May 8th, 2022 Livestream Thread

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May 8th, 2022 Livestream Thread
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サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 974
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2022-05-10 12:14:25  
SimonSes said: »
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
It didn't but we aren't gonna agree on this because again depends on the job you main and what you see as problems for jobs played. Example not saying how master levels helped drk absorb spells any of the fact sam can't use a full job trait still because of everything having some form of counter or cone debuff. I think I just see helping differently.

Those are not argument against Master level helping all jobs (not all of them the same). Those are arguments that they haven't helped enough in your opinion or targeted different things.

If you ask me for a liquid because you want to drink something and I will give you water, while what you really wanted was apple juice, then it doesn't mean water is not a liquid, because it didn't satisfy you.
That's your opinion though like me not being able to say it didn't help all 22 you can't say it helped all 22 and its closer to balance like they wanted because it simply isn't true
Posts: 9006
By SimonSes 2022-05-10 12:14:35  
What the problem with Absorbs anyway? DRK can DSNV like 90+ absorb VIT or STR for 3.5-7min every 5min. Sounds pretty useful too me.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-05-10 12:14:51  
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
Also I should say game adjustment also would've helped alot more but that's my opinion like everything we talking about now is just opinions.
oh if we're going opinions- I still wish SE would allow a higher total merits in Group 1 and Group 2 (same per-upgrade cap of 5).

While certainly different jobs will benefit at vastly different levels, I just find it annoying that after all these years we don't have more flexibility there.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-05-10 12:17:07  
SimonSes said: »
What the problem with Absorbs anyway? DRK can DSNV like 90+ absorb VIT or STR for 3.5-7min every 5min. Sounds pretty useful too me.
Not to mention that since most of key Scythe WSs are split modifiers, ABS spells are not limited like Gain/Boost spells to only having 1 up at a time...and while of course we rightfully talk about the benefits to the DRK from absorbs, we rarely talk about the benefit they can provide to an entire party/alliance. Gaining 90VIT for Torcleaver Spam is insane, but taking away that kind of VIT from some mobs where often GEO enfeebling bubbles are nerfed actually can matter.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 974
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2022-05-10 12:20:34  
Asura.Geriond said: »
Master levels cause Absorb spells to have more magic accuracy and last longer, which is beneficial because they are already used (albeit some more than others).

SAMs can more safely stay in front of mobs because they've got more HP and Defense.
That's where we differ for sure because either you haven't tried to land those spells on high end stuff or been using solely ds and NV to hit them even then they may not land. 100 more hp and 5 more defense? Really?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2022-05-10 12:22:30  
~250 HP and ~50 defense is pretty beefy going from ML0 to ML30.

I use Absorb spells all the time. They don't land against a number of Gaol NMs without NV/DS because their dark resistances are off the charts, but they land with NV/DS there and land normally everywhere else.
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サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-05-10 12:24:03  
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
do all jobs honestly need to be balanced, or is it actually better to just create scenarios where different jobs are needed to justify them?

They don't, and most game makers don't ever try to make all jobs/characters balanced, because it's too much work. And then the game plays out with dozens of characters that all "feel" the same.

I play a few games that involve PVP, and the meta group dominates the whole lot of options. From time to time, the company will adjust other abilities to help players deal with the stronger core group of dominant options out there. Other companies don't bother, but leave the creativity of using the "weaker" non-meta jobs/characters up to the player. "Figure it out". I personally think it's more fun this way tbqh.

Ryu and Akuma are almost always broken in nearly every iteration of Street Fighter, but it never stops people from playing Cody or Cammy, despite being considerably "Weaker". The players who enjoy the characters end up playing it so well, they surprise others who never even knew what was possible, due to character tunnel-vision. I feel like it's the same in FFXI. They don't have to be balanced, so long as players fill whatever gap the job is missing with their own unique playstyle. And just be happy with it.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-05-10 12:26:02  
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
100 more hp and 5 more defense? Really?

