Finally Releasing This Addon; GearInfo

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Finally releasing this addon; GearInfo
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-05-02 02:08:45  
I don't really do the discord thing. Just checking out the lua and since I happen to be awake, giving feedback.

I know that it was given the march messages in the previous versions. and that you fixed the red/white color mismatch for over/under.

another thing noticed;

//gi show dt > readout says "show total acc true"

Total haste is showing 610/820 instead of the previous #/1024 as well
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-02 02:50:40  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
I don't really do the discord thing. Just checking out the lua and since I happen to be awake, giving feedback.

I know that it was given the march messages in the previous versions. and that you fixed the red/white color mismatch for over/under.

another thing noticed;

//gi show dt > readout says "show total acc true"

Total haste is showing 610/820 instead of the previous #/1024 as well

fixed all the above, except the #/1024 thing, because the overall cap for haste is of 820 (80%). pushed the commit.

also wouldnt worry too much about the display. im doing a hudge rework of it so its goin bye bye. the new display wont show the possible total. i.e. 100/1024, the /1024 is goin. it will just be a text colour change to red when passed the cap.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-02 05:26:36  

that image is just a mock up example, i doubt the final product will look like that. Also im coding it so thats its dynamic, meaning blocks will be able to be turned on and off and the layout will change based on whats showing.
as for the calculating attack rate for ws frequency, i dont see the use tbh. this isnt meant to be a dps calculator, maybe eventually in the distant future. but theres no point, theres already addons out there that track your dps etc and i dont see how showing that would help, especially on jobs like sam where you cant effectively WS fast enough to actually WS at 1k tp everytime. im looking for accurately represented values that can be used in other code, calculating WS frequency is a "best guess" senario imho and doesnt really help achieve anything.
i am however goin to be adding a hit rate parser to it. ive been asked for it by close friends and i can see the use of that, making it easyer to judge if you need to change accuracy tiers or not.
anyway, i hope you understand what im trying to convey, and i hope it doesnt come across ***-ish (i always worry i do when putting down other peoples ideas).
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-05 13:34:48  
bit of an update

until the windower devs fix the get_extents() function for textboxes i cant centre the texts effectively,
but this is entirely dynamicly created
i set each block an order (priority order if you will)
and it means i can then delete the block and add a new block, and all the blocks will shift
its also dragable and all the blocks and text stay in place
the backgorund size (the dark background) changes based on the number of blocks shown
i use columns and rows to figure out which block is empty and fill it if there's a block available.
I can add as many blocks as i want and the number of columns will always be 4, so the addon display wil not shift width, only the height will change based on the number of blocks created.
I had to create my own library / class for image creation.

I'm currently coding this in a separate addon until it works like i want. then ill add it to GearInfo.

edit : got a reply regarding the function and i now have it all centred.

サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-05 21:08:51  
update '' - Display Overhaul

Updated Display
added new folder "textures"
added new lua file image_processing to handle dynamic display
added Martial Arts calculations (like for DW)
added new "show" functions
- stp, dw, ma (eg. //gi show dw)
changed default font to 'Tahoma' (made it non-changeable)


edit : UI scaling apparently messes with the text's centre. Nothing i can do about that for now
edit 2 : i re-released it to fix a small issue. so if you grabbed it already before this post, then get it again. sory
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-06 03:14:46  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Is there no Martial Arts "needed" option? like DW

Trying to Scroll up with //gi help crashes etc

Added in latest version. Thank you for the suggestion.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2950
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-05-06 20:21:24  
I'm just now trying this addon out. It's pretty neat. Can save me a fair bit of time totaling up various stats in my sets. I especially appreciate the PDT/DT sections for tank jobs. I'm already noticing weak spots I'd overlooked in some of my sets. I'd also be interested in seeing support for enmity+/- and magic evasion and MDB. And possibly other stats in the future.

Now, a few things I wanted to point out.

