RNG~THF Mirke Users

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RNG~THF Mirke users
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-04-24 04:50:21  
I started to re-calculate everything. I might change it later on.
Looking into more items atm for a full complete build on my RNG.

Rapid Shot 5/5 -> 25% + 10% Gear ->35% Rapid shot increase.
Snapshot 5/5 -> 10% + 3% Armor + Velocity shot [possible added -15% delay] -> 28%

So a total of a rapid delay for about.. -63% delay - 540 Delay -> XYZ perhaps?

Thought it out and maybe I'd change it soon.
Just need to get myself updated on gear.
Damn CFG's and Skotes ;_;
Pahlu pants..
Needz MOAR RNG ; ;
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: azura84
Posts: 93
By Ragnarok.Azura 2009-04-26 16:16:14  
For me I dont use RNG except for Gods/HNMs and other BIG things, usually requireing me to either dup out on RACC gear and eat Sub, or dup out on RATK gear and eat Sushi. For me i'd rather have something that hits and hits hard, than something hits hard and often, or something that hits hard but not often. I can see a point to doing RACC and snapshot, because then you actually keeping your TP build even if your shots hit for less.

Rapid shot/snapshot have it's uses for TP build, but I wouldnt often use this outside merit parties because RACC and RATK are vital for the big boys, and if i'm going to be in a Merit party i'll be on BRD or RDM instead.

Mirke~ +10RATK +10RACC, TY, goodnight.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Carbon4
Posts: 246
By Bahamut.Revision 2009-04-26 16:27:12  
Snapshot>All for Ranger.
By 2009-04-26 16:30:48
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Artemicion said:
COR: 10 Ratk & 10 Racc

This is *** awesome for me so far. Personally its what I woulda done for RNG as well.

For ***like Miss Shot/Misswinder the RACC really helps, and the RATK+10 along with AGI+5 STR+5 is a nice bonus. My shell calls Mirke "Osode for COR's" lol. Personally I think its better than Osode for RNG's, IF you do RATK & RACC on it.

But then, I'm a RACC/RATK ***. :(

And Snapshot doesn't really impress me. >.>
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-04-26 16:37:42  
rng atk 10 +snapshot wins.
maybe a cor can get away with racc +10 since they have less acc.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: azura84
Posts: 93
By Ragnarok.Azura 2009-04-26 16:53:55  
Revision said:
Snapshot>All for Ranger.

tell me that again when you hit for 5 DMG per Demon Arrow on Tyger or Gumbo. or

Ludoggy said:
rng atk 10 +snapshot wins.
maybe a cor can get away with racc +10 since they have less acc.

miss 1/3 extra of your 'snapshot' attacks because of the +% RACC you're lacking from base RACC.

10 makes the difference in both these cases, though if i were to agree with anyone it would be Ludoggy and Ashman, you can always swap in a Behemoth Ring in place of Raja's if you're really hurting for the RACC, but RATK is hard to come by, unless you have a good 3mil to drop on a Kyudogi (waste of money).

There's a difference between parsing against Dynamis mobs and T4 ZNMs/Gods/Kings. I dont get a lot of time on RNG these days but i'll parse and give you some figures for Snapshot/racc/ratk, will just take some time.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-04-26 17:03:19  
if you are only do 5 dmg or missing 1/3 of your ws.
I dont think 10 ratk or 10 racc is going to fix it so well.
pop in either some meat or sushi depending on the "situation"
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: azura84
Posts: 93
By Ragnarok.Azura 2009-04-26 17:13:18  
Yes but if you dont have the BASE RATK or RACC then the %bonus wont do much mate.
サーバ: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 591
By Kujata.Houshisama 2009-04-26 17:21:25  
The idea was supposed to be that snapshot is not a common thing, so this is a good bonus to have...... and honestly, if +10 Ratt or 10 Racc either way missing from the piece is breaking you....... fail. just fail.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2009-04-26 17:35:41  
Revision said:
Snapshot>All for Ranger.


The only logical choice for RNG would be R.Attack+10 and Snapshot+5%. Because if you're using ACC for TPing on RNG, you're doing something wrong. And you wouldn't use this over Osode for WS no matter which augments you use.

