Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
By Sabishii 2017-01-10 16:05:41
On the topic of En-spell:
Does Excalibur's en-spell damage transfer through every hit (double and triple) unlike it's hidden triple damage effect which only transfers on the first hit of an attack round?
If so, would this be our best main hand because of this alone (even disregarding the 60 attack) beating Murg's multi-hits and Almace's double damage (unless Almace's double damage only transfers on the first hit, as well). Looking into my first ultimate weapon which is why I appear so unfamiliar.
Thanks all!
Can't say about the other stuff, but Almace Afterglow has TRIPLE damage on regular hits with AM.
By tyalangan 2017-01-10 16:09:31
My bad I was looking at the 99 version when comparing not 119 III. Is it on all hits?
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2017-01-10 16:15:22
サーバ: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Snaps 2017-01-10 16:17:22
All hits for your mainhand
By Boshi 2017-01-10 16:17:48
Almace is the best mainhand if you're using CDC spam.
If you're using Savage then Sequence wins.
However if for some reason a rdm having this is important (uh apex?) excalibur is unique in that it lets you make a double light sc Kor->Savage>light->CDC->light
For piercing weak mobs the best mainhand is Mandau. Also this is the only way for rdm to make a lvl 3 sc with dagger solo. Murgleis is piercing also on normal swings however, but its WSs will not be.
For blunt weak extremely rare this will never happen occasions the best mainhand is still augments alluvian club (nehushtan). Gogo ambuscade
Temper II really hurt murgleis's spot in this but it's still a useful weapon if you're a mainjob rdm and 269 paired with the new shield is a great pure macc piece.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2017-01-10 17:03:32
Quote: Temper II really hurt murgleis's spot
sorry for a maybe noob question but why ? (since i have murgleis and i love AM3 up + temper II)
サーバ: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2017-01-10 17:13:32
Won't argue with any of what Boshi had to say above, I will say, however, that I still belive that Murgleis belongs as at least a solid number 2,once afterglowed. Yes, it's DPS capabilities aren't what Almace or Sequence are, but it's overall utility in my mind makes it worthwhile. I love mine. Will I get at least one more of the legendary weapons for RDM? Definitely. But outside of specific situations I'll still mainhand my Murg.
I will also say, that I play with someone "who takes RDM seriously" with multiple options in the legendary department- and again as Boshi said all have their place...but he loves that Murg too.
By Boshi 2017-01-10 17:41:47
Sequence has also been useful on some of the Omen NM's recently (where you may have to melee rdm practically now since you need cards on rdm).
On like Thinker and Kin if you have a group of people just turning around a lot and just doing savage / resos Sequence really shines. Also if you don't turn in time Am from murg/almace suck.
Murg/Almace AM will get tank killed vs Gorger but I usually just stand back and spam dispel. Although... I think if you were melee'ing vs Gorger excalibur would actually be the best mainhand and safe.
Rdm/nin always although I guess you could /dnc for ja proc our corsair usually does that.
Rdm is really useful on Fu the way we do it I'll just rdm/nin on the way up then for Fu i stay back and just make sure inundation is on while COR opens SC for SMN.
Don't think it's practical to fit RDM into a Kei run really.
By Boshi 2017-01-10 17:49:54
Quote: Temper II really hurt murgleis's spot
sorry for a maybe noob question but why ? (since i have murgleis and i love AM3 up + temper II)
It's still a very good weapon and very multi-purposed. As for pure dps potential however the large amount of multi-hit provided by temperII significantly lowers the margin of swings/round that having AM3 increases versus say temperI. At the same time this large ammount of multi-attack from temperII increases the dps contribution that the triple damage procs from almace provide.
butt fun times with murg:
AM2 also allows rdm to burst spells with full strength nukes while meleeing ninja-style ~ and deathblossom itself is meva-
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-10 18:26:25
Sequence has also been useful on some of the Omen NM's recently (where you may have to melee rdm practically now since you need cards on rdm).
On like Thinker and Kin if you have a group of people just turning around a lot and just doing savage / resos Sequence really shines. Also if you don't turn in time Am from murg/almace suck.
