The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide

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The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide
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By 2016-07-25 05:09:51
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ogri
Posts: 127
By Asura.Brennski 2016-07-25 05:21:32  
I feel your missing out on alot of magic acc there

Pixie Hairpin is only good for Dark Elemental Magic.

Herc Helm and Legs can get good MAB/MAcc Augs My Helm has like +25 Magic +22 MAB, my Legs INT6 MAB25, MACC20. I'd be tempted to use sanctity necklace for neck a losing 3 MAB for 10 M.Acc and a better chance to stop resists.
pemphredo tathlum for ammo as well gaining INT and M.acc. As just a few suggestions.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2016-07-25 06:01:02  
There's also Leyline Gloves and Samnuha coat, if you got good augs on them.
And of course ambuscade cape with INT, Macc, Mab and MDMG.
Don't forget Obi if you got the right weather/day up.
Also there's that ring with +6int and +5macc, Not a big change to Weatherspoon but worth mentioning.

BiS in that slot would probably be Shiva+1 though, I guess.
For T3 nukes (san) you should use AF2 head, and for the others there are better options than Pixie Hairpin.

Were you trying to avoid augmented herculean on purpose? I can feel your pain if that's the case, but I think there are still better (and accessible!) options than what you listed even without resorting to that hairpin.
By Verda 2016-07-25 10:54:33  
Ninjitsu still benefits from herc aug magic burst bonus right? I keep getting that in high values instead of wsd but decided to keep some for if I eventually gear ninja... so magic burst bonus works right (I know the guy that did the 99,999 burst screenshot was using mujin so I'd assume so).
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Gippali
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2016-07-25 12:20:20  
Correct. Would be looking for MATK/MACC/MBD/INT on herc if going the jutsu route
By Verda 2016-07-25 12:34:59  
ok thanks :)
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-07-25 13:08:31  
Yes and Nin can hit 45% MBD fairly easy too, that is your goal 40% + mujins 5 that breaks the 40% cap.

I assume you can use Ni Nukes but I never do as I find it inefficient (a lot less dmg than SAN and I normally want tp right after for another sc)

This is what I use to cap MBD. Its actually very very easy to get MBD on herc, now getting the int/mab/macc to go with it can he hard haha, still not terrible and well worth the $$$$.

ItemSet 344322
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 687
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2016-07-25 13:16:52  
San + Ni will easily double burst. (As I only have 2 San's unlocked, one on either side of the light/dark spectrum, I have to resort to a follow-up Ni).

I agree with Azagarth and Gippali, gotta get that Herculean Augmented! :D
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-07-25 13:44:06  
I know you can double burst (if the mobs last that long haha) but I normally am not going to pull more than 12k with my set on Ni nukes (as you can see its pretty good too). Remember there is a 2 sec lockout after ws which for a Nin means 2 attack rounds. I have like 33% TA rate and 28% DA rate in my tp gear, I easily will get 8-10 attacks in those 2 rounds. Thats nearly another ws, and thus SC. I normally when solo will rotate light/dark to just burst off San's nukes and seems to work better.

My experience is solo on crab btw haha, which can impact a lot. Maybe group play with MAB buffs from geo/cor will make ni nuking well worth it.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 687
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2016-07-25 14:21:25  
I admittedly only do it on this guy:

(Warder of Fortitude)
サーバ: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2016-07-25 17:48:36  
On the nuke discussion, Herc gear may not be especially hard to get MB dmg augments on... but balance that with how much you're gonna use the stuff. Outside of CP parties that are eventually more or less irrelevant once you cap JP, MBing ninjutsu is a very niche thing. I wouldn't go nuts obsessing over it - personally, I'm fine with my solid MAB/Macc herc legs/feet and have zero desire to take up more inventory slots for MB gear that I'll almost never use.

Macc is a far bigger deal to me, and I do think that's worth it. Will always be helpful for enfeebling ninjutsu, and still helps in the fairly rare situations where I might use elemental ninjutsu.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-07-25 18:26:18  
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
On the nuke discussion, Herc gear may not be especially hard to get MB dmg augments on... but balance that with how much you're gonna use the stuff. Outside of CP parties that are eventually more or less irrelevant once you cap JP, MBing ninjutsu is a very niche thing. I wouldn't go nuts obsessing over it - personally, I'm fine with my solid MAB/Macc herc legs/feet and have zero desire to take up more inventory slots for MB gear that I'll almost never use.

Macc is a far bigger deal to me, and I do think that's worth it. Will always be helpful for enfeebling ninjutsu, and still helps in the fairly rare situations where I might use elemental ninjutsu.

I am a nin main, devote tons of gear to it. In terms of worthwhile sets to make this is one for a serious nin. Not all nins have 2100 JP and honestly most are trying to get them. The best increase in dmg after capping your acc and delay on apex mobs is going to be your MB (which can also be your biggest dmg increase depending).

