Is Dnc A Better Tank Than Pld

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Is Dnc a better tank than Pld
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サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Bowflex
Posts: 8
By Leviathan.Totalgym 2010-08-30 17:25:28  
Leviathan.Dissonant said:
Leviathan.Totalgym said:
Paladins are barely useful except I guess hnms? I bet a monk could tank fafnir and aspi better, lol. Apply slow2/elegy, mob becomes drooling retard baby. Anything with 1200 HP can tank that.
Yeah, pretty much. They only really out-shine other jobs when they PLD/blu and turtle tank ***that hits too quickly and accurately (yet also not particularly hard) to shadow/evasion take. Which is basically, like...two or three VNMs and Charybdis. I understand that people enjoy playing PLD, just the same way I love playing BST, but that doesn't mean it's not an loljob.

Mobs that hit multiple times are much better tanked by rdm/nin or rdm/blu with a PDT set(-40%+). Phalanx + shock spikes is completely lol. /nin for duo with another rdm bouncing hate, /blu for solo. Although I think about scenarios in a solo/duo/small group situation, not most shell's situation. I see things like the squid VNM/charybdis as something easily solo'd/duo'd. Phalanx+PDT makes you take 5-15 damage per hit, shock spikes make them stunned, etc etc etc
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Daimos
Posts: 1202
By Shiva.Daimos 2010-08-30 17:25:29  
Leviathan.Totalgym said:
Also this thread is completely HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
Read the thread's title and *** Lol'd
サーバ: Gilgamesh
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Posts: 1096
By Gilgamesh.Minusseven 2010-08-30 18:15:51  
I just saw this thread, havent read any yet but i loled hard when i saw op after reading the title.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tristean
Posts: 382
By Asura.Tristean 2010-08-30 21:28:40  
DNCs are way better healers than tanks lol. Mages have a hard time keeping up with a good DNC most of the time when it comes to healing. Mages get pissed at me all the time(specifically whms) because they sit on full MP the whole time. This is with an alliance btw. At no point do I try to DD or tank. I HOLD because I cure so damn much until the next DD does a big WS. Fan dance is not meant to be used to tank. It's meant for solo moments(or hours lol) and for when you take on too much hate(kind've like BLM's mana wall). Once again those kila would be good for if you were duoing or soloing something like Khalamari for a Charis Necklace. Please level dnc to 80 before you go making threads about it.
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:07:21  
Asura.Tristean said:
DNCs are way better healers than tanks lol. Mages have a hard time keeping up with a good DNC most of the time when it comes to healing. Mages get pissed at me all the time(specifically whms) because they sit on full MP the whole time. This is with an alliance btw. At no point do I try to DD or tank. I HOLD because I cure so damn much until the next DD does a big WS. Fan dance is not meant to be used to tank. It's meant for solo moments(or hours lol) and for when you take on too much hate(kind've like BLM's mana wall). Once again those kila would be good for if you were duoing or soloing something like Khalamari for a Charis Necklace. Please level dnc to 80 before you go making threads about it.
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:07:58  
Leviathan.Dissonant said:
In order to get all the -PDT for DNC that you are talking about, you're giving up all of your haste for building TP to cure yourself with and real weapons to build your TP with (Auric+OA23/Joyeuse, whichever you prefer). In other words, you still need a considerable amount of assistance with cures (greatly reducing the amount of enmity you can build) since you'll be building next to no TP. So you have the choice between not being able curing yourself and not getting hit for 250+ damage every swing of the mob. That being said, PLD itself is hardly an ideal tank in many if not a majority of situations, anyway. Literally any NM you can land Slow and Elegy (a significant portion of the NM base) on should be tanked by DD/nin if there's any "tanking" going on. As far as out-dding a PLD on DNC against anything with relatively high DEF, a PLD will probably win with with joyeuse (or maybe OA23 Khanda?) and Atonement, since the damage on atonement is static based on enmity while the damage on dancing edge or evisceration are largely dependent on the mob's DEF. Next time if you don't want to get your thread flamed and derailed, don't try to debunk another job's established position in FFXI in the title of your post. Trust me, if DNC were a better tank than PLD, people would be using it already. I say by all means try it, though. Getting in a good HNM shell (you know, the ones that bots claim) and getting them keen on the idea of you doing something potentially fatal is another story, though.
