Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Nice list there, man. I'd like to add some extra notes.
The list was based on, as the title states, whether the +3 upgrade is worth the cost. That, along with the fact that these are just my own opinions that arent worth a damn:
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
THF feet also has Flee duration +18. Not sure about anyone else, but if I'm doing things on the job, I want that extra Flee.
The extra flee from +2 to +3 is 1 second. You can decide if one extra second (5-8 yalm) is worth 6m+
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
DRK hands augments Weapon Bash, allowing you to easier skillchain with yourself for a Drain 3 Magic Burst.
AFAIK, this can be done at +2 hands right? It's just Chainbound tier 1, nothing increases with +3. In this case, they are just a macro swap to create a SC, no? I have the +3 hands personally, but observed nothing different than the prior +2 version.
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
COR head, hands and feet are still the best magic accuracy for Light Shot/Dark Shot, unless there is something better? The legs are probably less useful as it gets easily replaced with better Snapshot gear later.
Maybe. Empyrean +3 comes with a ton of macc, so I had this in mind when I consider these Yes*/No* or whatever decisions. It probably comes out to more Magic Accuracy in total, but the idea behind this list is whether or not its necessary/worth it to +3 the piece. (Actually the QD+ pieces have a TON of magic accuracy, so that's a flat out oversight on my part, see dont take my words worth anything). YMMV, so I don't disagree with anyone's personal reasoning, but just based off my own gearing, I didn't bother with a few extra Magic Accuracy just for light/dark shot land rate, but I could just be totally wrong/gimping it up and didn't math it properly. The legs on the other hand has +15 Snapshot, which are the highest you can get in that slot unless I'm mistaken. Looking at it from the lens of not having flurry (like Gaol or Sortie (rare)), I included it because it makes gearing to the cap overall easier. Something like Arebati KI2 you're unlikely to have Flurry, so the legs are good. But again, you can argue "is it worth 5-6m in upgrade mats?", so the argument about it being less useful is valid.