Ragnarok.Sekundes said:
»I've found in my tests back at 75 that you could have just below the 104(or was it 106) cap and you'd still get interrupted "almost" just as much. I just recall being forced to kill my tp by dualing the wands if I wanted any hope of being uninterruptable.
Honestly though my testing had plenty of holes in it due to lack of gear and a lack of willingness to spend 20 years making sure a mob hit me, but just once during the window. And it isn't parseable unless you either want multiple mobs hitting you an unknown amount of times during your cast window or to have a single mob that may or may not actually hit during it.
I had 102% ( this is how much you need because of rounding ) at some point for my BLU. Never got interrupted. Im 99% sure with 102% nothing can interrupt you unless it kills you.
ItemSet 296867
Talar is not needed if you have gils for Spurrina.
Also I am a little surprised none of the sets on front page has no Whirl of Rage included in it. Its one of the best spells that BLU can use. Its priceless for crowd control ( resleeping mobs with whirl > flower is especially great when there is many of them and they wake up in different time so you can wake them all with whirl and resleep before they can move ). Its dmg its also huge if you hit few mobs with it.