MDT augments. In every case where it's ever actually been tested, augment based MDT has also applied to breath damage. So for example a -5% MDT dark ring technically gives you -5% BDT as well. And a -6% MDT, -6% BDT augmented dark ring would give you a total of -12% BDT.

This being the case, I think it'd make sense to have the addon account for this when totaling BDT. However, I can also see this potentially confusing the ***outta people who aren't familiar with this mechanic. And it might get you some mistaken bug reports.

I also note that the addon doesn't account for the effects of shell when calculating MDT. Not necessarily an issue, as people generally know how much MDT is needed with shell but I think it'd be nice if it would show how much over the cap you are with shell up.

That said, there are a number of variables involving shell which could make adding support a bit involved. Shell received enhancing gear gear like Sheltered Ring or Brachyura Earring, and then there's the more difficult to account for Shellra V merits and it's relic enhancement. Which would essentially have to use the same 'known player' mechanics as GEO buffs.

And finally, it seems it doesn't account for a few forms of JA haste. Those being Spirit Surge, the DRG SP1, and the wyvern parameter bonus to JA haste. See this page for details. Coding for the wyvern bonus should be possible, but I think it would be much more difficult than say simple buff handling.

IF you have any specific questions about the DRG stuff I'd be glad to answer them.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-07 04:26:45  

Very valuable information Martel thank you. I'm not quiet finished adding all the buffs i want to track to GI. My pattern has been pick a job and add all of its buffs (if possible). I havnt gotten round to shell and what not, i wanted to do all the biggest and main uses first. And yeah for most cases ill have to get the user to input a "known person" for said job, like WHM and merits. Unfortunatly i didnt even look at DRG, technically havnt looked at SMN yet either, i only added garudas hastaga. My issue is i need access to a character with the job so i can test my code thoroughly. i now do have access to a proper SMN, so a wide aray of their buffs will be added at some point when i have time.
In regards to BDT, i knew about the dark rings working like you mentioned but i had no idea this applied to all augments of MDT. I am very tempted to add this, although id have to change a bit of code for it and how i parse each item. might take a while to add in but its a valuable idea.
I appreciate you taking the time to check the addon out and that its actually had some use for you. I know you are a veteran player thats been around for a long time, and ive seen a lot of your research in the game mechanics department, so your opinion / information holds weight for me.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2018-05-08 12:49:49  
Only Dark Rings work like that I believe.

edit: I wus wrong as f
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2018-05-08 12:58:34  
I just downloaded the most recent update, it's detecting erratic flutter as 15%
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-08 12:59:35  
is it something that is testable? like having a blue mage use breaths in pvp or something. is 1000 needles considered a breath type move. It would be nice to have definite answers for this.
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2018-05-08 13:01:00  
Oops I was just about to change my note on erratic: it's actually fine as 307 for some reason very first one i cast after setting it up came up as 150, but it's working fine now.

Easy test i guess could be doing that breath thing aganist someone using normal adhemar body vs adhemar body D (mdt4 aug)
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-08 13:01:52  
Boshi said: »
I just downloaded the most recent update, it's detecting erratic flutter as 15%

ive had some reports of occasionally buffs not getting tracked correctly, and recasting them fixes it. Its odd cos i havnt touched that code.

It could also be packet loss from the action packet, since thats where i get what spell is being cast
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-08 13:05:53  
Boshi said: »
Easy test i guess could be doing that breath thing aganist someone using normal adhemar body vs adhemar body D (mdt4 aug)

The important factor here is using a spell that does the exact same damage every time you use it, so that the test is accurate. which is 1000 needles would be the perfect test if it is concidered as breath damage.

otherwise if i remember my mechanics correctly, there is a cap to spell damage. like if u cast fire 1 on a lvl 1 mob with a fixed set of gear that doesnt change, the damage will be the same everytime (unless resisted, i assume 5% chance, or if it crits). so maybe it could be testing against another player who is of very low level. but then the difficulty is finding gear with MDT augments for those low levels.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Brahk
Posts: 29
By Asura.Brahk 2018-05-08 13:34:16  
Really great job! Just downloaded this and am enjoying playing around with it thus far.