PS:An afterthought, didn't Elkanah just make this same thread two days ago?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: azura84
Posts: 93
By Ragnarok.Azura 2009-04-26 18:15:44  
lol, i made this thread over a week ago, he commented and then posted his own.

Houshisama said:
The idea was supposed to be that snapshot is not a common thing, so this is a good bonus to have...... and honestly, if +10 Ratt or 10 Racc either way missing from the piece is breaking you....... fail. just fail.

and frankly any good RNG will find out how much RACC is needed b4 eating any kind of food. Naturally always start with full snapshot gear and RACC, eat sub and gradually work off RACC pieces for RATK (assuming you're landing ur hits 5/6). Else eat sushi, then work your RATK pieces in. Some people prefer to work the other direction though, after eating food they'll put on all ATK/snapshot gear and work in their RACC until they have a decent hit%.

Also if you notice i posted this as RNG~THF Mirke, so i'm looking for something that will compliment both my RNG and THF well, RACC and RATK do that. If i made a choice between snapshot and ratk or snapshot and racc i'd probably go with racc option just because i hate the pahlhublablabla body piece. If you're going by numbers off Colibri, sure stack on all your snapshot gear you want. Tear'm up, but until you give me some data on things that RATK and RACC will matter for, dont tell me snapshot is 100% RNG required.

I agree to an extent that +10 RATK shouldnt make so much of a difference, but in my experience as a Mithra RNG it does. Especially when applying +%RATK food.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Carbon4
Posts: 246
By Bahamut.Revision 2009-04-26 18:31:53  
Azura said:
Revision said:
Snapshot>All for Ranger.

tell me that again when you hit for 5 DMG per Demon Arrow on Tyger or Gumbo. or

Ludoggy said:
rng atk 10 +snapshot wins.
maybe a cor can get away with racc +10 since they have less acc.

miss 1/3 extra of your 'snapshot' attacks because of the +% RACC you're lacking from base RACC.

10 makes the difference in both these cases, though if i were to agree with anyone it would be Ludoggy and Ashman, you can always swap in a Behemoth Ring in place of Raja's if you're really hurting for the RACC, but RATK is hard to come by, unless you have a good 3mil to drop on a Kyudogi (waste of money).

There's a difference between parsing against Dynamis mobs and T4 ZNMs/Gods/Kings. I dont get a lot of time on RNG these days but i'll parse and give you some figures for Snapshot/racc/ratk, will just take some time.

Azura said:
lol, i made this thread over a week ago, he commented and then posted his own.

Houshisama said:
The idea was supposed to be that snapshot is not a common thing, so this is a good bonus to have...... and honestly, if +10 Ratt or 10 Racc either way missing from the piece is breaking you....... fail. just fail.

and frankly any good RNG will find out how much RACC is needed b4 eating any kind of food. Naturally always start with full snapshot gear and RACC, eat sub and gradually work off RACC pieces for RATK (assuming you're landing ur hits 5/6). Else eat sushi, then work your RATK pieces in. Some people prefer to work the other direction though, after eating food they'll put on all ATK/snapshot gear and work in their RACC until they have a decent hit%.

Also if you notice i posted this as RNG~THF Mirke, so i'm looking for something that will compliment both my RNG and THF well, RACC and RATK do that. If i made a choice between snapshot and ratk or snapshot and racc i'd probably go with racc option just because i hate the pahlhublablabla body piece. If you're going by numbers off Colibri, sure stack on all your snapshot gear you want. Tear'm up, but until you give me some data on things that RATK and RACC will matter for, dont tell me snapshot is 100% RNG required.

I agree to an extent that +10 RATK shouldnt make so much of a difference, but in my experience as a Mithra RNG it does. Especially when applying +%RATK food.

If your a half fast Ranger and have 7 other jobs merited and outfitted, I would agree with most you have stated. For someone like me who is fully merited and geared as a Ranger, getting Snapshot is the only choice as both Racc and Rattk items are both easy to get. Also, keep an eye on the Kyudogi price. Its going to drop to about 1.5M. To someone like me, totally useless now with Mirke though.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: azura84
Posts: 93
By Ragnarok.Azura 2009-04-26 18:53:24  
Revision said:
If your a half <b>fast</b> Ranger and have 7 other jobs merited and outfitted, I would agree with most you have stated. For someone like me who is fully merited and geared as a Ranger, getting Snapshot is the only choice as both Racc and Rattk items are both easy to get.

