Having Fomalnaut equipped will override Last Stand Merits on whatever set it equipped to and make sure its getting a 85% agi mod/let it actually show Last Stand DMG if for some reason you have 0 LS merits.
Shiva.Arislan added like 40~ new pieces. Most of them are side grades or stuff for up and coming CORs :)
- Nibura Gun - Propper check was added to give its +20 Barrage Accuracy bonus.
- Compensator - Proper check was added to give its 10% Triple Shot bonus.
I deleted most none iLvl gear with a few exceptions because they were BiS or had pretty good stats for things like Quick Draw TP sets or Snapshot Builds.
- Please let me know if there is something that should of been left that is not there anymore.
I didn't delete anything that involved set bonus because I want to remove the code for it too.
I deleted some iLVL stuff if it was really old and multiple Ranks were listed. All of that gear is super cheap to R15 now.
Schutzen hands now give their TP Bonus to the listed value in the QD sheet.
I had shifted the stats of the last 7 feet in the gear sheet up one row. No one probably noticed because the last 7 feet are mostly useless but it is fixed now and some are deleted now anyway.