Murg/Almace AM will get tank killed vs Gorger but I usually just stand back and spam dispel. Although... I think if you were melee'ing vs Gorger excalibur would actually be the best mainhand and safe.
Rdm/nin always although I guess you could /cor for ja proc our corsair usually does that.
Rdm is really useful on Fu the way we do it I'll just rdm/nin on the way up then for Fu i stay back and just make sure inundation is on while COR opens SC for SMN.
Don't think it's practical to fit RDM into a Kei run really.
I actually favor sequence in Omen not only on the fodder mobs but the boss floors as well. I never really want certain buffs i.e. temper 2 and AM3 copied on the gorger nm so I just stick with sequence. As for Kin, my group just faces him the whole time, not worth the tp loss of turning, just make sure to only ws when he is casting spells. We have clear time on Kin down to about 5 minutes.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2017-01-17 10:55:03
i have upgrade a little my iddle set
ItemSet 349044
Total meva : 430
DT 50% with 5% on hands et 5% on feet an d4% on shield
refresh +5 : +2 on head (DM augment)
and 10% to resist statut, with 25% on silence & charm.
It's not perfect one, but i think its a good alternative.
サーバ: Odin
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Posts: 29
By Odin.Bobingie 2017-01-17 12:51:14
Hey just checking if anyone has an updated TP/CDC build for RDM and if they can post it?
Much appreciated and thanks in advance.
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-17 13:45:56
As for Kin, my group just faces him the whole time, not worth the tp loss of turning, just make sure to only ws when he is casting spells. We have clear time on Kin down to about 5 minutes.
Well I actually recast buffs etc instead of turning :D not sure if you ever noticed haha. I suggest everyone does the same.
If you can cast a longerish buff during his special moves you take out most of the time. On drk at least at capped haste by casting endark/spike I can normally avoid all hits but 2 which is enough for me to normally ws at 2k+ every cast. I would assume rdm could do something of this nature too even with capped fc, simply bc the animation time lockout , not so much the casting time itself.
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-17 19:30:38
Just curious, what's the consensus on using any of the Ayanmo+1 pieces for TP?
Got the full set last night, figured it could fill spots where accuracy is highly needed.
サーバ: Leviathan
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Posts: 3,753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2017-01-17 19:52:20
Just curious, what's the consensus on using any of the Ayanmo+1 pieces for TP?
Got the full set last night, figured it could fill spots where accuracy is highly needed.
A lot will depend on what you're starting from. Ideally in a high accuracy setup, carmine+1 head and legs will be present (great base accuracy, combined with accuracy augment, then a 2 piece set bonus for nite accuracy). These won't de-throne that pairing.
The body, however, is insanely good. Double Attack, extremely high DEX,and 40 accuracy-and 5dt to boot? Sign me up. My current high accuracy set uses Jhakri+1 body, so not a huge increase in acc (just more due to more DEX on the homam,both have 40 accuracy)
Hands are actually now part of ALL my melee sets.
Feet are very set-specific. Some RDMs will opt for 3 pieces of carmine+1 and go with that option. Some, myself included, are still using a solid augmented Taeon (have the carmine+1 feet, actually get better accuracy worth my Taeon due to augs). I may toy with adding these to my highest accuracy set, but the tradeoff (loss of multi-attack compared to Taeon or carmine+1 for example) may not be worth it. Haven't run the numbers.
In terms of the HQ set, hands and body are can't misses. Legs aren't ever going to have a home for RDMs with carmine+1. Head probably same story. Feet are really close to a lot of existing options if you had great augments or the like.
サーバ: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2017-01-17 19:54:34
Body doesn't have any STP.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2017-01-17 19:55:35
Derp was combining head and body. Edited.
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-17 20:19:49
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »tl;dr-
In terms of the HQ set, hands and body are can't misses. Legs aren't ever going to have a home for RDMs with carmine+1. Head probably same story. Feet are really close to a lot of existing options if you had great augments or the like. Gotcha. I do notice that the legs can give DT-4%, so I wonder if you can get away with using Legs in place of Vivation +1 for the DT and some extra haste. That is, if you don't have to keep legs on for spikes effect. The set's pretty decent for what it does as a hybrid melee/dt- set, so I figured building one for RDM is in order.