Quick question: I see there is a command to hide the window, however, when I type //gi hide I just get a long list of all commands that gearinfo offers, same as if I just typed //gi. Perhaps I am overlooking something, but thought I would ask for clarification. Thank you.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-08 13:36:42  
Asura.Brahk said: »
Really great job! Just downloaded this and am enjoying playing around with it thus far.

Quick question: I see there is a command to hide the window, however, when I type //gi hide I just get a long list of all commands that gearinfo offers, same as if I just typed //gi. Perhaps I am overlooking something, but thought I would ask for clarification. Thank you.

yes sory, i just released the new display and havnt actually added the feature to show hide the whole thing. you can show / hide pieces as described in the help text, but not the logo yet. I will amend this soon.

EDIT Also just to remind people of my Discord channel where you can get help on the fly and speak to me live if you want to, aswell as other things not necessarily GearInfo related
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Brahk
Posts: 29
By Asura.Brahk 2018-05-08 13:40:06  
Odin.Ewellina said: »
Asura.Brahk said: »
Really great job! Just downloaded this and am enjoying playing around with it thus far.

Quick question: I see there is a command to hide the window, however, when I type //gi hide I just get a long list of all commands that gearinfo offers, same as if I just typed //gi. Perhaps I am overlooking something, but thought I would ask for clarification. Thank you.

yes sory, i just released the new display and havnt actually added the feature to show hide the whole thing. you can show / hide pieces as described in the help text, but not the logo yet. I will amend this soon.

EDIT Also just to remind people of my Discord channel where you can get help on the fly and speak to me live if you want to, aswell as other things not necessarily GearInfo related

Thank you very much. Appreciate the confirmation. Again, fantastic job!
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2018-05-08 13:58:23  
blue *breath spell damage is directly proportional to the caster's current HP so it -should- be consistently same # barring elemental day bonus.

side note:
an addition for the acc parameter that's very common, Aggressor = +25accuracy (all gear/merits only add duration or lower evasion penalty so you don't have to worry about variance)

サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-08 14:02:24  
Boshi said: »
blue spell damage is directly proportional to the caster's current HP so it -should- be consistently same # barring elemental day bonus.

side note:
an addition for the acc parameter that's very common, Aggressor = +25accuracy (all gear/merits only add duration or lower evasion penalty so you don't have to worry about variance)

nice thankyou, will add that soon.
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-05-08 14:05:24  
Odin.Ewellina said: »
Boshi said: »
Easy test i guess could be doing that breath thing aganist someone using normal adhemar body vs adhemar body D (mdt4 aug)

The important factor here is using a spell that does the exact same damage every time you use it, so that the test is accurate. which is 1000 needles would be the perfect test if it is concidered as breath damage.

otherwise if i remember my mechanics correctly, there is a cap to spell damage. like if u cast fire 1 on a lvl 1 mob with a fixed set of gear that doesnt change, the damage will be the same everytime (unless resisted, i assume 5% chance, or if it crits). so maybe it could be testing against another player who is of very low level. but then the difficulty is finding gear with MDT augments for those low levels.

I believe that both versions of 1000 Needles that we have access to (BLU and BST jugpet) are not breath damage. BLU does have a lot of actual breath spells (though I think they are affected by monster correlation in addition to normal day/weather type things, so needs to be taken into account,) Ifrit's Conflag Strike is breath damage, there're WS like Spirits Within or using an actual DRG Wyvern's breath maybe?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2950
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-05-08 14:13:23  
Boshi said: »
Only Dark Rings work like that I believe.
It's not just dark rings. It's literally what I said. In every case that breath damage has actually been tested using an MDT augment, the MDT has also affected breath damage.

There haven't been all that many tests, so I'd understand a reluctance to assume they all do. But it's certainly more than just dark rings.