QQ harder
By 2010-08-31 02:10:39
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Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:10:54  
Cerberus.Kvazz said:
Diabolos.Sephirothforbes said:
PLD can keep hate without SATA? Hmm well if u Sata the DNC he shouldnt have prob with hate either, not like PLD can really hold hate against ANY decent dd Without the DD's /thf to plant hate, but i dont know how many hits he can survive no shield and all but makes a decent argument, id like to see what happens. And for more people to try out diffrent things instead of bashing his comment. Or betta yet show me a pld/ Whatever that can tank anything without sata.
What? Your PLD friends must all suck ***.
like to see u hold hate on my war and i dont give a flying turd i will sekk ws x2 and tank the mob for ya ^^
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 240
By Ragnarok.Twinbladehaseo 2010-08-31 02:12:47  
A nabis Dnc can take hate from a nabis war.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 678
By Leviathan.Powerslave 2010-08-31 02:13:23  
Jesus...***....christ. You really do fit right in with Covenant.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tristean
Posts: 382
By Asura.Tristean 2010-08-31 02:13:47  
edit: not even worth a response.
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:18:12  
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
Jesus...***....christ. You really do fit right in with Covenant.
wow u still post here i thought u quit the game after playing for 10 years and no relic ^^
By 2010-08-31 02:18:57
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Posts: 2541
By yunalaysca 2010-08-31 02:19:25  
dnc a better tank than a pld? yeah ok.....
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 678
By Leviathan.Powerslave 2010-08-31 02:20:03  
lolol Nabis, I thought having a kid may have brought even a tiny speckle of intelligence and common sense into your brain, but apparently you're suffering worse than I ever could have imagined. My condolences to your family, and your Mom that you and your gf still live with.
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:20:54  
Carbuncle.Quasi said:
Nabis said:
i post here to see what u guys have to say. all u guys do is say "no u are stupid" call me troll and other lil kid things i have yet to se anyone say why it wouldnt work.
Go look up what a PLD can get for PDT. Fill the other slots with good gear and then try getting the hate.
plz u would need 2 2hr as a pld to keep hate from me even with voke pld is a garbage at keeping hate
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:22:19  
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
lolol Nabis, I thought having a kid may have brought even a tiny speckle of intelligence and common sense into your brain, but apparently you're suffering worse than I ever could have imagined. My condolences to your family, and your Mom that you and your gf still live with.
do i sense jealousy coming from u? wish u had a family? or r u too much of a loser to even talk to a girl? when was the last time u got pussy? do u pay for it?
By 2010-08-31 02:22:46
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Posts: 2541
By yunalaysca 2010-08-31 02:24:23  
ok logically a dnc/war could possibly hold more hate than a pld, but it doesn't make a great meat shield unless you /nin. blood tanking isn't something dnc is notoriously good at.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11680
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-08-31 02:25:54  
yunalaysca said:
ok logically a dnc/war could possibly hold more hate than a pld, but it doesn't make a great meat shield unless you /nin. blood tanking isn't something dnc is notoriously good at.
Either one could keep VE capped while half asleep, it's CE that's the issue and Provoke doesn't help with that at all.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 678
By Leviathan.Powerslave 2010-08-31 02:26:37  
More jealous than you could ever imagine, Nabis, I wish I looked like a sloth with a hat :/

