Update On It's Way.

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Update on it's way.
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サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-02-25 04:07:02  
Up the limits on skill based merits (Weapon, Magic etc.) but keep individual skills limited to 8. This way, people with multiple 75s can still merit their necessary skills for multiple jobs instead of having just 2-3 well merited jobs.

BLM should receive an update. Something along the lines of more conserve MP or an ability that helps with conserve MP. It doesn't break the job at all. The job is not broken. It's the sheer number of BLMs you use that can makes the job seem broken. New spells would be nice but they don't have to be devastating spells. We don't need Meteors or Ultimas or whatever. Just something new to play with but is actually useful.

BST needs some GOOD jug pets. A slime, leech, spider or fish one for example. Also why not add some jug pets of mobs you normal can't charm. Wyvern or malboro for example. Make them last a little longer and they'd be useful for endgame events.

Fix Last Resort for DRK. It should be equivalent of WAR's Berserk.
Posts: 145
By Sigmund 2010-02-25 05:08:47  
More Storable Item Sets!!!! ect: Nyzul, Campaign, Salvage

Was/Is it the hard to just do this when you introduce the sets!?!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-02-25 05:15:50  
The thing I want more than any job buff or nerf in the world would simple be a more sophisticated and enhanced storage/inventory system.

Starting with equipped items not taking up inventory space...
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Maimed
Posts: 348
By Fairy.Maimed 2010-02-25 17:53:51  
WHM should learn REFLECT.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4135
By Asura.Artemicion 2010-02-25 17:55:58  
Actually it's in the dats, so it exists somewhere but obviously was never implemented but, Libra would be *** amazing if they did it right.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Maimed
Posts: 348
By Fairy.Maimed 2010-02-25 18:08:44  
Tbh if they gave Devotion a recast timer reduction, and/or an ability like "Holy Channel" which syncs your Mana pool with a party member, ie a Paladin, this could help WHMs stay more competitive in lowman and exp party situations. The big drawback is WHM still lacks the ability to debuff a mob like RDM and SCH can. Yes it has Slow/Paralyze, but it's definitely not a job capable of consistently landing enfeebles on high level NMs.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sterling
Posts: 1050
By Carbuncle.Sterling 2010-02-25 18:30:41  
Fairy.Maimed said:
Tbh if they gave Devotion a recast timer reduction, and/or an ability like "Holy Channel" which syncs your Mana pool with a party member, ie a Paladin, this could help WHMs stay more competitive in lowman and exp party situations. The big drawback is WHM still lacks the ability to debuff a mob like RDM and SCH can. Yes it has Slow/Paralyze, but it's definitely not a job capable of consistently landing enfeebles on high level NMs.

Devotion has a recast timer reduction. Its called merits D:
サーバ: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Akeda
Posts: 1698
By Kujata.Akeda 2010-02-25 18:47:02  
-Add a BRD automaton that sings songs
Automatons have no voice.

COR having a B in Marksmanship along with 'RNG ONRY' guns is one of my biggest annoyances, especially when they keep implying that Corsair is a gun wielding job.

Libra and Reflect would be awesome, but you just know SE would screw it up one way or another.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2010-02-25 18:47:33  
BST being able to SC with pets would be nice, every other job that has a pet can use it in a SC in some way, why not BST?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2010-02-25 18:48:46  
Kujata.Akeda said:
-Add a BRD automaton that sings songs
Automatons have no voice.

Yes they do. Get a new frame for your Automaton, it will talk to you about it.

