. This is so far beyond < 1% of the player base I can't even imagine.

For my part, I probably have more segments than I'm going to need (for now) but people in my group still need segments pretty badly so we're still running C right now and the bonus segments are very welcome.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-06-12 09:49:10  
Asura.Eiryl said: »

I know Stan. It's a free increase, you're getting erect just thinking about it, simmer down.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2180
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2024-06-12 09:58:27  
I woke up today thinking SE would Care about ffxi -

Another day of disappointment

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