The Days Of Pet PDT Build SE Officially Goodbye!

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The days of Pet PDT build SE Officially goodbye!
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Wilsor
Posts: 34
By Asura.Wilsor 2011-05-13 15:26:24  
Siren.Kunimatsu said:

/SCH for storm spells to activate +2 hands and pendant, not sure exactly how the hands halve perp cost (I heard somewhere it's not as straightforward as carby mitts but I could be wrong.)

Using sublimation and temps to keep MP up.

I think it's halved after all the other -perpetuation. Ex. 20MP to keep avatar out, you have -10perp, it will halve the remaining 10, so you'll have -15perpetuation instead of it being 20/2 - 10 for 0 perpetuation.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-05-13 15:51:31  
Bismarck.Guttler said:
I understand that. But the combined -pdt on SMNs gets them to 87-90ish from what I am reading on the SMN forums, since they changed it after the DG update.
They weren't going all out. DG 50% + WG 25% + zenith 10% + mke hat 10% + stout servant I 5% = -100% dt without natural pet pdt. It's actually what I used to test if -100% dt was possible on bst. So actually yeah don't technically need staff.

The problem of course comes from trying to maitain that without refresh atmas still getting bps in and oh yeah you can't reward your pets to heal it back up to keep it between 25-50% (well really more like 33-66%ish since zeniths + hp does weird things to activation points.) and well no regen to help counter the slip either. Also no provoke effect when it dies etc. Can dump zenith for staff but go down to only 90% mdt 93% with selenus. But yeah bst can go to 99 with that stout servant 2 af3 pants and shephards chain and still DW another axe and not worry about perp cost. Granted getting 100% mdt doesn't matter as much for smn usually since you can just chose an element that it's probably going to resist

Everyone keeps forgetting about Winged gloom since it's negative is so negative... especially now since they fixed it to work even if you get hp buff so now you are also chilling at 10% hp making it harder to help your pet out.

Also no I have no idea why +%hp lowers the activation percentages for you but raises it for your pets. It should either keep them the same or just lower than if it's using base hp. Nor do I get how +10% hp raises each point by a factor of 4/3. Friggin weird I say.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 247
By Bahamut.Sakurawr 2011-05-13 15:56:29  
Ment due to the amount of charmable families in Abyssea, you can basically just not die.
Also my quote button keeps failing.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-05-13 16:06:36  
Actually now that I think about it you could probably actually get full 100% mdt as well with carbuncle if you keep up Shining Ruby. Carbuncles favor would also help keep you alive... but not your pet though it's autoregen would help.

But lol soloing something with carbuncle.

Maybe diabolos if dreamshroud is MDT and not MDB. Phalanx would eat up the rest anyways
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phoenixe
Posts: 139
By Bismarck.Aena 2011-05-13 16:33:15  
Bismarck.Zagen said:
Bismarck.Aena said:
There's also the chance that someone in the group offering to help will "Call for Help" on the NM when they get in; our server has had instances of this before, broadcasted in Port Jeuno shouts even, despite it often meaning even more wasted time with camping competition. I don't blame anyone on Bismarck for not accepting help after listening to any of that. :/

Hmm must not happen from 6pm to 1am Mon-Fri or 9am to 1am Sat/Sun as those are the times I might be in game and I've never seen these shouts while in Port Jueno. Or maybe this was a 1-2 time thing because I've never seen or even heard of said shouts/cries. I don't doubt someone could/would do this I just doubt it is common in any sense.
I never said it was common, only that we've had instances of it. Hearing about it or having an LSmate or party member blab about having it happen to whoever is enough to make people a bit wary. I think having a white, lime green, black, and possibly even navy blue linkpearl overhead now are probably cause for caution.

Did you at least catch the shouting some days ago about how loyal a particular infamous Elvaan female on our server is to a certain "crazy sexy cool" linkshell with NIN leader who was completely shocked Strange was "not being very nice" in his shouts? Maybe I'm in Port Jeuno at different times. :/

(For clarification and topic relevance, though, I don't care about BSTs soloing NMs so much as being able to reach 100% dt-. Can do the regen stuff, can waste my time and I'll get over it, but if it doesn't feel like there's something wrong with having invincibility in any form in *this* game without a sizable cost or limited duration like Primeval Brews, then I'm not sure what to say. Can spam items and regen atma all you want and we'll just deal with finding another plan for the evening like if any other duo or low-man group were monopolizing an NM.)
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Zagen
Posts: 395
By Bismarck.Zagen 2011-05-13 16:45:53  
Bismarck.Aena said:
I never said it was common, only that we've had instances of it. Hearing about it or having an LSmate or party member blab about having it happen to whoever is enough to make people a bit wary. I think having a white, lime green, black, and possibly even navy blue linkpearl overhead now are probably cause for caution.

