Jack Of All Trades: A Guide To Red Mage |
Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
This gear is incredible. Glad SE hasn't forgotten us.
The gear gave me a headache just browsing through them all. They're all pretty ridiculously good, even the crappy, don't waste your time/gil AF feet are now a crazy good accuracy piece. Did you peep that MEva on the set? And the MAcc is actually bonkers. No really, it's actually too much. AF Hands will be one of the best pieces for single hit WS. And that SHIELD? Culminus just got bumped down a peg.
I'm kind of scared of what they'll do with Relic and Emp now... As a player just returning from a 5 year break, this guide is a LOT to take in. I definitely appreciate the time spent, and detail of the guide. I'll be revisiting this thread quite often.
I've been focusing on getting my old AF gear reforged, haven't really dipped my toes into RoV/Adoulin content too much. Rayik said: » As a player just returning from a 5 year break, this guide is a LOT to take in. I definitely appreciate the time spent, and detail of the guide. I'll be revisiting this thread quite often. I've been focusing on getting my old AF gear reforged, haven't really dipped my toes into RoV/Adoulin content too much. Thank you. I worked hard on it. Relevant new items:
Enki Strap Big boost to INT and MND as well as MAcc for relevant enfeebles Shamash Robe Finally a good DT/Nuking body in one piece. Good for resisting Silence and idling as well. Anu Torque A great Atk/STP piece for TPing. Could be fit into WS pieces as well. Erra Pendant Great for Drain/Aspir when we sub SCH/BLM Sherida Earring great earring for WS and TPing. It completely replaces the Brutal earring. Ilabrat Ring Another TP/WS ring. More for CDC and dagger WS but it has tons of Atk. Kishar Ring This should give you goosebumps. BIS FC ring atm and the only ring that affects enfeebling duration. Ammurapi Shield Culminus has been replaced. Just by eye-balling, this+Murgleis with AM up annihilates pretty much every other option. MAcc alone is bonkers (+78 without AM, well over 100 with AM1) and MAB can go to +87 with AM2. It has INT and MND equal to that of a club. The only other job able to use this as effectively is probably GEO, taking advantage of both MAcc and MAB. It's soooo goooood. Atrophy Chapeau +3 New BiS FC piece. Amazing MAcc piece. MBD is good but no MAB or even Magic Damage. MEva out the woohoo. Compare to Atrophy Chapeau +2 Atrophy Tabard +3 Refresh potency+2 so now our Refreshes can be even better (what is it +16 per tick with Refresh 3 now in full potency gear?). Again crazy amount of MAcc/Eva and lots of Enfeebling skill. Compare to Atrophy Tabard +2 Atrophy Gloves +3 This is a very interesting piece. Now sports a disgusting amount of Acc, Atk+30(!!!) and WS Dmg+6. Throw this onto those single hit WS sets and High Acc sets. Still the BiS hand piece for Enhancing magic duration. Compare to Atrophy Gloves +2 Atrophy Tights +3 Look at the MEva... Lots of Healing and Enhancing skill and 2 more Cure potency than before so we can adjust our Cure sets a bit to accommdate. Compare to Atrophy Tights +2 Atrophy Boots +3 Still not worth the trouble imo but a lot of Acc on it (blows pretty much everything else out the water) and MEva. Compare to Atrophy Boots +2 AF+3 gives pretty modest boosts to the things we used them for (Enhancing duration, Cure Potency, FC, etc), some decent skill boosts, significant stat boosts in every slot (including HP and MP)and a ridiculous amount of MAcc, Acc, and MEva. I'd say: Gloves>Body>Legs>Feet=Head unless you're dying for Acc, which would place the feet higher. Accessories are all over the place but a lot give a ton of Atk and/or STP, which we need. The magic accessories are upgrades to existing gear. Kishar Ring
The FC on this ring is nice for other jobs. RDM has little trouble reaching cap. I would only use it for Enfeebling spells without varying potency. Ammurapi Shield Murgleis + this is best option for pure Macc build. This shield also pairs well with Yagrush, Carnwenhan and Idris for same reason. It's AM1 that provides Macc. Atrophy Tabard +3 Best Enfeebling Macc body. With the potency buff it puts Refresh III at 15/tick with Amalric Coif +1 and Lethargy Fuseau +1. There are no more inventory problems, so the Shamash robe should be seen as an idle/DT piece only. A great one, yes, but there are better nuking options out there already.
Erra pendant is best raw macc for any spell,not just dark, for your max builds. ^yea erra pendant just bis for macc for,all spells so it's ginna fit in a lot of sets.
