With the main endgame revolving around Odyssey, I'm not sure where the idea of being stationary as being important comes from.
the point is ppl rarely roamed in any content befor adoulin, even in content like dynamis where you also had to battle thru a map ppl still made temporary camps and brought a puller. now that we have a GEO there is a bigger incentive to stay together than ever befor SE decides to pushe more and more roaming content. some GEOs don't even bother to cast their stationary bubbles on omen or dyna fodder anymore cause it's too much of a hustle.
on a side note if evasion tanking is as effective in odyssey as some claim it to be and SE finally bothered to fix animation lock i believe a Gandring path C THF could be a amazing puller/supertank/DD.
I too, have only really found a use of it in this scenario. On larger mobs you can often place the bubble in a safe spot without using Widened Compass. The Job Point bonus to it is also basically useless.
lets give a job that easily reaches FC cap and with spells that are already very fast a FC bonus, genius.
imho the entire job is a mess and only did so well due to bugged bubbles. the adjustments to bubbles, mob stats, the nerf to consecutive MB nukes and the switch to roam content throws GEO far behind the other available supports.