Nuking Gearset

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Nuking gearset
Posts: 7
By steroids 2014-08-04 18:38:41  
Hey, I havent played blm in a long time, i was wondering if someone could show me some of their nuking gearsets / what they think is the best so i can know what to aim for , thx in advance! (all information is welcomed)
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
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By Bismarck.Ihina 2014-08-04 19:22:51  
steroids said: »
all information is welcomed

More INT and more MAB = better.

Magic Damage+ for low tier nukes.
By 2014-08-04 20:42:42
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By steroids 2014-08-04 22:00:14  
thx for the info, im not too aware of what all gear is out there, dont see too many elite blms around.
サーバ: Sylph
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Posts: 236
By Sylph.Otsego 2014-08-04 22:18:17  
ItemSet 326873
This is my SCH nuking set.
Magic Attack Bonus augments as follows:
Lehbrailg +2: +28
Hagondes Coat: +19
Hagondes Pants: +16
Hagondes Sabots: +18

For BLM main you can swap Bookworm's Cape out for Toro Cape, and waist out for something better, but I don't know of anything better offhand. There's room for upgrades on my own set, but that's low-tier nuking, which is mainly what I do on SCH.
サーバ: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
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By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2014-08-04 22:46:09  
Sylph.Otsego said: »
ItemSet 326873
This is my SCH nuking set.
Magic Attack Bonus augments as follows:
Lehbrailg +2: +28
Hagondes Coat: +19
Hagondes Pants: +16
Hagondes Sabots: +18

For BLM main you can swap Bookworm's Cape out for Toro Cape, and waist out for something better, but I don't know of anything better offhand. There's room for upgrades on my own set, but that's low-tier nuking, which is mainly what I do on SCH.

New rings are better. Fenrir Ring +1 wins for low tier and Shiva Ring +1 wins for high tier.

Otomi Gloves wins for low tier and Hagondes with a high enough MAB augment will win for high tier.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2693
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2014-08-04 22:47:47  
steroids said: »
thx for the info, im not too aware of what all gear is out there, dont see too many elite blms around.

Like Otsego touched upon. Sch gear and Blm gear is nearly identical, so you can look at the Sch forum for help also.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
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By Bismarck.Ihina 2014-08-04 22:48:27  
Ammo, grip, head
By 2014-08-04 22:59:58
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サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Mckenzee 2014-08-05 16:21:49  
one thing i've done, which i highly recommend is to build 3 sets. Lots of gear will overlap between them, so it's not too terrible on inventory. A high tier nuke set, a low tier nuke set, and a pure magic accuracy set.

venabulum: drop from AATT, this is a nice well rounded staff
-lehbrailg+2: properly augmented, this is one of the strongest nuking staves. easy to obtain from skirmish, and upgrade while working on hagondes gear
-twebuliij: fairly easy to obtain from a key item you can get outside delve and plasm, this staff augments with some of the best magic accuracy
-zuuxowu grip: due to the lack of a good MAB grip or int grip, this is your best damage grip, skc20 yags drop
-mephitis grip: great for macc: easy drop in foret delve

dosis tathlum: good magic damage, skc10 drop
erlenes notebook: mab option with some -enm
aureole: slightly expensive because it's an AV drop, still best option for magic acc

hagondes hat/+1: best damage head out there, especially once you augment with mab
buremte cap: no mab, but it does have macc15 and mdmg10, tree wkr

eddy necklace: very nice mab option, this is a drop from foret delve boss
imbodla necklace: with int, mnd, elemental, enfeebling, this does double duty as a macc piece for nukes and enfeebles

friomisi: mab10, lion wkr
crematio: drop from AATT (only in divine might) has a good mix of MAB and mdmg
novio: mab7 jailer of love drop, easy to obtain
hecates: mab6 rani drop, also easy to obtain
gwati: drop from one of the low tier nms in marjami delve, very common drop and great for magic accuracy
lifestorm and psystorm: this set has int/mnd/enm-/ and macc12, great for macc
moonshade: if you're a career mage, and know you won't be doing any melee jobs, complete wings of the goddess missions and you can augment macc4 or mab4 along with refresh on this earring

hagondes/+1: awesome nuking body, mab augment makes it even better
artsieq: can be augmented several ways, can and will keep up but not beat hagondes body for damage. it does however have macc possible augments
vanir: a balance of mab18/macc18 paired with fast cast and haste, this is a supreme precast piece as well as a strong macc nuke piece

hagondes/+1: starting with macc20, a strong MAB augment makes these into some of the best hands out there
otomi: mab13/macc13/mdmg10/enm- and can be augmented with int or mdmg for low tier nukes

shivas: newest rings on the market, crafted +1s are millions of gil
acumen: a decent nuking ring, easily obtained with sparks
perception: good macc ring, also sparks
sangoma: best macc ring, drop from foret delve boss
strendu: fairly good mab ring from voidwatch ironclad

