Tips From Job Masters
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1184
By Odin.Senaki 2020-07-17 21:42:26
For Runefencer, be aware that the merit points job ability: Battuta, when tied with Turms mittens can heal you.
This means that while your parry rate is through the roof you can be pushed up to full HP without any healer. It is very good for 'oh #$%^' moments. But also useful if you know the healer will be distracted for a period of time.
The combination makes tanking a lot easier.
WARNING: Turm's gear requires 500 job points (Su3) on Run to equip.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1184
By Odin.Senaki 2020-07-17 21:47:51
Returning/new player warning for buying gear on the AH:
There is new powerful gear called 'Superior Equipment' which is abbreviated as 'Su' on armor and weapons.
This equipment requires job points (new merit point system exclusive to your job) to wear.
Su1: 50 job points.
Su2: 100 job points.
Su3: 500 job points.
Su4: 1200 job points.
Su5: Job Point Master (STAR above head of character).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-07-18 05:08:17
I'm not the end-all be-all, in the sense that there are several beastmasters remaining in FFXI who are better geared and ahead of me, but one thing I will say for aspiring BSTs- don't neglect your melee gear. Awkward as it was, the BST update from S-E made our melee damage more viable. This month's Ambuscade is a perfect example; we are one of the very best jobs to bring. Pet-centric strats are awesome, but put some investment in your melee sets. Whether you choose the easier Dolichenus path or the harder Mistral Axe path, is up to you, but all beastmasters should have a viable melee damage setup. You'll find plenty of times where you can melee.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-07-18 08:34:03
DNC: Not every occasion is a saber dance occasion.
Me if I were a DNC:
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 224
By Sylph.Snk 2020-07-19 13:28:21
I'm not the end-all be-all, in the sense that there are several beastmasters remaining in FFXI who are better geared and ahead of me, but one thing I will say for aspiring BSTs- don't neglect your melee gear. Awkward as it was, the BST update from S-E made our melee damage more viable. This month's Ambuscade is a perfect example; we are one of the very best jobs to bring. Pet-centric strats are awesome, but put some investment in your melee sets. Whether you choose the easier Dolichenus path or the harder Mistral Axe path, is up to you, but all beastmasters should have a viable melee damage setup. You'll find plenty of times where you can melee.
Just wanted to chime in that I completely agree with this post. Tho I doubt most people play BST as they used to anymore.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Asura.Epigram 2020-07-19 20:40:57
Asura.Sirris said: »
I'm not the end-all be-all, in the sense that there are several beastmasters remaining in FFXI who are better geared and ahead of me, but one thing I will say for aspiring BSTs- don't neglect your melee gear. Awkward as it was, the BST update from S-E made our melee damage more viable. This month's Ambuscade is a perfect example; we are one of the very best jobs to bring. Pet-centric strats are awesome, but put some investment in your melee sets. Whether you choose the easier Dolichenus path or the harder Mistral Axe path, is up to you, but all beastmasters should have a viable melee damage setup. You'll find plenty of times where you can melee.
Just wanted to chime in that I completely agree with this post. Tho I doubt most people play BST as they used to anymore.
As someone who takes beast out suspended animation every few months, nothing annoys me more than other beasts who act like gimp summoners. Get rid of that charmer's merlin and use a pet to support your bst, instead of having your pet be your extremely weak DD contribution. I feel the same about PUP's when climbing in omen that just set their pet to slowly kill a transcendent...
As a second point:
Level more than one job for more than one job type. Being flexible is probably one of the most important things in this game right now. Why shout for an hour when you can switch a few jobs to get the content done.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 21
By Asura.Lanun 2020-07-19 22:56:07
Not having a proper Fast Cast set. This applies to every job.
By Ermah 2020-07-20 06:18:39
- What are some common mistakes you see new-to-job 99's make?
You don't need Charmer's Merlin and Dessult Tassets anymore, just one is fine. Once you hit the proper JP, you'll be capped at 10 second ready.
There is a precast set for your pet even though it is a job ability, please take advantage of that and don't listen to the derps who say otherwise.
- What is a something you notice a lot of people aren't doing that they should?
