The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide |
The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide
In fact, after looking at the data, there seems to be something up with Mikage + Daken. There are clearly rounds where I didn't reach 8 hits, but range didn't proc anyways.
Lakshmi.Buukki said: » Just tested. Daken is subject to the 8 hit cap. Used Mikage + Sange. With sange, I should have a 100% shuriken rate. On rounds where my normal attacks reached 8, there was no additional Ranged attack Thanks for checking! And just to be sure... Sange always makes Daken activate, but does not always result in an actual ranged attack hit (i.e, you can still miss the throwing attack due to failing Racc check). So you'd want to confirm you didn't have missed attacks filtered out or something. If you normally see a "missed ranged attack" message if you had 7 or less attacks in main attack round, and then you got an 8 attack round with no such message... that pretty much wraps it up. Lakshmi.Buukki said: » In fact, after looking at the data, there seems to be something up with Mikage + Daken. There are clearly rounds where I didn't reach 8 hits, but range didn't proc anyways. Whoops didn't see this before my previous reply. Sounds to me like what happened there was you just missed the Daken throw due to racc check - exactly what I was talking about. Ramuh.Austar said: » it doesn’t decrease it at all. it’s srill .02^2 x 100 = .04% chance it will happen. accuracy has nothing to do with it I probably just explained myself poorly... What I meant is that, even in a hypothetical world where Daken could proc as hit #9 in an attack round, that's not guaranteed so shouldn't be assumed. Daken would still have to pass the proc check (which Sange makes 100%) AND the Racc check, before it could truly be considered a "lost" throwing attack due to hitting 8 attack/round maximum. Result is that even if Daken could proc as hit #9, the potential impact is less than people might assume by just calculating the (already really low) chance of an 8 hit round, since you haven't accounted for making sure the Daken throw actually lands. Point being, the impact is really small. Lakshmi.Buukki
No. I am using unfiltered Battlemod. If you miss a ranged attack, it shows in the log like this, on the previous page:
Quote: [Buukki] missed RA ¨ Dimensional Tether Its the same as if you swing, but miss. It still is counted as a swing, but it just missed. That's still a "swing" that counts towards the 8-hit cap. Whether you land the attack or not has zero bearing on whether or not it shows in the log. Lakshmi.Buukki
Quote: AND the Racc check, K, just checking to be sure you weren't overlooking that and filtering out missed ranged attacks. IDK how to explain it then. Maybe Battlemod display issue, maybe some actual issue with Mikage/Sange.
I am more inclined to think the latter. Perhaps Mikage reads your shadows and then pre-determines your MA for that round. But that would not make sense, since regardless, there should always been a shuriken thrown, unless you would normally reach 8 hits without it. Makes me think that Mikage somehow interferes with Sange in that the system occasionally can't do fulfill both JA requirements at the same time on certain rounds.
The kclub experiment would clear up the 8 or 9 hit discussion. This is all conjecture, since actually getting enough QA to land 8 hits normally is tough in itself to begin with. Getting 6 hits + RA is the most common scenario a ninja would run into, unless they suddenly create gear that has more +attacks or QA. can attempt with raetic weapon in both hands with triple attack in every possible slot
Posts: 206
so what would be a up to date Evisceration set for nin?
monkey33333333 said: » so what would be a up to date Evisceration set for nin? I'm just going off the top of my head here as a starting point, so people please feel free to chime in, but prob something like: ItemSet 358354 Possible swaps: Ears: Swap Moonshade out for Mache+1 if at 3000tp Body: Kendatsuba +1 > Ken NQ > Mummu+2 Hands: NQ Kendatsuba, Mummu+2, Adhemar +1 (not really sure of exact ranking here just eyeballing them) Rings: Regal or Mummu are both good, Mummu with the edge if using any other Mummu+2 gear for set bonus Feet: NQ Kendatsuba, Herculean with DEX/crit DMG, Mummu +2 For cape, realistically prob just use your DEX&DA Shun/TP cape, even though DEX&Crit would be ideal for Evisceration. And the question... do you have any examples of situations where you would you be using a NIN evisceration set on these days? Doesn't Blade: Hi usually serve the same purpose? I assume this could only be if you're mainhanding a dagger for some other reason (AoE with Aeolian Edge?)... but I can't think of an actual example. Bahamut.Alexcennah
Phoenix.Capuchin said: » And the question... do you have any examples of situations where you would you be using a NIN evisceration set on these days? Siren.Kyte
Phoenix.Capuchin said: » monkey33333333 said: » so what would be a up to date Evisceration set for nin? I'm just going off the top of my head here as a starting point, so people please feel free to chime in, but prob something like: ItemSet 358354 Possible swaps: Ears: Swap Moonshade out for Mache+1 if at 3000tp Body: Kendatsuba +1 > Ken NQ > Mummu+2 Hands: NQ Kendatsuba, Mummu+2, Adhemar +1 (not really sure of exact ranking here just eyeballing them) Rings: Regal or Mummu are both good, Mummu with the edge if using any other Mummu+2 gear for set bonus Feet: NQ Kendatsuba, Herculean with DEX/crit DMG, Mummu +2 For cape, realistically prob just use your DEX&DA Shun/TP cape, even though DEX&Crit would be ideal for Evisceration. And the question... do you have any examples of situations where you would you be using a NIN evisceration set on these days? Doesn't Blade: Hi usually serve the same purpose? I assume this could only be if you're mainhanding a dagger for some other reason (AoE with Aeolian Edge?)... but I can't think of an actual example. Master Trial #2, some Ambuscades Offline
Posts: 206
ya thats want i want it for is the master fight ty so much all ^^
Have read a few testimonials that skipping the whole dagger/evisc thing has worked out perfectly well on Yagudo.
