We have two autistic adults working with everyone else where I work. I believe they are both in their twenties or so.
One of them, Charlotte, is a perfectly intelligent and sweet girl. But she cannot say much of anything except "no." She says no, she shouts no, she sings no. If you write something down for her, she can write clearly and eloquently back to you. She understands other peoples' words, she just can't mimic them. Charlotte assembles boxes, hardware kits, and can use a screwdriver to put frames together.
There is nothing wrong with Charlotte. There is something wrong with anyone who thinks she's a "drain on society" or a sub-par human being.
The other, Ben, is a perfectly intelligent and nice guy. He does not like to talk, but if you say certain phrases to him, he will repeat them back to you. These phrases include encouragement such as "Yeah bro!," "You da man!," and "Sa-wa-wa-weet!" He enjoys the college football in the area and will proudly proclaim that it's a "Bronco Nation!" He gets and gives a lot of encouragement and he brightens a lot of days. He sometimes slaps his hands together in a certain pattern because it comforts him. Ben rides the bus to work alone every day and likes to take walks. He loves to assemble hardware kits.
There is nothing wrong with Ben. There is something wrong with anyone who thinks he's a "drain on society" or a sub-par human being.
My mother adopted five children, all of whom had an issue wherein their mental age was younger than their physical age. One of them is currently in Europe working as a student ambassador for People to People. At least two of them live on their own in assisted living communities. One of them still lives at home. I forget what happened to the other.
There is nothing wrong with any of those five people. There is something wrong with anyone who thinks they are somehow lesser-than a person who has a "whole" mind.
When I was in grade school, everyone's favorite guy was Brian, an autistic kid who just wanted to be alone. But when he was with others, he was a total sweetie and made everyone feel like they were the most important person to him. He made everyone's day a little brighter.
I find it somewhat hard to believe that anyone could be so ignorant as to actually write a letter like that. If that's a real letter, (
if,) I certainly hope that the lady who wrote it comes to understand how darn ridiculously she has acted.