bane: JSE cape from reives, good macc, good mdmg
toro: lion wkr drop, best int and mab
seshaw: i think is crafted? pure mab

maniacus sash: mab at the cost of macc, not a fan of this piece
othila sash: good mab, odin2 drop, AHable
elemental obis: make them, use them when weather/day are applicable
ovate rope: macc at the cost of mab, best for enfeebles
tengu-no-obi: macc with mdmg and some spell crit, gessho drop
sekhmet corset: AAMR drop, nice mdmg

hagondes/+1: best. damage. legs. get these
mes'yohi slacks: great macc, stellar fulcrum fight, kinda hard to get
artsieq: great precast piece, also augmentable with lots of macc

hagondes/+1: no native mab, but strong mab augments put it on top
umbani: marjami delve boss drop, competitive with hagondes+1 on damage
manabyss: AAHM drop, third place damage feet, also a great option
artsieq: good macc feet

do skirmish, get hagondes set and lehbrailg, upgrade to +1/+2 and get mab augments

do wkrs, get otomi hands, toro cape, friomisi earring, buremte cap, bane cape

do delve for clears, get artsieq set, eddy necklace, imbodla necklace, lifestorm and psystorm earrings, gwati earring, umbani boots, sangoma ring

fill in blanks
Posts: 7
By steroids 2014-08-05 17:21:57  
thx alot guys!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-08-07 14:56:21  
Thanks Mckenzee, really helpful structure. I'm a career light DD job player, but trying to learn some BLM on my mule (WHM, BLM) and make some respectable 119 sets. Nice to see currently useful post-Adoulin options all laid out together like you did.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: speedyjim
Posts: 516
By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2014-08-11 17:19:11  
Adding to what Mckenzee wrote and what Eslim posted, spaekona's coat +1 is the best, and probably only, AF/Relic piece you should get.
Great for low tier nukes and Abyssea/old content.
Posts: 9
By Retsujo 2014-08-15 12:02:11  
Hey all, returning player here. Wondering one thing about all of this:

Last I heard, the magian trial staves were still pretty top-tier. Is this not the case anymore? I don't remember (and can't find) how exactly the % bonus comes into play from those staves, and can't find anyone's testing to see if Lehbrailg +2 really does beat out the magian trial staves. Would anyone mind explaining?
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Odaru 2014-09-06 02:30:20  
The ToM damage staves are out dated now. They're good starter pieces, but Atinian Staff outperforms them and is relatively cheap.
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2014-09-06 06:51:52  
Bahamut.Odaru said: »
The ToM damage staves are out dated now. They're good starter pieces, but Atinian Staff outperforms them and is relatively cheap.
They're not exactly outdated.... But they basically are.
Now that 119 staves are raining from the sky, we can see that the Mdmg from those basically contributes the same as +6 affinity for T5s... (Now if there were only a way to have substantial Mdmg AND affinity... I miss the affinity mechanic.)

Lebreilig+1 performed basically the same as Chatoyant (personal tests back when that was new).
And Atinian is slightly not as good than the Magian staves... The gap is larger than lebreilig+1vMaff+3... But it's still small enough to not matter....

However... This is all about T5s... And who casts those at all anymore??
With 119 staff, MAB and Mdmg gear... Your Stones can net you +1k... +1k!!
So why ever bother dropping a T5, doing the same damage as 3~5 T1s... At 50x the cost... With a larger enmity spike? (I can't tell you how many dumbass BLMs in their ***spark armor ruin the fun of everyone else in WKRs by casting T5s and Meteor, pulling hate and killing everyone...)
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Posts: 1
By Woofell 2014-12-30 08:03:33  
If you get a bane cape with +10 elemental dmg augment on it would you say this is the best for Nuking? Also Hagondes is good but not for high lvl things right? At some point CL128+ you need magic accuracy > magic attack bonus?

In my mind I see Magic Attack bonus like to see Attack power. It only works so well until you start missing/ getting resisted.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2014-12-30 08:15:04  
There is no "best cape for nuking," but a Bane cape with +10 elemental skill is certainly useful.

You should make two or three sets with different degrees of Damage -> MAcc sacrifice.
サーバ: Bahamut
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user: Lyramion
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By Bahamut.Tychefm 2014-12-30 08:50:26  
Even as Mythic SCH using all tricks in my pocket like Klimaform, Frazzle and Aftermath 1 CL128+ Incursion is a resistfest only really rescued by how OP Geo buffs/debuffs are.

However you can get to a point where you can comfortbly nuke Delve 2 bosses (if people let you)
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サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: siskotaru
Posts: 192
By Carbuncle.Sisko 2015-02-10 12:56:52  
I'm currently working on posting updated sets for blm.

It's a work in progress, and I need your precious help to avoid missing things.

Here's one of the nuking set and details for every slots :

We're nuking tojil with this one, we never need mp. We're just aiming for the best damage possible.

