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種類 User » Artsncrafts
Date Submitted 2019-10-26 08:37:09
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コメント (5)
Bismarck.Coffeegood[Report] スコア: 11
they reset every conquest tally
2019-11-08 16:58:09
Quetzalcoatl.Tesseracta[Report] スコア: -6
You wasted a perfectly good PBF comic.
2019-11-06 18:24:53
Valefor.Endoq 表示 スコア: -10
Downvote my comment!
2019-11-11 18:54:12
Asura.Jaykae 表示 スコア: -14

Oh I suck now? I took 0 damage, and i most certainly did tank both periodically, i didnt have hate on both the ENTIRE but i wasnt even supposed to, I did have hate on both quite a few times, Were you just that unaware of what was going on or what?

I understand having your feelings hurt because someone says they dont like you, but that doesnt mean you should behave like a little ***.

Edit* Learn enmity mechanics he says, he wants to imply he had capped hate the entire time never losing hate to me? the rune using JA and spamming foil.

Dodging an attack with utsusemi lowers hate for one as does taking damage which you did, also there is hate reset in that fight, and you dont start with capped hate
2019-11-06 11:05:57
Asura.Artsncrafts 表示 スコア: -14

I deleted your comment because it was stupid, telling me that battlefield clear times reset. Im aware!!!

I wasnt going to say anything until you made that next post, but Shiraj you're *** annoying.

I don't like playing with you, I only tolerated you.

I also dont think you are slick asking for pt leader to invite a friend then never passing it back.

I was actually in a ls with you a year ago, NefariousX? I joined for like a day and left because some annoying guy in the ls, turned out it was the leader... (you?)

Anyway, dont be that *** that says things everyone already knows because its just annoying.

And dont join peoples pts and try to "steal their pts"

ALSO When we did that master trial, I was tanking both mobs as much as possible seeing as you let Ultima TP on you the first time.

So then to have cleared it and find out i didnt even need to tank Ultima but i did and ur bragging on how much Shehei you used I just kept quiet to save your pride
2019-11-06 04:07:34