Is Dnc A Better Tank Than Pld

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Is Dnc a better tank than Pld
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Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:48:27  
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
Let us put some things into the correct context. I've been playing for 2 years, on and off because I go to school full-time and have a job. Why do I attend this thing known as "school" you might ask? Well, Nabis, I don't want to end up like you, 26 years old, working as a security guard, an accidental child that I can't support, and living with my mother. I'm 19, not 24, and I'm fairly sure I make more than you in a week at my day job than you do in a month. You do indeed have more gil than I have ever had. I remember you telling us all in chat, "I stayed up for 3 days and got x amount of angel skins..." and you convinced Willodouche to give you SimplyDark's gil payout of the month when he first quit the game.
oh really thats why u begged simp to give u his gill when he quit and u bought an umbra cape +1 gtfo. u acting like your so good of a friend. when u get into arguments with them over what gear is good or not u avoid them. and u see how much of a 2 faced *** u are. when i helped u do nyzul isle floor runs for gear. after u jump on my *** and begged me to go so i can lead the run. btw at the time i only been playing 8 months. this site is not about school go to some other website wit your school ***i dont give a *** about u and your school. this is ffxiah not im in a *** book club and i like to read the topic of the day when i go to school and write papers. who the *** r u kidding not me so pleas stop coming up with excuses
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 678
By Leviathan.Powerslave 2010-08-31 02:49:20  

I wanted to join Covenant because Simply and Jekyll were in it, if they weren't, I wouldn't have even have gone near. Then you lost jekyll...then simply...then redstarr....then Aleaseya..Notice the pattern? Surprised people didn't leave earlier when Willo fixed the lot for Cor AF2 from dynamis (looooooooooool).

Willoflame is the biggest example of douchebaggery, talks mad ***, but in reality, he's a sixteen year-old kid who pretends he's in college because he's afraid his salvage shell and online friends are going to make fun of him. Last time I posted that information he sent me a desperate /tell in-game asking me to remove it cause only a hand-full of folks know that, and he doesn't want anyone else to know :/ He also has a ~39-40 something year-old in-game girlfriend, kuupi or whatever name she goes by now, and refers to her as his RL wife. Man, your best bud Will is indeed The Man.

So do you honestly think I'd want to be in your reject linkshell? No thanks. Especially after watching you guys wipe to Yilb twice in a row within 10 seconds, even after your second attempt with your Aegis pld.
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:49:39  
Ifrit.Eikechi said:
Nabis the fact that you made this thread without actually field testing high level dnc on end-game or high level mobs...and don't even take what people who HAVE the damn job leveled as solid data, means you're a retard lol sorry. Yes there are some things dnc/nin can tank very well (like soloing Khalamari) but good God man, you're ignorant beyond salvation. You've made so many pointless threads of your "leetness" but you're an average player at best it seems. Again, sorry mate. Plz...just stop lol.. And btw..we're STILL waiting on your "1200 exp per kill" SS in that other great thread you made where you promised a SS lol...You're so damn fail its hilarious mate.
i allready posted im not going to give any screen shots of this haha go find out on your own if u really interested
Posts: 2541
By yunalaysca 2010-08-31 02:51:24  
Nabis said:
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
Let us put some things into the correct context. I've been playing for 2 years, on and off because I go to school full-time and have a job. Why do I attend this thing known as "school" you might ask? Well, Nabis, I don't want to end up like you, 26 years old, working as a security guard, an accidental child that I can't support, and living with my mother. I'm 19, not 24, and I'm fairly sure I make more than you in a week at my day job than you do in a month. You do indeed have more gil than I have ever had. I remember you telling us all in chat, "I stayed up for 3 days and got x amount of angel skins..." and you convinced Willodouche to give you SimplyDark's gil payout of the month when he first quit the game.
oh really thats why u begged simp to give u his gill when he quit and u bought an umbra cape +1 gtfo. u acting like your so good of a friend. when u get into arguments with them over what gear is good or not u avoid them. and u see how much of a 2 faced *** u are. when i helped u do nyzul isle floor runs for gear. after u jump on my *** and begged me to go so i can lead the run. btw at the time i only been playing 8 months. this site is not about school go to some other website wit your school ***i dont give a *** about u and your school. this is ffxiah not im in a *** book club and i like to read the topic of the day when i go to school and write papers. who the *** r u kidding not me so pleas stop coming up with excuses
and no one wants to hear about the blow up dolls you have desecrated so give it a rest. please tank byakko on dnc and send me the SS, i'll give you a cracker.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 678
By Leviathan.Powerslave 2010-08-31 02:51:36  
Simply is my real life best friend, I don't have to beg him for ***.
Nabis said:
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
umbra cape +1 gtfo.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-08-31 02:51:55 you're dumb. You promised the SS and when people were calling *** you said you were no longer gonna provide a SS.... suspect much? LOL
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Luz
Posts: 184
By Leviathan.Aneu 2010-08-31 02:52:13  
What an understatement. He doesn't fit in with Cov, he defines them :D
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 240
By Ragnarok.Twinbladehaseo 2010-08-31 02:52:27  
That's nothing i can do 2k per mob on abyssea, i have no screen shots, i don't care what everyone says. xD
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Jesseven7
Posts: 4
By Shiva.Jesseven 2010-08-31 02:53:10  
After being hit a few times your dmg reduction is
-13% + -16% + -20% = -49% Physical damage taken

In theory your -49% dmg reduction sounds good, but when it is reducing 2k+ tp moves you gonna be dead pretty quick.