Sheltered ring gives you a higher survival rate.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-05-10 12:27:36  
Odin.Stayfresh said: »
I don’t need master levels to kill anything in this game. I don’t care about clearing whatever I am doing five seconds faster. I have better things to do with my life than exp for hours on end. But that’s just me.

Its safe to assume that whatever they plan on releasing in the future will require MLs. But that would be the finesse of the century if it didnt.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 974
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2022-05-10 12:28:16  
Asura.Geriond said: »
~250 HP and ~50 defense is pretty beefy going from ML0 to ML30.

I use Absorb spells all the time. They don't land against a number of Gaol NMs without NV/DS because their dark resistances are off the charts, but they land with NV/DS there and land normally everywhere else.
Okay I cut the numbers down a bit which was dramatic lol. The drk stuff is a whole thing using ds/NV on for a single absorb spell when stuff like absorb tp or absorb acc may as well not be in the game. Using the best in game for drk macc and to this day I cant remember the last time I've said I wanna us absorb spells over drain 3 to stay alive.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2022-05-10 12:30:36  
I still use those and they land just fine as long as I don't try casting them on skeletons or something, so don't know what to say. You can even land Absorbs without Dark Seal on Bumba.

I wouldn't say no to making non-NV Absorbs more potent (maybe to like a base of 35 instead of 22, or maybe make dark magic skill apply to potency like it does for duration), but they're perfectly usable. If DRK needs updates, it's to some of their JAs, like Consume Mana and Souleater.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 974
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2022-05-10 12:36:56  
Asura.Geriond said: »
I still use those and they land just fine as long as I don't try casting them on skeletons or something, so don't know what to say. You can even land Absorbs without Dark Seal on Bumba.

I wouldn't say no to making non-NV Absorbs more potent (maybe to like a base of 35 instead of 22, or maybe make dark magic skill apply to potency like it does for duration), but they're perfectly usable. If DRK needs updates, it's to some of their JAs, like Consume Mana and Souleater.
Yea thats what's I want most for drk also don't get me wrong I not saying give me 90 stats without doing ds/NV and I wanna see you land these without jas also bumba isn't really a marker because it's gotta be one of the easiest piece of endgame they've put in tbh.

Edit I should say real world stuff not someone super buffing you with macc stuff to lands it.
Posts: 2421
By Nariont 2022-05-10 12:39:22  
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
do all jobs honestly need to be balanced, or is it actually better to just create scenarios where different jobs are needed to justify them?

Honestly just want them to focus instead on the utility aspect of the jobs and outdated/useless JAs, poster child for that one is probably THF even with their attempts to make mug/steal somewhat useful via AS/job points the timers are too long to really make good use of them, then you have things like hide which is 99% of the time pointless, they managed to rework camo from useless into something pretty sweet by comparison, feint despoil, bully same deal.

Lot of the pre-wotg jobs share this problem so giving those a 2nd look would be great for "balancing"
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-05-10 12:41:16  
one of the biggest benefits I've seen for MLs is coming on the mage side of things, but does have some direct impact for DDs as well.

We lose a lot of base stats by not having any subjob in Gaol- worse by a noticeable amount on mage jobs even compared to a non-magey subjob. And this also effects WSs WSC stat, and in some ways MLs just negate that loss to make us closer to seeing what we expect while at our normal strength.

This isn't even thinking about the extra combat/magic skills gained for additional acc/macc. No, they're far from gamebreaking, but I definitely notice even just ML16 on RDM on fights like Ngai.

Are they needed/necessary for current content? Can't say they are. Are they on-par rewards commensurate with the time investment? Not at all. But they do matter, and are noticed in my experiences.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2022-05-10 12:43:49  
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
I still use those and they land just fine as long as I don't try casting them on skeletons or something, so don't know what to say. You can even land Absorbs without Dark Seal on Bumba.