I resubbed 2 months ago, so I haven't acquired much of the new gear since 2 years worth of new content.
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-17 22:22:06
As for Kin, my group just faces him the whole time, not worth the tp loss of turning, just make sure to only ws when he is casting spells. We have clear time on Kin down to about 5 minutes.
Well I actually recast buffs etc instead of turning :D not sure if you ever noticed haha. I suggest everyone does the same.
If you can cast a longerish buff during his special moves you take out most of the time. On drk at least at capped haste by casting endark/spike I can normally avoid all hits but 2 which is enough for me to normally ws at 2k+ every cast. I would assume rdm could do something of this nature too even with capped fc, simply bc the animation time lockout , not so much the casting time itself.
A lot of times I will cast cure 4, by the time I come out of animation he will be done with absorbing dmg from tp move.
サーバ: Bismarck
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Posts: 39
By Bismarck.Norminator 2017-01-19 18:58:50
Anyine have an up to date rdm lua ?
By Boshi 2017-01-20 16:52:01
Btw if anyone hasn't noticed while the Ayanmo set in total has full haste, the disperal per piece is odd:
[on left carmine/taeon, on right Ayanmo]
Head: 8 - 6
Body: 4 - 4
Hands: 5 - 4
Legs: 6 - 9
Feet: 4 - 3
Total: 27 - 26
What this means: body & hands can be subbed in and remaine at 26. (assuming carmine legs/feet kept)(inb4 or taeon feet - shutup).
Another note on legs and rdm defensive sets, since for some reason ppl are talking about relic legs above:
For a long time relic was the standard:
Vitivation tights +1: pdt3 dex12 haste5 def109 mdef6 eva27 meva107 vit12 agi17 hp43 spikes+30
When vagary came out miasmic legs should have replaced these for your melee sets especially:
Miasmic pants: pd3 acc22 haste5 def107 mdef6 eva27 meva107 vit12 agi17 hp43
(Acc+22 for 2def dex12 and lolspikes)
Aya. +1: DT-4 acc39 dex7 haste9 def130 mdef5 eva24 meva69 vit16 agi34 hp45
So for the sake of a melee pdt set these are probably the biggest improvement of the aya. Set for a single set. On top of this the haste makes the other slots much more free to change around. (Possible say dt4 good acc chironic opening a lot more freedom for maybe a amb cape.. ect)
サーバ: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Kaepernick 2017-01-21 10:32:35
Hello, this is my first time posting in the red mage forum and was wondering what would be the best swords to wield? At the moment I have excal and almace ag, which I know are good options, but I want to know if a different combination would be better. Thanks.
By Boshi 2017-01-21 11:49:40
Scroll up it was just discussed very recently.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Hitome 2017-01-22 01:11:38
So I see some discussion about the new Ayanmo pieces but I'd like to take a closer look at some of them. Unfortunately, as noted, some of these pieces are very dependent on what gear you currently have.
Ayanmo Zucchetto +1
DEF:118 HP+45 MP+29 STR+20 DEX+35 VIT+16 AGI+23 INT+15 MND+21 CHR+15 Accuracy+38 Magic Accuracy+38 Evasion+33 Magic Evasion+53 "Magic Def. Bonus"+3 Haste+6% "Store TP"+5 Damage taken -2%
So, at a glance, this doesn't appear to be a useful piece unless the STP somehow pushes you into a new tier. As an idle/PDT/MDT piece, I wonder how it compares to something like Blistering Sallet +1 (3 PDT and a hefty amount of HP) or what Rydal currently has listed in the generalized NQ DT set: Lithelimb Cap.
A well augmented Chironic should beat it out, though.
For melee, Carmine Mask +1 should beat this out in high ACC situations whereas a well augmented Taeon Chapeau might edge it out in low ACC situations. What is the threshold I wonder?
I think all it would need would be 20ACC/ATK and some TA to beat it out.
