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種類 User » BarbaraWalters
タグ #BSTnerfed
Date Submitted 2015-09-16 22:53:31
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コメント (5)
Bismarck.Ramyrez[Report] スコア: 5
Apparently you missed the various other beastmaster bandwagon periods, including for a year+ when the Dynamis changeover happened, etc.
2015-09-17 07:46:07
Shiva.Francisco[Report] スコア: 3
They basically need to be right on top of their pet to use Reward and other abilities now, meaning the BST can't stay away from crippling AoEs (as much) anymore.
2015-09-17 09:15:56
Siren.Armyguy[Report] スコア: 0
Bst is still very Good. Only thing that changed is BST need to have a Better MDB PDB set's.
2015-09-18 21:50:17
Fenrir.Cariboulou[Report] スコア: -3
Poors some liquor out. Most fun I had in years this last few months with bst. Solod mine to 75 way in 06. Now I can't even pull mobs for party or kite adds. Dev team really ruined this job 5 yalms............. Glad I waisted so many hours just to put all the gear back in the mog house :(
2015-09-18 21:20:19
Bismarck.Herzins[Report] スコア: -9
BST got nerfed? :D how badly? :D
2015-09-17 08:55:40