Did you at least catch the shouting some days ago about how loyal a particular infamous Elvaan female on our server is to a certain "crazy sexy cool" linkshell with NIN leader who was completely shocked Strange was "not being very nice" in his shouts? Maybe I'm in Port Jeuno at different times. :/

Haha oh man I have a blueish purple pearl >.> well one of the ones I tote around. Though I think I know the blue pearl you might be referencing well I know a player with navy blue pearl who is annoying my friend and i doing bri pops whenever we're on.

That sounds familiar but I might be thinking of a dif shout, probably sit in jeuno during different times.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Zoltar
Posts: 300
By Bahamut.Zoltar 2011-05-13 22:37:57  
:waits for SE to reduce DipperYuly's evasion:
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Minipie
Posts: 842
By Lakshmi.Emanuelle 2011-05-13 23:01:38  
anyone noticed how ironclads heals bst pets to full hp with arm canons and other abilities? its a glitch, im surprised that no1 mentioned here before
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-05-13 23:21:18  
Siren.Kunimatsu said:

I felt a great disturbance in the Force… as if millions of BST suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

lol amazing
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Siren.Neurot 2011-05-14 01:41:19  
I say take the PDT exploit way. I like the danger, it's what drew me to the job. Fighting mobs, alone, that can at any moment wreck you is half the fun of Beastmaster. I hate sitting 15 yalms back pumping food into my pet... it's effing boring. I soloed Beastmaster 1 to 77 and I avoided bomb camps at all cost because of that. I like fighting with my pet, using my "murder your face pet atk+" axes. Flailing them around at the end of my lanky elvaan arms. Not just having them sitting on my hips while NN and Yuly do all the work. I know it is not always the case, but a lot of times it is in abyssea.

Don't get me wrong the PDT, EVA, and MDT axes are wicked sweet, but 100%... that's pure silliness. It's things like that making all these jackass, abyssea-burned, BST pop up over the place causing all this bitching. Not saying I'm a greatest Beastmaster(far from it), but I know my limits.

I totally agree with Wolfpack in that I really miss charming mobs. I think one of the real skills to Beastmaster was bringing down big NM's with a zoo you had to convert to EM.(w/o misscharms, aggro, and links) But hey, that's just me. I'm just a guy how loves Beastmasterzzz. And I would never get into a nasty solo fight, that took forever, during peak hours, with people wait for me to finish. I certainly would never turn down help... that's how you make friends in FFXI.

|\ /|
m -0.o- m
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 201
By Leviathan.Gotterdammerung 2011-05-14 02:20:38  
#1 Can't really say much about BST's QQing when the whole reason this is even getting nerfed is that a buncha normy's QQ'd first...

#2 It doesn't take a good geared bst very long to solo this crap so i dont know why u feel the need to act like its an eternity. Most fights take 10-15 minutes some harder ones take 30 and like 1 or 2 take an hour. Also, this logic that because u can do these nms in 10-15 minutes then you are getting your stuff faster is kinda flawed. Even if it takes me an hour to kill sumthin, i can be 100% through with that NM in a few hours worth of play. Most groups and shells wont complete everyones needs from an NM in just a few hours. I dont get my pace slowed down because sumone doesnt show up. I dont get slowed down by having to fight sumthing i dont need anything from. You might be able to kill stuff faster but in the end, im getting stuff faster.

#3 BST will never stop soloing stuff. We will always find a way to do it. so by QQing and getting more and more nerfs thrown our way all you do is force us to spend more and more resources towards pulling off the solo and less towards offense.
This inevitably increases our solo time wich in turn hurts you, so keep it up.

#4 This was never much of an exploit. We have always had to play by the rules of "our pet is a monster." there are times when this has helped us and times when it has hindered us. The pdt and mdt cap is a player cap not a monster cap. If we have to deal with the downsides of our pet being a monster and not a player, then what is wrong with reaping the benefits of this state.

For those of you who are completely lost here is some examples of monster rules applied to bst pets that hinder play.
A. Can not be the target of player buffs and cures n such.
B. Monster AI that causes pet to switch targets uncontrollably based on current hate (this leads to uncontrollably losing claim, wich leads to a stolen target).

And here is the one example of this being a benefit
A. Monsters dont have a cap on any stats.

