Post Valentines Day Massacre

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Post valentines day massacre
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-02-20 22:13:40  
Pantafernando said: »
Im not sure whats going on on this and the other thread anymore.

Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2020-02-21 02:58:45  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Yeah a "week" is a stretch but I'm not particularly focused on that finite period of time. Just stressing how incredibly easy it is to get right back up to speed in a relatively short time. It would not take a person "years" doing it the second time around. Especially if they are using multiple accounts. (BTW, multi-boxing is just roundabout RMT, just done officially, so whether someone buys 500M or uses 6 characters to farm that up in a few hours is ultimately the same thing).

I'm sorry but that's just generalization. Many people simply enjoy multiboxing, not for gil gains, but because it's whole other gameplay, pace and wider strategic approach.

When I said it would take years, I meant you get all char banned. Not one char and have 5 other bis ready to get your main back. Gearing 6 chars again, without buying gils and using tako/bot to farm 24h (because I hope you are not that stupid to do it again and get banned again before you even finish gearing up again), from new char, so you can start earning gils with 6 box mercing is A LOT of work. Then you have probably huge competition on Asura that's already geared better and mercing faster, so you would need to lower prices or something.

Shiva.Thorny said: »
You don't -NEED- to spend hundreds of hours of your life farming gil. You don't have to have 30 RMEA to play the game. You went full ****ing autism and attached value to all these things that isn't actually there.

Another generalization. I for example love to play many jobs (including DD overlap), because I like it. I like different WS animations, different mechanics, different strategic approach, different math behind. I don't really care what's needed to clear, I focus on gameplay.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-02-21 03:15:20  
SimonSes said: »
Many people simply enjoy multiboxing, not for gil gains, but because it's whole other gameplay, pace and wider strategic approach.

What I said about multiboxing wasn't a jab at multiboxers. Both can be true though.

A person may enjoy the playstyle, but they will benefit from the extra loot opportunities nonetheless, whether accidental or not. I just find it funny when people say "buying gil is dumb" but then you have people paying upwards of 100$ monthly (directly to SE) for more bites of the apple. It's not always just about gameplay, either. Why do you think people level aman trove mules and get reisenjima access on them for dm? Why do people buy ambu on mules when its cheap and sell the money made from mats? It may not have been the primary intention, but you're accomplishing the same thing in the end. The difference is, buying gil is a direct purchase and is frowned upon, but multiboxing for the same end goal is acceptable.
By 2020-02-21 03:25:36
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サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-02-21 03:36:02  
Well of course. But most multiboxers are not gearing all of them to be "elite". I would say that crowd is in the minority. It's more of people will focus on their main and get their subs to an acceptable content level, and then gradually spill over loot they don't need on main to their subs and then divert focus to them when the main is done with a job or whatever.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-02-21 03:36:41  
Gear is a one time purchase, but the gains are forever.

Sure a billion a piece upfront and then triple money for life basically.
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2020-02-21 03:42:54  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Well of course. But most multiboxers are not gearing all of them to be "elite". I would say that crowd is in the minority. It's more of people will focus on their main and get their subs to an acceptable content level, and then gradually spill over loot they don't need on main to their subs and then divert focus to them when the main is done with a job or whatever.

Definitely not a way I do it. I bis my alts even more than my main, because they has less jobs, so its easier to justify buying some niche bis gear for them, instead of throwing that gils on different job.
By Shichishito 2020-02-21 03:56:14  
i'm not sure if multiboxing is more acceptable, sure SE doesn't mind it cause they earn extra cash but multiboxing usually goes hand in hand with some form of automation/botting. the bot aspect aside, if you ask someone who doesn't multibox what he thinks about it he'll probably tell you its pay2win with extra steps which is usually looked down on.

even if you gear multiple chars you are still better of as a multiboxer cause you take a lot of randomness out of the equation, you get more use out of multiple drops of the same piece, you can tackle content at higher difficulty and therefor get better drop rates you safe a lot of time gathering ppl for events and activities always happen when you feel like doing them.
By Draylo 2020-02-21 03:57:12  
I find it more fun because I am always able to do something or work on something, I do see how it can negatively impact the game though. Especially now that I see tons of people 6 boxing, whereas when I started doing it, not many people did it and it was highly frowned upon.
By 2020-02-21 04:05:32
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Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2020-02-21 04:06:01  
Shichishito said: »
i'm not sure if multiboxing is more acceptable, sure SE doesn't mind it cause they earn extra cash but multiboxing usually goes hand in hand with some form of automation/botting. the bot aspect aside, if you ask someone who doesn't multibox what he thinks about it he'll probably tell you its pay2win with extra steps which is usually looked down on.

even if you gear multiple chars you are still better of as a multiboxer cause you take a lot of randomness out of the equation, you get more use out of multiple drops of the same piece, you can tackle content at higher difficulty and therefor get better drop rates you safe a lot of time gathering ppl for events and activities always happen when you feel like doing them.

Purists like you cant understand that 30+ years old people with kid and work wont gonna try to pug for hours and very often cant attend events because they cant spend full 2-4hours+ (I do it at night with my LS sacrificing sleep heavily) playing the game.

I bet your response will be, so stop playing FFXI and find more suitable game for your RL situation, on which I would kindly response with bad word :)
By Shichishito 2020-02-21 04:15:56  

srsly, every time i watch a youtube video or join voice chat on a multiplayer game and you hear a baby or small child cry in the background i cringe so hard.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1418
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-02-21 06:06:23  
Shichishito said: »
srsly, every time i watch a youtube video or join voice chat on a multiplayer game and you hear a baby or small child cry in the background i cringe so hard.

