Apex Camps |
Apex Camps
Manifestation Klimaform works on party? That's cool, always assumed it was just enfeebling.
Posts: 1731
Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: » I took it upon myself to go solo one of these this morning. 44%CP cape, all Reive cp bonus, a handful of the mission bonuses... And that's it. No ring or anything. Half exp campaign as you all know. As for actually fighting the thing, you'll almost certainly get better CP literally ANYWHERE else without a very solid way to make skillchains/MBs. Admittedly, I was on PUP, so it's certainly not a great job for dealing damage. It took me about an hour to kill it. Pretty much resorted to using my HP down/Role Reversal/Tactical Swap to trigger Magic Mortars for between 4-6k. HP didn't seem all that high, honestly. It seemed to be between 125-135k. 4k damage did about 3%. It's evasion wasn't absurdly high either. My stupid trusts wouldn't give me any kind of acc buff when I had food on, so I had about 1100 acc. I could get 3k tp easily enough. I imagine a Flash Nova setup would probably do pretty well now that I think about it. No clue about magic evasion, but I'm sure any mage able to land MBs on 135 content probably wouldn't have a problem with these. You made me curious, went there as 1200jp blm very well geared, after 4min umbril was at 80%...full resist on most spells, max was 6k t6. geigei said: » Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: » I took it upon myself to go solo one of these this morning. 44%CP cape, all Reive cp bonus, a handful of the mission bonuses... And that's it. No ring or anything. Half exp campaign as you all know. As for actually fighting the thing, you'll almost certainly get better CP literally ANYWHERE else without a very solid way to make skillchains/MBs. Admittedly, I was on PUP, so it's certainly not a great job for dealing damage. It took me about an hour to kill it. Pretty much resorted to using my HP down/Role Reversal/Tactical Swap to trigger Magic Mortars for between 4-6k. HP didn't seem all that high, honestly. It seemed to be between 125-135k. 4k damage did about 3%. It's evasion wasn't absurdly high either. My stupid trusts wouldn't give me any kind of acc buff when I had food on, so I had about 1100 acc. I could get 3k tp easily enough. I imagine a Flash Nova setup would probably do pretty well now that I think about it. No clue about magic evasion, but I'm sure any mage able to land MBs on 135 content probably wouldn't have a problem with these. You made me curious, went there as 1200jp blm very well geared, after 4min umbril was at 80%...full resist on most spells, max was 6k t6. Yeah, it's utter ***solo. You gotta bring a party for these bros. I'll toy around with a Dvergr at some point and EVENTUALLY kill it and see what you get for that. I did a bunch of testing with different accuracy setups and target marker to try and figure out how much evasion these things have. Here's what I got.
You need a shitton of accuracy. 1301 acc and triple thunder Target marker capped accuracy on a 139 Umbril, 1281 acc and double thunder target marker DOESN'T. And it's not by a small margin as near as I can tell. The TP moves are sucky also. Basically this a very melee unfriendly camp. The magic evasion didn't seem totally insane, they died quick enough to fire bursts on light skillchains. Probably about a minute per umbril. Once the chain bonus kicks in on the 9th, you can probably crack out some good JP here with strong enough mages, provided your SCH can keep their stratagems up. Tbh, I don't think it's worthwhile for the majority of players though. That sounds like something I'll give a try as RUN/SAM with like a BRD, a GEO, Koru-Moru, and the rest as mages. Doing 4-man Plouton (RUN BRD GEO BLU), I can work a similar strategy of constant self-SCing (barring stuns, etc) using around the same accuracy values.
Getting solid numbers for needed accuracy is exactly what I'm looking to have in this thread, so I can't thank you enough for the contribution. Has anyone tried to solo them on GEO with magic melee damage trusts? I'd be interested in seeing how their damage holds up.
Trusts get absolutely slaughtered without the campaign. I was using August, Koru-moru, Qultada, Ulmia and Yoran-oran as my healer. Umbril destroyed August in less than a minute with everyone curing. The AoE is so devestating that it wrecks trust AI and they start trying to cure paralyze/blind/bio rather than keeping cures up. August without the Campaign was taking way too much damage. I didn't notice EXACTLY how much as I was focused on tracking my automaton's acc, but all my trusts were dead within 2 minutes.