And if you do Toau missions you can see they do indeed talk.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Maimed
Posts: 348
By Fairy.Maimed 2010-02-25 18:51:05  
Carbuncle.Sterling said:
Fairy.Maimed said:
Tbh if they gave Devotion a recast timer reduction, and/or an ability like "Holy Channel" which syncs your Mana pool with a party member, ie a Paladin, this could help WHMs stay more competitive in lowman and exp party situations. The big drawback is WHM still lacks the ability to debuff a mob like RDM and SCH can. Yes it has Slow/Paralyze, but it's definitely not a job capable of consistently landing enfeebles on high level NMs.
Devotion has a recast timer reduction. Its called merits D:

I was implying an even lower recast timer to make the MP awarded to party members equivalent to the amount refreshed by a RDM. Perhaps a 2:30 min timer, or 5:00 min timer. This wouldn't break WHM seeing as you're only capable of using this on one party member at a time, and not yourself as well.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 271
By Siren.Talonn 2010-02-25 18:58:50  
needz to up drop rate on Hyakinthos and Lamina ^^
Posts: 66
By Nightcrew 2010-02-25 20:03:42  
personally i'd rather see another Rdm update then lolSmn getting more Avatars they wont use properly. 99% of the Smn i've encountered think they're the ***DD and wont lift a finger to help buff/cure.
サーバ: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 3723
By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2010-02-25 20:05:21  
Fairy.Maimed said:
WHM should learn REFLECT.
Manaburnable colibri, GO!
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Hohenheim
Posts: 3351
By Leviathan.Hohenheim 2010-02-25 20:14:34  
Hades.Stefanos said:
Carbuncle.Sterling said:
It'd be awesome if they could like throw something partly useful on Afflatus: Misery. Like hMP 10 with it on would be really nice. For some reason I always thought hMP should be tacked on it.

Esuna turning into Erase-ga being able to remove 2 effects instead of 1 and being able to remove Flash, along with Cura being possibly able to cure as much as Curaga II for 1/4 the cost isn't enough?

Regarding whether WHM needs more love, I don't think they do. Solace and Misery are already pretty awesome. They can remove Flash, something Blindna can't do. They also have their Cureskin and as I just stated, Cura can be very powerful in the right situations.

Erase can remove flash. You never needed Esuna+afflatus misery to do that.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Phoenix.Sathon 2010-02-25 21:00:01  
Drk- If Aspir II is made make it drain hp and convert that to Drk mp at a higher rate than that of Aspir. A dark diffusion that takes the absorb spells and increases amount absorbed and divides it amongst the party. Increased amount absorbed varied by the number of party members. Last resort increase in duration and mods.

Dnc- A- t- A+ Dagger rating. A larger dagger vareity. Drain and Aspir actually drain mob hp/mp. Should make Dnc a more viable option for those who are 'meh' about it I think.

Blm- Let Magic bursts acutally mean something again in an exp party. Better mp management abilities. Give all the mp recharging ws a huge boost to where a mage could melee (Even I laugh reading that)

Pld- An ability early on where they get an acc and attk % boost for damage taken.

Blu- Increased magic points Auto refresh trait is 2 mp per tick so they aren't kneeling as often in pty without refresh.

Pup- A higher skill rating in ANY weapon.

War- A weapoon/shield bash of some sort.

サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: JileFFXI
Posts: 126
By Phoenix.Jile 2010-02-25 21:20:08  
Well here's a pipe dream for an update.

At the end of any Campaign battle anyone that doesn't have reraise on would be given autoreraise so they wouldn't have to lay there and hope someone will take pity and raise them >.<

Another update that imho may be late in coming but how about an all-job equipable piece that gives TreasureHunter. A piece that would effectively give TH5 to THF and TH2 to anyone /thf. They also need to make it when Treasure-Hound is in effect that it doesn't break a THF's drop rates lol.

Oh and if we're really wishing for the moon here, I'd like more powerful jugpets for my BST and I'd like more avatars for my SMN....