ItemSet 333199

Weapon / sub slot :
Mythic is above everything on every tier, even before Aftermath.
If you happen to get int+8 and max MAB on a Lehbrailg +2 (prepare to spend billions there) it comes really close damagewise. Being only distanced on Tier1 magic.
Lehbrailg +2 with max MAB alone still gives the better results if you don't have a mythic.

Keraunos (Alluvion skirmish Rala) with only mab+8 augment get the third place and is a very cheap weapon to make.

For the record, Marin +1 only wins on Aero spells when you get max augment from unity rank. Keep it for precast.

Ammo :
Ombre tahtlum even NQ beats everything else. Erlene's noteboox get third place (meeble Burrows Battalia 50k points)

Head :
Relic reforged +1 for AM2, Hagondes even NQ for everything else.

Hands :
Again Hagondes +1 with max augment is above. Otomi with INT aug is a fair replacement.

Body :
Hagondes wins again.

Legs :
Hagondes +1 again. Unbeatable.

Feet :
Umbani boots from Marjami Delve Boss wins everytime except on tier V magic where hagondes +1 full mab aug wins. With a 0.2% improvement, yay !
Just get umbani.

Back :
Toro all the way. Maybe a perfect bane from incursion is better in high resists situation with elemental magic+.

Waist :
Yamabuki-no-Obi from incursion wins everytime. Get it.
If you don't like incursion, maniacus sash (legion) if accuracy is not a problem, othila sash otherwise.

Rings :
Farm some gils and get 2 Shiva+1. It's a really big improvement over anything else. (6% improvement over strendu / Angha)

Earrings :
Friomisi is a no brainer. For second slot,Crematio is above novio even on high tiers /ja /am.

To be continued...
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6139
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2015-02-10 13:08:01  
Before starting this post, I realize that you already specified situations where MP doesn't matter. Thus you don't really care about MP conservation or low tier spells. However:

Body: AF reforged body +1 is essential for situations where you don't have a ton of Refresh.

Hat: Relic Reforged +1 head only beats a well augmented Hagondes +1 for AMIIs with more than 1 merit.

Waist: Acuity Belt +1 comes close to / beats Yamabuki-no-Obi if you're in the #1 Unity that week. It's pretty good for Vidohunir too.

Ammo/Grip: Dosis Tathlum is better than Ombre +1 on spells below Tier 3, last time I checked. Similar story with Elder's Grip +1 and Zuu Grip, although I prefer Elder's as an all-purpose grip.

Neck: Eddy Necklace is superior to Mizu on low tier spells.

Affinity notable mentions: Archon Ring, Quanpur Necklace, and Pixie Hairpin +1 are fantastic.

On harder content you'll need to strike a balance between stats that boost accuracy, stats that boost damage, and Enmity-.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2015-02-10 13:10:07  
Why no one like sorc ring?
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: siskotaru
Posts: 192
By Carbuncle.Sisko 2015-02-10 13:34:19  
Thanks a lot byrth. That's the kind of info i'm looking for, from veteran players like you.

I'd like to gather it all and share something I'm unable to find somewhere else.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Grenseal
Posts: 23
By Valefor.Grenseal 2015-02-26 08:53:08  
What happened to the elemental day bonus on relic legs? Is it lost when you reforge it?
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Sieha1
Posts: 503
By Siren.Sieha 2015-02-26 09:14:51  
You didnt include new random augments from the new skirmish. likely it will improve most slots for higher level spells.
Posts: 12840
By Pantafernando 2015-02-26 10:34:56  
Valefor.Grenseal said: »
What happened to the elemental day bonus on relic legs? Is it lost when you reforge it?

Actually, when you upgrade it to +2.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Grenseal
Posts: 23
By Valefor.Grenseal 2015-02-26 11:04:01  
Ah I see, thanks.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Lyramion
Posts: 902
By Bahamut.Tychefm 2015-02-26 13:32:37  
The new Helios gear can be augmented with the following stats for nuking:

MACC +25


MBdmg +10%

There are other stats that can apear which are not directly relevant for nuking. You can look at for more information but it's still a work in progress.

These max Augments can be reached even with +1 Stones. Also no matter how I spin it Mcrit is a silly mechanic and not really worth the effort.

Helios Band with +25MAB +10INT is about even to a +22MB Hagondes hat. Better on some nukes, worse on some.

Hagondes wins for raw damage.

Helios hands win for raw damage.

Hagondes wins for raw damage.

Helios Boots win for raw damage.

Now there is a huge grey area of about how much power you need/want to sacrifice for MACC on nonfodder or how willing you are to create multiple sets with different augments or even a full blown +MagicBurst damage set (+40% on gear/merits is the cap - Jobtraits exluded.

EDIT: Snowdims +1 were better than SE intended which was "fixed" in an emergency maintenance.

EDIT2: Apparently Keraunos can get augmented with a massive amount of INT making it a highly competitive staff:
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