During the campaign they were fine though. Never really ran into any problems. Sylph.Jeanpaul said: » That sounds like something I'll give a try as RUN/SAM with like a BRD, a GEO, Koru-Moru, and the rest as mages. Doing 4-man Plouton (RUN BRD GEO BLU), I can work a similar strategy of constant self-SCing (barring stuns, etc) using around the same accuracy values. Getting solid numbers for needed accuracy is exactly what I'm looking to have in this thread, so I can't thank you enough for the contribution. I'll see if I can try to get some information sans target marker, but I'm pretty sure the results are going to be bad. My friend Beaztmaster couldn't hit worth a damn without Run Wild, and his pet has around 14-1500 accuracy without Run Wild. I'll do some testing later this afternoon and report back. I solo'd on THF/DNC on Apex Crawler in Moh Gates with trusts without trust or capacity campaign and was getting 14k a kill with no cape but all reives bonuses and ring. I used August to tank and king of hearts as RDM, Joachim for BRD, Qultada for rolls, and Apururu for WHM. I would just use steps to get 5 and Rudra's Storm x 2 to do darkness. Accuracy was 1300. Some of them I missed more than others but had no food on. Kills took about 5-8 minutes.
Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: » Trusts get absolutely slaughtered without the campaign. I was using August, Koru-moru, Qultada, Ulmia and Yoran-oran as my healer. Umbril destroyed August in less than a minute with everyone curing. The AoE is so devestating that it wrecks trust AI and they start trying to cure paralyze/blind/bio rather than keeping cures up. August without the Campaign was taking way too much damage. I didn't notice EXACTLY how much as I was focused on tracking my automaton's acc, but all my trusts were dead within 2 minutes. During the campaign they were fine though. Never really ran into any problems. Sylph.Jeanpaul said: » That sounds like something I'll give a try as RUN/SAM with like a BRD, a GEO, Koru-Moru, and the rest as mages. Doing 4-man Plouton (RUN BRD GEO BLU), I can work a similar strategy of constant self-SCing (barring stuns, etc) using around the same accuracy values. Getting solid numbers for needed accuracy is exactly what I'm looking to have in this thread, so I can't thank you enough for the contribution. I'll see if I can try to get some information sans target marker, but I'm pretty sure the results are going to be bad. My friend Beaztmaster couldn't hit worth a damn without Run Wild, and his pet has around 14-1500 accuracy without Run Wild. I'll do some testing later this afternoon and report back. Trusts always seem to get wrecked by high level stuff. In Vagary, I have to pop One For All as soon as Plouton pops, engage, and then pull him since Koru-Moru and Kupipi have a little over 1000 HP but take about 600 damage from his normal swings.
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I know this is a big necro but I just finished doing /check on Apex bats and wanted to report their stats since I haven't seen it posted and this seems the best place.
Accuracy on a 130 Apex Bat 1176 - High Evasion 1184 - Neutral 1209 - Neutral 1221 - Low Evasion Evasion seems to be around 1200-1210 Attack on the same Apex Bat 1172 - High Defense 1256 - Neutral 1410 - Neutral 1450 - Neutral 1465 - Low Defense Defense seems to be around 1165~1173, just call it 1170 for now. Sylph.Braden
Got me inspired, here's a little bit I did:
