You can get moogle suit/mask and goblin suit/mask from event goblins and moogles in starter towns. Bastok is in Markets next to fountain. Talking to goblin or moogle while wearing the respective suit/mask gives you an option to warp outside to participate in event.
The event has level cap of 5. You get points for dealing dmg, healing, etc. Moogles and goblins just hit each other, you might get hit with dmg AoE every now and then, but it seems most AoEs they do are sleep or disease. You get 5 mp/tick refresh, so easy enough to stay healed with /whm.
I started on goblin side, the first goal was to get 10k points. Reward was cipher of Fablinix's alter ego. Next goal is to get 3k points in one round. I haven't yet figured out the strategy to get that many, the best I got was 1.9k. Anyone have any idea?
And if anyone knows what are the rewards on moogle side, it would be nice to know. ^_^