Any tips on Runes & Barspells used for the more tricky NMs from Zitah and Ru'Aun ?
Also, what's your gearsets to allow such challenge to be done (TP/WS/Hybrid/other)?
Escha Zi'tah:
Skipping T1s as they are pretty simple.
Ionos - Flabra x3 and Barstone/petrify - pretty self explanatory, to resist Petrify from landing.
Sensual Sandy - Any Rune - Sandy is not magic based, she reacts to weapon skill by using a conal terror breath.
Nosoi - Ignis x3 -> Sulpor x3 after Vallation/Valiance - Ignis helps reduce blizzard nuke damage, sulpor helps chances of resisting poison by spell. However you cannot resist the poison aura.
Brittlis - Ignis x2 Flabra x1 + Barparalyze and barstone - chainspell will spam enfeebles on you, Paralyze and slow are biggest concern.
Kamohoalii - Tenebrae x3 - To resist Charm
Umdhlebi - Tenebrae x3 - To resist Charm, although she is unlikely to use Charm, she can use Beautiful Death below 25% if she is alive long enough.
Fleetstalker - Unda x3 + Barfire - This NM nukes hard fire damage, aim to proc it when it is casting to lower its Evasion, i recommend /drk to nuke water 1/2 after using a WS.
Shockwave - Lux x3 - Dreadspikes is nasty. Stand behind or on the side of it. Conal instant death from the front.
Urmahlulu - Tellus x3 + Barthunder - Mostly to resist Stun spam and lower Thunderbolt's damage.
Pixies - Lux x3 - Bucca uses Dread spikes, Lux lowers the damage and Lux can give you a chance to resist the full dispel.
Blazewing - Unda x3 + Barfire + Amnesia - This nm can often use a move which inflicts slow + a long duration amnesia.
Pazuzu - Lux x3 - To lower the damage from Comet/Impact. Meteor is non-elemental, only One for All can lower the damage, and SP.
Wrathare - Lux x3 + Barblind - Lux is mostly to resist Blind, En-death can't really be resisted aside from gear.
Escha Ru'aun:
I'll skip T1s and T2s lemme know if you need any of them individually.
Duke Vepar: Ignis x2 Flabra x1 + Barparalyze and Barstone - Aside from this 200 hp/tick Bio aura this nm is pretty easy. The runes + spells help resist slow and paralyze. Roughly 1350-1400 acc recommended.
Pakecet Lux x3 + Barfire + Amnesia - Aetheric Pull gives Pakecet dread spikes. it also has access to amnesia. This NM is honestly quite hard to solo if you get unlucky, you need a decent shockwave + turtle set when Angry Seas comes.
Vir'ava - Tenebrae x3 + Barfire + Amnesia - Charms quite frequent, Tenebrae resisted it a lot for me. I recommend a trust tank on pop then pull adds away and shockwave -> Bio or wake the black adds up and let vir'ava eat them then zerg. I use my max acc set for this fight which gives me roughly 1700 acc with food and vorseal and a high M.eva to help resist charm as well.
Ark Angels:
AAEV - Tenebrae x3 - Although you can't solo this with trusts you can duo it with a real tank or whm.
AAGK - Ignis x3 + Barpara + Blizzard - resist Paralyze. Kill add every time it pops to allow you to parry.
AAHM - Flabra x1 Ignis x2 + Barparalyze + stone - resist Paralyze and Slow. Nothing else except Mijin Gakur or WS spam.
AAMR - Tenebrae x3 - AAMR gains access to charm at 50%, but can use it before it you take too long to kill. Can charm many times.
I'd recommend 1550-1600 acc, she is a thf and very evasive.
AATT - Ignis x2 Flabra x1 + Barparalyze and stone - Same as AAHM, just resist paralyze and petrify. Meteor is non-elemental
Byakko - Tenebrae x3 + Barfire + amnesia - Byakko hits very hard, and his En-light hits hard as well, Tenebrae not only reduces his damage, but can also proc white from additional effect dark damage. I'd recommend 1550-1600 acc requirement
Genbu - Sulpor x3 - Although Rune cannot ideally solo Genbu without insane luck, it can be duoed with a Geo with fairly little difficulty i'd say.
Seiryu - Gelus x1 Tenebrae x2 + Baraero - Runes mainly help reduce the damage from hurricane and Radial breath, they can hit very hard. I'd recommend 1600+ acc as this NM can give itself evasion boosts.
Suzaku - Unda x3 + Barfire - Unda reduces damage from chainspell nukes. This nm is pretty easy tbh, just very evasive. I'd recommend 1600+ acc needed.
Kirin/Kouryu - Flabra x3 + Barstone + Petrify - Runes to reduce damage from spells and tp moves and resist petrify.Although this NM can't be soloed, It can be trioed with Run, geo and bard. I'd not recommend trioing this however, it is absolutely a nightmare having to main DD while supertank all adds when they come, it is hard. I'd recommend 1700 acc requirement. I'd not recommend Low manning without Epeolatry, it is hard enough as it is.
This was one of my original and first attempts at low manning Kirin. We recovered and won that attempt. I eventually got more successful and was able to 3 man it. Will record when possible.
Warder of Courage - Tenebrae x3 + Barpetrify and Stone - Resist charm from WoC himself, you cannot resist charm from Wyverns though. Only from charm buffer. I'd say roughly 1750-1800 acc is needed to cap.
Also I want to apologise for this long *** post, but I do hope it helps.
Edit: I will include sets into my rune guide and link that once done, i don't know how to do it on ffxiah.
Near the bottom I included some of the DD sets I use which are orientated with solo and low man set ups.