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Thanks to my Team Criticality for their continuous support of my SAM and the spirit behind the job. It seems the solution to SAM's issues lies in this very blade.. Thank you brothers for your inspiration. As well as my brothers from the past that have watched me reach my pinnacle. Hope to inspire other SAMs to rise up once again with confidence.. Masamune - Afterglow 119-III ... To be Critically Inspired.
スコア: 5.32
Votes: 63
種類 Player » Syto
タグ Masamune, Afterglow, Criticality
Date Submitted 2016-11-21 03:07:35
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コメント (6)
Phoenix.Enochroot[Report] スコア: -3
Well done taking up the blade. :)
2016-11-22 12:03:59
Phoenix.Pilipinoboi[Report] スコア: -3
Trademark spot for screenshot. Only thing missing is: ^.~)v Absolution is Bliss tag. haha. Congrats budd!
2016-11-23 17:44:02
Leviathan.Brotherhood[Report] スコア: -4
Grats but maybe Focus on a more Awesome Lockstyle!
2016-11-21 22:09:01
Odin.Drakenv[Report] スコア: -4
Congrats! One day I might do that one. Been pretty much locked with Sam/rng amano/yoici AFterglow
2016-11-22 13:29:13
Asura.Ganno 表示 スコア: -10
2016-11-21 10:00:52
Lakshmi.Neboh 表示 スコア: -10
I see what you did with the background there. Nice job and congratulations!
2016-11-21 10:52:52