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Dev Tracker - Discussion
Posts: 3573
Guess: Clearing midboss in all four zones opens up bodies. Job specific body drops off zone boss only. Body requires twice as many medals.
I want one of these
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It's gonna be something amazingly unexpected and unrelated to dynamis. Inb4 body requires Mog gardens and all master trials completed
My understanding was that the mats for the proposed new weapons that require final shield KI's to make, are going to be added to the loot-lists for all "commander" level mobs across all 4 zones.
I suspect that if they're doing this, they could add body upgrade mats also, and leave the basic formula intact with Jeuno scrub mobs just dropping leg upgrades. Really surprised there is no 5th dyna zone. Kind of disappointed.
Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: » Really surprised there is no 5th dyna zone. Kind of disappointed. I'm not. Not interested in the running/fomors of Beac, the demons of Xarc or Diabolos potential boss in Tav. Leviathan.Vedder
I really liked running beau/xarc
If Jeuno doesn't get legs or bodies, or if more zones are added to the dats, we will know more is coming.
Whats that? KI's from master trial's that require the base master trial weapon drops to make?
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: » Whats that? KI's from master trial's that require the base master trial weapon drops to make? case of crossed posts. The new weapons that SE teased in "Freshly Picked" (btw, the tease was just verbal, no images/etc) will require 'The Final Form Esuctuceon(*** spelling) Key Item'. The only curiosity I have is will someone with the 'Key Item' for any shield be able to synthesize ANY weapon, or will each craft get a few weapons (or maybe just smithing/goldsmithing/alchemy will get weapons, who knows)? Because outside of cross server shenanigans, several servers may never see certain weapons if they require a specific Shield KI instead of just any. The only way you could make a synthesis require this KI yet not be tied to a specific craft is....Synergy. Yippie. emiledge said: » Cherrywine! Here is what SE said. March brings along with it Dynamis – Jeuno (D), the latest and final entry in the new Dynamis – Divergence series! What part of Final do you not understand! Are you a retard do you need me to break down final for you? Final as in end, done, gone, no more, done deal, over! Got it! Dumb A** It could have easily meant the "final (in the main storyline)" addition.
Translation etc. It could mean literally anything with square. How many thousand things have they "said" then changed. "Yes" until we decide to make it "No" emiledge said: » Cherrywine! Here is what SE said. March brings along with it Dynamis – Jeuno (D), the latest and final entry in the new Dynamis – Divergence series! What part of Final do you not understand! Are you a retard do you need me to break down final for you? Final as in end, done, gone, no more, done deal, over! Got it! Dumb A** Simmer down Susan, take a Midol for any cramps We don't need evidence to talk about a possibility; the burden of proof is on you to disprove it being possible, not us on proving it will happen, because that's not our stance.
emiledge said: » OMFG they said final! you people are just beyond stupid! Show me where there was any info on a Dyna-I your just pulling that out your a**! Or your repeating gossip! show me where it doesn't say it checkmate atheists Offline
I'd like to point out that we are all talking about stuff in Final Fantasy 11. SE doesn't know the meaning of the word
Popularity for this new Dynamis - D was too low across the board. They wanted to wrap this up and work on other stuff with the 1-2 developers they have left on the team..