There are more pets than the magical cricket! You can make powerful skillchains with your pets consistently and even magic burst some of them. Using the proper pet to gain the correct correlation can give your party a MASSIVE damage boost with Killer Instinct that can be kept up almost all the time. The buffs are super useful depending on situations as well. Don't think BST is just cricket or nothing, BST is extremely versatile and can fit into most roles! You can also swap pets too for buffs. Start with the Sheep to use Rage, which lasts 6-7 minutes and with an Aymur at no TP, then release it and swap to your real pet. It also stacks with Berzerk. There are also some nice defensive buffs that last a long time you can do this on as well, or a strong debuff.
- What piece of gear do you think a job absolutely needs to actually be useful, if any?
Malignance Set, Beatific Shield, Pangu and Aymur. Having a strong Pet DT and Master DT set makes such a world of difference. I can pull absolutely everything at night time near Reisenjima Warp 3 without dying and AOE it down in 4 seconds. I can tank many fights by combining the magical piggy with Malignance and Pangu. I can get TP very fast with Aymur's aftermath and Malignance's store TP. There's just so much the job has to offer but you need so much gear, I have two wardrobes full!
- What pisses you off more than anything about how some people play the job?
Not really related to BST, I'm just so tired of people who buy gil and merc everything. I use to play with a group of people, but everyone I've met, literally, except two people, have bought gil and merc'd half their gear if not more. It's just not fun to play with people who just automatically have the best of the best stuff but not the knowledge to support it. Then when you do play with them, they act like they are carrying you and earned all that stuff. The quest to get the gear is way more fun than actually having it.
My friend told me a story of someone that I've seen repeated over and over with new people I meet. Their name was Creo**s. They bought a ton of gil and it was super obvious, but they denied it like crazy, they just had a magical friend that had no name that just supplied them with endless gil. They played a summoner, and would constantly brag about all the new items they received despite not playing long enough to justify having those items and when they needed help with something they would turn down linkshell friends and merc it because it was more efficient. Then when one of the linkshell members called them out, they exploded on my friend because they thought she told everyone he bought gil (when it was very obvious). They ended up changing names by swapping servers twice, but I thought this story was a funny isolated incident, but since I've been back I keep seeing the same type of people, just like that over and over. The peer pressure of all the mercs and the goal of "getting into pugs" just ruins people and it makes me want to leave Asura. Instead I just exclusively play with my one friend I made who I know doesn't buy gil, because it seems everyone else does.
To add on before people argue something like, "Well it's a pve game so buying gil and mercing should only help you." or something along those lines, here's usually how situations go playing with someone who buys gil and mercs vs someone progressing with you:
Gil Buyer: "Yeah I can help you kill it, go on a support job or something or just stand there and don't WS so it doesn't interrupt my SC." *Ends up Dying* "Oh, we can't do this fight without a GEO, do you have Geo leveled?"
Someone Progressing: "These jobs sound fun, lets spam WS and hope for the best!" *Ends up Dyings* "Oh, that didn't work, maybe lets try making this SC with these WS" *Ends up Dying* "Hm, what if we change these trusts around or change up this strategy when the boss does this."
That is not an isolated incident, that is the general mentality of people I meet.
It also bugs me when people require the Cor, Geo, Brd to even attempt content. You can do so much content without those three perfectly fine and the time you save not waiting until you get one will be faster than just doing it with 5 DDs and a Healer, or a BST support or RDM/DRG/DNC support or tons of combinations that work and people won't even try because they are so set on Cor, Geo, Brd they feel content can't be beat without it.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-07-20 08:16:39
I have two wardrobes full!
This is a very important note... Beastmaster can be very influential.. It will take a significant amount of space to do so. Plan accordingly.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2020-07-20 10:51:06
This is something I used to think everyone knew, but lately I'm seeing it come up a lot. If you're on BLU, do not try to SSC with Chain Affinity throughout an extended battle. The time you spend using the JA and casting the spell will lower your overall damage compared to just spamming WS. Not saying "NEVER USE CA" as it can be useful if you know that last sinker drill will end the fight. But if you're on a long battle trying to make these chains work, your fight will end up being extended.