Am sure you can take and hold hate from a pld with your curing waltz and such but no way you can out live one in most situations.

And with Creed Collar, Divine Emblem and other new things they giving to pld it won't be as difficult to get and maintain hate as a pld.

Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:57:28  
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
/popcorn I wanted to join Covenant because Simply and Jekyll were in it, if they weren't, I wouldn't have even have gone near. Then you lost jekyll...then simply...then redstarr....then Aleaseya..Notice the pattern? Surprised people didn't leave earlier when Willo fixed the lot for Cor AF2 from dynamis (looooooooooool). Willoflame is the biggest example of douchebaggery, talks mad ***, but in reality, he's a sixteen year-old kid who pretends he's in college because he's afraid his salvage shell and online friends are going to make fun of him. Last time I posted that information he sent me a desperate /tell in-game asking me to remove it cause only a hand-full of folks know that, and he doesn't want anyone else to know :/ He also has a ~39-40 something year-old in-game girlfriend, kuupi or whatever name she goes by now, and refers to her as his RL wife. Man, your best bud Will is indeed The Man. So do you honestly think I'd want to be in your reject linkshell? No thanks. Especially after watching you guys wipe to Yilb twice in a row within 10 seconds, even after your second attempt with your Aegis pld.
yea thats funny of u to say cause u allways told me i *** hate will he is a *** hole i would never join his shell 2 months later guess who's *** your sucking? "can i join your shell? i'll do everything u tell me to do. how many times do i have to suck your *** master? i'll be a good rdm. come to events on time. so when do u want me to show up? can i come to the next run?" <.< thats u right there and as soon as u where kicked "i *** hate, him i only lowerd my dignity to join your shell thats the last time i'll let myself get *** in the ***." lol guy u are just lol
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Magnumatic 2010-08-31 02:58:09  
Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
If this thread keeps going he will be successful.

Then 9 pages later...

What the *** ?

Nabis 1 - Everyone Else 0
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Luz
Posts: 184
By Leviathan.Aneu 2010-08-31 03:06:45  
Leviathan.Powerslave said:

I wanted to join Covenant because Simply and Jekyll were in it, if they weren't, I wouldn't have even have gone near. Then you lost jekyll...then simply...then redstarr....then Aleaseya..Notice the pattern? Surprised people didn't leave earlier when Willo fixed the lot for Cor AF2 from dynamis (looooooooooool).

Willoflame is the biggest example of douchebaggery, talks mad ***, but in reality, he's a sixteen year-old kid who pretends he's in college because he's afraid his salvage shell and online friends are going to make fun of him. Last time I posted that information he sent me a desperate /tell in-game asking me to remove it cause only a hand-full of folks know that, and he doesn't want anyone else to know :/ He also has a ~39-40 something year-old in-game girlfriend, kuupi or whatever name she goes by now, and refers to her as his RL wife. Man, your best bud Will is indeed The Man.

So do you honestly think I'd want to be in your reject linkshell? No thanks. Especially after watching you guys wipe to Yilb twice in a row within 10 seconds, even after your second attempt with your Aegis pld.

Played your trump card a little early, could've used that down the road against Will himself for more hilarity :( Now it's going to be obscured by the Nabis lulz.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 678
By Leviathan.Powerslave 2010-08-31 03:08:19  
I left, I didn't get kicked. Will asked me to re-join because I said the shell seemed pretty good after Thorn came into your recruitment thread and took a steaming ***on it, although in retrospect, I was completely wrong to say anything good about the shell, especially when I attended the event that night and we spent an hour kiting Kirin when we had over 15 people. 'fraid of zerging? Will talked ***about you all the time in chat and you always took it, he made fun of your nana thread and you still take it, sad, sad sloth. I'm done for now, Nanabis, you've indeed turned into an epic troll. Post your thf TP set later for more lulz. Peace.
By 2010-08-31 03:12:08
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Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 03:17:23  
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
I left, I didn't get kicked. Will asked me to re-join because I said the shell seemed pretty good after Thorn came into your recruitment thread and took a steaming ***on it, although in retrospect, I was completely wrong to say anything good about the shell, especially when I attended the event that night and we spent an hour kiting Kirin when we had over 15 people. 'fraid of zerging? Will talked ***about you all the time in chat and you always took it, he made fun of your nana thread and you still take it, sad, sad sloth. I'm done for now, Nanabis, you've indeed turned into an epic troll. Post your thf TP set later for more lulz. Peace.
and whats your point? im still by far better than u! and thats all that matters. me and will argue everyday. big *** deal he dont like my ideas. still a good leader, even if he is an *** and makes me want to leave the shell at times. atleast i dont join his shell and QQ about him telling u no to come back. by far a better leader than u will ever be. and i mean that. ***i could lead better than u. oh wait and i have when u asked me to do nyzul isle for u and i did wanna know why cause i felt sorry for u <.< told myself this guy needs a break 2 years playing the game and cant even get 1 item from nyzul isle. oh thats right u where still stuck on floor 5
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-08-31 03:20:58  
Nabis said:

