There is very little, if anything in this game I cant cap acc on with calad now. I havent seen my rag numbers even come close to calad for awhile now. I only use rag when I dont have adequate buffs anymore which is rare. my calad low acc base set I think hovers at 1180 right now. Add in endark+hasso your right at 1210, food brings you to 1320. Thats a pretty good 'low acc' start, and if you can get vorseals thats like +200 acc right there, add in any form of buffs and its not hard to break 1700 which caps on almost anything at this point. Then we get cool 5 mins (or longer) abs-acc if you really need for another +60. Drks in a very good place atm.
You're 59 acc higher than I am with Calad on a "low" acc set so the only way I could match that right now, with what I have is by swapping in Rag or by sacrificing gear that would probably push Rag ahead if I was using that instead. I'm still lacking some high acc pieces such as utu grip, and my argosy +1 is all auged for my reso set. Like I said I would prefer not to sacrifice DS drain 3 for absorb-acc if I can help it and I doubt I'm going 1/1 unresisted
on abs-acc without DS on the level of content I would need that acc for. As I progress and attain some better acc pieces I'm sure I'll feel more comfortable using Calad on the highest tier but until then Rag is a safer bet.
Also I have to ask but maybe your Rag numbers haven't come close because you only use it when you don't have adequate buffs? They seem a lot more even than I would have thought before I made Calad which could partially be down to my gear not quite getting the most out of it. Not trying to start an argument on which is better, both are amazing but they are a lot more even in my (limited) experience of using both than people on either side of the fence will have you believe. I will take your word for it though as you've been using the weapon a lot longer than I have and obviously have the gear to push Calad ahead. Also I agree DRK is in a great place right now.