I'm really not halfassed or half fast, i'm a stickler for ACC and DMG. Being THF as my original main I was spoiled with lucious ACC, and every time I miss a single arrow, as RNG, a part of me dies inside.

Perhaps I should be more specific, at this point it's about 50% of you say get RACC and the other 50% say get RATK but you all seem to agree on Snapshot. Would snapshot and one of these two other traits really compliment thf AND rng as much as RATK and RACC such as I already have?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-04-26 18:56:26  
either pick thf or pick rng.
you'll only get "half assed" stuff by trying to make it work for both
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Carbon4
Posts: 246
By Bahamut.Revision 2009-04-26 19:00:25  
Snapshot not so much of course but I would agree if your looking for best option for both jobs, then Racc and Rattk is prolly best.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-04-26 19:34:55  
Mine was directed toward just me.
Azu's another fellow I know in-game was wanting it for both his RNG and his THF.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-04-26 19:41:34
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Problem with THF is they have access to many pieces of gear that cover most if not all bases that any augment combinations that can be covered on the Mirke.

Therefore, IMO if you're going to make this specifically for RNG, I would personally go with Snapshot & Ranged Attack and use it as a TP body piece and save Osode (assuming you have one) for WS. If you don't have an osode, and/or intend to play corsair too, then put on R.acc & R.atk and make yourself a mini osode for ranged jobs.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: azura84
Posts: 93
By Ragnarok.Azura 2009-04-26 20:00:24  
Ludoggy said:
either pick thf or pick rng.
you'll only get "half assed" stuff by trying to make it work for both

Lud, no offense but you have an awfully big mouth (posts:2859) for someone with not a lot of credencials of any sort of engame. And if the cercumstance is that you got deleted your char or started over, all the more reason for me be less willing to listen to the critisizm. At this point, I have already determined that even with dual wield and acc bonus this piece would still fail compaired to rapparree for THF TP gain, and SH+1 for eva/acc. This leaves Ranged enhancements, RACC and RATK will substitute nicely for both Denali Jacket and Puhlwblabla body.

As for RNG, i have yet to even merit the job, so for now the snap shot bonus would certainly help but not to the proper significance it should. I have better plans of finishing BRD and RDM merits b4 i even touch RNG, seeing as these two are my main endgame uses.

So please if you dont have something constructive at his point, save it.

Revision said:
Snapshot not so much of course but I would agree if your looking for best option for both jobs, then Racc and Rattk is prolly best

Thank you Revi. /bow
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-04-26 20:09:19  
I'm not criticizing you.
Does a thf really use ranged attacks to make big points and do damage? I never touched one for other then a subjob but from what I've seen it's only used for bloodybolts. so wouldnt racc+ and snapshot work best to get more bolts out and landing?

Oh and if you didn't want to offend me you would listen to mommy and "dont say anything if you nothing nice to say."
サーバ: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Pakalolo
Posts: 39
By Alexander.Pakalolo 2009-04-26 20:15:58  
I'm assuming most of you dont have an osode cuz there is no real argument VS osode +10 mind +10 str +10 agi, ...thank you very much...like another poster sz you need rng acc get a b-ring or pull out ur ohat thats been collecting dust since 2007. I dont think i would ever see a body piece that could compete with the uglyness that is brig armour but mirke is right there looks like im wearing two pieces of plywood held together bye some worn out string.

Osode>>> mirke>>>> w/e

Then again my rng is used for killin pink birds about 90% of the time and very rarely is used for anything else in this game.( i get the "come blm" to events 99.9% of the time)

I have the mission completed just need to get the mirke....getting mirke for my blu and dancer, have AF+1 for blu and nothing realy for dancer anyone got any ideas for augs. One aug will be evasion and the other ?? I will use this mainly for campagain and since i tank aka pull hate i need the evasion.
Thank you.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: JCCanezo2
Posts: 38
By Phoenix.Kristiania 2009-04-26 20:18:13  
Uhh, just to note the augment doesn't say Snapshot +5%, it says Snapshot +5. Which translates into -10% Ranged Attack Delay.

