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種類 Player » Pewpewz
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Date Submitted 2011-09-17 11:57:59
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コメント (6)
Remora.Azildas[Report] スコア: 2
Twilight Helm, Twilight Mail, AF3 +2 ... dunno, looks like they're treating you pretty well to me.
2011-09-18 08:39:02
Ramuh.Seyton[Report] スコア: -1
You're getting your Ebisu, and you're saying FU?
2011-09-18 12:37:57
Fenrir.Aysan[Report] スコア: -1
he's saying FU cuz he's short on points durr
2011-09-18 16:39:20
Asura.Werdxi[Report] スコア: -1
same thing happened to me with my CC apron. was like 100 short and had to wait the day. its quite the kick in the bawlz. but grats on the rod...tomorrow.
2011-09-19 14:58:31
Cerberus.Chinita[Report] スコア: -1
@Werdxi is not about waiting 1 day, is about waiting 1 WHOLE week to get ebisu since you buy serpent rumor and trade items and need to pick up the fishing rod by sunday midnight japan.

This happened to me this past sunday :( now gotta wait till next sunday to recieve the fishing rod!
2011-10-12 21:37:27
Carbuncle.Kerokun 表示 スコア: -20
Fuse ~ noun
a tube, cord, or the like, filled or saturated with combustible matter, for igniting an explosive.
2011-09-18 00:51:00