I wouldn't say no to making non-NV Absorbs more potent (maybe to like a base of 35 instead of 22, or maybe make dark magic skill apply to potency like it does for duration), but they're perfectly usable. If DRK needs updates, it's to some of their JAs, like Consume Mana and Souleater.
Yea thats what's I want most for drk also don't get me wrong I not saying give me 90 stats without doing ds/NV and I wanna see you land these without jas also bumba isn't really a marker because it's gotta be one of the easiest piece of endgame they've put in tbh.

Edit I should say real world stuff not someone super buffing you with macc stuff to lands it.
Bumba is the most current piece of endgame, so arbitrarily discounting him (especially because V20 is no walk in the park even though V0-19 are easy) is dishonest. His raw stats are still very high (higher than anything else in Gaol). The only reason most Gaol NMs are hard to land Absorbs on is because their elemental resistances are purposefully heavily lopsided to enforce the strategies SE wants us to use, not because Absorbs are inherently difficult to land. Absorbs land just fine in segment runs, against Unity NMs, in most Ambuscades, on the majority of Escha NMs, and on Apex mobs.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-05-10 12:44:31  
Nariont said: »
then you have things like hide which is 99% of the time pointless

They accidentally made Hide somewhat useful in Odyssey Segment zones. Works on every single non-Beastmen, so long as it doesn't aggro by Blood. I wish Hide worked on any monster, so you could pair it with SA from any angle like the old days. They made Bully effectively the same thing, though.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 974
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2022-05-10 12:52:14  
Also get back on topic I derailed this enough it wasn't suppose to spiral into that topic.
Posts: 9006
By SimonSes 2022-05-10 13:04:53  
You can use absorb VIT or STR on any Gaol 20 that is relevant for DRK, not only Bumba and ofc it's with DSNV, but what would you use DSNV for? Drain III? Drain III even with DSNV will be really weak, because most of those NMs forces resists and Drain III loses potency with resists, while Absorb-Stat only loses duration with resists (but it's still like 3.5min with forced resist if I remember correctly). With Random deal and Wild Card being standard part of those fights, you can keep it up for most of the time there.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2022-05-10 13:08:28  
You can get over 8 minutes with optimal gear, so >4 minutes with a 50% resist.

The Gaol NMs resisting Drain III so hard is partly because of the forced 50% resist most of them have, and the huge MDT that all the ones not intended to be nuked down have. Most of the NMs take like -80% at V20.
Posts: 9006
By SimonSes 2022-05-10 13:39:39  
Asura.Geriond said: »
You can get over 8 minutes with optimal gear, so >4 minutes with a 50% resist.

The Gaol NMs resisting Drain III so hard is partly because of the forced 50% resist most of them have, and the huge MDT that all the ones not intended to be nuked down have. Most of the NMs take like -80% at V20.

btw where did you find the info of Dark Magic Skill increasing duration? I haven't seen that anywhere
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2022-05-10 15:55:31  
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
Wait did you just say Leaden/hybrid as if that takes more skill than SB at this point? In my eyes they one in the same cor got the bandwagon because of leaden. Savage blade was icing on the cake for cor because now the job can do it all and buff on top of it. Same with bard now which is only gonna push geo out with se nerfing everything geo touches.

Saw this post, super late reply but still gonna say something because I am getting emotional reading it D:

Cor has always been the most popular job in groups since 75 era. It has nothing to do with recent savage blade/leaden trend which apparently people have problem with. It's popular because it has always been strong dps wise, useful in groups and it's cool.

It was the most wanted job back when we spam slug shot with a martial gun, joytoy or Mkris in meripo and occassionally top the parse chart. It was the most wanted job in 2012 when wildfire was OP and we top the parse chart on certain VW NM. And it was still the most wanted job before leaden adjustment and naeg even exist.

Oh, and we've been spamming savage blade since 2015 or even before that, because it was a strong melee ws for us in melee pt, which needs a physical melee ws because of madrigal/attack buffs. So SB is not even a recent thing, nor "icing on the cake" for cor. It has always been a primary cor ws THEN community bandwagon sb on 10 other jobs and call it "meta". I call them copy cats >;O!

Dp/leaden also never out-bandwagon arma/wf in 2012. Not sure why people have problem with magic ws NOW. Cor has always been a strong magical ws user even before leaden buff.

