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2005 01 27 first job 75 and all those grats :D Server Bahamut
スコア: 6.38
Votes: 21
種類 Player » Eihounew
タグ old times
Date Submitted 2015-06-09 04:06:28
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コメント (6)
Lakshmi.Lenus[Report] スコア: 12
Then you proceeded to put on merit mode and have an exp buffer of 100/44999? rez 3 plz
2015-06-09 14:54:09
Ragnarok.Eihounew[Report] スコア: 5
i dont remember, but i think i was suppose to kill that mob that dinged me lol. thats why kensei said sorry
2015-06-09 15:44:02
Odin.Sheelay[Report] スコア: 5
I certainly don't miss those staggering exp chain numbers!
2015-06-09 16:41:17
Asura.Kenrusai[Report] スコア: 5
All those cg for getting max level, and these days you're probably lucky to get half that for finishing a mythic weapon.

Old times indeed.
2015-06-09 17:05:01
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] スコア: 4
Remember the people who would do that in ls chat every time they dinged a level. LEVEL 52 GUYS, plz say gratz.
2015-06-09 14:45:49
Bahamut.Altron[Report] スコア: 1
oh man, those names from Bahamut
2015-06-10 22:33:41