Finally Releasing This Addon; GearInfo

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Finally releasing this addon; GearInfo
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サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Rajang
Posts: 157
By Carbuncle.Rajang 2018-04-07 17:04:50  
Odin.Ewellina said: »
I need some clarification on set bonuses. Does the empyrean sets +2 work with the reforged emperean sets NQ and +1 Bonuses?

According to the JP Wiki, the Empyrean +2/109/119 versions can be mixed in and the set bonus will still work.

Edit: I might go test this with maybe the PLD set bonus or something, since I'm not certain.

Odin.Ewellina said: »
and does this pattern apply across the board, where an upgraded version of a set that has a different name still applies?

I know the reforged AF and Empyrean set bonuses can be mixed, but this isn't true for all sets. For instance, the NQ Lv 75 Salvage gear set bonuses and +1 Lv 99 Salvage set bonuses work differently, so those cannot be mixed around.

Also, you probably already know this, but the set bonus for reforged AF and Regal gear (like the Ou ring) caps at five pieces, even though there are six pieces you can equip.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-07 17:17:16  
Carbuncle.Rajang said: »
Odin.Ewellina said: »
I need some clarification on set bonuses. Does the empyrean sets +2 work with the reforged emperean sets NQ and +1 Bonuses?

According to the JP Wiki, the Empyrean +2/109/119 versions can be mixed in and the set bonus will still work.

Edit: I might go test this with maybe the PLD set bonus or something, since I'm not certain.

Odin.Ewellina said: »
and does this pattern apply across the board, where an upgraded version of a set that has a different name still applies?

I know the reforged AF and Empyrean set bonuses can be mixed, but this isn't true for all sets. For instance, the NQ Lv 75 Salvage gear set bonuses and +1 Lv 99 Salvage set bonuses work differently, so those cannot be mixed around.

Also, you probably already know this, but the set bonus for reforged AF and Regal gear (like the Ou ring) caps at five pieces, even though there are six pieces you can equip.

that actually really helps thank you. I'm trying to find a way to logically create a look up table per set for the bonuses so that when i //gi parse it will add for each item that is part of a set a field like set_id, bonus per peice, minimum set peices needed for bonus etc etc etc. But its tedious and im not 100% sure how to create my look up table. its gona involve a lot of manual labour i think lol.

i already created 2 files, 1 where the construct is basicly this for every item:
        ["enl"]="alcedo gauntlets", 
        ["Set Bonus"]="Magic damage taken -5%", 
        ["en"]="Alcedo Gauntlets"

and the second organises every item under the set bonus text
["Increases rate of critical hits"]={
            ["enl"]="Athos's tabard", 
            ["en"]="Athos's Tabard"
            ["enl"]="mustela harness", 
            ["en"]="Mustela Harness"
            ["enl"]="Athos's gloves", 
            ["en"]="Athos's Gloves"

etc etc etc etc
but i really need to add a field for something like a "set id" to differentiate each set correctly then give each item what its bonus is as a basic stat like "critical hit rate + 5%"
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-04-08 11:14:55  
Probably will need at least two formats for set bonus fields. Even excluding 98 and lower gear, there are still set bonus structure variations within ilvl.

Ambuscade +2 set bonuses work the same as AF119+2/+3.
Just simple multiples of whatever the set bonus gives.
2pc = 1x bonus
3pc = 2x bonus
4pc = 3x bonus
5pc = 4x bonus
6pc+ = 4x bonus

Eschan abjuration HQ set bonus works differently in that the 2pc bonus is doubled.
2pc = 2x bonus
3pc = 3x bonus
4pc = 4x bonus
5pc = 5x bonus

Sparks/"Eminent" gear though requires the full 5pc set IIRC for a single bonus tier.