Sih Gates Apex Leech Lv125: 1033 Evasion, 1063 Defense Apex Leech Lv126: 1069 Evasion, 1097 Defense Apex Leech Lv127: 1102 Evasion, 1131 Defense Apex Chapuli Lv125: 1038 Evasion, 1069 Defense Apex Chapuli Lv126: 1074 Evasion, 1103 Defense Apex Chapuli Lv127: 1108 Evasion, 1137 Defense Apex Mandragora Lv125: 1030 Evasion, 1059 Defense Apex Mandragora Lv126: 1065 Evasion, 1095 Defense Apex Mandragora Lv127: 1099 Evasion, 1130 Defense Apex Jagil Lv125: 1038 Evasion, 1069 Defense Apex Jagil Lv126: 1074 Evasion, 1103 Defense Apex Jagil Lv127: 1108 Evasion, 1137 Defense 8 Apex Leech, 8 Apex Chapuli at J8 8 Apex Mandragora at K7 (also a Pungent Fungus) 8 Apex Mandragora at J9 (also a Pungent Fungus) 5 Apex Leech at K8 (also a Pungent Fungus) 6 Apex Leech, 6 Apex Chapuli, 10 Apex Jagil at L9/L10 16 Mandragora 19 Leech 14 Chapuli 10 Jagil 59 Total I'll check more another time. Note that having a 95% hitrate on the nose vs. 125 means being 60% on its 127 friend. edit: finished Sih Gates info Sylph.Braden
Moh Gates
Apex Matamata Lv125: 993 Evasion, 1148 Defense Apex Matamata Lv126: 1027 Evasion, 1185 Defense Apex Matamata Lv127: 1060 Evasion, 1220 Defense Apex Raptor Lv125: 1038 Evasion, 1063 Defense Apex Raptor Lv126: 1074 Evasion, 1097 Defense Apex Raptor Lv127: 1108 Evasion, 1131 Defense Apex Eft Lv125: 1033 Evasion, 1069 Defense Apex Eft Lv126: 1069 Evasion, 1103 Defense Apex Eft Lv127: 1102 Evasion, 1137 Defense Apex Eruca Lv125: 1027 Evasion, 1074 Defense Apex Eruca Lv126: 1062 Evasion, 1109 Defense Apex Eruca Lv127: 1096 Evasion, 1143 Defense Three groups of 3 Apex Matamata, 3 Apex Raptor at J7 (group towards the NE has a 4th Raptor) 20 Apex Eft at J8/K8 5 Apex Eruca at J6 5 Apex Eruca at K5 9 Matamata 10 Raptor 20 Eft 10 Eruca 49 Total Sylph.Braden
Dho Gates
Apex Jagil Lv128: 1142 Evasion, 1170 Defense Apex Jagil Lv129: 1176 Evasion, 1203 Defense Apex Jagil Lv130: 1210 Evasion, 1237 Defense Apex Bats Lv128: 1142 Evasion, 1164 Defense Apex Bats Lv129: 1176 Evasion, 1197 Defense Apex Bats Lv130: 1210 Evasion, 1230 Defense Apex Craklaw Lv128: 1129 Evasion, 1183 Defense Apex Craklaw Lv129: 1163 Evasion, 1216 Defense Apex Craklaw Lv130: 1196 Evasion, 1251 Defense Apex Crab Lv128: 1097 Evasion, 1241 Defense Apex Crab Lv129: 1130 Evasion, 1276 Defense Apex Crab Lv130: 1163 Evasion, 1310 Defense 1 each of Jagil, Bats, Craklaw, Crab at J9 6 Apex Bats in the crossroads in the SW corner of I10 10 Apex Jagil, 10 Apex Bats at I11/J11 10 Apex Bats, 10 Apex Crab at K11/K12 5 Apex Craklaw at H12 5 Apex Crab at G10 6 Apex Craklaw at F12 4 Apex Bats, 2 Apex Craklaw in the southern crossroads of H10 4 Apex Jagil, 4 Apex Crab in the northern part of H10 6 Apex Bats in a tiny room in the NW corner of I10 15 Jagil 27 Bats 14 Craklaw 30 Crab 86 Total Appreciate all the work you've both done thus far. This information is more helpful than a lot of people realize. We have actual goals in mind now for builds specifically for each CP camp.
This makes me want to trek back down to Ra'kaznar and check out if we can nail down anything now with our inflated stats. Back when I was doing it before, I estimated their evasion was in the 17-1800s, might be able to actually nail that down now. And more important, figure out how viable they are to do. The major point of importance to them is that they give such a massive amount of CP when they die, I theorized you could bring more than 6 people to this camp and still gain over max CP per kill anyway. During campaigns anyway. Sylph.Braden
What's really convenient is that we have the same mob (Jagils) spanning from level 125 to 134. There's some below that level that probably follow the same stat pattern despite not being Apex. I'll check em after these are done.
Well Woh Gates also has Jagils and Toads, I've been down there before and there is definitely a significant increase in stats post 130.
