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スコア: 8.08
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種類 Item » Dog Collar
タグ Dog Collar
Date Submitted 2017-11-02 02:35:50
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コメント (7)
Fenrir.Cherrywine[Report] スコア: 13
That's awesome. A lot of personality in a small space.
2017-11-02 19:02:24
Sylph.Mizzou[Report] スコア: 8
@Laurelli I respect your opinion but regardless of that opinion, it impacted you (and others) causing a reaction without it being derogatory or an aggressive approach. The subtle 'cig' caused you to feel strongly about something. That in itself is beautiful. 10/10
2017-11-05 08:43:44
Bahamut.Sukoshi[Report] スコア: 5
Love it!
2017-11-03 07:49:35
Kujata.Ashimoura[Report] スコア: 1
That's not a cig, it's a joint :)
2017-11-06 10:58:47
Odin.Drakenv[Report] スコア: -1
Great work. Ignore the judgemental cry babes it’s your vision and it’s beautiful. Anyone that tries to push their opinion on you over your art and if its not constructive do not understand art. And should go back to the crybaby hole they came out of.
2017-11-06 06:10:12
Phoenix.Erics 表示 スコア: -16
Smokers are jokers,
cool drawing.
2017-11-04 05:27:57
Bismarck.Laurelli 表示 スコア: -24
The cigarette ruined the drawing. Too bad, because it is otherwise perfect.
2017-11-03 08:52:52