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By K123 2025-03-25 02:37:42  
What could Rajas be? STR+15 DEX+15 STP+10?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 554
By Asura.Dexprozius 2025-03-25 03:14:08  
K123 said: »
What could Rajas be? STR+15 DEX+15 STP+10?

STR 15 DEX 15
Atk 15 Acc 15
Store TP 10 Subtle Blow 10

OR make it a mini Lehkos?

STR 15 / Dex 15
Store TP 5
Subtle Blow 5
Haste 5
Crit 5


Triple attack 5 instead of haste/crit ...


You can keep it thematically like the old rings and make its attribute stats 15~20, every 10 Master Levels it goes up by 1, since the original gave a bonus stat every 15 levels.

Who knows, we're probably not getting it anyway so its pointless to speculate. I'd hope for something on par or similar to the TVR rings is my point

You could literally make it have the SAME stats and the +1 adds 50 accuracy (similar to the Null gear) and that'd make it competitive even with all the original stats unchanged
Posts: 259
By Weeew 2025-03-25 08:56:09  
Just spoke to my contacts at SE and here is the inside scoop...

Besieged will now drop a new currency called Cymophanite's (?). You will be able to start a new quest with Naja Salaheem and use this new currency to upgrade Nyzul Isle Uncharted gear. Here is the only image he could share from the dev team:

サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Montigo
Posts: 44
By Asura.Mcdoogle 2025-03-25 08:58:56  
No MEVA/MDB is gonna be a no from me dawg
Posts: 19
By Shenaniganz 2025-03-25 09:17:11  
Garfield said: »
At the 1:43:23 time stamp, they were just talking about new player progression into ilv119 and wanting Limbus to be one of those methods and saying "Everyone can join" and saying that Dyna D is "close" to that as well, but Limbus will have parts that are soloable and parts that are party oriented.

You did a pretty good job with most of your interpretation/transcription but I wanna nitpick this part so people here don't get the wrong idea. Fujito pretty clearly states that his ideal version of an updated Limbus will not be like Dyna-D. (1:44:07 「ダイバージェンスみたいな感じではなく...もっと、あの、みんな...そこに行けば、皆で参加できるタイプって言ったらのかな」).

Instead it would be more like how original Dynamis currently functions. (1:44:17 「今のデュナミスが割とそのスタイル近いと思うんですけど。みんな入れるじゃないですか。みんな入ろうかなっていうふうな感じで思っているので...」)

So they want it to be unlike Dyna-D and more like how old Dynamis works now, i.e. anyone with access can join at any time, and thus the content could be appealing to group and solo players alike (it almost sounds like Walk of Echoes to me as well).

I actually wrote up a reply about this a few days ago but decided not to post it since I felt like I'd be repeating most of what had been discussed after the interview dropped a few months back, but I'll spoiler it below if anyone wants to read it anyway (yes I saved an unused forum post for a 20-year-old game in Notepad++ because I am a freak):
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3,734
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-03-25 12:12:48  
K123 said: »
What could Rajas be?

Turn the Subtle Blow into Subtle Blow II, for one.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Michelob
Posts: 69
By Phoenix.Michelob 2025-03-25 17:55:03  
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
The next version update is scheduled for early April.

April brings with it adjustments to Besieged

So, how bout some more idle speculation fun. Is this gonna bump things up to level 11? Where do they stop?

I believe that they stated their intended stopping point is level 15 for Besieged. At least for now, I guess. Level 15 Besieged will put it at iLvl 119, if I recall correctly.
Posts: 7
By Garfield 2025-03-25 18:37:19  
That's a great catch Shenaniganz, thank you for that. I completely glossed over the difference of "ダイバ" and "デュナミス" in my mind when I was listening to that part. My mind went the route of "no real specific job composition" oops... I've added an edit to my original post to reflect my error.

It's a good post you saved, I also found that youtube CC couldn't pick out 装束, in normal just JP CC it comes out as 小像 lmao!
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4,206
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2025-03-25 20:58:10  
Weeew said: »
Besieged will now drop a new currency called Cymophanite's (?).
Cymophanite also known as Cymophane is a type of Chrysoberyl, the same as Alexandrite just a different optical effect. Funny enough, "Cymophane is popularly known as 'cat's eye'".
Posts: 259
By Weeew 2025-03-26 14:15:55  
Asura.Mcdoogle said: »
No MEVA/MDB is gonna be a no from me dawg

I figured the +2 version would get some acc, meva etc. and I was right!

By K123 2025-03-26 15:35:21  
Still not great, hopefully +90 EVA +120 MEVA on +3
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,015
By Asura.Saevel 2025-03-26 19:37:03  
Nah just put all stats +255 on it...

Like you people seriously
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,670
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2025-03-26 20:46:28  
Not every top DPS piece needs to also be the top defensive piece. Not everything spams AOE debuffs nor high dmg AOE attacks that requires you to be turtled up fulltime. There once was a time when people weighed the defensive risks of what they're wearing against what they're fighting to *** if the extra offensive gains are worth it.

Imma be honest, the fact that the best WS set also comes with 38% DT on it is a shitty thing. Slap PDT-10 on the WS Cape and you're nearly capped DT in your WS set. No one has to gives a ***about timing their WS's at the risk of being caught with their pants down, just let AutoWS fire it off whenever.
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