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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
Looks like a good DT piece for getting hit and probably a DT TP piece on some jobs. No Haste or SIRD makes it hard to argue for utsu midcast or something.
I use Adamantite on a few spell midcasts that take up a lot of major slots for potency enhancements, like stoneskin or aquaveil(Neither of these have a potency+ body), etc. Or for some SIRD midcasts where the SIRD gear has left me with uncapped DT and not many places to put more in. It brings DT up to a good level even when you've only got a few slots left to work with.
Despite it being defensively strong there's very little I use it for on tank jobs. No Enmity, no SIRD, no Refresh. Lower tier meva... I do have it in a fully physical focused PLD Tank set, and a MDB focused RUN set I use for some Sortie bosses. I don't really like it much for most mage job idle sets. No refresh, and Empy+3 has often really good meva refresh, and sometimes even DT for mage jobs. Not very appealing for hybrid sets either, as it has virtually nothing going for it offensively. Yeah I've used on several midcast sets where I wanted to cap DT. Allowed me to reach the cap with a lower number of slots, granting me more freedom to equip other stuff in the gained slots.
Would be awesome for my Phalanx midcast sets too, if only I didn't need the slot for Phalanx+ body =/ Would use it on some GEO DT sets too if I didn't have Shamash, but I do, so meh. DT TP piece for some jobs? What are you thinking? The lack of haste or other additional stats didn't make it look a better option than R25+ Nyame for me. Granted that the additional HP, VIT and Def could make it a nice option on some stuff like Ngai where you want to get as much physical def as possible, supposing you can cap Haste without that. I'm sure there's plenty of other stuff I can't think of right now where I could use it and it's exactly why I asked for ideas lol xD Adventuring fellows are worthless right? Just want to make sure before I chuck my pearls
They're inferior trusts, so they'll die to anything worth a damn, especially since they aren't ilvl. They made them as the foundation to actual trusts so they aren't worth using nowadays (they have basic stats with like no meva or dt).
I could be misremembering, though, but I recall using my adventuring fellow + a BST jug pet before trusts came out, which was fun to have a little party of 3. I'm sure there's no practical use for a fellow now, but I think you can have an even bigger personal army: 1 pet (depending on the job), 1 fellow*, 5 trusts. I'm also unsure if trusts will buff and heal a fellow or completely ignore them. * Pretty sure adventurer fellow takes a party slot
To the trash these pearls go then! Thanks!
To the trash these pearls go then! Thanks!
Asura.Sechs said: » Pretty sure adventurer fellow takes a party slot Trusts don't interact with the Fellow at all. No healing, not even from Monberaux. They don't even benefit from Cornelia's haste aura as far as I can tell... but that's sketchy because the windower lua tools to interact with the Adventuring Fellow are nearly nonexistent, since nobody cares, but I tested it as best I could. They also don't scale like Trusts do post-99, and you can't summon them in Adoulin areas (or some other random areas that mostly don't matter), and... well, long story short, don't bother. I took mine to 90 to do all the limit breaks because I'm insane but there's zero functional reason to use them. Just inferior to Trusts in every way. Somebody in my LS asked if "Converts X% Dmg to MP" reduces actual damage taken. Nobody could recall ever seeing this tested or answered. My thought was X% would be calculated at the end of all other damage reduction and that amount would be added as MP. I didn't think it would affect dmg received at all. What are your thoughts?
LightningHelix said: » I took mine to 90 Wasn't the cap 99? And didn't they unlock additional ilevel stats once 99? I seemed to recall doing that to mine but uuhhh I could be misremembering, I'm not sure anymore lol. I have very fond memories of my Adventuring Fellow, farmed a GAZILION of special points (that you can use to unlock special looks, level ups etc) and I will never delete the special pearl for that reason, but I haven't been using them ever EVER EEEEEEEVER since they added trust. They're useless, just a very sweet memory I'm fond of, but nothing more. Adventuring fellows at 99 scale with the avg ilevel of your gear like trusts do, ever since the May 2015 update. Having said that, you still won't take one over trusts due to many other limitations.
Drayco said: » Somebody in my LS asked if "Converts X% Dmg to MP" reduces actual damage taken. Nobody could recall ever seeing this tested or answered. My thought was X% would be calculated at the end of all other damage reduction and that amount would be added as MP. I didn't think it would affect dmg received at all. What are your thoughts? It has never reduced damage taken, it just adds the % of the final damage back to your mp. Easy 1000 needles test but no need, it doesn't negate Does Erra Pendant "Absorb Effect +5%" do anything for absorb TP?
Asura.Bronzequadav said: » Does Erra Pendant "Absorb Effect +5%" do anything for absorb TP? No Yeah, the last LB is 90 (it was the LB to get to 95 but then they literally just went screw it, now it makes you get all the way to 99) so no more quests so I stopped caring :P
When would the next discount campaign be likely to happen again?
Between 8/10 and 8/17 give or take, aka 2 weeks
Asura.Clintbeastwood said: » I can't even imagine using slips regularly without porterpacker. PP also doesn't give a ***about slip names. does anyone have an updated version that incorporates slip 31 for the new Ark Angels gearz? interesting...
Back on june 7th (page 848) i had asked about help with getting mog safe quest to trigger. (Even being afk for a while.. its still a sad day to have to do that.) After some back and fourth with those that responded, and doing everything mentioned and still not getting it to trigger... i gave up for now in worrying about it. It didnt trigger after everything i tried. Not that day, not the next game day, not the next earth day.. etc. Today, aug 7th, 2 months later... i logged on to cash in log in points before they expired. I talked to Master Moogle and suddenly the quest triggered! I havnt done anything at all in that mules mh since stopping trying to get it to trigger. The only variable that changed was time. So i can only assume the quest not triggering was time related. Maybe changed to be longer again? It didnt trigger after a earth day or two but triggered after 2 months.. so somewhere in that time frame lol Didn't mog safe quests trigger on weekly conquest tally?
Edit: after checking, apparently it was changed in an update to have a very short trigger duration. So, I have no idea. Seraphpdh said: » Didn't mog safe quests trigger on weekly conquest tally? Seraphpdh said: » Edit: after checking, apparently it was changed in an update to have a very short trigger duration. So, I have no idea. I should have some other mules that need that quest as well, i can check on them. Ive been using /targetnpc to have my alts target the teleports on Odyssey and Sortie then manually interacting with each character. Is there a better way to go about this? If I could send a brief script to the 4 characters, I feel like I'd save some good time. Even if I had to do a new script/ macro for each specific movement that'd be fine.
Is there a table somewhere showing timings to keep Master Chains up?
The timings quite clearly are less lax than the ones for Experience Chains, but I couldn't find a table showing how much time you have to kill until the chain expires. Its ~30 seconds, though I'm not sure what # it floors at:
11:06:18Records of Eminence: Vanquish Multiple Enemies (Chain 25) 11:06:48Records of Eminence: Vanquish Multiple Enemies (Reset) I'm sure the timing start from something larger (like 60secs?) and then goes down bit by bit as the chain raises, until it reaches a cap (30 seconds maybe?)
This happens somewhere close to Master Chain #39? I guess. And from then onwards it probably stays like that. That sounds very small. If you reach the 30 seconds kill thing, you will run out of mobs because of repops in the majority of camps =/ |
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