On the journey having fun and seeing some crazy MB numbers is very cool. You can technically get 2100 on sparks gear, doesnt mean it was the best way.

Anyhow sadly once you do get 2100 your nin wont be used for to much haha. I really only get to bust mine out on a few fights anymore... I use it to solo mainly and even then it really is only better for me solo than blu on a few fights (selkit and tealmoth comes to mind, due to shadows-not dmg)
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-07-25 21:19:53  
Hey I have been trying to update my lua and I noticed That when I use futae I am not casting in Hattori Tekko +1 (got leyline now before I use them fulltime).

Do we have to keep these on fulltime on nuke? I was under the impression we did to get the bonus, as in you cant just use them for precast on ja and then cast in leyline. Correct me if I am wrong please. I noticed in dozens of luas I have looked at today that none has a condition that will leave them on when futae is up which means alot are losing the bonus during their casts, or I am confused in thinking that they have to stay on.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-07-25 22:06:55  
Asura.Azagarth said: »
Do we have to keep these on fulltime on nuke?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-07-25 23:00:22  
Odin.Llewelyn said: »
Asura.Azagarth said: »
Do we have to keep these on fulltime on nuke?

can anyone show me how I could do this in my lua then? I am not finding a way.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2016-07-26 02:03:00  
I'm pretty sure you have a big "If" into your Midcast section.
At the end of that if, outside of it but still inside of your midcast, add a separate if
If buffactive['Futae'] and maps.elewheel:contains(spell.english) then

At the beginning of your Lua add the following map
	maps.elewheel = S{'Doton: Ichi', 'Doton: Ni', 'Doton: San', 'Huton: Ichi', 'Huton: Ni', 'Huton: San', 'Hyoton: Ichi', 'Hyoton: Ni', 'Hyoton: San',
		'Katon: Ichi', 'Katon: Ni', 'Katon: San', 'Raiton: Ichi', 'Raiton: Ni', 'Raiton: San', 'Suiton: Ichi', 'Suiton: Ni', 'Suiton: San'}

Last but not least you need to add a new set in your midcast lists at the top of your lua
sets.midcast.futae = {hands="Hattori Tekko +1"}

There are many other and better ways to handle this, I'm just sharing what I think is likely the most straightforward one.
What's gonna happen if you handle things this way is:

Your midcast "If" will check for the type of action you're performing and equip the correct set accordingly. (if it's an elemental ninjutsu, it will equip your elemental ninjutsu set, hands included which in your case would be Leyline gloves, probably)
At the end of this long series of checks (Is spell.english a JA? Is it a WS? Is it a debuff? Is it an elemental ninjutsu? etc) there will be a stand-alone additional check.
Is the spell an elemental ninjutsu AND is futae currently active?
If so, it will equip your sets.midcast.futae set, which consists of just hands, which will overwrite the previously equipped Leyline gloves and thus you will end up casting elemental ninjutsu with Hattori Tekko +1 when Futae is up.

Another way to do this would be within the main "If", splitting the "is it an elemental ninjutsu?" condition in two.
Logically it would be:
"Is the spell you're casting an elemental Ninjutsu? Yes => proceed further. No => go to the next step of the If"
Then further inside "Is Futae active? Yes => Equip set1. No => Equip set2"
I think this is a bit more complex to implement if you're not good with lua and you risk *** up your Midcast "if", whereas the first method, while less elegant, is simpler to implement even if you know jackshit about your lua.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Orestes78
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2016-07-26 09:11:41  
Just to add, if you're using Mote's you can handle this a little differently. Sechs's solution will work regardless, so this is mostly educational.

Mote has mechanisms in place for tracking buffs. All you would do is add this to job_setup()
state.Buff.Futae = buffactive.futae or false

You would then add this to job_midcast()
if state.Buff.Futae and spellMap == 'ElementalNinjutsu' then

OR -- you could do this entirely different and create a custom spell mapping. (only works in Motes)

Note: the main benefit of this technique is the custom set we create can be used anywhere a spellMap is accepted, and not just midcast. There's no benefit to that here, so it doesn't make much sense to do this over other options.

You would need to check if your lua contains this function already. If it does, then you would append the contents here to it. Otherwise, just paste the whole function in the bottom of your file.
function job_get_spell_map(spell, default_spell_map)
    if state.Buff.Futae and default_spell_map == 'ElementalNinjutsu' then
       return 'FutaeBonus'

In this case, you could now create the following set, and done.
sets.midcast.FutaeBonus = set_combine(sets.midcast.ElementalNinjutsu, { hands="Hattori Tekko +1" })
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2016-07-26 09:37:52  
Just to further elaborate on the reasons why it's advisable to use custom variables (like mote's "mechanisms") instead of the built-in function "buffactive".

