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This was a proof of concept run to see if this could be further scaled to kill WoC in 3 SCs. This was our first win (second attempt, first one did benediction at 15%) with 18 people, taking us a total of 5 SC. RUN needs to have Gambit + Rayke up for every single SC (more important Rayke) to allow for all BLMs to hit 99,999s every single MB. This held mostly true (I only got 4 or 5 sub 99,999s across 3 characters) and it was during lightsday.
スコア: 6.19
Votes: 36
種類 Player » Ramzus
タグ WoC 18 man
Date Submitted 2016-01-17 21:55:21
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コメント (1)
Fenrir.Memow[Report] スコア: 1
Grats dudes, wish I had more time to play this ***with ya.
2016-01-20 03:35:14