Despite the slight variation in optimal dps builds Cor has always been the same job to me in past 13 years playing it: Useful in groups, versatile in a way that it can melee and do ranged attack, has access to many ws for different situations, generally close to DD dps wise if properly buffed and has potential to top the parse chart if situation is right.

Not sure why people acting like it's doing everything NOW only because of leaden/SB. It's the same versatile job since 75 era. Saying cor shouldn't do everything is like saying BLU RDM shouldn't do everything when all of them are made to be a hybrid job to begin with.

Anyways, go on, /end rant.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 974
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2022-05-10 16:09:10  
Afania said: »
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
Wait did you just say Leaden/hybrid as if that takes more skill than SB at this point? In my eyes they one in the same cor got the bandwagon because of leaden. Savage blade was icing on the cake for cor because now the job can do it all and buff on top of it. Same with bard now which is only gonna push geo out with se nerfing everything geo touches.

Saw this post, super late reply but still gonna say something because I am getting emotional reading it D:

Cor has always been the most popular job in groups since 75 era. It has nothing to do with recent savage blade/leaden trend which apparently people have problem with. It's popular because it has always been strong dps wise, useful in groups and it's cool.

It was the most wanted job back when we spam slug shot with a martial gun, joytoy or Mkris in meripo and occassionally top the parse chart. It was the most wanted job in 2012 when wildfire was OP and we top the parse chart on certain VW NM. And it was still the most wanted job before leaden adjustment and naeg even exist.

Oh, and we've been spamming savage blade since 2015 or even before that, because it was a strong melee ws for us in melee pt, which needs a physical melee ws because of madrigal/attack buffs. So SB is not even a recent thing, nor "icing on the cake" for cor. It has always been a primary cor ws THEN community bandwagon sb on 10 other jobs and call it "meta". I call them copy cats >;O!

Dp/leaden also never out-bandwagon arma/wf in 2012. Not sure why people have problem with magic ws NOW. Cor has always been a strong magical ws user even before leaden buff.

Despite the slight variation in optimal dps builds Cor has always been the same job to me in past 13 years playing it: Useful in groups, versatile in a way that it can melee and do ranged attack, has access to many ws for different situations, generally close to DD dps wise if properly buffed and has potential to top the parse chart if situation is right.

Not sure why people acting like it's doing everything NOW only because of leaden/SB. It's the same versatile job since 75 era. Saying cor shouldn't do everything is like saying BLU RDM shouldn't do everything when all of them are made to be a hybrid job to begin with.

Anyways, go on, /end rant.
I promised not to derail the topic anymore so ill just say yes you right.
By GetHelpNerd 2022-05-10 17:33:56  
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
You can get over 8 minutes with optimal gear, so >4 minutes with a 50% resist.

The Gaol NMs resisting Drain III so hard is partly because of the forced 50% resist most of them have, and the huge MDT that all the ones not intended to be nuked down have. Most of the NMs take like -80% at V20.

btw where did you find the info of Dark Magic Skill increasing duration? I haven't seen that anywhere
how the *** you manage to derail every *** thread you post in to pages on end about game mechanics? there are thousands, literally THOUSANDS of other topics on this forum for that.

shut the *** up
Posts: 9006
By SimonSes 2022-05-10 19:55:31  
GetHelpNerd said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
You can get over 8 minutes with optimal gear, so >4 minutes with a 50% resist.

The Gaol NMs resisting Drain III so hard is partly because of the forced 50% resist most of them have, and the huge MDT that all the ones not intended to be nuked down have. Most of the NMs take like -80% at V20.

btw where did you find the info of Dark Magic Skill increasing duration? I haven't seen that anywhere
how the *** you manage to derail every *** thread you post in to pages on end about game mechanics? there are thousands, literally THOUSANDS of other topics on this forum for that.

shut the *** up

I'm pretty sure 90% of my posts where on topic. The game mechanic part was on side. Also this thread is about specific event and was pretty much discussed in every possible way now (you have summary in first post), so its not like I'm blocking some heated on topic conversation.