Woh Gates
Apex Jagil Lv131: 1245 Evasion, 1272 Defense Apex Jagil Lv132: 1281 Evasion, 1307 Defense Apex Jagil Lv133: 1316 Evasion, 1341 Defense Apex Toad Lv131: 1259 Evasion, 1265 Defense Apex Toad Lv132: 1296 Evasion, 1300 Defense Apex Toad Lv133: 1331 Evasion, 1334 Defense 4 Apex Jagil, 4 Apex Toad in the main room in H10 3 Apex Jagil, 3 Apex Toad in the tunnel at the corner of H10/H11/I10/I11 5 Apex Toad at the intersection in the North of I11 6 Apex Toad at the dead end in H11 (also a scalable wall splitting G11 and H11) 8 Apex Jagil, 4 Velkk Abyssal, 2 Velkk Junglemancer at the big room of H11/H12/I11/I12 (also 2 Spinescent Protuberances) 10 Apex Jagil, 2 Velkk Tearlicker, 2 Velkk Abyssal, 3 Velkk Junglemancer at G12 (also a Spinescent Protuberance) 8 Apex Jagil, 2 Velkk Tearlicker, 2 Velkk Junglemancer, 2 Velkk Mindmelter at 13 (also a Spinescent Protuberance) 4 Velkk Tearlicker (Greatsword, WAR) 6 Velkk Abyssal (GreatSword, DRK) 7 Velkk Junglemancer (Club, BLM) 2 Velkk Mindmelter (Club, RDM) 21 Velkk 33 Jagil 18 Toad 72 Total Only partway done because surprise, there's Apex Velkks and no one told anyone. Sylph.Braden said: » Only partway done because surprise, there's Apex Velkks and no one told anyone. Jesus Christ... those things suck normally who would want to *** with an Apex version.. Lakshmi.Buukki
This thread has been helpful in my quest to find an appropriate food choice per camp. Think I'll stick with Magma Steaks for now, since I'm in the good range for raptors/Erucas, but may need to switch if I decide to move later.
Thanks crew~ Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: » Appreciate all the work you've both done thus far. This information is more helpful than a lot of people realize. We have actual goals in mind now for builds specifically for each CP camp. This makes me want to trek back down to Ra'kaznar and check out if we can nail down anything now with our inflated stats. Back when I was doing it before, I estimated their evasion was in the 17-1800s, might be able to actually nail that down now. And more important, figure out how viable they are to do. The major point of importance to them is that they give such a massive amount of CP when they die, I theorized you could bring more than 6 people to this camp and still gain over max CP per kill anyway. During campaigns anyway. Regarding the bolded part of the quote, back during the last Double CP campaign, a bunch of us went to Reisenjima to the "Pig Farm" (nearest Flux is #3) and went all "Abyssea Style" on the Raaz & Porxies there. With a standard party of 6 the CP was fine, same as if you were soloing or in a small group. When we added a 7th person, the CP was still around the same but not quite, maybe less than 400-500 than we did before. However, once we added the 8th person into the alliance, the CP per kill dropped drastically. From ~6k CP per kill down to 2k-2.5k CP per kill with chains. When we lost chain, it was ~1.4-1.5k and it took a while to build it back up to the 2.5k CP/kill mark. So with that said, Tru this should give you a general idea on how much CP per kill you would get with a small alliance on Apex Umbrils in Ra'Kaznar. Sadly, we didn't test out a full alliance, but my theory is that each new person after the 8th alliance member will drop the amount of CP per kill even more. As far as what that amount is, that would need to be tested. Valefor.Sapphire
Haven't seen this mentioned, but the flutterini at D-12 map2 Outer Ra'kaz are Apex type twitherym now.
Someone at SE has a twisted sense of humor and put 2 Apex Ironclads in there with them. I pulled an apex ironclad and my entire trust party died to its 1st aoe lol. Offline
I think the apex umbril in outer ra'kaz would be ideal for nuking setups... probably die faster than crabs and much higher level.
