Would You Use Warp Hack?

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Would you use Warp Hack?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Asura.Materdark 2024-02-11 17:10:13  
I come back after long break knowing players have started using warp hack x3 now.

I am a content creator so I make videos for my youtube channel.
I understand you are not allowed to shame players on here. But don't do it front of me if i'm doing a time NM lol
Then you decide to kill it...

What would you have done if you saw them?
Or would you just put a blind eye knowing they helped you?

サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2764
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-02-11 17:43:08  
I don't use warp hacks (or any mods/hacks) because I prefer to play games as they were intended by the developers and not the way I or others would design them if we had our way.

That said, there are LOADS of cheats in modern FFXI, most players use them, and it's pretty much unavoidable that you'll play with/against some of them. Reporting them does absolutely jack ***and I'm sure they have no interest in hearing anyone's opinion about how they chose to play the game, so I'd just let it be.

Depending on your preferences and the server you're on, you might be able to find a group of people who play the same way you do, but chances are, especially if you join PUGs, you will encounter plenty of cheating, it comes with the territory.
By Draylo 2024-02-11 17:58:57  
One of the easiest ways to still get banned really, I would not use it.
Posts: 14872
By Pantafernando 2024-02-11 18:00:12  
I see a lot of potential here...

Potential for the worst, but potential nevertheless
By Nsane 2024-02-12 00:43:13  
It's funny to see a person ask about what should I do If I see someone using warp hacks, than say I'm a content creator and you click on their YouTube page just to see them using them using third party tools themselves.

As for your questions...

Asura.Materdark said: »
What would you have done if you saw them?
Or would you just put a blind eye knowing they helped you?

Short answer, NO... they helped me I knew they were cheating and I still went through with it, your guilty by association at this point... In the past we seen people get ban/suspended for association.

Most people I know don't want anything to do with a GM just due to the fact 97% of people are using some sort of third party tool at this point in time in the game. Even reporting them seems to have no effect, I've seen bots going through rocks in Escha - Zi'Tah for 3 years straight and the guy is still around. Master/JP parties that seem as they never need sleep or even take a break to piss. You can join sortie groups and they bluntly admit and have asked people to use Tako to get around in party chat. Honestly people have been very bold lately, as people feel they will get away with it forever not realizing there will be another ban hammer eventually and some will be on the wrong side of it. And than they will complain, saying "I never cheated or even used Windower/Ashita".

My thought as of now is it should be PLAYERS vs RMT BOTS... and some how we the players are loosing this battle. Report players if they have hurt your precious feelings, but other than that save it for the RMT's that are ruining this game and Square Enix does nothing about it, keep the player base alive.

P.S. MaterDark please while in game go to Config/Misc.2/Animation Frame Rate and set it to 3 for the viewer ship of you videos.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Meeeeeep
Posts: 159
By Asura.Sensarity 2024-02-12 03:29:39  
I'm gay
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Asura.Materdark 2024-02-12 03:56:06  
Nsane said: »
It's funny to see a person ask about what should I do If I see someone using warp hacks, than say I'm a content creator and you click on their YouTube page just to see them using them using third party tools themselves.

didn't know windower gives you that kind of feature?
I think no one wants to play the game based on a limitation set on PS2 though.

Nsane said: »
P.S. MaterDark please while in game go to Config/Misc.2/Animation Frame Rate and set it to 3 for the viewer ship of you videos.

I have no idea why it does that even when I have RTX 3070 lol
Still fine tuning the videos rendering...
Posts: 4679
By RadialArcana 2024-02-12 05:08:52  
No, if someone cannot do a simple risk to reward calculation they deserve to get banned. Don't do something with a high risk attached to it when the only reward is saving a few seconds/ minutes.

This is peak idiocy.
Posts: 4679
By RadialArcana 2024-02-12 05:10:56  
Asura.Materdark said: »
I have no idea why it does that even when I have RTX 3070 lol

go into FFXI itself to the menu he stated and put animation to max, it's the number of animation frames your character performs when moving.
By K123 2024-02-12 05:18:54  
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
I don't use warp hacks (or any mods/hacks) because I prefer to play games as they were intended by the developers and not the way I or others would design them if we had our way.

That said, there are LOADS of cheats in modern FFXI, most players use them, and it's pretty much unavoidable that you'll play with/against some of them. Reporting them does absolutely jack ***and I'm sure they have no interest in hearing anyone's opinion about how they chose to play the game, so I'd just let it be.

Depending on your preferences and the server you're on, you might be able to find a group of people who play the same way you do, but chances are, especially if you join PUGs, you will encounter plenty of cheating, it comes with the territory.
Well SE gave us an easy 18% movement for all jobs after what, 16 years of existing? If you used 18% flee hack before that you were just playing with the QoL FFXI always should have had.
By 2024-02-12 06:30:04
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Asura.Materdark 2024-02-12 08:31:27  
RadialArcana said: »
max, it's the number of animation frames your character performs when moving.