I don't get why people are calculating it as such.

In any case, I'd have to go with Ranged Attack + Snapshot, but this is OF COURSE situational and dependent on your other gear choices.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: azura84
Posts: 93
By Ragnarok.Azura 2009-04-26 20:28:25  
lol, THAT's more like it Lud, constructive, thank you. You do have a good point, though in my experience RATK does play a toll in status bolt effectivness. If you can't land dmg, you often will never land the effect. very very very seldom have i seen it. I usually rip on elementals, undead, slimes, and other non-dagger-friendly mobs with status bolts, while using THF to maximize my use (which sadly isn't a lot /sigh<3THF). Mostly Acid, Sleep, but yes Bloody bolts play a major role in soloing/farming. I suppose it's matter of which job you use the most, in my case it's definately THF/solo/farming. But to each his own.
Lol at the mommy comment xD

I'm assuming most of you dont have an osode cuz there is no real argument VS osode +10 mind +10 str +10 agi, ...thank you very much...like another poster sz you need rng acc get a b-ring or pull out ur ohat thats been collecting dust since 2007. I dont think i would ever see a body piece that could compete with the uglyness that is brig armour but mirke is right there looks like im wearing two pieces of plywood held together bye some worn out string.

Osode>>> mirke>>>> w/e

Osode plays a major role, and yes i do have one, but it's by no means a TP piece, nor an ACC piece.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2009-04-26 20:50:34  
lol..... i thought elkanah was bad enough, do not tell me there are two mithra rng i know with no clue what they're talking about :<
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: azura84
Posts: 93
By Ragnarok.Azura 2009-04-26 20:54:28  
Ashman said:
lol..... i thought elkanah was bad enough, do not tell me there are two mithra rng i know with no clue what they're talking about :<

/bites ashman

I know i'm talking about, he's just got an imposstor for an avitar.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-04-26 21:12:44  
Dream on Elk, dream on ;D
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Carbon4
Posts: 246
By Bahamut.Revision 2009-04-26 21:56:24  
Pakalolo said:
Osode>>> mirke>>>> w/e

If I had to choose either Osode or Mirke, there would be no hesitation. Ugly as it is, Mirke would win.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Patriclis
Posts: 389
By Asura.Patriclis 2009-04-26 22:01:49  
For THF I simply put +3 Dual Wield and +2 Double Attack
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: azura84
Posts: 93
By Ragnarok.Azura 2009-04-26 22:05:25  
Patriclis said:
For THF I simply put +3 Dual Wield and +2 Double Attack

you know your rapparree is sulking back there..... why ;_;
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1488
By Ragnarok.Blindphleb 2009-04-26 22:29:22  
I honestly think you should pick either Rng or Thf. Like Ludoggy said you'll end up making a piece that is so-so for each job.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cyr
Posts: 148
By Bahamut.Cyr 2009-04-26 22:50:55  
Azura said:
Revision said:
Snapshot>All for Ranger.

tell me that again when you hit for 5 DMG per Demon Arrow on Tyger or Gumbo. or

Ludoggy said:
rng atk 10 +snapshot wins.
maybe a cor can get away with racc +10 since they have less acc.

miss 1/3 extra of your 'snapshot' attacks because of the +% RACC you're lacking from base RACC.

10 makes the difference in both these cases, though if i were to agree with anyone it would be Ludoggy and Ashman, you can always swap in a Behemoth Ring in place of Raja's if you're really hurting for the RACC, but RATK is hard to come by, unless you have a good 3mil to drop on a Kyudogi (waste of money).

There's a difference between parsing against Dynamis mobs and T4 ZNMs/Gods/Kings. I dont get a lot of time on RNG these days but i'll parse and give you some figures for Snapshot/racc/ratk, will just take some time.

Dumb :(

Cap your snapshot and ratk, before anything else.

Then you won't hit for 5 per arrow; and you can toss ranged acc in every other slot. (Rings, earrings, belt, neck, legs, and hands are more than enough to hit kings with subs on)
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