Bismarck.Dracondria said: »
Leviathan.Protey said: »
They are incapable of having spouses and grieving for that dead spouse
You are wrong.
really... I'd like to see two dogs exchange vows.
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There are many monogamous species and many who grieve when a spouse or friend/family dies.
I click on this thread cause it was on the front page.
Expected anime got animals. On your current topic. Dogs are super bad ***. They mourn their dead loved ones regardless of if they are human or animal. Cats are capable of the same as well, same with dolphins and even elephants. There's even some evidence buffalos are capable of this as too. Here is a dog mourning it's owners death. ![]() Had to go through like 120 pages of RT to find the damn thing lol. Asura.Ackeronll said: » I click on this thread cause it was on the front page. Expected anime got animals. On your current topic. Dogs are super bad ***. They mourn their dead loved ones regardless of if they are human or animal. Cats are capable of the same as well, same with dolphins and even elephants. There's even some evidence buffalos are capable of this as too. Here is a dog mourning it's owners death. ![]() Had to go through like 120 pages of RT to find the damn thing lol. I am kind of hard pressed to thik that cat's would do this after seeing this dog this is what I call loyalty. Makes me remember the old movie where the red fin grows. God be with the owner and this dog. Leviathan.Protey said: » One has to be a part of killing in order to live. Even vegans are part of killing plants. Doesn't mean one should eat humans. plants, animals, fish, etc. don't have thoughts and conversations of reason. They are incapable of having spouses and grieving for that dead spouse. These ghouls take away and eat the bodies of people (they didn't get permission to do so) despite the families that would want to bury, cremate, w/e the body. Those of you that are advocating the ghouls behavior, makes me wonder if you do not have a family. Think of that happening to your spouse or your kids. What the hell does this have to do with anyone being religious?
It's typical self-preservation. I am a part of this species and we are more important than anyone so we make it wrong to attack us. He also usues an appeal to emotion by bringing up families. It's not an uncommon viewpoint and like Drac said some people just view the world differently. Just like you expect him to take your viewpoint seriously you should take his with the same kind that you expect of him whether you agree or not. There are some people out there who care more about the lives of their pets than another human being like it or not. Each being is most likely going to put themselves ahead of the other regardless of whether it is "correct" or not. You either find a way to work together and make it work for all involved or you get a situation like in tokyo ghoul where you just end up trying to kill eachother. Bismarck.Magnuss said: » To keep everything right, we should probably just watch Teletubbies all day long. Stop trying to advance the gay agenda, Mag. Aren't teletubbies on amphetamines?
I too suspect that Protey's stringent opinions are based off a religious PoV.
I'm religious too, though. I'd criticize the show if I felt it was promoting a message that conflicted with my morals (murder, rape, etc). The thing is, it doesn't. Siren.Lordgrim said: » Asura.Ackeronll said: » I click on this thread cause it was on the front page. Expected anime got animals. On your current topic. Dogs are super bad ***. They mourn their dead loved ones regardless of if they are human or animal. Cats are capable of the same as well, same with dolphins and even elephants. There's even some evidence buffalos are capable of this as too. Here is a dog mourning it's owners death. ![]() Had to go through like 120 pages of RT to find the damn thing lol. I am kind of hard pressed to thik that cat's would do this after seeing this dog this is what I call loyalty. Apparently, you've never owned a Cat. They are just as loyal and loving as a dog. Makes me sick seeing people think Cats aren't as capable of loyalty and love for their owners as dogs. I've owned 3 Cats and they were all loving, caring and showed affection and they would comfort me when I was down and sit next to me. Plus I owned a dog for some years and it wasn't a pleasurable experience. Loud, pissing and sh*ting everywhere, and chewing our valuables up and couldn't give a damn about me despite me being it's owner. Cats are well behaved, and when trained they will "do their business" in one place (litter box) and won't do the nasty sh*t those mutts do. Plus I owned one cat (his name was CJ) since his birth and had him since I was like 7-8 years old (I'm 27 now). He's been with me for years and we were like brothers. He would always comfort me, he was protective and was well behaved and had personality. He died a couple years ago from liver cancer, it was devastating and his death still haunts me. And one more thing, Cats unlike Dogs, have their own personalities similar to us human beings than Dogs do. Dogs have this mindset of blind loyalty even to those who treat them like sh*t, the majority of them are always like that, like clones of each other. I'm not saying they don't have personalities too but with Cats, you can see personality if you devote time to them and they will grow to love you. If you act like an *** to them, Cats will let you know right away that you are an *** and wouldn't want to be around you. THAT right there is personality that almost every human being has. Who wants to be around someone who treats them like sh*t or disrespects them? Cats have a long lineage. They know how to protect themselves and survive. Plus that saying that cats have "9 Lives", I think that's true. CJ, my oldest cat who died had some close calls with death before but he survived. So before you belittle cats for not being as loyal as some mutt, raise one with love and care, show it that you care, respect them and them and they will love, respect and return your affection for them. They are, to me, spiritual creatures, they have personalities similar to that of humans, they are intelligent and when trained they can use the litter box to go to the bathroom, like how a smart human would use the toilet. so i just finished aldnoah zero 1 and 2. overall pretty great, not the best anime I've seen but definitely worth the watch, Probably the best mech anime I've seen since Gundam 00. The music is one of the best parts, this piano piece was giving me feels throughout the series.
