Across the board, are the magian and relic-empy-mythic axes the only real weapon choices for beastmaster? I mean, are there any weapons (either DW axes, or an axe-shield combo) that I'd want that aren't magian, relic, empy or mythic?
I found myself going over my bst gear sets and my weapons are all magian. (STR, pet:STR, pet:PDTx2, pet:evasion, OAT, and I'm toying with making a pet:MDB and DT+11 in the coming weeks. Farsha and Guttler are on the far backburner as well). I'm worried that I may be missing something since my other jobs (whm, bard, sch and mnk) don't rely so much on magian weapons at all - though for the life of me I don't see why I'm planning on getting the club, staff and dagger for my mage jobs.
Is there a "magical" set of axes that have so much utility that they are worth using in place of the bread-and-butter magian stuff?