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Finally obtained 5/5 omen bodies. Only 4 came from omen: Kei/Shamash: 1/1; Kin/Udug: 1/8; Fu/Nisroch: 1/54 Gin/Ashera: 1/111; Kyou: 0/140 (AMAN Trove, Venus orb, Loud Thud) Thanks to Roughwind for the sale, Huehuehue for helping with make this screenshot, Kiania for emotional support and the rest of CORE LS for being so awesome.
スコア: 4.23
Votes: 92
種類 Player » Felgy
タグ Shamash Udug Dagon Nisroch Ashera Omen Bodies
Date Submitted 2018-11-15 09:41:28
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コメント (6)
Carbuncle.Boshi[Report] スコア: 36
Don't you hate when people put up xmas lights before thanksgiving.
2018-11-15 17:12:21
Valefor.Omnys[Report] スコア: 9
Roughwind for the sale.. So you’re celebrating bought gear?
2018-11-17 13:17:35
Asura.Loffy[Report] スコア: 2
Congratulations for 5/5 Body’s
2018-11-20 06:02:41
Cerberus.Genoside[Report] スコア: 0
/adds made up number of times i killed a boss and then a 0 next to it because I really dont know and nobody does...ok check.
2018-11-18 12:05:14
Bahamut.Agerine[Report] スコア: -6
1/1 and 1/8 is some crazy luck.
2018-11-15 11:59:29
Sylph.Gobbo[Report] スコア: -8
Looks like I'll have to relinquish my "Luckiest Man Alive" title. Congratulations.
2018-11-15 19:22:44