Phoenix.Evildemon said:
»What are some good current sets with apoc and what kind of augments should I be trying to get?
I haven't touched DRK in awhile, but my advice would be look at the Macbain set. If you're going for a certain X-hit build, they have almost identical delay, so in theory they will be pretty much the same gear set, just making adjustments to adding more attack/multi hit instead of acc if you don't need the boost from Apoc.
Side note, I don't think people bother with AM gear for it anymore since you can cap attack speed before AM. Unless there was a ninja-update that made Apoc AM break haste cap.
Sadly apoc hasn't had the AM updated from the lvl 75 version so AM is practically useless to us now, unless you end up with AM up during encumber it won't help you any.
Apoc has a base of 142 tp per hit
35 sTP gives you 191 tp per hit so if you take that number and add in /sam you will get 213 per hit. Now personally I feel that is a bit of a waste on best in slot to have tp overflow like that if it isn't helping your xhit. Especially with ws like catasrophe where tp overflow doesn't matter with ws mod.
So apoc with /sam (for the sake of numbers) I will go with 207 tp per hit which means you need 31 sTP (doesn't free too much but still something) My reasoning behind that number is pretty simple, if you are going /sam you are most likely using meditate meaning you wont need to worry about the initial xhit build to get 4-hit. I Pick the number 207 tp per hit because generally most ws sets on single hit ws will leave you with 174-181 tp after ws. Leaving you to need 207 per hit at max.
There are a few ways to hit the +31 sTP in gear, best way I have learned is that the lowest possible slots dedicated to sTP possible is best, common sense right? Just remember that some pieces also force you to sacrifice double attack to get that store tp.
Acro and Yorium can both get sTP+6 from augments, but that is your DA aug too. (3% DA augment)
So unless you are using duplus grip needless to say pole grip is out and bloodrain strap is in. (Duplus Grip forces you to make multiple sTP skirmish pieces, let just go the simple route here, and not waste the 9 mil or whatever duplus cost on your server.) Pick head, body or hands to get sTP +6 on, (doesn't matter which, unless you are using that piece to ws with as well. However if you are using acro/yorium for ws most likely you don't have the sTP aug instead you have ws acc)Throw on Rajas and K'ayres rings for another 10 sTP.
At this point you are at 29 sTP so you need to pick how you want to do your earrings/ammo slots, if you are aiming directly for 31 sTP due to your xhit build I would sacrifice using trux earring and use bladeborn/steelflash with yetshila. Otherwise you could always do brutal/trux with ginsen which would put you at 33 sTP instead of 31 sTP.
If my build needs exactly 31 sTP due to ws set I would most likely use the blade/steel with yetshila, you gain acc/attk and crit rate/dmg with that combo so it isn't like you lose much with the lack of 1 double attack.
So +or- sTP depending on your ws set. (Only one skirmish armor has the sTP+6 aug and gives +35sTP needless to say you can accept a +2 sTP aug with the math above)
ItemSet 334160
and this set returns 184 tp with single hit ws, this one is my cata ws set. (No sTP augment on skirmish gear. but total of 11 sTP in grip, brutal earring and hands) Meaning you only need 204 tp per hit in your tp gear.
ItemSet 333768
If you only need 204 tp per hit then you only need 29 sTP in gear which means you can go with only 1 sTP from skirmish aug, (but who wants to look that cheap right?) For this set you can ditch all the sTP aug's and go straight for crit dmg 3%, double attk 3% and acc/attk +15~20. The set below has +31 sTP, so there is a little tp over flow for the ws + 4-hit but we aren't over doing it like we would if we ran 35sTP (Which causes us to lose other best-in-slot items. Of course with the first set showing you still need a aug piece of 2~6 sTP it doesn't really matter for tp over flow due to one slot will still be sTP regardless.
ItemSet 334161
Edit: I have more scythe ws sets in my Item Sets
With apoc/cata you don't need to worry about the 22% haste from 5/5 acro either since AM gives haste to cap you.