It's funny to see a person ask about what should I do If I see someone using warp hacks, than say I'm a content creator and you click on their
YouTube page just to see them using them using third party tools themselves.
As for your questions...
What would you have done if you saw them?
Or would you just put a blind eye knowing they helped you?
Short answer,
NO... they helped me I knew they were cheating and I still went through with it, your guilty by association at this point... In the past we seen people get ban/suspended for association.
Most people I know don't want anything to do with a GM just due to the fact 97% of people are using some sort of third party tool at this point in time in the game. Even reporting them seems to have no effect, I've seen bots going through rocks in Escha - Zi'Tah for 3 years straight and the guy is still around. Master/JP parties that seem as they never need sleep or even take a break to piss. You can join sortie groups and they bluntly admit and have asked people to use Tako to get around in party chat. Honestly people have been very
bold lately, as people feel they will get away with it forever not realizing there will be another ban hammer eventually and some will be on the wrong side of it. And than they will complain, saying
"I never cheated or even used Windower/Ashita".
My thought as of now is it should be PLAYERS vs RMT BOTS... and some how we the players are loosing this battle. Report players if they have hurt your precious feelings, but other than that save it for the RMT's that are ruining this game and Square Enix does nothing about it, keep the player base alive.
P.S. MaterDark please while in game go to Config/Misc.2/Animation Frame Rate and set it to 3 for the viewer ship of you videos.