Then there are things like the Delve earrings which only have 2pc in the entire set.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-08 15:17:46  

The gloves are causing the issue (Peltast's vambraces +1) they dont appear in the file at all. ill have a look at why. In the mean time can you test my theory and equip them and see if the game crashes please and report back thanks.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-08 15:22:54  

Thanks thats good info. im still working the files and how to implement them properly, so far i have given every know item with a set bonus, a key for the set it belongs in. then used another field to add the minimum piece count needed for bonus to proc, think i need to add max too, and maybe some extra fields. not all of the above is correct according to the wiki. some sets start at an odd value like the marduks set +1. fast cast starts at 3 for 2 pieces then adds 2 for each extra peice. so i need to implement that start value. anywho, i knew it wasnt gona be easy, and yes i will be adding every set, i like to be thorough. it makes future additions easier and you never know when someone wants to use that old lvl75 piece lol
By Kilobyte 2018-04-08 15:50:04  
It appears that I must have stored them so they aren't in the file. I had pulled the equipment from the macro directly.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Digg
Posts: 98
By Asura.Diggs 2018-04-08 15:55:03  
There is a random amount of Accuracy gap between /checkparam <me> and Gearinfo. Gearinfo always shows less Acc.

On my SAM it seemed to be straight up 10 acc difference in all sets, but checked other jobs and there are bigger and smaller gaps from job to job (tested on PLD, WAR, SAM, DRK, THF at least). Don't think it was related to set bonuses (ambu +1 give noone right?)

Not sure how I can contribute with any help. Maybe theres something from gifts not calculated in?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-08 16:01:53  
I also have a 5 acc difference on main and sub
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-08 17:49:54  
Asura.Diggs said: »
There is a random amount of Accuracy gap between /checkparam <me> and Gearinfo. Gearinfo always shows less Acc.

On my SAM it seemed to be straight up 10 acc difference in all sets, but checked other jobs and there are bigger and smaller gaps from job to job (tested on PLD, WAR, SAM, DRK, THF at least). Don't think it was related to set bonuses (ambu +1 give noone right?)

Not sure how I can contribute with any help. Maybe theres something from gifts not calculated in?
Asura.Eiryl said: »
I also have a 5 acc difference on main and sub

Theres a number of reasons why it could be out. its really hard to make it accurate, not because of the calculations, but because of how i can ascertain the information. For example getting a characters base stats (dex str etc) is from a packet. This packet is quiet accurate. however the packet for a players skill doesnt automaticly update with gear changes unless you are in the equip menu. so a macro that would equip skill would not be reflected in the packet strait away. Also then there is the player structure that gives you all the skills the player has. The values given aren't your "base" skill. it goes up and down based on equipment, and the skill from ilvl weapons never gets added to this value. so in all i have to track a number of things to try and get a semi accurate value, which is goin to off based on the packets, wether you have set bonuses equipped, food, buffs, skill in gear, etc etc etc. its basicly not goin to be 100% accurate until i find a way to get all the base values for everything for your character, then i can add gear from that. So i apologise but for now its the best i can do from the knowledge i have off the systems.

also i noticed the other day that some of the job point gifts had changed, probably from an update that i wasnt around for, so ill go through all the gifts again and verify.

Edit: nope its not the gifts are traits. its prob just packet stuff. its spot on for my blu and thf and pld, and my blu and pld are master. but sometimes i have to //gi r to get the correct values from changing job.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-08 17:56:04  
Kilobyte said: »
It appears that I must have stored them so they aren't in the file. I had pulled the equipment from the macro directly.

if you dont mind please check the item, and also if you have previously equipped the gloves they should have been in the file, unless you recently did a //gi parse after having stored them. either way its the only piece that isnt in the file, and its also the one that stands out as a possible issue. The discription for the item has a double return, as in a line of white space when u look at the picture of it on the wiki. technically the code should be removing any \n (new line) and replacing it with a space, but i duno maybe the code messes up for that one item, so if u can please check it for me. equip em, see if it crashes the game, if not then it narrows it down to the skill use itself rather then items being equipped.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Digg
Posts: 98
By Asura.Diggs 2018-04-08 18:34:11  
Great, thanks for the reply. I can only imagine it's tricky getting out exact acc values. If you ever find a way, thats great, however for now I'm sold on the STP calculator alone. Good job man! Keep it up.
By Kilobyte 2018-04-08 19:28:09  
I will go through each item and see which causes the crash as soon as I get a chance.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-08 19:38:14  
Kilobyte said: »
I will go through each item and see which causes the crash as soon as I get a chance.