Now, more importantly, do not have that /p <Chain Affinity> <Just used it> macro set up when your party is spamming WS. Your pt holding tp just so you can close a chain with your spell will dramatically reduce your whole party's damage. Be a team player and don't worry about your individual damage. Winning the parse is meaningless if your party had to hold back for you to do so.
By soralin 2020-07-20 12:26:03
Dont underestimate the power of using Ayame as a trust.
My solo clear speed goes up substantially when using her, as she will reliably open Light/Dark skillchains for me.
Ayame has specific AI where she will WS as soon as both of you are at 1k, using whatever your last WS was, to maximize the best Skillchain.
Right off the bat she can open Darkness for you closing with Savage blade, and light for you closing with Impulse drive.
I believe most T2 skillchain types are covered to be honest, as long as your WS has a T2 property she can open a T3 for you.
And she generates TP like mad, so for high fTP WSes like Impulse drive or Savage Blade, you will be able to have 100% of your WS's SC.
I also really enjoy starting fights with 3K TP and having Ayame at about 900, and 1 second into the fight she opens light for me and I close with a ~50K Impulse drive + 90K light. Lots of fights that will quickly drop the target down to 50~60% hp.
Ayame is such a clutch trust, Im surprised more people dont use her.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2993
By Ragnarok.Martel 2020-07-20 12:33:28
I also really enjoy starting fights with 3K TP and having Ayame at about 900, and 1 second into the fight she opens light for me and I close with a ~50K Impulse drive + 90K light. Impulse Drive is gravitation and induration, it cannot close light SC. Did you mean darkness?
Likewise Savage Blade i frag/Scission, it cannot close darkness.
By soralin 2020-07-20 13:00:50
Yeah I may be mistaken and have them backwards haha
By Shichishito 2020-07-20 13:11:56
unfortunately ayames AI is buggy. after a couple of SCs she seems to hold TP for way too long to the point where both she and you have reached the 3000 TP mark and she still keeps holding.
It also bugs me when people require the Cor, Geo, Brd to even attempt content. You can do so much content without those three perfectly fine and the time you save not waiting until you get one will be faster than just doing it with 5 DDs and a Healer, or a BST support or RDM/DRG/DNC support or tons of combinations that work and people won't even try because they are so set on Cor, Geo, Brd they feel content can't be beat without it. agree with your whole post with the excpetion on what you said about supports.
sure, you should be fine doing geas fete T1, maybe some T2 or new HTBFs at very easy without much support but at certain difficulty the meta favors supports too much to pass them.
just by replacing the extra DD slots with supports you reduce TP feed and therefore increase survivability. buffs are often a necessity to get around a certain gimmick and they are completely overpowered as they easily double or triple a DDs damage output. most DDs also rely on supports to hit standards like haste or acc caps, if you don't meet those standards you are probably better off to replace real DDs with support trusts.
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-07-20 13:24:42
Every bit of damage you gain in the sc you lose by calling a jank dd trust instead of a support. You're giving up rolls songs or rdm by calling her.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 116
By Sylph.Ticktick 2020-07-20 13:26:34
she holds TP if she can't make the opening SC type she wants. If you're using savage blade & someone else used savage blade she will wait for the SC window to close before using kasha. She also likes to use meditate before WSing which can lead to a little bit of over TP.
L2 SCs can go in a circle
Gravitation -> Fragmentation = Fragmentation
Fragmentation -> Distortion = Distortion
Distortion -> Fusion = Fusion
Fusion -> Gravitation = Gravitation
By Ermah 2020-07-20 14:10:54
unfortunately ayames AI is buggy. after a couple of SCs she seems to hold TP for way too long to the point where both she and you have reached the 3000 TP mark and she still keeps holding.
It also bugs me when people require the Cor, Geo, Brd to even attempt content. You can do so much content without those three perfectly fine and the time you save not waiting until you get one will be faster than just doing it with 5 DDs and a Healer, or a BST support or RDM/DRG/DNC support or tons of combinations that work and people won't even try because they are so set on Cor, Geo, Brd they feel content can't be beat without it. agree with your whole post with the excpetion on what you said about supports.
sure, you should be fine doing geas fete T1, maybe some T2 or new HTBFs at very easy without much support but at certain difficulty the meta favors supports too much to pass them.
just by replacing the extra DD slots with supports you reduce TP feed and therefore increase survivability. buffs are often a necessity to get around a certain gimmick and they are completely overpowered as they easily double or triple a DDs damage output. most DDs also rely on supports to hit standards like haste or acc caps, if you don't meet those standards you are probably better off to replace real DDs with support trusts.
