Wish I could swap DA+7 and DT-5% on Neck and Back...
Either way stuff looks good.
Ammo replaces Halakaala for the things it was used for, and it also replaces Ullr on RDM, which is nice so I'm gonna stop losing my TP in all the sets I was using Ullr for.
Cape is gonna be good regardless for a lot of jobs, unsure if it's better than Aurist+1.
In terms of pure macc yeah, but when you factor the 33 MND/INT it's a tough call because those things convert to macc (variable rate, but on average it's probably close to 2:1).
When it converts to 2:1 it's slightly better but we could call it even.
Thing is that MND/INT for some debuffs converts to potency too.
Not many RDM debuffs where that's relevant. Frazzle and Distract come to mind, probably something else.
Which kinda means you're not getting Inventory+1 alas.
I guess if you accept the compromise it's a solid swap.
Can also be used for Eva and Meva capes, if you don't need DT in that slot, so again that's another couple of inventory gains, for me at least.
Not sure I'd want to use it as a TP cape for meleeing jobs. On some probably so, on other jobs where I have multiple TP capes I dunno. It's more raw acc, which is good, but no (P)DT and 3% less DA/STP, but you get BOTH of them instead of one or the other.
Either way, very interesting option to say the least.
Belt is gonna be a tough option, but I welcome another good option nonetheless. Basically for defensive purposes it's gonna be Platinum vs Engraved vs Null. Different stuff for different purposes. This one is also very nice if for some reason you want Acc instead of Haste or DW in the waist slot.
Last but not least there's the macc part where this is kinda BiS. There's Obstinate Sash though, it gives slightly less macc overall, but has Skill and MND and the Enf duration which probably makes that retain its role for jobs who can use it.
Neck I dunno what to say, defensively it doesn't necessarily looks better than R15 Loricate+1, it does look good as an acc swap for several jobs though, and it's probably BiS for macc, bar the INT/MND stuff I said before, which only applies to a bunch of debuffs either way.
Now... let's see how hard/annoying this BC is and how bad the drop rates are.
Even if they're as bad as Shinryu AT LEAST it's "only" 4 items and not 8, so even in that scenario the odds of getting something you want should be SLIGHTLY better, I think?