The shield replaces forfend+1 as bis macc shield. It saves an inv spot if you want to get rid of oranyan for enhancing duration (assuming they work the same - see wkr cape vs ambuscade cape), and oranyan still a ohenomenal combo fc/macc staff. I wish it had some melee acc because forfend remains best melee acc shield but o well who gives a ***. You can still argue culminus for like t1 spells maybe (mdmg+75 vs macc18 int13) but that's not wirth the effort past theoretical. What they really need to give murgleis is just a simple enfeebling potency +10. Kishar ring is interesting. Can lose a very small amount of potency from that piece but 10% is long. What it really stands out to me for is saboteur spells making them last longer. Atrophy tights have been useless for healing since escha zitah came out with vanyaB having mnd34 vit12 healing20. These +3 get +5mnd +10vit -3skill which is the evuivalent of a net +2skill in healing power. For normal cures it's very easy to cap curepot without even trying, but the curepot17 on these would be useful for curing when meleeing (or lol AM upkeep on murg). Enki strap BIS mnd grip so Paralyze & Slow potency. I hope to get Kishar ring soon. Has anyone with it yet tested to figure out if its duration bonus is before or after the job points boost?
Atrophy Tights +3, I will end up getting for Enhancing Magic skill. I'm still a little short of having 600+ w/o weapon/sub. Boshi said: » I wish it had some melee acc because forfend+1 remains best melee acc shield but o well who gives a ***. I'll still take the overall versatility, 15 attack, more DT,and Counter to boot on the Genmei shield while meleeing over a forfend+1. True, if you're tops in unity you'll get 5 more accuracy, but I think the overall stats far outweigh in favor of Genmei. Quendi210 said: » Kishar Ring The FC on this ring is nice for other jobs. RDM has little trouble reaching cap. I would only use it for Enfeebling spells without varying potency. Second this, enfeeble duration taking slots from enfeeble potency isn't worth it. Things like dia, poison, inundation wouldn't be bad though. Question is, is it really worth it for the -invent slot instead of just recasting? If it was +potency over duration I could see it having value. The real value I see is the absorb duration for drk. Asura.Thorva said: » Quendi210 said: » Kishar Ring The FC on this ring is nice for other jobs. RDM has little trouble reaching cap. I would only use it for Enfeebling spells without varying potency. Second this, enfeeble duration taking slots from enfeeble potency isn't worth it. Things like dia, poison, inundation wouldn't be bad though. Question is, is it really worth it for the -invent slot instead of just recasting? If it was +potency over duration I could see it having value. The real value I see is the absorb duration for drk. I think Sleep, Dia and Inundation are the spells I'd use it for the most. I wish it was potency as well. Inventory wasn't even a consideration for me. Some fights those extra seconds you don't have to recast any spell is time you can dedicate to doing the other aspects of the job. I love my self haste and refresh duration. I hope that if we get Empyrean armor +2/3 our Composure bonus on others is increased. I was thinking about adding a shield section to the guide, but I'm not sure. Thoughts?
Also, is anyone even remotely interested on being added to the node to add sets and keep it updated? I actually unsubscribed from FFXI 2 months ago due to some personal issues with the plan to resub this month but as of right now, I am taking an indefinite hiatus from FFXI. Sadly I wasn't able to finish Murgleis before I stopped playing. Anyway, if anyone wants to take it on, I'd appreciate it. Sleep is the greatest benefactor of that duration ring that I see. There's so little +duration gear to help us compared to the plethora of boosts Lullabies get, I say bring on more of it. Give me 5 minute sleep IIs!
I'd use it on most enfeebles:
- Dia and Inundation for obvious reasons - Bind, Break, Sleep, and Silence have no potency anyway - Gravity's potency is only affected by non-competing slots - Blind and Poison potency is worthless 99% of the time That's 9 out of 14, all of which you pretty much only care about duration for anyway. I mean the loss to potency usn't thaaat much for 1 ring slot.
One situatiin in general where this ring really standa out to me is saboteur spells. Toggle it in when under saboteur along with the empy gloves help that big potency apell last longer. Further tests needed to see if it stacks multiplicitavity or additively with: duration JP and stymie. Boshi said: » I mean the loss to potency usn't thaaat much for 1 ring slot. One situatiin in general where this ring really standa out to me is saboteur spells. Toggle it in when under saboteur along with the empy gloves help that big potency apell last longer. Further tests needed to see if it stacks multiplicitavity or additively with: duration JP and stymie. The potency loss is ~5 skill worth, assuming it actually raise's you to the next tier, otherwise zero loss. The dMND component is easy to cap nowadays, especially on the more powerful debuffs. Duration on the other hand, especially on something that you turbocharged with Sab or ES is absolutely critical. ES Sab Distract III / Frazzle III / Addle II absolutely need to stay as long as possible. I'm not concerned about loss of potency with this ring in standard setups, its loss of accuracy. Comparing it to just a NQ Stikini, something I believe a career endgame RDM should aim for long-term, you're giving up 3 macc, 5 enfeebling skill and 5 MND. That's a lot of potential accuracy there, screw the potency. Gotta land it first.
Of course in your Saboteur/Stymie, or Sab/ES sets it has a great place, where duration of that one powered up enfeeble is great and you're already pumping up the potency with saboteur and empy hands. Speaking of skill and tiers what is the general best mix for skill/Macc should you shoot for say 550 skill 300+ Macc or just stack on as much skill as you can?