You don't need to be "optimal" to beat content. I've beaten most fights in the game without "Geo, Cor, Brd" setups, minus one or two reisenjima Helms. You can easily replace a Geo with a Bst + Dnc/Drg/Rdm.
I believe there are only two things that require these supports, Dynamis Wave 3 and Reisenjima HELMs, I've done two of the HELMs without the standard support or SMN burn so far so I think they are possible, just not easy.
Odin, Lilith, Alexander, Cait Sith, All of Zi Tah, All of Ru Aun, Most of Reisenjima, Omen, SR, Ambuscade, CP, Delves, Dynamis Wave 1-2, UNM, Odyssey, there's ALOT of content in the game that can be done without an optimal setup people won't even try.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1184
By Odin.Senaki 2020-07-20 14:21:54
Not having a proper Fast Cast set. This applies to every job.
I think this applies only to magic-based Jobs. Samurai won't have much use for one.
By Shichishito 2020-07-20 14:29:35
Every bit of damage you gain in the sc you lose by calling a jank dd trust instead of a support. You're giving up rolls songs or rdm by calling her. on certain jobs in instances where SCs don't get interrupted by crowd control a SC opener trusts like ayame can very well make up and surpass what ever another support would add to your damage.
on BLU for example you can do:
tachi: enpi -> Savage Blade/Expiacion -> tachi: kasha -> savage blade -> chant du cygne (got to be fast for last step)
(distortion -> fusion -> light -> double light)
give it a try, hits like a truck.
i suppose the "bug" i experience is due to chant du cygne. she would need access to tachi: shoha, tachi: fudo, tachi: rana or tachi: kaiten to open for light/distortion, which she hasn't according to the wiki. thats probably why she waits.
Not having a proper Fast Cast set. This applies to every job.
I think this applies only to magic-based Jobs. Samurai won't have much use for one. its for times when you need to sub /NIN i suppose.
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-07-20 14:37:56
Being that rdm/blu/brd/cor are their own buffers, yeah, but you likely do more damage with your own ~5 step than letting her 1k damage in
(and gain quadruple ayames damage with shantotto II grabbing all the bursts)
By gargurty 2020-07-20 14:46:43
Don't treat geo's as mules. Main geo's can turn the tide in battles.
And geo's don't think all you need is 900 skill to be good. It takes effort to shine.
By Asura.Jdove 2020-07-20 14:52:36
That's what happens when every person who comes back/starts new gets told to play GEO (and WHM) to get gear.
Only have yourselves to blame I tell them to start off as heavy DPS cuz the veteran players want to play support jobs and don't mind helping.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Asura.Epigram 2020-07-20 15:30:39
unfortunately ayames AI is buggy. after a couple of SCs she seems to hold TP for way too long to the point where both she and you have reached the 3000 TP mark and she still keeps holding.
It also bugs me when people require the Cor, Geo, Brd to even attempt content. You can do so much content without those three perfectly fine and the time you save not waiting until you get one will be faster than just doing it with 5 DDs and a Healer, or a BST support or RDM/DRG/DNC support or tons of combinations that work and people won't even try because they are so set on Cor, Geo, Brd they feel content can't be beat without it. agree with your whole post with the excpetion on what you said about supports.
sure, you should be fine doing geas fete T1, maybe some T2 or new HTBFs at very easy without much support but at certain difficulty the meta favors supports too much to pass them.
just by replacing the extra DD slots with supports you reduce TP feed and therefore increase survivability. buffs are often a necessity to get around a certain gimmick and they are completely overpowered as they easily double or triple a DDs damage output. most DDs also rely on supports to hit standards like haste or acc caps, if you don't meet those standards you are probably better off to replace real DDs with support trusts.