Also, I noticed you like to call people idiots or tell them to shut up, but you probably noticed by now, that it almost never works. You can add this situation to that statistic too ;)
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aaiwn
Posts: 4
By Asura.Aaiwn 2022-05-10 20:54:19  
Asura.Geriond said: »
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
SimonSes said: »
PLD will get Foil from Master Levels, /DRG got Super Jumps, /WAR will get Fencer II, /DRK got SMite III and PDL III, /whm got CuragaIII etc.

Some of those are big gameplay/balance changes for main jobs using those subs and even opens up new possibilities. It's much more than just stats.
So again if this was the mindset then they shouldn't have said all 22 jobs because master levels don't help all 22 jobs.
Except master levels do help all 22 jobs?
Expect they don't. If you compare it to acutal adjustments. If all the jobs got baseline stat upgrades they all on the same field just like before. What it is now is jobs got baseline stats and some jobs got benefits from subjob levels.
Helping jobs is entirely different from helping jobs in comparison to each other. Master levels absolutely helped all 22 jobs.

Any adjustment that updated all 22 jobs by its very nature would have to help some more than others.

That's also ignoring the fact that some jobs absolutely get a lot more out of base stats, higher subjobs, and skills than others. For example, RDM gets large bonuses from MLs, while GEO gets relatively little.

WHM didn't get that much from Master Levels compared to many other jobs.

Healing Magic skill gained only contribute to Cursna potency, which represents something like 2% success rate.
For the Cures, HMS is caped easily for a WHM with a bit of stuff, even without any ML.

Enhancing Magic Skill gained through ML doesn't contribute to Barspells since the cap is only 500.

Mosts of the stats are useless, since MND/VIT are also capped along HMS with cure formula limits.

The only buffs are :
- magic accuracy through Enfeebling skill and stats, but WHM isn't a powerful enfeebler with RDM and GEO on the other side
- HP for Devotion (but a good stuff before ML already gives 1200+ MP...)
- Stats for WS or MND for Holy II...
- Rapture with /SCH 55 for Holy II.

Not really groundbreaking for a healer that already suffers of limits everywhere.
Posts: 2421
By Nariont 2022-05-10 21:21:41  
Not to say youre incorrect but what does whm really need at this point? Its the best at its designated role though cga3 availability and majesty has helped bridge the aoe healing gap that was really hindering other jobs from being able to fill in, but they still cant compete with the mitigation from cureskin, the power of divine caress, aoe nas if mythic us a factor, its in a pretty comfortable spot imo
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2022-05-11 05:10:36  
They've had it for a while already, but the improved stratagem charges at /SCH50 are quite useful for WHM. Penury/Celerity for Arise or Accession Regen (or -nas if you're missing Yagrush) are nice to have in a pinch.
Posts: 118
By Banhammer 2022-05-11 07:05:18  
The way to fix RNG is to give it rolls.
By Draylo 2022-05-11 09:13:08  
SimonSes said: »
GetHelpNerd said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
You can get over 8 minutes with optimal gear, so >4 minutes with a 50% resist.

The Gaol NMs resisting Drain III so hard is partly because of the forced 50% resist most of them have, and the huge MDT that all the ones not intended to be nuked down have. Most of the NMs take like -80% at V20.

btw where did you find the info of Dark Magic Skill increasing duration? I haven't seen that anywhere
how the *** you manage to derail every *** thread you post in to pages on end about game mechanics? there are thousands, literally THOUSANDS of other topics on this forum for that.

shut the *** up

I'm pretty sure 90% of my posts where on topic. The game mechanic part was on side. Also this thread is about specific event and was pretty much discussed in every possible way now (you have summary in first post), so its not like I'm blocking some heated on topic conversation.

Also, I noticed you like to call people idiots or tell them to shut up, but you probably noticed by now, that it almost never works. You can add this situation to that statistic too ;)

He gives me D44k vibes, very angry sock account
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