Jack Of All Trades: A Guide To Red Mage |
Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
Safety Post.
Status of the guide: -Link to a good and easily customizable RDM lua for GS users -Link to a RDM spreadsheet Please PM if you'd like to assist or notice any errors. Thanks. very nice so far
This is great. :) Thank you so much for putting in the time, Rydal!
For the sake of info on uk'uxkaj feet, some quick testing in brenner on enfeebling skill dependant enfeebs
(Set used grio no enfeeb aug, meoh grip, quartz+1, relic hat, incant torque, neptune pearl, enfeeb ear, empymbody, empymhand, glob ring, stik nq ring, amb cape mnd30 macc20 fc10, rumination sash, psycloth B) Target: naked 2100 hume rng/nin medium's sabots[mp45 mnd9 conmp5 curepot4] Distract3: -106 Distract3 saboteur: -212 Poison2: 126/tic uk'uxkaj boots[mnd8 haste2 snapshot2] Distract3: -107 Distract3 saboteur: -211 Poison2: 127/tic Note: skaoi would be an addition +2 skill over medium's Note2: the sabo numbers are not a typo, uk won by 1 everytime but sabo distract mediums won by 1. The medium's sabo was exactly x2 of non sabo, ukuxkaj with sabo was short by 3. Seems bonus from saboteur is independant of the "enhances enfeebling magic effect" I'm gonna add these into the guide soon and redo the enfeeb section by type: but for reference here's max potency sets
Distract addle frazzle poison ItemSet 346868 Staff enfeeb16 (and mnd for non poison) Aptus enfeeb+2, best alternate for fraz/addle/dis is mnd4 ear, for poison just max macc ear (dignitary) Legs pathB for mnd7 for dis/addle/fraz, technically path D would be better for poison Cape: mnd30 macc20 fc10 dis/addle/fraz, int20 macc30 fc10 poison ItemSet 346869 Hands --> empy119 for saboteur staff mnd+20 taup, then go for macc all chironic mnd+15 taup, then go for macc Feet aug Mnd+8 haste2 Cape mnd30 macc20 fc10 (On the capes that 3rd aug fastcast doesn't really matter but it's the best of what's availible. Helps with recast on like slow, gravity, impact) Quote: Keep in mind Quick Magic casts spells immediately and gearswaps will not be considered for potency. It is best used for spells that are not affected by potency. Not sure about vanilla final fantasy, but when using Gearswap, this isn't actually true. I'd consider it half true. My experience has been that Gearswap fails to swap in time for quick magic proc in laggy instanced zones, and it's not entirely clear to me why. The chunks must somehow be given different priorities or the order must be messed up or something.
Lakshmi.Byrth said: » I'd consider it half true. My experience has been that Gearswap fails to swap in time for quick magic proc in laggy instanced zones, and it's not entirely clear to me why. The chunks must somehow be given different priorities or the order must be messed up or something. I've witnessed this as well. It's a serious issue because an incorrectly handled quick magic proc can often be very detrimental (fewer Utsusemi shadows, bad gear, etc.) Yeah, I've definitely noticed some (very occasional) weirdness well.
It's actually frequent for me. Kinda sucks.
10% of the time it happens half the time
Yeah I haven't had time this week because of work and crazy personal life stuff, but hopefully I can clean stuff up and add things this weekend. I haven't touched the guide since Monday so feel free to PM me with fixes and such. Boshi can make edits as well.
Hi, I have a question.
For some unknown reason, RDM is not on the eminent staff so they just do massively less damage than any other mage until they get the griovolr staff. However, Griovolr is from a NM that's probably out of reach for someone just returning. What good nuking weapon should a new player/returning RDM try to obtain? Valefor.Kiaru said: » Hi, I have a question. For some unknown reason, RDM is not on the eminent staff so they just do massively less damage than any other mage until they get the griovolr staff. However, Griovolr is from a NM that's probably out of reach for someone just returning. What good nuking weapon should a new player/returning RDM try to obtain? Arasy staff is just AH gear. Thanks a lot! You're always super helpful <3
What about cure potency weapon? It also requires 50 job points to equip.
Get the WKR Club for an easy cure potency weapon. Oh, arasy takes 50 job points...
Can't get that. Any other option? Do you have any delve clear or 119 JSE weapon unlock? Idk what you have access too currently.
Lehbrailg +2 is probably the best 119 staff you can get solo if you're below 50JP and don't have access to Delve. You can get a Kupon for it from completing Records of Eminence quests on Intermediate. If you chose the sword or something else, you'll have to use the Eminent Club until you get a better weapon.
I'll add it to the guide a little later. Afania said: » Do you have any delve clear or 119 JSE weapon unlock? Idk what you have access too currently. Have done pretty much zero new content besides ROE missions. Have only done up to the 1-11 ROE mission. Valefor.Kiaru said: » Afania said: » Do you have any delve clear or 119 JSE weapon unlock? Idk what you have access too currently. Have done pretty much zero new content besides ROE missions. Have only done up to the 1-11 ROE mission. Get the WKR clears so you can get a Tamaxchi for your Cure Potency set. Work on Delve and Skirmish so you can get some items from there for everything else. Kupon AW-WK - A pick of any one item dropped from a Wildskeeper Reive NM.
This thing? Can I duo an easy boss? I have no idea how do get into a boss fight and I have 0 pop items etc. Thanks a lot btw! edit: https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Kupon_W-SRW Oh this one edit2: I guess I'll just go do ROE missions first or something Pretty dope so far. Can't wait to see the rest.
Valefor.Kiaru said: » Kupon AW-WK - A pick of any one item dropped from a Wildskeeper Reive NM. This thing? Can I duo an easy boss? I have no idea how do get into a boss fight and I have 0 pop items etc. Thanks a lot btw! edit: https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Kupon_W-SRW Oh this one edit2: I guess I'll just go do ROE missions first or something Possibly not, can /yell you're doing one before you go, may get people come and help out. Unless I am missing something, which is possible, wouldn't Reforge empy feet beat inspirited boots for duration on refresh?
ItemSet 346903 They do. I was just listing options for Refresh.
Fairly new to RDM but I personally use Carmine Mask +1 D15 for enfeebles over Befouled Crown.
can someone pass me a good gs with dd option too please?
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