You don't need to be "optimal" to beat content. I've beaten most fights in the game without "Geo, Cor, Brd" setups, minus one or two reisenjima Helms. You can easily replace a Geo with a Bst + Dnc/Drg/Rdm.
I believe there are only two things that require these supports, Dynamis Wave 3 and Reisenjima HELMs, I've done two of the HELMs without the standard support or SMN burn so far so I think they are possible, just not easy.
Odin, Lilith, Alexander, Cait Sith, All of Zi Tah, All of Ru Aun, Most of Reisenjima, Omen, SR, Ambuscade, CP, Delves, Dynamis Wave 1-2, UNM, Odyssey, there's ALOT of content in the game that can be done without an optimal setup people won't even try.
I actually find it rare that people wait for a geo + bard + rdm. For support it's usually just COR + GEO, both are common jobs that are pretty easy to find. That gives you a tank, healer, 2x DD, 2x Buffer for a standard party that can do Omen and most other non-alliance content.
Given this format, I wouldn't drop a buffer (particularly a geo) for a bst. A bst can offer -25 att/deff, or -33deff/-10% max hp and KI (KI not being relevant in Omen and a lot of other content). But bst debut + damage isn't replacing a Geo or Cor, it makes them viable for the DD slot though.
Edit: Also "Beatific Shield +1" has no real value for any job that wears malignance unless you are constantly being dispelled or don't have access to Shell V.
Shell V is 29MDT, make gear sets accordingly
By Ermah 2020-07-20 15:41:52
unfortunately ayames AI is buggy. after a couple of SCs she seems to hold TP for way too long to the point where both she and you have reached the 3000 TP mark and she still keeps holding.
It also bugs me when people require the Cor, Geo, Brd to even attempt content. You can do so much content without those three perfectly fine and the time you save not waiting until you get one will be faster than just doing it with 5 DDs and a Healer, or a BST support or RDM/DRG/DNC support or tons of combinations that work and people won't even try because they are so set on Cor, Geo, Brd they feel content can't be beat without it. agree with your whole post with the excpetion on what you said about supports.
sure, you should be fine doing geas fete T1, maybe some T2 or new HTBFs at very easy without much support but at certain difficulty the meta favors supports too much to pass them.
just by replacing the extra DD slots with supports you reduce TP feed and therefore increase survivability. buffs are often a necessity to get around a certain gimmick and they are completely overpowered as they easily double or triple a DDs damage output. most DDs also rely on supports to hit standards like haste or acc caps, if you don't meet those standards you are probably better off to replace real DDs with support trusts.
You don't need to be "optimal" to beat content. I've beaten most fights in the game without "Geo, Cor, Brd" setups, minus one or two reisenjima Helms. You can easily replace a Geo with a Bst + Dnc/Drg/Rdm.
I believe there are only two things that require these supports, Dynamis Wave 3 and Reisenjima HELMs, I've done two of the HELMs without the standard support or SMN burn so far so I think they are possible, just not easy.
Odin, Lilith, Alexander, Cait Sith, All of Zi Tah, All of Ru Aun, Most of Reisenjima, Omen, SR, Ambuscade, CP, Delves, Dynamis Wave 1-2, UNM, Odyssey, there's ALOT of content in the game that can be done without an optimal setup people won't even try.
I actually find it rare that people wait for a geo + bard + rdm. For support it's usually just COR + GEO, both are common jobs that are pretty easy to find. That gives you a tank, healer, 2x DD, 2x Buffer for a standard party that can do Omen and most other non-alliance content.
Given this format, I wouldn't drop a buffer (particularly a geo) for a bst. A bst can offer -25 att/deff, or -33deff/-10% max hp and KI (KI not being relevant in Omen and a lot of other content). But bst debut + damage isn't replacing a Geo or Cor, it makes them viable for the DD slot though.
Edit: Also "Beatific Shield +1" has no real value for any job that wears malignance unless you are constantly being dispelled or don't have access to Shell V.
Shell V is 29MDT, make gear sets accordingly
If Correlation exists, Bst can also provide a massive damage boost with Killer Instinct, in addition to the -33% Def/Attack, -10% HP by swapping pets. BSt damage can also be very very high with a proper master set, not sure what led you to believe otherwise.