If you want to take away the one benefit of our pet being a monster then its only right we get the downsides taken away as well.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-05-14 02:29:33  
You forgot being a lower lvl, not subject to cruor buffs. Not affected by most non targetted buffs either like AOE stuff or even avatars favor go figure. Can't TA. The list goes on and on

Even less obvious ones like being able to get utsesmi to mitigate dmg or of have awesome crit ws to deal more or actually do a move when it has tp instead of having to wait for tp AND a timer.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Zagen
Posts: 395
By Bismarck.Zagen 2011-05-14 02:32:55  
Leviathan.Gotterdammerung said:
#2 It doesn't take a good geared bst very long to solo this crap so i dont know why u feel the need to act like its an eternity. Most fights take 10-15 minutes some harder ones take 30 and like 1 or 2 take an hour. Also, this logic that because u can do these nms in 10-15 minutes then you are getting your stuff faster is kinda flawed. Even if it takes me an hour to kill sumthin, i can be 100% through with that NM in a few hours worth of play. Most groups and shells wont complete everyones needs from an NM in just a few hours. I dont get my pace slowed down because sumone doesnt show up. I dont get slowed down by having to fight sumthing i dont need anything from. You might be able to kill stuff faster but in the end, im getting stuff faster.
Good luck procing Yellow/Red/Blue !!s at the same rate a party of 3-4 people can. What takes you a "few hours" will take a team that can proc much less time.

Leviathan.Gotterdammerung said:
For those of you who are completely lost here is some examples of monster rules applied to bst pets that hinder play.
A. Can not be the target of player buffs and cures n such.
B. Monster AI that causes pet to switch targets uncontrollably based on current hate (this leads to uncontrollably losing claim, wich leads to a stolen target).

And here is the one example of this being a benefit
A. Monsters dont have a cap on any stats.

If you want to take away the one benefit of our pet being a monster then its only right we get the downsides taken away as well.
Pets can have a damage bonus natively. Players can't.

Also monster stats are capped by their level just like players >.> Check out the wiki pages on Greater Colibri among other monsters you'll see they have fixed stats just like we do.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 201
By Leviathan.Gotterdammerung 2011-05-14 02:52:58  
Bismarck.Zagen said:
Leviathan.Gotterdammerung said:
#2 It doesn't take a good geared bst very long to solo this crap so i dont know why u feel the need to act like its an eternity. Most fights take 10-15 minutes some harder ones take 30 and like 1 or 2 take an hour. Also, this logic that because u can do these nms in 10-15 minutes then you are getting your stuff faster is kinda flawed. Even if it takes me an hour to kill sumthin, i can be 100% through with that NM in a few hours worth of play. Most groups and shells wont complete everyones needs from an NM in just a few hours. I dont get my pace slowed down because sumone doesnt show up. I dont get slowed down by having to fight sumthing i dont need anything from. You might be able to kill stuff faster but in the end, im getting stuff faster.
Good luck procing Yellow/Red/Blue !!s at the same rate a party of 3-4 people can. What takes you a "few hours" will take a team that can proc much less time.

Leviathan.Gotterdammerung said:
For those of you who are completely lost here is some examples of monster rules applied to bst pets that hinder play.
A. Can not be the target of player buffs and cures n such.
B. Monster AI that causes pet to switch targets uncontrollably based on current hate (this leads to uncontrollably losing claim, wich leads to a stolen target).

And here is the one example of this being a benefit
A. Monsters dont have a cap on any stats.

If you want to take away the one benefit of our pet being a monster then its only right we get the downsides taken away as well.
Pets can have a damage bonus natively. Players can't.

Also monster stats are capped by their level just like players >.> Check out the wiki pages on Greater Colibri among other monsters you'll see they have fixed stats just like we do.

im talking about things like haste crit rate pdt mdt ect. why would i be talking about things that dont even cap for players.

And as for yellow, I have find out wich element it is and have a friend come grab it in 5 minutes or i pimp out the stuff i know i dont want in exchange for a yellow tag along. And even if i didnt have that luxury, by the time u factor in gather time (might include shout time), and the time it takes for you to 100% complete your group, and the time waiting for multiple peoples schedules to sync up, and the time fighting stuff u dont need just because other people do need it. i guarantee you im getting stuff faster.

Also thanks Dasva for the other examples of negative sides of pet being a monster.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-05-14 02:56:57  
It obviously was an exploit because SE just recognized and is planning to fix it.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 659
By Sylph.Systematicchaos 2011-05-14 03:01:29  
Leviathan.Draylo said:
It obviously was an exploit because SE just recognized and is planning to fix it.