Bahamut.Neb said: » Speaking of skill and tiers what is the general best mix for skill/Macc should you shoot for say 550 skill 300+ Macc or just stack on as much skill as you can? If I was extremely lucky and/or rich this is the set I would use as a mix of skill and Magic Accuracy. ItemSet 348532 NQ of hands and rings is what I actually have and are only out matched by their HQ. Medium's Sabots if you aren't doing Albumen. To Celebrindal(I'm sure he'll reply): Just because 99% of the players can't get the HQ doesn't meant I shouldn't show them! no need to, the caveat was made. ;-) I just despise when people show up with "how do I gear for XXX?" only to be shown 400million in gear. Let's show people high quality stuff, yes, but showing someone the NQ of an abjuration or a T0 synth is fine and I think most would make the logical jump that the HQ would be the next upgrade. Just don't want people thinking their NQ stikini ring is now garbage ^^
Quendi210 said: » Bahamut.Neb said: » Speaking of skill and tiers what is the general best mix for skill/Macc should you shoot for say 550 skill 300+ Macc or just stack on as much skill as you can? If I was extremely lucky and/or rich this is the set I would use as a mix of skill and Magic Accuracy. ItemSet 348532 NQ of hands and rings is what I actually have and are only out matched by their HQ. Medium's Sabots if you aren't doing Albumen. To Celebrindal(I'm sure he'll reply): Just because 99% of the players can't get the HQ doesn't meant I shouldn't show them! OK That is Basically my set I use Merlinic Head and 1 Leviathin Ring and one NQ Stikini and NQ Kakus the rest is Identical to that I have exactly 550 Skill and 328 Macc so I guess I am all Good Thanks for the Set Bahamut.Neb said: » Quendi210 said: » Bahamut.Neb said: » Speaking of skill and tiers what is the general best mix for skill/Macc should you shoot for say 550 skill 300+ Macc or just stack on as much skill as you can? If I was extremely lucky and/or rich this is the set I would use as a mix of skill and Magic Accuracy. ItemSet 348532 NQ of hands and rings is what I actually have and are only out matched by their HQ. Medium's Sabots if you aren't doing Albumen. To Celebrindal(I'm sure he'll reply): Just because 99% of the players can't get the HQ doesn't meant I shouldn't show them! OK That is Basically my set I use Merlinic Head and 1 Leviathin Ring and one NQ Stikini and NQ Kakus the rest is Identical to that I have exactly 550 Skill and 328 Macc so I guess I am all Good Thanks for the Set Why are you focused on having 550 skill? Quendi210 said: » Bahamut.Neb said: » Quendi210 said: » Bahamut.Neb said: » Speaking of skill and tiers what is the general best mix for skill/Macc should you shoot for say 550 skill 300+ Macc or just stack on as much skill as you can? If I was extremely lucky and/or rich this is the set I would use as a mix of skill and Magic Accuracy. ItemSet 348532 NQ of hands and rings is what I actually have and are only out matched by their HQ. Medium's Sabots if you aren't doing Albumen. To Celebrindal(I'm sure he'll reply): Just because 99% of the players can't get the HQ doesn't meant I shouldn't show them! OK That is Basically my set I use Merlinic Head and 1 Leviathin Ring and one NQ Stikini and NQ Kakus the rest is Identical to that I have exactly 550 Skill and 328 Macc so I guess I am all Good Thanks for the Set Why are you focused on having 550 skill? I was under the assumption that the tiers were at intervals of 50 but I may have been mislead. Just enter the value into the formula and see if it yields a higher whole number. There's nothing really special about 550 skill, and if I were to assign tiers for Distract/Frazzle III, they would be closer to every 5 skill.
Something about the new sword :
![]() i don't remenber if this bonus can work in off hands. Enhancing Sword:
Sword enhancement spell damage Enspell bonus only active for hits made by the Enhancing sword if in main hand. Bonus will activate for all hits if equipped in off hand. Latent effect Active while under the effect of an Enspell. Yes the latent works off hand, it's just an upgrades Enhancing Sword (still got mine too). The bad part is that the +Enspell effect only effects enspells on that hand, which is kinda of shitty. RDM can gear a crap ton of enhancing magic now, combined with the +24 bonus from gifts it shouldn't be unrealistic to hit 100 before the new hands and that sword. New set looks pretty boss for melee RDM, ***tons of accuracy and most importantly DEX.
Speaking of is there any uo to date-ish spreadsheet floating around?
Be interesting to plugin stuff that accounts for temper2, enspell, demers/blurred oats, and the 269 rema The macc on the set will help with enspell damage, sadly it's lacking attack which rdm really lacks On the topic of En-spell:
Does Excalibur's en-spell damage transfer through every hit (double and triple) unlike it's hidden triple damage effect which only transfers on the first hit of an attack round? If so, would this be our best main hand because of this alone (even disregarding the 60 attack) beating Murg's multi-hits and Almace's double damage (unless Almace's double damage only transfers on the first hit, as well). Looking into my first ultimate weapon which is why I appear so unfamiliar. Thanks all! |
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