Odin.Ewellina said: »
Boshi said: »
Easy test i guess could be doing that breath thing aganist someone using normal adhemar body vs adhemar body D (mdt4 aug)

The important factor here is using a spell that does the exact same damage every time you use it, so that the test is accurate. which is 1000 needles would be the perfect test if it is concidered as breath damage.

otherwise if i remember my mechanics correctly, there is a cap to spell damage. like if u cast fire 1 on a lvl 1 mob with a fixed set of gear that doesnt change, the damage will be the same everytime (unless resisted, i assume 5% chance, or if it crits). so maybe it could be testing against another player who is of very low level. but then the difficulty is finding gear with MDT augments for those low levels.
The blue magic 1k needles spell is magic dmg. But in any case, most breath attacks, like most spells, deal very stable damage. Randomness won't be much of an issue here.

Better to just test vs a mob with a tendency to use breath attacks.

A good breath dmg testing method is to use Balaur in Abyssea Tahrongi Abyssea - Konschtat.(I derped on the zone for a bit there) This NMs spams nothing but breaths for its TP moves. Get a base sample for each type of breath, then try again with the MDT aug.

If this isn't addressed by the time I get home I can do a few quick tests.

People think of some gear with MDT augs I can test. I'm having trouble thinking of many.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-08 15:36:24  
["en"]="Vanya Robe", -- The whole set i think.
            [1]="Healing magic skill +20", 
            [2]="\"Cure\" spellcasting time -7%", 
            [3]="Magic dmg. taken -3"
["en"]="Floral Gauntlets",
            [3]="\"Triple Atk.\"+3", 
            [4]="Magic dmg. taken -4%", 
["en"]="Buremte Gloves",
            [2]="Phys. dmg. taken -2%", 
            [3]="Magic dmg. taken -2%", 
            [4]="\"Fast Cast\"+3", 

odyssean armor set
Thats all ive got personally
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2950
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-05-08 16:01:52  
I should be able to test the Vanya set, I think I have the whole set B path augmented on my mule. There's 1% DT on the body, but I can account for that. I think I have some Floral gloves but not sure on augs. I'm not at all sure what augment my Buremte gloves have atm...

I'll look through my gear when I get home as well. Man I've got a lot of potential tests lined up.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-08 16:21:00  
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
I should be able to test the Vanya set, I think I have the whole set B path augmented on my mule. There's 1% DT on the body, but I can account for that. I think I have some Floral gloves but not sure on augs. I'm not at all sure what augment my Buremte gloves have atm...

I'll look through my gear when I get home as well. Man I've got a lot of potential tests lined up.

HAHAHA excellent
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2950
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-05-08 18:02:24  
Just a heads up. GearInfo is registering 'Luopan: Damage taken' as player DT. Making a separate thing for pet DT/PDT might be cool, but they def shouldn't mix like that.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2950
By Ragnarok.Martel 2018-05-08 19:06:48  
Some testing on MDT augments and their effects on breath damage.

Martel was the TP feeder and control target, with 0 BDT or DT equipped.
Arduwyn was the test target, with no DT(unless otherwise noted) and no BDT.

Log data
Kparser paste.
Some of this data may prove interesting to anyone interested in the exact x/256 values of these augments.

Anyway. I feel that it's fairly reasonably to believe at this point that MDT augments working on Breath damage is a global mechanic. While there may possibly be exceptions, none have yet been shown.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-05-08 19:13:42  
I also did testing in 2014~ with WKR augments and Skirmish gear that showed all of it's MDT augments also counted for BDT. I was trying to find the old post I did on it but AH forum search sucks.

Very nice Martel.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-05-08 19:57:45  
Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Just a heads up. GearInfo is registering 'Luopan: Damage taken' as player DT. Making a separate thing for pet DT/PDT might be cool, but they def shouldn't mix like that.

***, will look at it.
EDIT will be fixed in next update, already fixed it in mine.
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