This a thousand times. Flawless logic.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-05-14 03:13:04  
Sylph.Systematicchaos said:
Leviathan.Draylo said:
It obviously was an exploit because SE just recognized and is planning to fix it.
This a thousand times. Flawless logic.
It would be flawless logic if not for one huge flaw...

SE didn't recognize this. People bitched in the forums until they got there way. Oh and in case you are saying that's just me guessing that heres a pic of the thread it was announced.

サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-05-14 03:23:34  
They obviously recognized it as a problem and dealt with it accordingly. If there was 0 problem using this they would not have taken action.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 201
By Leviathan.Gotterdammerung 2011-05-14 03:34:54  
Leviathan.Draylo said:
They obviously recognized it as a problem and dealt with it accordingly. If there was 0 problem using this they would not have taken action.

I will remember this "flawlessly" ignorant logic of yours when its blu's turn to get nerfed.

If we continue to let loud QQing players cry for nerfs over things that make them feel tiny penis. When they dont even truly understand the time, skill, money involved in accomplishing these feats. Or the reason for their existance in the first place, then whats to stop these crybabies from ruining everything in the game. Whats to stop them from coming after monk or charged whisker or fell cleaves.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-05-14 03:41:38  
You will be remembering it for a very long time then because BLU doesn't have any broken exploits like this.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 201
By Leviathan.Gotterdammerung 2011-05-14 03:45:05  
I already explained that this isnt an exploit.

Its part of how the game works.

BstPets are monsters

Monsters have different rules.

And something doesnt have to be an exploit to be nerfed to hell and back.

Drk/thfs benefiting from the extra dex agi mod from sata back in the day wasnt an exploit but it didnt stop them from nerfing it.

Blu has plenty of room to be nerfed.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-05-14 03:48:55  
It is an exploit, which is why SE is fixing it. If there was 0 problems, they wouldn't be adjusting it. You are wrong and just mad.
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 167
By Gilgamesh.Hunewearl 2011-05-14 03:51:35  
Leviathan.Draylo said:
It is an exploit, which is why SE is fixing it. If there was 0 problems, they wouldn't be adjusting it. You are wrong and just mad.
Wrong or not, I am pretty sure that you are really mad about this or else you wouldn't camp this thread that much.

Go out, get some fresh air.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-05-14 03:52:53  
Why would I be mad? They are fixing it lol.

サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 167
By Gilgamesh.Hunewearl 2011-05-14 03:56:22  
If it was an exploit people would get banned/sanctioned. Period.

You are so mad that you make it seem like it's something very bad when well, it is not. Why are you so frustrated by it?
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-05-14 03:58:41  
There's a lot of exploits in this game, but this was one that essentially made BST invincible.

I'm glad they nerfed it.

BST is a powerful enough job without an exploit like this.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Minipie
Posts: 842
By Lakshmi.Emanuelle 2011-05-14 04:53:15  
Leviathan.Gotterdammerung said:
I already explained that this isnt an exploit.

Its part of how the game works.

BstPets are monsters

Monsters have different rules.

And something doesnt have to be an exploit to be nerfed to hell and back.

Drk/thfs benefiting from the extra dex agi mod from sata back in the day wasnt an exploit but it didnt stop them from nerfing it.

Blu has plenty of room to be nerfed.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-05-14 04:55:02  
Lakshmi.Emanuelle said:
Leviathan.Gotterdammerung said:
I already explained that this isnt an exploit.

Its part of how the game works.

BstPets are monsters

Monsters have different rules.

And something doesnt have to be an exploit to be nerfed to hell and back.

Drk/thfs benefiting from the extra dex agi mod from sata back in the day wasnt an exploit but it didnt stop them from nerfing it.

Blu has plenty of room to be nerfed.

サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Minipie
Posts: 842
By Lakshmi.Emanuelle 2011-05-14 04:55:49  
Leviathan.Draylo said:
Why would I be mad? They are fixing it lol.

but what they have to "fix" tho? it's how the game was made, it's not a glitch having 100% pdt... why people act like this is an exploit like it's an error from the game , how stupid
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 611
By Titan.Darkestknight 2011-05-14 05:01:09  
Leviathan.Gotterdammerung said:
I already explained that this isnt an exploit.

Its part of how the game works.

BstPets are monsters

Monsters have different rules.

And something doesnt have to be an exploit to be nerfed to hell and back.

Drk/thfs benefiting from the extra dex agi mod from sata back in the day wasnt an exploit but it didnt stop them from nerfing it.

Blu has plenty of room to be nerfed.

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