I went with dagger for it, but I didn't feel like it overperformed. Offline
Posts: 206
i take it for the daggers you would use the +1 Su3 and the Odium?
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: » Have read a few testimonials that skipping the whole dagger/evisc thing has worked out perfectly well on Yagudo. I went with dagger for it, but I didn't feel like it overperformed. monkey33333333 said: » i take it for the daggers you would use the +1 Su3 and the Odium? Yeah those are good. A few other viable options, especially since Raetic (Su3) may not be easily available for everyone (looks somewhat decently available on Asura, but on my server only 3 have ever sold on AH and they're a little pricey at 7mil for such a niche use): Ternion +1 is also a very solid offhand with low delay and TA+4% (and the lower skill is offset by acc+27). Possible that it's even an ideal offhand to Raetic, though would result in lower WS dmg by missing out on the attribute+13 on Odium (but potentially greater WS frequency). Kustawi+1 isn't a bad NIN option either, if you happen to have one of those (most RNG or COR prob do). Competitive DMG (highest for NIN outside of Raetic/+1) and delay, 242 skill, and the Racc isn't useless since it will help your Daken TP generation. Blurred +1 if anyone has it? Maybe a bit of a hard sell for NIN, but maybe a hardcore COR has one. Offline
Posts: 206
ya only like 3 people make the Raetic over here on Bahamut cool that for the help ^^
Jokushu haidate is a great option for leg slot, for evisceration. Also yeah, if your COR is shooting/hitting the yagudo, don't necessarily need daggers on NIN to remove the aura. This opens up the COR to getting one shot though. Usually when the main DDs are NIN and BLU, for us, the NIN uses daggers. When we go with RUN and BLU or anything else, the COR handles the piercing aspect.
can anyone help me out with my mid acc low haste set, I will most likely with few modifications use this as my high haste set as well. I have never had a problem with acc but in dyna-jeuno other night I couldn't hit red eye mobs for ***.
ItemSet 358591 cape has 30 dex and 20 acc ryuo head is str 12 dex 12 acc 20 I have almost full adhemar +1 but its stats don't really go over what i have. Problem I am having is finding high acc but low dw. I am not entirely sure how much dw is to much based on projections. I'm not good with that. ItemSet 358593
Adhemar Path A Ryuo Path A ItemSet 358594 Ryuo Path A Both of these sets have at least 50+ STP, and are near the DW requirement. I made this Adhemar set in case you decide to change paths or make another pair of Adhemar. When making Mid-High Acc sets you should always consider having a Shigi, as it can cover multiple acc slots. well, after reading and rereading the past 5 pages trying to find out which pieces of relic are worth +2/3, all i could find was legs for situational, head if big a nuking nerd like myself? the body calls to me as decent, though my setup is weak, i have a non AG kikoku, and only head and body af+2 (planning on +3 the head). i only got the mummu body +2, no adhm +1's (dont even have the body nq).
+3 the legs. It's only a little better than hiza but ninja needs that "only a little better". Get the head *3 asap. You should definitely have a nuking set since it's one of the only other tricks ninja can do also.
Can totally skip feet hands. Body I wouldn't buy one shard and only farm it and eventually upgrade it. Odin.Slore said: » Problem I am having is finding high acc but low dw. I am not entirely sure how much dw is to much based on projections. I'm not good with that. Bismarck.Speedyjim said: » Odin.Slore said: » Problem I am having is finding high acc but low dw. I am not entirely sure how much dw is to much based on projections. I'm not good with that. ItemSet 358784 All depends, do you care about having a little more DW than you need because the piece has more acc? Or are you anal about never being a single point of DW above cap? This set is just what I currently have that gives me the most acc when max haste, still has DW in it but tp gain doesnt matter if you cant hit anything. Primary 1350 acc outside Escha. Feet are 3 TA 40 acc 35 att 10 agi Ryuo Head-12 STR DEX 20 acc Adhem hands- 12 DEX AGI 20 acc Andart 30 dex 20tt/cc You could actually throw in Hachi body +3 for the 3 piece set bonus but thats also a bit high on the DW side of things. 48 DEX 46 acc on Mummu body is nice and also has a bit of STP I tried trust solo onychophora today. Qultada, Koro-Moru, Apururu, Cornelia, and Kuyin Hathdenna. I got it to 34% before my kid woke up and I had to go tend to her, although I only had 5 minutes left. I could probably have gotten it down to sub 25%. I was using Heishi and Blade: Ten for damage but my attack was very far from cap. DPS was simply not good enough. It might be possible using Kikoku and Blade: Shun although I'm not sure. BLU can probably do it.