How does this piece look for CDC? Can the tremendous DEX boost beat out a Chapeau with TA2, ACC/ATK20, and 3% CRITDMG for instance?
Ayanmo Corazza +1
DEF:148 HP+57 MP+59 STR+28 DEX+44 VIT+24 AGI+33 INT+21 MND+27 CHR+21 Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40 Evasion+38 Magic Evasion+64 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+4% "Double Attack"+6% Damage taken -5%
At first glance, I was pretty thrilled with this piece. It certainly will work wonders in a hybrid set or high accuracy situations.
Comparing it with Taeon, though, and remembering Temper II, wouldn't the DA be a little devalued?
For low ACC situations, a decently augmented Taeon Tabard can get around 30 ATK, 20 ACC, and 2 TA. Is the ATK and TA sacrifice worth it?
As for CDC, I'd say this probably wins out like most of the other pieces but would like more opinions.
Ayanmo Manopolas +1
DEF:106 HP+22 MP+14 STR+16 DEX+49 VIT+30 AGI+11 INT+14 MND+33 CHR+19 Accuracy+37 Magic Accuracy+37 Evasion+19 Magic Evasion+37 "Magic Def. Bonus"+2 Haste+4% Sword enhancement spell damage +15 Damage taken -2%
I'm very curious about these in particular. How do they fair against well augmented Taeon Gloves? Can the added enspell damage overcome loss of ATK and TA?
For CDC, I'm assuming Taeon might still be competitive augmented with TA and CRITDMG alone.
Ayanmo Cosciales +1
DEF:130 HP+45 MP+41 STR+33 DEX+7 VIT+16 AGI+34 INT+29 MND+22 CHR+10 Accuracy+39 Magic Accuracy+39 Evasion+24 Magic Evasion+69 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+9% "Fast Cast"+5% Damage taken -4%
As noted by Boshi, these are a welcome sight for DT hybrid sets. Not quite sure the 7 DEX will beat out augmented Taeon Tights for CDC, though, and you're probably better off TPing in Carmine Cuisses +1/Carmine Greaves +1 I would assume.
Ayanmo Gambieras +1
DEF:88 HP+11 MP+14 STR+16 DEX+33 VIT+10 AGI+46 MND+18 CHR+26 Accuracy+36 Magic Accuracy+36 Evasion+60 Magic Evasion+69 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+3% Critical hit rate +5% Damage taken -2%
Thereoid Greaves probably still beat these out for CDC.
Carmine +1 or well augmented Taeon probably beat these out in high ACC situations/low ACC situations (respectively) for TP.
Overall, all these pieces are a welcome addition for hybrid sets!
Anyways, those are my impressions. Would love to hear opinions on where you guys think these pieces belong.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,087
By Sylph.Oraen 2017-01-22 02:15:41
Just a nitpick, but WSD is horrible on CDC. It will only affect the first hit, whereas something like crit damage, crit rate, or DEX will have a significantly higher value.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Hitome 2017-01-22 04:57:56
Thanks Oraen! I completely forgot about that.
By FaeQueenCory 2017-01-22 05:55:11
Just a nitpick, but WSD is horrible on CDC. It will only affect the first hit, whereas something like crit damage, crit rate, or DEX will have a significantly higher value. Don't forget QA/TA/DA!
サーバ: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Rydal 2017-01-27 08:10:10
They're making adjustments to enfeebling spells and monster stats... I wonder what this could mean for RDM. I may resub...
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2017-02-06 13:20:01
Hmm guys, someone say (but don't remenber who ...) he can get a Haste II duration of 14 min on other.
But atm i made some try and i never reach more than 7 min.
anyone have an idea of what set he can use for that, since i didn't have the shield and the gloves +3 (+2 atm)
thks in advance
サーバ: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2017-02-06 13:54:56
For casting Haste II on others, the only empy piece you use in a perfect set is feet. Hands are AF (whatever level you have),body, head, legs are actually enhancing duration +10 augmented Telchine. You can push it farther with an enh. duration Grio or staff from Schah. Then, of course a +20 duration Ghostfyre cape.