They have most likely created an easy system similar to ideas suggested above to unlock body. I think they saw lack of participation and did not wish to put more effort into it. Waste of time/revenue for them to unlock all zones, create new bosses/gimmicks, etc.. Just my guess.. meh.. Lets move on.. My Speculation: People are doing more Ambuscade than Dynamis - D .. lol.. Sad for Dyna-Lovers... Asura.Syto said: » Popularity for this new Dynamis - D was too low across the board. They wanted to wrap this up and work on other stuff with the 1-2 developers they have left on the team.. They most likely created an easy system similar to ideas suggested above to unlock body. I think they saw lack of participation and did not wish to put more effort into it. Waste of time/revenue for them to unlock all zones, create new bosses/gimmicks, etc.. Just my guess.. meh.. Lets move on.. My Speculation: People are doing more Ambuscade than Dynamis - D .. lol.. Sad.. You are right that the event is straight hot garbage. and only 3/66 items are worth even a little effort so yeah, participation is incredibly low. However this is completely meaningless, they've never stopped caring just because people don't go. Look at infailsion. They just double down and force you to do it. Asura.Eiryl said: » Asura.Syto said: » Popularity for this new Dynamis - D was too low across the board. They wanted to wrap this up and work on other stuff with the 1-2 developers they have left on the team.. They most likely created an easy system similar to ideas suggested above to unlock body. I think they saw lack of participation and did not wish to put more effort into it. Waste of time/revenue for them to unlock all zones, create new bosses/gimmicks, etc.. Just my guess.. meh.. Lets move on.. My Speculation: People are doing more Ambuscade than Dynamis - D .. lol.. Sad.. You are right that the event is straight hot garbage. and only 3/66 items are worth even a little effort so yeah, participation is incredibly low. However this is completely meaningless, they've never stopped caring just because people don't go. Look at infailsion. They just double down and force you to do it. Different times/era and energy behind the game.. Those days of high energy/enthusiasm behind the Dev Team's work are fading.. We'll see. It is all speculation. Or could be a big typo? Fenrir.Cherrywine
Wow, of all the things I have posted, this got someone all fired up?
I guess my point is, in the past SE has said things like: Quote: Announcing the Next Version Update (01/26/2018) The next version update is scheduled for early February. February brings with it the Windurst version of Dynamis-Divergence together with additional relic armor reforging! Other changes include the monthly Ambuscade rotation. That language is completely missing here. Does it mean something? Well, who knows. clearlyamule said: » I'd like to point out that we are all talking about stuff in Final Fantasy 11. SE doesn't know the meaning of the word Offline
Posts: 35422
Asura.Syto said: » Popularity for this new Dynamis - D was too low across the board. They wanted to wrap this up and work on other stuff with the 1-2 developers they have left on the team.. They have most likely created an easy system similar to ideas suggested above to unlock body. I think they saw lack of participation and did not wish to put more effort into it. Waste of time/revenue for them to unlock all zones, create new bosses/gimmicks, etc.. Just my guess.. meh.. Lets move on.. My Speculation: People are doing more Ambuscade than Dynamis - D .. lol.. Sad for Dyna-Lovers... I don't recall anyone wanting to do Dynamis again on tougher mobs...we have only done Dynamis for like 10 year already. Well we can only go into dynamis twice a week essentially. I don't think it's lack of interest.
LOL it's definitely lack of interest.
Dienamis v2 suffers from every single thing that makes an event bad. Random job drop, no personal pool, lockout, drop rate too low, timed gimmick, instant "***" moves, only 1 item per job (and most of those items are ***) ((the hydra gear is even hotter garbage)) Only thing it's missing is procs. Re-tooled Dynamis was doomed to fail from the start. It's recycled 14yo content with crappy rewards, and a shitty time gate. What did they expect? Honestly....
Posts: 35422
Asura.Eiryl said: » LOL it's definitely lack of interest. Dienamis v2 suffers from every single thing that makes an event bad. Random job drop, no personal pool, lockout, drop rate too low, timed gimmick, instant "***" moves, only 1 item per job (and most of those items are ***) ((the hydra gear is even hotter garbage)) Only thing it's missing is procs. Coming in April you got to /dnc to proc Dynamis D. But you get 1% drop increase on medals oh boy ! i want dynamis aht urhgan
Incoming Dynamis - Convergence/Resurgence/Insurgence, or my personal fave, Dynamis - (lack of) Intelligence.
Honestly I don't dislike the new Dynamis. It's pretty much the only thing I somewhat enjoy since my latest return. Sure, it has a lot of those things everyone complains about, but at minimum you get "currency" each run, which is worth some gil, or can be applied directly to any of the upgrades you may want. That's a far more flexible system than they've done in the past. I'm making 1-1.5mil per clear I do and have gotten 6~ of the direct shards I need over the past 3-4 weeks I've done it. That's far from amazing, but it's steady enough for me at the moment. The lockout is what kills it a bit for me, but that's also essential to it being worth much to farm, so it is what it is.
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