Beatific Shield helps a ton, when you're in pet DT gear, your own DT is not capped, and even with Pangu, which single handedly caps your MDT with Shell V, you often swap to Aymur for a ready maneuver and its very easy to get hit by an Aoe during that time and die. You spend a lot of time in swaps on BST and in my opinion they are far more at risk at getting hit by things mid swap than most jobs. Beatific Shield is literally free as it gives you the HQ for doing the RoE. There are also tons of scenarios where you may not have Shell V or it gets dispelled. Especially if low manning with a Pup or Smn. Malignance is for the magic evasion and STP, Pangu + Beatific + Ambuscade Cape nearly caps PDT and MDT on its own.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1184
By Odin.Senaki 2020-07-20 16:02:13
Don't treat geo's as mules. Main geo's can turn the tide in battles.
And geo's don't think all you need is 900 skill to be good. It takes effort to shine.
100% I legit have saved groups from wiping as a Geo. Whm dies -> Geo main heals party until NM Dies.
By Asura.Jdove 2020-07-20 16:09:18
unfortunately ayames AI is buggy. after a couple of SCs she seems to hold TP for way too long to the point where both she and you have reached the 3000 TP mark and she still keeps holding.
It also bugs me when people require the Cor, Geo, Brd to even attempt content. You can do so much content without those three perfectly fine and the time you save not waiting until you get one will be faster than just doing it with 5 DDs and a Healer, or a BST support or RDM/DRG/DNC support or tons of combinations that work and people won't even try because they are so set on Cor, Geo, Brd they feel content can't be beat without it. agree with your whole post with the excpetion on what you said about supports.
sure, you should be fine doing geas fete T1, maybe some T2 or new HTBFs at very easy without much support but at certain difficulty the meta favors supports too much to pass them.
just by replacing the extra DD slots with supports you reduce TP feed and therefore increase survivability. buffs are often a necessity to get around a certain gimmick and they are completely overpowered as they easily double or triple a DDs damage output. most DDs also rely on supports to hit standards like haste or acc caps, if you don't meet those standards you are probably better off to replace real DDs with support trusts.
You don't need to be "optimal" to beat content. I've beaten most fights in the game without "Geo, Cor, Brd" setups, minus one or two reisenjima Helms. You can easily replace a Geo with a Bst + Dnc/Drg/Rdm.
I believe there are only two things that require these supports, Dynamis Wave 3 and Reisenjima HELMs, I've done two of the HELMs without the standard support or SMN burn so far so I think they are possible, just not easy.
Odin, Lilith, Alexander, Cait Sith, All of Zi Tah, All of Ru Aun, Most of Reisenjima, Omen, SR, Ambuscade, CP, Delves, Dynamis Wave 1-2, UNM, Odyssey, there's ALOT of content in the game that can be done without an optimal setup people won't even try.
I actually find it rare that people wait for a geo + bard + rdm. For support it's usually just COR + GEO, both are common jobs that are pretty easy to find. That gives you a tank, healer, 2x DD, 2x Buffer for a standard party that can do Omen and most other non-alliance content.
Given this format, I wouldn't drop a buffer (particularly a geo) for a bst. A bst can offer -25 att/deff, or -33deff/-10% max hp and KI (KI not being relevant in Omen and a lot of other content). But bst debut + damage isn't replacing a Geo or Cor, it makes them viable for the DD slot though.
Edit: Also "Beatific Shield +1" has no real value for any job that wears malignance unless you are constantly being dispelled or don't have access to Shell V.
Shell V is 29MDT, make gear sets accordingly
If Correlation exists, Bst can also provide a massive damage boost with Killer Instinct, in addition to the -33% Def/Attack, -10% HP by swapping pets. BSt damage can also be very very high with a proper master set, not sure what led you to believe otherwise.