There's a certain amount of delay in the communication between client and server.
Let's keep it easy and allow me to oversimplify things to let you get the concept.
If you use a JA that grants you a certain buff and then instantly perform another action (JA, spell, whatever) it might happen that Gearswap won't have the time to "detect" that certain buff you activated.

That is: buffactive['buff1'] might return a value of "false", and then Gearswap will proceed as if that buff wasn't up, while it actually is!
This isn't a problem if you have the habit of waiting like ~1 second between inputs, but if you find yourself often in such situations, then it's much safer to manually update custom variables, and then use those to check wether or not a buff is up, instead of the buffactive function.
I found that out the hard way when I was noticing that sometimes my SCH lua wasn't equipping AF3 hands with Perpetuance up, and I was wondering why lol.

Of course handling buffs this way adds a whole new degree of complexity to your lua, if you're using a self-made one like me. If you're using Mote's stuff you should be fine following the very nice info Orestes gave you :)
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-07-26 19:04:29  
Thanks I will be home shortly and plan to give this a run!

my Nin's macc is terrible too I found out doing some testing last night. I was basically always resisted on my MB on nin. I assume this gets taken care of with more jp, but im at 400 right now and just struggling to not get resisted while solo. Anyone know apex crab/pugils need for macc?

Also crab bowl has lower lv apex crabs than the big pugil/crab room I am sure of that now. Solo I was getting 50% resists mostly and at the crab/pugil room i was at 25% way way to much. Added a friends cor mule for a macc roll for fun and it moved to 50% like bowl. By no means a mathematical feat but We just played around for a few hrs and it was overly apparent to me.

The nice thing is its very easy to see your resists on nin because the dmg is so static for san nukes.

I was doing w/o futea 4k-5k (25%)/ 9.5k-10k (50%)/ 16.5k-20k (100%)
w/ futea I only saw 9k (only one 25% resist whole time)/ 16k-21k (50%)/ 36k-40k

I am sure a geo and a real cor does wonders for dmg, its just nice to see the bare minimum stuff we can do with low or no support.

Does there exist a 75% resist rate or is it purely 25-50-100?
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 687
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2016-07-26 20:04:09  
1/2, 1/4, and 1/8th are the resist levels
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-07-26 21:19:37  
ah crap lol I didnt even know about the 1/8th lv. I didnt even see one that low in my tests at least but it makes sense.

I just wish I could pinpoint the macc lv we need as Nin to be not getting resists on nukes.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2016-07-27 01:56:14  
Do not forget to take into account MB.
When your spell hits during a MB it receives a substantial boost in magic accuracy.
Well, at least that happens to elemental magic, not sure how big it is for Ninjutsu to be fair.
When it got boosted 1+ years ago (at the time when they also boosted SC damage) I remember some categories being partially left out from that adjustment (like Helix spells).
Those categories retain the same MB bonus they had before that huge tweak.
Not sure if Ninjutsu falls into the group, should check the Patch Notes :x
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Asura.Boogerballs 2016-07-28 13:32:57  
Just finished off my nin aeonic and i wanna gear it up. Does anyone have a decent lua i can have
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 616
By Asura.Avallon 2016-07-28 13:45:29  
Asura.Boogerballs said: »
Just finished off my nin aeonic and i wanna gear it up. Does anyone have a decent lua i can have

Hit up Zeta! Surely he can supply all that you require.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 201
By Bahamut.Boogerballs 2016-07-28 13:48:24  
Asura.Avallon said: »
Asura.Boogerballs said: »
Just finished off my nin aeonic and i wanna gear it up. Does anyone have a decent lua i can have

Hit up Zeta! Surely he can supply all that you require.

hes not on ; ;
Posts: 48
By Kaisr 2016-08-08 07:11:49  
I am finishing up my first Ambuscade cape.. the Dyes were added recently and am I to understand that it adds another stat to the cape... that being so what is the best stat to up?

Worth pumping 10 more into Dex or Acc or would it be better to add AGI or STR
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2016-08-08 07:35:25  
I would pump whatever stat you put into your main stat. STR or DEX, whatever you did.

Not sure if that's the best mathemathically-correct answer, if you were looking for that.
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2016-08-08 07:55:54  
For TPing, +10acc is more acc, and while +10 DEX also increases crit rate... It's so small if you're really hurting for acc, that +10acc will help you more.

For WSs, always the stat mod.
That 10acc won't really matter with the WS (they have an acc bonus) but that 10 STAT will. And if STR on a STR based WS, it will a LOT.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Gippali
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2016-08-08 10:45:09  
If it's your first cape I would go with DEX. All your ws's benefit from it and it will add ACC. You can work on the more specialized capes next month. You're first cape will prob look like DEX/ATT/ACC/DA as that is a pretty all encompassing cape.
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