I have it on max this is my windower script
keyboard_allowmmf 1

//Set console variables
console_position 15 50
console_color 255 255 0 0
console_displayactivity 1
console_fadedelay 3500
console_chatopen 1
console_screendir screenshots

//Set game variables
game_forceambientlight 0
game_ambientlight 255 75 75 75
game_gamma 50
game_allowsetcursorpos 0
game_exittype 1
game_exitprompt 1
game_allowresize 0

//Set general variables
//showfps 1
// FPS Position - Use -75 1 to position it on the top right corner.
fps_position 20 20 //top left
//fps_position -75 1 //top right

drawdistance set 10
//Bind keys
//Bind syntax is "bind <key> <up> <command>
// ^ represents control- and ! is alt, eg !1 is alt-1
bind !f10 drawdistance set 10
bind ^f10 drawdistance set 1
bind %end game_forceambientlight
bind sysrq screenshot png hide
bind ^v paste
echo Toggle Lighting = End (Bump mapping must be off to work properly)
echo Toggle FPS = F12
echo DrawDistance Lv 10: Alt-F10
echo DrawDistance Lv 1: Ctrl-F10
echo Paste Clipboard = Ctrl-V

//Sets ConsoleBG Background Position
consolebg position 15 50

// This lets you push Alt+F1-6 and Ctrl+F1-6 to  to target Alliance members.
bind ^f1 input /ta <a10>
bind ^f2 input /ta <a11>
bind ^f3 input /ta <a12>
bind ^f4 input /ta <a13>
bind ^f5 input /ta <a14>
bind ^f6 input /ta <a15>
bind !f1 input /ta <a20>
bind !f2 input /ta <a21>
bind !f3 input /ta <a22>
bind !f4 input /ta <a23>
bind !f5 input /ta <a24>
bind !f6 input /ta <a25>

// NEXTGames Edits:
// The below line is to enable DressUp BlinkMeNot Functionality.  Remove the // from the line below if you use DressUp.
du blinking all all on

// The below four lines are to load these addons when FFXI loads.  Remove the // from before the addons that you use below.
lua load XIPivot
lua load PartyBuffs
lua load parse
lua load skillchains

// The below four lines are to activate the different common texture packs.  Remove the // from before the texture packs that you use below.  Texture packs that load first take precedence.  
Pivot a NextHD
Pivot a FFXI-XD
Pivot a FFXI-SD

// The below command will make sure scoreboard is visible when you load the game.  Remove the // from the line below if you want the scorebaord addon to appear by default.
// sb visible

// The below commands are to set the location of equipviewer.  Remove the // from the lines below for proper positioning of the EquipViewer addon if you use it.  The first line is for 1920x1080 resolutions, the second is for 4k Resotuions.  Only use one!
equipviewer pos 1650 748
equipviewer pos 2192 990

// The below wait command is to make sure that any further commands run LAST and 30 seconds after we login.
wait 30

// The below command loads GearInfo.  If it's loaded before this step it has problems.    Remove the // from before the line below if you use GearInfo.
lua load GearInfo

// The below command uncaps FPS to 60.  Setting it to 0 uncaps it and setting it to 2 is the default setting of 30.
config FrameRateDivisor 1
By 2024-02-12 08:53:32
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Asura.Materdark 2024-02-12 08:57:50  
Melucine said: »
There isn't an entry for animation frames to my knowledge in the config plugin.

Animation framerate and FrameRateDivisor is not the same thing, btw.

it does uncap it to 60 tho

is playonline program 64bit ?

I have 32bit installed
By 2024-02-12 09:02:58
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Posts: 9091
By SimonSes 2024-02-12 09:24:34  
The content creator we might not want, but the content creator we deserve.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Mooze27
Posts: 51
By Bismarck.Mooze 2024-02-12 09:25:49  
RadialArcana said: »
Asura.Materdark said: »
I have no idea why it does that even when I have RTX 3070 lol

go into FFXI itself to the menu he stated and put animation to max, it's the number of animation frames your character performs when moving.

Asura.Materdark said: »
RadialArcana said: »
max, it's the number of animation frames your character performs when moving.

I have it on max this is my windower script

Speaking of peak idiocy.
Posts: 4679
By RadialArcana 2024-02-12 10:06:28  
Asura.Materdark said: »
I have it on max

I haven't look at your video to see if the initial complaint is valid but:

Goto ffxi menu, config, misc 2

Make sure Animation Frame Rate slider is at max.

This is the game limiting animations of your character and if it's not on max then it will look terrible.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Richybear
Posts: 1361
By Fenrir.Richybear 2024-02-12 10:37:47  
I'd use it to warp from the pixies to the damselflies in La Theine because Carabosse is the grindiest grind
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 422
By Asura.Materdark 2024-02-12 11:35:07  
RadialArcana said: »
Asura.Materdark said: »
I have it on max

I haven't look at your video to see if the initial complaint is valid but:

Goto ffxi menu, config, misc 2

Make sure Animation Frame Rate slider is at max.

This is the game limiting animations of your character and if it's not on max then it will look terrible.

I found out the problem FFXI is installed on 3.5 hard drive not on the SSD 2.5.

Now is there a way to move it to SSD?

By 2024-02-12 11:38:03
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By Godfry 2024-02-12 12:02:55  
Asura.Materdark said: »
I am a content creator so I make videos for my youtube channel.

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