..and for all these dreams, they're prolly just going to add a few WOG missions and give us new lvl1 armor options >.>
Posts: 35
By sztoid 2010-02-25 21:55:21  
If we got another tier in White Magicor even new spells:

or even if we got another tier in Black Magic or new spells:
サーバ: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Stefanos
Posts: 2647
By Hades.Stefanos 2010-02-25 22:11:23  
Leviathan.Hohenheim said:
Hades.Stefanos said:
Carbuncle.Sterling said:
It'd be awesome if they could like throw something partly useful on Afflatus: Misery. Like hMP 10 with it on would be really nice. For some reason I always thought hMP should be tacked on it.

Esuna turning into Erase-ga being able to remove 2 effects instead of 1 and being able to remove Flash, along with Cura being possibly able to cure as much as Curaga II for 1/4 the cost isn't enough?

Regarding whether WHM needs more love, I don't think they do. Solace and Misery are already pretty awesome. They can remove Flash, something Blindna can't do. They also have their Cureskin and as I just stated, Cura can be very powerful in the right situations.

Erase can remove flash. You never needed Esuna afflatus misery to do that.

Shows you how often I deal with Flash huh? Thanks for that bit of info, I honestly didn't know that.

If WHMs want any kind of Refresh, I propose that they get some kind of mini-Devotion that only targets them, 5 minute JA, and it can only replenish about ~150-200 or so MP, so it isn't as powerful as RDM and SCH. Just a thought.
Posts: 1
By dckbiggins 2010-02-25 22:51:11  
give drk a move that removes hate kinda like super jump
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サーバ: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Blev
Posts: 45
By Hades.Blevien 2010-02-25 23:49:23  
ps2 limitations etc....

but yeah, i like some of the ideas i've seen here.

a decent NIN 2hr would be nice, i'd settle for jubaku: ni.

ADD utsusemi: san, make it so u have to unlock it with merits and put it on a 3min timer or something so it can be an "oh ***!" spell.

give MNK PUP and DNC some useful abilities that allow them to be included in some endgame events. and no, i don't mean zergs

1 thing i would definitely like to see, the ability to cap all weapon and magic merits. if you can find the time to get that many merits, why shouldn't you be able to?

stop nerfing ***. players like their overpowered jobs just the way they are. why not increase the power of jobs that are lacking? that way, everybody wins.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Buster
Posts: 16
By Fairy.Geefunk 2010-02-25 23:51:39  
Siren.Talonn said:
needz to up drop rate on Hyakinthos and Lamina ^^

Stop wasting your time and get a rajas

All i want is uncapping Weapon merits, im fine with 8/8 but being stuck with only two capped skills sucks for multi 75 DDs

Funny thing is.... nothing in this thread is going to happen
サーバ: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Rakasu
Posts: 141
By Alexander.Lacas 2010-02-26 00:04:33  
I wouldn't mind some new jug pets, but i'd rather they just made the cap on all jug pets 75 so that some outside CourierCarrie, LifeDrinkerLars, ShellBusterOrob and FunguarFamiliar are actually useful.
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Sedda
Posts: 22
By Remora.Sedda 2010-02-26 00:08:01  
Carbuncle.Sterling said:
Fenrir.Tiaraa said:
Anything to make people choose WHMs over RDMs as a healer..
WHM is supposed to be the main healing class ;;

I agree. And so tired of SCH always trying to explain to me why they're better healers when I never asked anyone >.>

Also, BST jugs YES PLEASE! How can we make the most out of our killer effects without an amorph jug? cmon!

Funny how sch got mass Raise and whm didn't. That's just..silly. And whm's only mp restore is..to give to someone else? Meh I say! Meh!
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11680
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-02-26 00:17:04  
Accession doesn't stack with Raise.

Ignore the SCHs who feel the need to flaunt... they're not as right as they think they are.
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Moldtech
Posts: 611
By Unicorn.Moldtech 2010-02-26 00:23:33  
Fairy.Maimed said:
WHM should learn REFLECT.

