Didn't see this posted anywhere and just wanted to point this out if anyone is bored, but you can solo all the reives as bst. None of the mobs link your pet when you attack the hive/root/rock/whatever. Keep sneak and/or invis on and you will never aggro the mobs either. I have yet to see if any of them have true sight/sound mobs however. It takes a good 10-15 mins to kill a hive (wasn't really paying attention) so come /mage for longer sneak/invis if you want to afk.
Not sure if there is any benefit to doing this, but I found it humorous. I assume SE will patch it eventually.
Another thing to note, if you bring in a charmed pet for the reive there is no need to worry about it uncharming. It will just disappear once it uncharms since it is no longer under the reive status. This also means you cannot recharm it so beware of that.