Posts: 2541
By yunalaysca 2010-08-31 02:31:44  
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
yunalaysca said:
ok logically a dnc/war could possibly hold more hate than a pld, but it doesn't make a great meat shield unless you /nin. blood tanking isn't something dnc is notoriously good at.
Either one could keep VE capped while half asleep, it's CE that's the issue and Provoke doesn't help with that at all.
yeah i know, but i figured i'd try making it look like this guy had a couple more IQ than what he portrays himself as.
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:32:05  
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
More jealous than you could ever imagine, Nabis, I wish I looked like a sloth with a hat :/
your are a loser. i couldnt describ a piece of trash like u if i tried. no words can explain how garbage u are in this game and in RL. im happy, r U? lol u make me laugh with your poor atemps to talk trash to me. u claim to be good at a game u played for how many years? and i have more gil in gear than u ever aquired. when r u going to get of my ***?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: stikle
Posts: 6470
By Fenrir.Stiklelf 2010-08-31 02:32:32  
Nabis said:
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
lolol Nabis, I thought having a kid may have brought even a tiny speckle of intelligence and common sense into your brain, but apparently you're suffering worse than I ever could have imagined. My condolences to your family, and your Mom that you and your gf still live with.
do i sense jealousy coming from u? wish u had a family? or r u too much of a loser to even talk to a girl? when was the last time u got pussy? do u pay for it?

Dear Nabis,

You make me lol, not in a good way.

Love forever; Stikle
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:36:58  
Fenrir.Stiklelf said:
Nabis said:
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
lolol Nabis, I thought having a kid may have brought even a tiny speckle of intelligence and common sense into your brain, but apparently you're suffering worse than I ever could have imagined. My condolences to your family, and your Mom that you and your gf still live with.
do i sense jealousy coming from u? wish u had a family? or r u too much of a loser to even talk to a girl? when was the last time u got pussy? do u pay for it?
Dear Nabis, You make me lol, not in a good way. Love forever; Stikle
Fenrir.Stiklelf said:
Nabis said:
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
lolol Nabis, I thought having a kid may have brought even a tiny speckle of intelligence and common sense into your brain, but apparently you're suffering worse than I ever could have imagined. My condolences to your family, and your Mom that you and your gf still live with.
do i sense jealousy coming from u? wish u had a family? or r u too much of a loser to even talk to a girl? when was the last time u got pussy? do u pay for it?
Dear Nabis, You make me lol, not in a good way. Love forever; Stikle
only thing he has closet to a girl is that dog in the pic that he probably lets lick his ablls every now and then so he can feel like a man. but hes not. wonder why a 24 year old doesnt have a girl by now hmmm <.<
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 240
By Ragnarok.Twinbladehaseo 2010-08-31 02:38:31  
how many people waiting for his videos? I want to see if you can do it, you can prove everyone wrong, but you just keep talking...and talking...still just look at your thread is everyone against you, people sharing their ideas, even dancers @ lv80 against your dancer lv 65, people have tried to tank as dnc before, you are not the first one...
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 678
By Leviathan.Powerslave 2010-08-31 02:38:33  
Let us put some things into the correct context.

I've been playing for 2 years, on and off because I go to school full-time and have a job.

Why do I attend this thing known as "school" you might ask? Well, Nabis, I don't want to end up like you, 26 years old, working as a security guard, an accidental child that I can't support, and living with my mother. I'm 19, not 24, and I'm fairly sure I make more than you in a week at my day job than you do in a month.

You do indeed have more gil than I have ever had. I remember you telling us all in chat, "I stayed up for 3 days and got x amount of angel skins..." and you convinced Willodouche to give you SimplyDark's gil payout of the month when he first quit the game.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 678
By Leviathan.Powerslave 2010-08-31 02:39:01  
Also, where are our screens for your sweet *** 1.2k/kill from Abyssea?
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2010-08-31 02:40:35  
Leviathan.Powerslave said:
Jesus...***....christ. You really do fit right in with Covenant.
oh yea thats right and after u begged your friends to speak to the leader to let u join cov cause u where a garbage rdm. we asked u not to come back cause u where a garbage rdm... then u joind that other LS after u were where told not to come back. garbage
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-08-31 02:41:55  
Nabis the fact that you made this thread without actually field testing high level dnc on end-game or high level mobs...and don't even take what people who HAVE the damn job leveled as solid data, means you're a retard lol sorry. Yes there are some things dnc/nin can tank very well (like soloing Khalamari) but good God man, you're ignorant beyond salvation. You've made so many pointless threads of your "leetness" but you're an average player at best it seems. Again, sorry mate. Plz...just stop lol..

And btw..we're STILL waiting on your "1200 exp per kill" SS in that other great thread you made where you promised a SS lol...You're so damn fail its hilarious mate.
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