much appreciated.
By Kilobyte 2018-04-08 21:08:23  
So.. it appears to only happen when first entering Ambuscade and if I attempt to use Spirit Link before the bag icon finishes loading... it doesn't do it anywhere else or if I select the items one at a time.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-08 21:16:19  
i finally finished the set bonus files. These should work great. heres the 2 types:

1 sorted by Set_id (each set is given a unique id number)

the 2nd is sorted by item id

as you can see if added the total bonus for the number of set pieces equipped, the next item demonstrates this well:

I will be implementing its use to GI tomorrow and hopefully will have set bonuses added. Now to elaborate some set bonus i cannot add, especially the emperean set bonuses as they enhance a specific stat in a way that isnt very quantifiable easily. like for brd the set gives stats based on the element of the songs buff. and all the emperean sets are like that, so they wernt added, and any set that wasnt defined on BGwiki will also be empty
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: znitch
Posts: 191
By Shiva.Znitch 2018-04-09 13:51:46  
Loving the addon! Quick question about Dual Wield - I might be missing something.

On a mastered THF with Aeonic/Empy daggers equipped only, no magic or gear haste:

/WAR (or any other non-DW job) GI gives me a value of 50 DW needed

/NIN GI gives me a value of 55 DW needed

/DNC GI gives me a value of 65 DW needed

If I'm reading the values on the DW page correctly, THF with the 550 Job Point gift should always be at DWIV no matter what, so changing the sub job shouldn't impact the above numbers, correct?
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-09 17:19:58  
that shouldnt be happening. ill take a look.

EDIT just uploaded a quick fix for it. grab the calculator.lua from the repo, it will fix that issue. will push a release in next couple of days with set bonuses added
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-09 19:03:39  
Kilobyte said: »
So.. it appears to only happen when first entering Ambuscade and if I attempt to use Spirit Link before the bag icon finishes loading... it doesn't do it anywhere else or if I select the items one at a time.

Thats really wierd. i dont know if its something i can fix tbh.
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2018-04-09 22:26:45  
I think I figured out what was going on,

It was giving me that higher 'DW needed' number because I think it was reading the DW off subjob /dnc (dwII) instead of the THF/ main's dwIV. Switching to /war made the numbers show up correctly.

standing around in town no haste dw needed:
thf/dnc: 58
thf/war: 43

Edit: just noticed comments before me beat me to it
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2018-04-10 12:49:12  
Two variables that could be used:

-Ionis for Gear Haste in Adoulin zones.
All servers have the max on always which I think is 3%?
I dunno what number this is /256, the old lower version of this which was 1% was listed as 12/256.

-Vorseals in EschaZ/R/Reisenjima
There's 3 vorseals that each give 1% DT for a total of -3% DT.
If a zone has Blessing "Fortitude" active the vorseals are doubled for up to -6% total.
edit:friend said fortitude might not affect dt,
-will test on Sabotender Royal's 2k needles when I get a chance
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-04-10 13:48:35  
Boshi said: »
Two variables that could be used:

-Ionis for Gear Haste in Adoulin zones.
All servers have the max on always which I think is 3%?
I dunno what number this is /256, the old lower version of this which was 1% was listed as 12/256.


