{I'm sorry} I've been enjoying that 'other' mage job. Blizzaja is a cool spell though^^
But I just got Atma of the Ultimate so I went to enjoy Iceday.
I don't play SCH enough ; ;
SCH {fun} |
SCH {fun}
{I'm sorry} I've been enjoying that 'other' mage job. Blizzaja is a cool spell though^^
But I just got Atma of the Ultimate so I went to enjoy Iceday. I don't play SCH enough ; ; How did you get that 10344 Blizz V ? it seems like a set proc but SCH's AF3 doesnt have that as set proc im curious..
Phoenix.Bomber said: » How did you get that 10344 Blizz V ? it seems like a set proc but SCH's AF3 doesnt have that as set proc im curious.. Magic crit maybe? SCH can get a hella a boost to damage though. Hailstorm + Iceday + Obi/Twilight Cape = 30% damage bonus (I think twilight cape's bonus applies to both day and weather for 10%) Ebullience + Empy head+2 = 30% damage boost Klimaform + Empy feet+2 = 10% damage boost if spell matches current weather Atma of the Beyond = 30% Ice DMG boost Magian staff = +6 dmg (I think that's 35%?) Facking double post... I hate my internet connection
That 10,344 was slightly higher than the others (I think EP mob instead of DC) but I was normally doing 9,950k :) but no that's not a crit, but yes it was Iceday.
The reason it's so high is because all the bonuses SCHs get multiplied onto the end of the calculation as opposed to being added to existing stats (like INT or MAB). So if you multiply day+weather(1.2) ebullience(1.3) and Klimaform(1.1) that's about 1.7x more damage. So without these I'd do 5.8k (about right) Next it must be Immanenced. |
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