When after the first month there are more insurance policy cancellations than new signups, I'd say we on the strait line track to broken. As if the insurance companies are so solid that government couldn't topple them with a 2500 page law. Oh wait they're only canceling policies because they're greedy ***, I forgot.
Again... hopefully I won't have to repeat this again as you have had enough time to correct your tunnel vision...
There is no dispute that some policies are being cancelled because of legal requirements set by the ACA. There are also policies being cancelled because they want to get rid of them and leading people to believe they are legally required to by the ACA... it's a dishonest policy... try to spin it however you want... I guess you can hold the government accountable but when a corp tries to pull something theres just always an excuse?
Also, just because these policies are being cancelled does not mean they are losing their customers business... this nonsense about them losing millions of customers overnight is misleading and false... Especially because, unless the policy holder specifically states they do not want another policy with their current insurer, the insurer will automatically re enroll them in a general policy... they are also welcome to shop elsewhere as well... they are hoping to shed as much bad weight as possible to the exchange... which they wouldn't have been able to do without the exchange...
But yes... keep on spouting the nonsense you love so much that insurance companies are going to go bankrupt because of this and the government is to blame for everything! Doomsday! don't worry we'll bail them out just like the banks too!
Again... I never said only... and its not so much about being greedy *** its just playing the game... a new system gets put in place and all that happens is the game changes a bit... I'm hoping this is the beginning of our attempts to fix the system but we'll have to see...
Social Security and Medicare were very unpopular when they started out and now if you tried to take them away people might bite your hand off... off to another rough start but we'll see how it turns out soon enough...