Posts: 1600
YouTube Video Placeholder YouTube Video Placeholder Been having a blast on NIN lately. Really digging how sturdy it is compared to most other DPS, especially when solo/lowman. Ruaumoko said: » Been having a blast on NIN lately. Really digging how sturdy it is compared to most other DPS, especially when solo/lowman. It is incredibly sturdy, hence it was a tank way back when. With enough enmity it's possible to hold hate. I think Nagi gets snubbed by the community that thinks nin should only be a dps and neglect it's ability to be a tank. You don't make Nagi for it's dps properties. It opens more modern subjobs like /blu and /run to tank. The problem is more along the lines of evasion having diminishing returns for nin to tank multiple targets at once in the same fashion that the other tanks could compounded with area of effect's that nullify the job's primary damage mitigation. Migawari is still incredibly unique and interesting. A lot and I mean a lot of things would need to change to make NIN into a viable tank for the same kind of stuff you would use RUN or PLD.
Despite that, NIN surely has its pros compared to other DDs and arguably compared to PLD and NIN in specific situations. It's a challenge to tank on NIN but it can be compelling. What it could use is more specific tanking gear. PLD got Burtgang, Aegis and Ochain (and more), RUN got Epeolatry. NIN surely could use some realistically useful tanking-focused gear. Yes Nagi's enmity is cool but when you consider a REMA useful "only" because of the +enmity on it something is wrong imo. Realistically they would need to buff Yonin, make it undispellable and give it some unique special properties at the cost of "something". What this something could be I don't know but the purpose would be to reduce its DPS to avoid people exploiting it to make NIN an extremely sturdy DPSs. Nerf DPS so you don't want it up if you're up to deal damage, but give it an even greater enmity generation boost, an enmity retention and some other unique things. There, done it. Regardless of stuff like this that will hever happen NIN surely can work fine for low (even mid!) level content but I personally find it more efficient, when soloing, to use it with a tank like August. In situations where August would NEVER manage to hold hate against one of your DDs going all out, he can totally do it if you're using NIN with Innin and Yain up. Supposing the fight doesn't last too long of course. I love that! You completely disregarded the magic accuracy boost.
The whole purpose of the Mijin Gakure augmentation is to allow for the job to recover from a mistake a bit more forgivingly. Viability is in the eyes of the players. The majority of the player base lines up with your train of thought that discredits the job and disincentives players from even trying it out. Nin tanks omen content just fine. What tier of content is that considered? It's the tank that requires the most work to do the same job as the other tanks so no one wants to bother with it unless they really love the job. mhomho said: » You completely disregarded the magic accuracy boost. Not saying it's useless but it's not really something gamechanging for the specific purpose of tanking, like the items I previously mentioned for RUN and PLD for instance. Whereas if you're solo it's gonna be on content where tipically you should be able to land stuff reliably even without that +40 macc so, again, it's nice but not really that useful. That aside I think it would be a bit misleading to judge the value of a weapon for tanking by measuring how well or bad it performs when soloing, if you ask me. Quote: The whole purpose of the Mijin Gakure augmentation is to allow for the job to recover from a mistake a bit more forgivingly. Are you serious or being sarcastic and I'm completely missing it? Legitimate doubt, I can't tell anymore and I don't wanna risk to sound offensive because I have no intention at all. Mijin Gakure already allows you to get up with 100% health, Nagi is no longer required. Granted that you can do it once every 45 mins and granted that, if you go turtle mode, RUN or PLD can tipically tank weakened for 3 mins no problem, I'm not sure I would consider this particularly useful for tanking specifically and not just in general. Regardless, you don't need Nagi for that, what Nagi does now is granting Mijin Gakure an auto-reraise effect, which you shouldn't need really since Reraise can't be dispelled and you could just set it up in advance if you really want to rely on Mijin Gakure? Quote: Nin tanks omen content just fine. What tier of content is that considered? A power that I'm not denying in any way, I love it. It's just way too situational and imo it's more of a challenge for people who like that sort of thing, rather than an efficient way to tank content. It's simply completely unviable, realistically, in a lot of situations, and I wish this wasn't the case. As I said countless times SE could've "fixed" NIN very easy if not for everything at least for a very large part of content that's currently not efficiently feasible with a NIN tank, yet they refused so at this point it's clear it's never gonna happen, alas. Quote: It's the tank that requires the most work to do the same job as the other tanks so no one wants to bother with it unless they really love the job. |
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