Love this idea, but I don't see WHM needing much more, first it was "RDM has to much" then "SCH has to much" now "RDM has to much" again. Not directed at you but bulk of WHM posts have been more like WHM wanting to be the onry mage it seems to me.
Sylph.Oddin said:
Undo the "fix" to the *** walls in campaign. Tired of getting 70ish xp for an hours worth of work. Make it so you can redo the damn final fight of ToAU for a new/different ring. Stop updating jobs that don't need them. RNG is no different than it was before the last update and the so called "distance finder" is junk. Fix it or ditch it. Sans the last item, give us a *** ingame distance measurement from our targeted mob/player. Tired of PC users being able to use third party programs and having the advantage over PS/Xbox360 users. Might as well level the playing field. Give all jobs the damn ability to see mobs on the radar. I don't understand why some can and some can not. Fairly stupid to give it to only certain jobs. Fix it so we can actually hit mobs that were chasing. Tired of being hit in the back from 40 feet away while I'm 2 feet from a mob that I'm chasing but I can't hit because it's moving.

I agree on the walls fix, was so lame in the first place, they shouldn't have been lazy and just figured out some sort of afk fix while having tags on, and for the love of god make mob go to the tower and stay near the tower, hunting down mob horders sucks balls. Being able to switch rings sounds good too. Also, the radar thing, I thought that was a NIN job trait onry? All these other jobs are getting it from /NIN not because they have it.
Phoenix.Jovant said:
1. increase in how many merits u can hold onto 2. SE should implicate Job evolution. Job evolution: player spends x amount of merits (100 ) to evolve it to the next Job title (New Job) opening a series of new job abilities and/or spells, inorder to use these spells player has to spend x amount of merits to unlock them. player can also use all existing job abilities/spells inwhich it evolved from. job evolution should only be for starting jobs for now and as game progress then zilet job can get a evolution ectect. the new job abilites/spells should be regulated as well so the job wouldnt be overpowered so u can get some of them not all at the same time and if u want to switch u have to unmerit a spells to obtain another. White mage > Shaman Black mage > Warlock Monk > Master (cant call it black belt due to item) Red Mage > Time Mage (only reasonable name, and they can gain access to time magic demi,reflect,immobilize, ectect) Thief > (cant think of one, pervious ff games thf evolved into nin >.>) Warrior > Gladiator (cant call it bersker due to ja) job evolution system is something i would love to see.

You sir have the hands down best idea for an update I ever heard ^^ Job Evolution FTW! Talk about breathing new life into the game, that alone would have an awesome effect. Possible upcoming thing with Evolith too for it, Synergy gears from synergy recipes lv60-100 being equippable by the evolutioned jobs *pee's himself* It's a start but a freaking great idea, I salute ya o.o\ But, BLM into Warlock can never be due to Warlock AF :P needz new name....SORCEROR or... WIZARD to go with the gear, for the love of god SE GO! Sadly we all know SE 1) won't do it, 2) will screw it up. As well as some people who will oddly be against it. Lazy? Maybe. :(

Also, make freaking relic/mythic weapons easier obtainable beside to the rich. Those scenes are way to monopolized.

Xp parties aren't scarce cause we need server merges, their being replaced by afb's.
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Sedda
Posts: 22
By Remora.Sedda 2010-02-26 00:32:15  
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Accession doesn't stack with Raise.

Ignore the SCHs who feel the need to flaunt... they're not as right as they think they are.

Really now. Hrm was told otherwise. You see how much I've worked into the job hm? *Snickers and gives pompom for whm*
Posts: 220
By Nightbear 2010-02-26 00:35:03  
*Ding good idea* how about more merits camps that are decent to go too. Having 2 bird camps and 3~4 mammol camps kinda sucks. when @ peak hours they always full. If you think "level sync" go stab your self.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: freugrer
Posts: 15
By Bahamut.Freugrer 2010-02-26 00:54:52  
Pup- A higher skill rating in ANY weapon.

Even though I would love to agree with you, that would make pup overpowered. Our automatons already have A ranking skills depending on frame types. Which makes them our weapons not our fist or daggers.
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