and whats your point? im still by far better than u! and thats all that matters. told myself this guy needs a break 2 years playing the game and cant even get 1 item from nyzul isle. oh thats right u where still stuck on floor 5

lol how can somebody so gimp act elitest? does that even work?
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Luz
Posts: 184
By Leviathan.Aneu 2010-08-31 03:22:08  
I'm curious who would participate in an event led by Nabis.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2010-08-31 03:22:16  
Ifrit.Eikechi said:
Nabis said:

and whats your point? im still by far better than u! and thats all that matters. told myself this guy needs a break 2 years playing the game and cant even get 1 item from nyzul isle. oh thats right u where still stuck on floor 5

lol how can somebody so gimp act elitest? does that even work?

Idk, but I'm stunned...

Just sitting here, reading, facepalming...
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: rinkydink
Posts: 1848
By Asura.Rinkydink 2010-08-31 03:22:56  
Ifrit.Eikechi said:
Nabis said:
and whats your point? im still by far better than u! and thats all that matters. told myself this guy needs a break 2 years playing the game and cant even get 1 item from nyzul isle. oh thats right u where still stuck on floor 5
lol how can somebody so gimp act elitest? does that even work?

cus he has a 3hit man thats why!
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-08-31 03:23:36  
lol Rinky
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 03:26:03  
Asura.Rinkydink said:
Ifrit.Eikechi said:
Nabis said:
and whats your point? im still by far better than u! and thats all that matters. told myself this guy needs a break 2 years playing the game and cant even get 1 item from nyzul isle. oh thats right u where still stuck on floor 5
lol how can somebody so gimp act elitest? does that even work?
cus he has a 3hit man thats why!
thats right ftmfw

samurai roll 11 / 2 hit build biotches
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-08-31 03:27:13  
oh and Nabis...leading nyzul is so easy a caveman can do it... you can clear blocks of 5 floors with only 5 people if they aren't atrociously bad.. I wouldn't really be super proud you lead a nyzul group for a guy lol
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2010-08-31 03:29:07  
I'm really surprised by Nabis!
He makes so many(and I mean a lot) of spelling and grammar mistakes, yet he somehow knows that when comparing two things you use the word "than" not "then".

Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 03:30:02  
Ifrit.Eikechi said:
oh and Nabis...leading nyzul is so easy a caveman can do it... you can clear blocks of 5 floors with only 5 people if they aren't atrociously bad.. I wouldn't really be super proud you lead a nyzul group for a guy lol
didnt say it was hard.
By 2010-08-31 03:30:15
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サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 678
By Leviathan.Powerslave 2010-08-31 03:30:58  
Ifrit.Eikechi said:
oh and Nabis...leading nyzul is so easy a caveman can do it... you can clear blocks of 5 floors with only 5 people if they aren't atrociously bad.. I wouldn't really be super proud you lead a nyzul group for a guy lol

Not going to bother replying to Nabis cause he's just trollan', but Simplydark/Banas led that run, not Nabis, also known as Mr. AF thf.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-08-31 03:31:29  
Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
Nabis tell them who's paying the bill!

You gangsta with it though, just try to be more open-minded without being so open-minded all the time, you know?

cocaine's a hell of a drug
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: rinkydink
Posts: 1848
By Asura.Rinkydink 2010-08-31 03:33:13  
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
Ifrit.Eikechi said:
oh and Nabis...leading nyzul is so easy a caveman can do it... you can clear blocks of 5 floors with only 5 people if they aren't atrociously bad.. I wouldn't really be super proud you lead a nyzul group for a guy lol
Not going to bother replying to Nabis cause he's just trollan', but Simplydark/Banas led that run, not Nabis, also known as Mr. AF thf.

but doesnt full AF THf mean u get TH10? be able to solo the HNM floors and also be self healing /dnc?

(keep trollin' trollin' trollin')
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 03:33:41  
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
Ifrit.Eikechi said:
oh and Nabis...leading nyzul is so easy a caveman can do it... you can clear blocks of 5 floors with only 5 people if they aren't atrociously bad.. I wouldn't really be super proud you lead a nyzul group for a guy lol
Not going to bother replying to Nabis cause he's just trollan', but Simplydark/Banas led that run, not Nabis, also known as Mr. AF thf.
yar sure keep telling urself that...
By 2010-08-31 03:34:28
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