Verda said: » I think the apex umbril in outer ra'kaz would be ideal for nuking setups... probably die faster than crabs and much higher level. Are they in Outer Ra'Kaznar? Or Inner Court? I'm running around in Inner Court trying to find them now but I might be in the wrong zone? Lakshmi.Buukki
Umbrils also have horribly disgusting TP moves that are a pain to deal with. I could see a setup involving a GEO/blm (for stun duty), sch, 2 BLM, pld or run, and maybe corsair. But any TP front line job opening the skillchain will probably spell certain frustration when that debuff move goes off. Though I'm sure 2 fire nukes would probably kill it.
Inner, best reached by going from the Morimar/Moh Gates ??? entrance. Might be tricky to focus on Umbrils alone since they're mixed in with the other stuff, I recall there being only 4 Umbrils per camp. I may need to scan that zone again to check to see if there are things I missed, like if they have Apex Fomors or something.
Melee are completely worthless for Umbrils. They have absurdly high evasion. They are however clumped all together on the ramps that lead to the areas with the Apex Gargoyles and the Dvergr.
The only real option for killing them is having either an extremely well geared BST, PUPs or SCH making skillchains. Shiva.Siviard said: » However, once we added the 8th person into the alliance, the CP per kill dropped drastically. From ~6k CP per kill down to 2k-2.5k CP per kill with chains. When we lost chain, it was ~1.4-1.5k and it took a while to build it back up to the 2.5k CP/kill mark. So with that said, Tru this should give you a general idea on how much CP per kill you would get with a small alliance on Apex Umbrils in Ra'Kaznar. Sadly, we didn't test out a full alliance, but my theory is that each new person after the 8th alliance member will drop the amount of CP per kill even more. As far as what that amount is, that would need to be tested. There is absolutely no reason to go to this camp with 6. It is not at all easy to get to and you can already cap CP per kill on much weaker mobs. I recall I was getting over 20k cp a kill with no chain at all back at 1200jp I think. I didn't have anywhere near the bonuses I do now. I honestly think that with the double campaign going you would get capped CP per kill on ever single mob, until you started adding more. But if you were adding enough that you double kill speed, I wonder how that might offset things. Sylph.Braden
Outer Ra'Kaznar
Apex Twitherym Lv134: 1327 Evasion, 1323 Defense Apex Twitherym Lv135: 1361 Evasion, 1358 Defense Apex Twitherym Lv136: 1397 Evasion, 1393 Defense Apex Bat Lv134: 1351 Evasion, 1369 Defense Apex Bat Lv135: 1387 Evasion, 1404 Defense Apex Bat Lv136: 1423 Evasion, 1439 Defense Apex Ironclad: pass 16 Apex Twitherym, 2 Apex Ironclad in E12 on the 2nd Map (lower floor) 16 Apex Bat, 2 Apex Ironclad in D5 on the 2nd Map (lower floor) 16 Twitherym 16 Bat 4 Ironclad 36 Total This place is something. Twitherym camp is relatively close to the Skirmish warp, but Twitherym WS are obnoxious so meh. The Bats however are your classic FFXI Ultrasonics 4eva piercing-weak fatties. If you can pull off 1463/1471 effective accuracy and don't mind going through 3 Colonization Reives, 1 Lair Reive, and 2 elevators, then this place is for you. Important to note that neither the Bats nor Twitherym aggro or link at all. Also the Ironclad aggro from 10' sound/7.5' sight, but the room is so huge and they're typically tucked in a corner. You'll never ever have to deal with them unless you're dumb/curious. Sylph.Braden said: » Apex Ironclad: pass Sylph.Braden
you do the math
you do it edit: with +562 CP bonus and two people in party, level 134 Twitherym gave 21896 CP, level 136 Bat gave 24990 CP @ Braden
Last night we found some Apex Skeletons, Apex Cyraeith (flying sperm) and Apex Corse. All seemed to be Lv. 137-139 To get there, go to Morimar Basalt Fields #5, and run due north to a warp point. You get transported into a higher level area of Moh Gates, go to the far NE corner of that map to the warp into Ra'Kaznar. The target mobs are straight ahead past a gate. The skeletons just scream for MNK burn! The magic # for accuracy seems to be ~1400. The Apex Cyraeith (flying sperm) were super squishy so they are another possible target as well. We didn't attempt the Corse as there were too few of them and too spread out, and they were mixed in with the Apex Skeletons. |
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