-Vorseals in EschaZ/R/Reisenjima
There's 3 vorseals that each give 1% DT for a total of -3% DT.
If a zone has Blessing "Fortitude" active the vorseals are doubled for up to -6% total.
edit:friend said fortitude might not affect dt,
-will test on Sabotender Royal's 2k needles when I get a chance

It is possible for killer effects and circles to affect dt/dd as well.. Nukumi body (bst empy) and Founder's Breastplate both give 50% of your current applicable killer effects as dt- and dd+. I know the Nukumi is DTII, so Founder's probably is as well. Circle effects give dt-/dd+ 15% (which gets nerfed to 10% vs NMs.)

Although specific pieces like these two are able to have a significant impact, I don't think you really need to worry about including super complex and niche cases in the model/addon.
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2018-04-10 13:56:10  
Just went out to Reis and tested it out
Fortitude Blessing DOES NOT x2 this vorseal.

with fortitude up,
SaboRoyal 2k needles in -0DT gear did 1945 dmg
2000-1945 = 55
55/2000 = 0.0275 (2.75% of 3% supposed to give)
.0275*256 = 7.04
so 7/256?

(this is unrelated to the GearInfo stuff but for general info:)
so gonna assume it's n being # of vorseal
1 vorseal: 2/256 ~0.78%
2 vorseal: 5/256 ~1.95%
3 vorseal: 7/256 ~2.73%
(generally you need 52pdt to actually cap)

One last consideration for GearInfo:
Moster Rearing
if you have cheer KI "Green Wyvern Cheer"
that adds +1% haste, which I assume is 12/256 gear haste

none of the other cheers add anything DT/haste-wise
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-10 19:54:26  

ionis and the cheer ki, i think i can do. is it 100% gear haste and not magic haste?

also its update time 'v1.6.6.1' Big update

Added new files for set bonus
added to code to calculate set bonuses
added new file for blue mage spells
added new code to parse equipped blue mage spells for stats
streamlined a lot of code
made the accuracry parser FAR more accurate

EDIT : i was only able to do limited testing on this update, so please post any bugs you may find.
EDIT 2 : please be aware that emperean set bonuses were not added, as they dont have a quantifyable value that is relevant, and several OLD sets i couldnt find the information for on BG wiki, so were left blank for now. anyone with a regal ring and regal pendant, please test for me that they work together. (i forcee a bug maybe)
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2018-04-10 19:57:53  
Ionis is 100% gear haste,

The wyvern cheer is assumed cause all other ki (atma/atmacite ect) were gear haste.
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2018-04-10 22:50:03  
Hey I just got home and got a chance to download the new update,
when I //lua load gearinfo now i get (repeating nonstop):

> GearInfo: Lua runtime error: gearinfo/gearinfo.lua:744: attempt to compare nil with number
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-11 04:08:26  
Boshi said: »
Hey I just got home and got a chance to download the new update,
when I //lua load gearinfo now i get (repeating nonstop):

> GearInfo: Lua runtime error: gearinfo/gearinfo.lua:744: attempt to compare nil with number

Sorry my bad. Was an issue with naming convention on the Defence display.

EDIT : fix here v1.6.6.2
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-11 15:28:59  
Is there no Martial Arts "needed" option? like DW

Trying to Scroll up with //gi help crashes etc
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-11 16:15:02  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Is there no Martial Arts "needed" option? like DW

Trying to Scroll up with //gi help crashes etc

you crash from that, thats weird. I think theres an addon that stops that happening, or a plugin, but i cnt remember, i happily scroll up way further then that. ive never had a crash from it.

Errrr, i guess martial arts needed is something i could implement.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-04-11 16:17:28  
I mean, i dont crash from your addon, scrolling up while multiboxing always has a chance of crashing the client
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: colway
Posts: 200
By Odin.Ewellina 2018-04-11 17:26:14  
for the artists out there:

I need to find a better way to display the info for GI. its starting to get cluttered and i dont like it. if anyone has any suggestions on how to make the display look, im all ears.

Could also do with some ideas on how to implement better code for the display where i can include colours etc and hide show display sections based on user input.
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