Beatific Shield helps a ton, when you're in pet DT gear, your own DT is not capped, and even with Pangu, which single handedly caps your MDT with Shell V, you often swap to Aymur for a ready maneuver and its very easy to get hit by an Aoe during that time and die. You spend a lot of time in swaps on BST and in my opinion they are far more at risk at getting hit by things mid swap than most jobs. Beatific Shield is literally free as it gives you the HQ for doing the RoE. There are also tons of scenarios where you may not have Shell V or it gets dispelled. Especially if low manning with a Pup or Smn. Malignance is for the magic evasion and STP, Pangu + Beatific + Ambuscade Cape nearly caps PDT and MDT on its own. Most people play pet jobs like pussies.
By Shichishito 2020-07-20 16:13:31
Being that rdm/blu/brd/cor are their own buffers, yeah, but you likely do more damage with your own ~5 step than letting her 1k damage in
(and gain quadruple ayames damage with shantotto II grabbing all the bursts) i could be wrong but i think most jobs don't have access to all lvl 2 elements. in BLUs case you'd have to incorporate stuff like burning blade/red lotus blade -> circle blade/vorpal blade or chain affinity + thrashing assault (cooldown) into a longer multistep light sc. for darkness you'd have to deal with requiescat.
in the BLU + ayame example you only deal with BLUs 3 strongest weaponskills, 2 of them greatly benefit of TP overflow.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Asura.Epigram 2020-07-20 16:30:13
Quote: If Correlation exists, Bst can also provide a massive damage boost with Killer Instinct, in addition to the -33% Def/Attack, -10% HP by swapping pets. BSt damage can also be very very high with a proper master set, not sure what led you to believe otherwise.
I would say it's a solid boost +15% DT/Dmg + 33% DMG down etc... is great and all but it doesn't help when it isn't active (every omen boss, dyna etc...) it also doesn't at all compete with a GEO. Like I said before, bst is a competent DD with the buffs it gets, it is not a competent buffer.
Quote: Beatific Shield helps a ton, when you're in pet DT gear, your own DT is not capped, and even with Pangu, which single handedly caps your MDT with Shell V, you often swap to Aymur for a ready maneuver and its very easy to get hit by an Aoe during that time and die. You spend a lot of time in swaps on BST and in my opinion they are far more at risk at getting hit by things mid swap than most jobs. Beatific Shield is literally free as it gives you the HQ for doing the RoE. There are also tons of scenarios where you may not have Shell V or it gets dispelled. Especially if low manning with a Pup or Smn. Malignance is for the magic evasion and STP, Pangu + Beatific + Ambuscade Cape nearly caps PDT and MDT on its own.
Shell V is extremely common, you pull out a trust and you have it. Malignance minus boots is 27 MDT (for skadi +1), Congratulations your capped with Shell V. BST given its roll as a DD shouldn't really be swapping axes that much either. It may have some use if you are playing gimp smn, but I'd rather just use smn for that content.
EDIT: Torque + D. Ring + M. Boots + Tathlum+1 will get you to capped DT w/o loosing TP (much better than using that shield).
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 103
By Phoenix.Oyama 2020-07-20 17:52:18
Quote: tachi: enpi -> Savage Blade/Expiacion -> Savage Blade -> tachi: kasha -> savage blade -> chant du cygne (got to be fast for last step)
(distortion -> fragmentation -> fusion -> light -> double light)
Yea, you can't close Fragmentation off of Distortion. SAM can follow the opening Disto with Kasha for Fusion, then Savage > CDC for Light > Light.
So Enpi > Expi/Savage > Kasha > Savage > CDC for Disto > Fusion > Light > Light.
I figure a thread like this might be useful for all the players who have powered their job to 99, but have almost no clue of the nuances and intricacies of particular jobs, other than the basics (and we all know that there are more than we'd like to admit).
I was inspired to make the thread from a post in another thread discussing the amount of 99 SMNs who have no clue about their job skills (like Support-Ward BPs).
You don't have to answer all the questions, but I guarantee there are people out there afraid to ask some without looking dumb. Preferably only about jobs you know through-and-through.
- What are some common mistakes you see new-to-job 99's make?
- What is a something you notice a lot of people aren't doing that they should?
- What piece of gear do you think a job absolutely needs to actually be useful, if any?
- What pisses you off more than anything about how some people play the job?
- etc.
Honestly, just use this as an opportunity to help or rant, it doesn't matter, because there will be nuggets of help throughout, I'm sure.