YouTube Video Placeholder Leviathan.Protey said: » Bismarck.Dracondria said: » No, we just keep animals in captivity for the sole purpose of breeding and slaughtering them by the millions (if not billions). Ragnarok.Zeig said: » But humanity does the same thing to a multitude of other animals. You only side-stepped the question, btw. You didn't give a convincing argument on why ghouls (who have no other choice) should also put humans' (who have other choices regarding dealing with ghouls) well-being before theirs. One has to be a part of killing in order to live. Even vegans are part of killing plants. Doesn't mean one should eat humans. plants, animals, fish, etc. don't have thoughts and conversations of reason. They are incapable of having spouses and grieving for that dead spouse. These ghouls take away and eat the bodies of people (they didn't get permission to do so) despite the families that would want to bury, cremate, w/e the body. Those of you that are advocating the ghouls behavior, makes me wonder if you do not have a family. Think of that happening to your spouse or your kids. I think It's a nice nod towards mother nature taking care of itself and returning to the cycle of life that we already know but seem to distance ourselves from. human life -> dead body -> food for organism (ghoul) = no waste/life for others. the same thing happens to dead bodies already, buried or not. we become food for small rodents or animals who use our leftovers to survive, their waste becomes fertilizer so that tree that grows in the future can actually survive and give off oxygen back into the atmosphere, in turn giving back a small part so that ALL creatures can survive, not just humans. we return to being part of the earths ecosystem, aka "mother nature". I think i would be horrified if ghouls ever happened in real life just like anybody else, but you should also have the ability to see things objectively for what they are. We as humans do much of the same thing if not worse than what other species do on this planet. I think if something did happen like that we would be much better off learning to coexist rather than following the footsteps of history and throwing more bodies at the problem in the name of god/allah/buddah/etc. Fairy.Ghaleon said: » I think i would be horrified if ghouls ever happened in real life just like anybody else, but you should also have the ability to see things objectively for what they are. We as humans do much of the same thing if not worse than what other species do on this planet. I think if something did happen like that we would be much better off learning to coexist rather than following the footsteps of history and throwing more bodies at the problem in the name of god/allah/buddah/etc. It has nothing to do with throwing more bodies at the problem in the name of God/Allah/Buddah/etc. Picture someone eating your wife or your kids. Tell me you would find that acceptable. Leviathan.Protey said: » Fairy.Ghaleon said: » I think i would be horrified if ghouls ever happened in real life just like anybody else, but you should also have the ability to see things objectively for what they are. We as humans do much of the same thing if not worse than what other species do on this planet. I think if something did happen like that we would be much better off learning to coexist rather than following the footsteps of history and throwing more bodies at the problem in the name of god/allah/buddah/etc. It has nothing to do with throwing more bodies at the problem in the name of God/Allah/Buddah/etc. Picture someone eating your wife or your kids. Tell me you would find that acceptable. I was under the thought that we were discussing them eating the already deceased? I think as long as I've had enough time to say my goodbyes and have enough closure then I wouldn't be that troubled with it. If we are talking about ghouls/monsters/zombies or anything that tried to hurt/destroy me or my family while we are alive, i would definitely protect them with everything i have in me. There's nothing wrong with killing for survival if it comes down to it, but i honestly thought we were talking about a specific scenario of a ghoul eating the flesh of the already deceased in order to live. Coexisting with an organism that eats us alive would never work out, and even bringing it up is kind of silly. Hello if you not have seen some of these, then i advise you to look them up if you happen to find them. Some of these are very Rare to find HD Quality.
Anime-Serie. Berserk.Samurai Champloo.Fullmetal Alchemist BrotherHood.Gungrave.Parasyte - The Maxim.Rurouni Kenshin.Shigurui. Black Lagoon.Claymore.Attack on Titan.DragonBall Z/GT/Movies.Rin Daughters of Mnemosyne.Cowboy Bebop.Hellsing Ultimate.Death note. Elfen Lied.Deadman Wonderland. Movie. Grave Of The Fireflies.Sword of The Stranger.Highlander vengeance.Spriggan. ![]() Quetzalcoatl.Artzair said: » Hello if you not have seen some of these, then i advise you to look them up if you happen to find them. Some of these are very Rare to find HD Quality. Anime-Serie. Berserk.Samurai Champloo.Fullmetal Alchemist BrotherHood.Gungrave.Parasyte - The Maxim.Rurouni Kenshin.Shigurui. Black Lagoon.Claymore.Attack on Titan.DragonBall Z/GT/Movies.Rin Daughters of Mnemosyne.Cowboy Bebop.Hellsing Ultimate.Death note. Elfen Lied.Deadman Wonderland. Movie. Grave Of The Fireflies.Sword of The Stranger.Highlander vengeance.Spriggan. ![]() which Berserk? original that aired in 1997-98, or the remake in 2010-12? I watched the original and read the manga. The remake I haven't seen yet. Anyone know if it is any good? Well Remake is more like 3D Film to look but very much same storyline its just much shorter version, but personally i love the original Anime Series Berserk with Dual Audio 25 episodes i would go that first then the 3 movies... tho you asked for remake its ok.. just need to ***** some bud to get the feeling right..
Cory in the house is pretty good.
Aww so good melody in piano music, i need to see this myself ty Ghaleon.
Error displaying youtube video. Ragnarok.Zeig said: » I'm not sure if Mag knows this To help shine some light on some of the mystery involved with my knowledge of the anime in question, I have put everything I know about it in the following spoiler: What's a good steampunk anime show/movie to watch?
Ar Tonelico Those are the only real ones I could find aside from Fullmetal Alchemist
steamboy looks good, thanks.
Ragnarok.Zeig said: » Last Exile Watching Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. Holy ***that is a long name. Oh nice, Noragami is getting a season 2 that will actually follow the manga instead of it being half manga half made up like the first season
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