you can't depend on gearcollector for 100%
it is bugy.
i always ending up leaving something behind from my sets.
for example, i was doing a sword trial on BLU, i'm having a CW set in my XML and GC left Chatoyant Staff in MH >.<;
but in general, it's VERY handy if you got 6 gear sets for the job xD
sounds like your staff might be a variable somewhere. Or it can also be within your rules section.
GC isn't buggy, it does what it is suppose to. Its simple to test what doesn't get transfer for you to debug why. But you don't have to figure out the why. If you notice your Chatoyant Staff isn't getting moved, then simply create a <set> with the staff in the item list. Unload GC, reload, //gc test boom, works.