Grow up man-child
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2072
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2020-02-21 06:53:24  
Shichishito said: »

srsly, every time i watch a youtube video or join voice chat on a multiplayer game and you hear a baby or small child cry in the background i cringe so hard.

This meme was provided by the get no *** gang...
By Shichishito 2020-02-21 06:56:20  
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Grow up man-child
i think its much more important those ppl with children need to grow up cause they keep putting themselfs knowingly in situations where multiple tasks require their attention and inevitably one of them will end up neglected. unfortunately its the kids who end up with the short end of the stick way too often.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 576
By Asura.Meliorah 2020-02-21 07:10:10  
Shichishito said: »

srsly, every time i watch a youtube video or join voice chat on a multiplayer game and you hear a baby or small child cry in the background i cringe so hard.

Go home and raise someone else's child that is passed off as yours from your unfaithful *** of a wife be a family man.
By 2020-02-21 07:11:54
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Posts: 1346
By Mattelot 2020-02-21 07:16:37  
Odin.Senaki said: »
Do tell how this is possible

Don't sleep. Sleep is for the weak.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 576
By Asura.Meliorah 2020-02-21 07:21:18  
Mattelot said: »
Odin.Senaki said: »
Do tell how this is possible

Don't sleep. Sleep is for the weak.

That's why we have bots, so we can sleep and not skip a beat.
Posts: 1346
By Mattelot 2020-02-21 07:35:59  
Asura.Meliorah said: »
That's why we have bots, so we can sleep and not skip a beat.

Gotta keep it legit, man
By Shichishito 2020-02-21 07:57:22  
DirectX said: »
Sounds like you were neglected as a child and never got over it.
sorry if i hit a soft spot but if its the time of the day where you have to start a lengthy argument that usually shifts over to pointing out your "enemies" bad grammar befor it finally channels into boasting about your superior intellect then please stop right there, you've already won.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-02-21 08:01:09  
Shichishito said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Grow up man-child
i think its much more important those ppl with children need to grow up cause they keep putting themselfs knowingly in situations where multiple tasks require their attention and inevitably one of them will end up neglected. unfortunately its the kids who end up with the short end of the stick way too often.

Multitasking is possible. We with kids who enjoy video games can do both. Plus we have wives (spouses) or whatever, so we get time to play. Certainly not glued to the screen like we could when we were teenagers, but that's fine too. There's other things to do in life. I have many interests, and none of them interfere with the time I spend with my kids. It's called balance.

I think it's kind of funny when people who don't have children resort to the "DUDE GROW UP AND WATCH YOUR KIDS". That old stereotype that if you have kids and you're older you can't do other things is old and tired as hell. You're the last person to be telling someone that, since you don't have children and have not a clue how the parenting style of each family works. Also, just like it's physically impossible to be playing this game 24/7, you cannot watch your kids 24 hours a day. They move. They do things. They fall and hurt themselves at times. It's inevitable.

This whole "if you aint watchin yo kids dey gons be neglected and youza bad parent" narrative is whack. Netflix and Disney+ exists dude.
By 2020-02-21 08:39:32
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By 2020-02-21 08:41:33
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By Shichishito 2020-02-21 09:04:38  
i genuinely hope your child has a happy life and no reason to cry.
By 2020-02-21 09:12:06
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サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2428
By Shiva.Thorny 2020-02-21 09:13:13  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Netflix and Disney+ exists dude.

I was with you up until you basically called streaming a substitute parent.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1544
By Asura.Vienner 2020-02-21 09:15:44  
I started playing this game when I was pregnant of my son, and I still play it son now is 13, my daughter is 9. I always found playing an MMO a very difficult job to juggle along with having children and working more then fulltime.
It was in fact the easiest when they were just babies and when they went to preschool.
Now I have a teenager in the house that I want to keep away from MMO's and the likes as much as possible (cause I realise its addictive and I know what it is able to do with your life). I play less and less these days.
Tuesday is my game day cause my kids are off to school and I dont work, maybe I'll play some on saturdays mornings when they're at their sportclubs, but most of the time when I'm logged in on ffxi....I'm playing the afk game standing at the AH.
...Seriously I should just quit and find me a nice offline game.

You can be a good parent and play an MMO, but you can be a bad parent also. On the other hand you can be paying attention to your kids 24/7 and still suck at being a parent.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-02-21 09:37:34  
Shiva.Thorny said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Netflix and Disney+ exists dude.

I was with you up until you basically called streaming a substitute parent.

That last sentence was meant to be taken as a troll comment anyways lol.

But man, once they hit a certain age that's ALL they want to do. Can't be at the park during the winter, and cleaning up toys nonstop gets old after the fourteenth time in a day. So they gonna get this Peppa Pig or Daniel Tiger for a an hour so daddy can get play some ffxi in.

And whoever is pretending they aren't using TV or other distractions to entertain their kids at times to get a break, you either do not have kids of your own or are a damn lie

edit: Man teenagers. No chance I can keep playing games with them at that age.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2428
By Shiva.Thorny 2020-02-21 09:41:57  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
And whoever is pretending they aren't using TV or other distractions to entertain their kids at times to get a break, you either do not have kids of your own or are a damn lie

I don't have kids, and won't have kids, because I'm too selfish to put that much work and money into someone who's likely going to be rude and ungrateful to me for the first 20 years.

That said, there are all sorts of studies indicating free access to TV and smartphones is skyrocketing depression rates. The era of instant gratification devalues experiences that were once worthwhile, and it's a worldwide problem. So, there's a lot of reason to strike a balance even if you can't entirely eliminate it from their lives.
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